Tag: Famous houses

  • The “Pretty Woman” Party House


    Over the past few weeks, fellow stalker Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I have been on an extensive hunt for several unfound locations from the 1990 classic romantic comedy Pretty Woman. And the locale that I was most interested in tracking down, you ask?  Why, the huge, modern-style abode where Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) attended a party in the film’s opening scene, of course.  You all know how this stalker absolutely loves herself some movies houses!  Anyway, after doing some extensive digging online, purchasing the Pretty Woman 15th Anniversary Special Edition DVD, watching each and every one of the special features included in it, and still coming up completely empty-handed, Mike decided that we had to change our course.

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    Mike had noticed a smattering of tall buildings in the background of the Pretty Woman party scene and, although the view of them was not entirely clear, he had a hunch that they were located in Century City.

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    So using an aerial map of West Los Angeles, he drew an angled line based on those views from Century City outward and it led him straight to the hills of Bel Air.  He then zoomed in on the spot where the line had pointed and immediately noticed a huge white mansion that was very reminiscent of the Pretty Woman party house.  And, sure enough, upon closer inspection, he found that it was, indeed, the right place!  Wahoo!  So I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out there to stalk the place this past weekend.


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    The opening scene of Pretty Woman centered around a party held at a large house high up in the hills above Hollywood, thrown in honor of Edward’s arrival in Los Angeles.  I believe that the residence was supposed to belong to Edward’s lawyer, Philip Stuckey (Jason Alexander), in the flick, but that was never actually specified.

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    Sadly, not very much of the property is visible from the street, but, as you can see above, the bush where the valet stand was placed, the double windows located above the garage, the brick driveway, and the bent tree on the side of the driveway, all still look exactly the same as they did onscreen way back in 1990.  So incredibly cool!  In real life, the Pretty Woman party house, which was originally built in 1988 and sits on an almost 3/4-acre plot of land, measures 5 bedrooms, 8 baths, and a whopping 10,650 square feet of living space.

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    As you can see in the above aerial views, both the home and its surrounding property are absolutely ginormous!

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    According to director Garry Marshall’s commentary on the Pretty Woman 15th Anniversary Special Edition DVD (which I highly recommend, by the way – the special features are fabulous!), the real life interior of the home was also used in the filming.  Man, what I wouldn’t give to see the inside of that place!

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    Amazingly, when Mike went to stalk the house a few days after I had, the gate just happened to be open and he was able to snap a few pictures of the front of it!  WHOO-HOO!

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The party house from the opening scene of Pretty Woman is located at 650 Sarbonne Road in Bel Air.

  • The “Nanny and the Professor” House


    Last week, fellow stalker James posted a comment on my site challenging me to find the residence where the Everett family – widowed Professor Harold Everett (Richard Long) and his three children, Hal (David Doremus), Butch (Trent Lehman), and Prudence (The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Kim Richards), and their nanny, Nanny Phoebe Figalilly (Hayley Mills’ sister, Juliet Mills) – lived in the 1970s television series Nanny and the Professor. And while I had never before even heard of the Mary-Poppins-like comedy, I was immediately intrigued and added the location to my “To-Find” list. Fellow stalker Geoff, from the 90210Locations website, beat me to the punch, though, and sent me an email in which he informed me of the address to the home less than 24 hours after James had posted the challenge! Nice! Thank you, Geoff! So this past weekend, I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out there to stalk the place.


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    In the short-lived Nanny and the Professor, which only lasted two seasons and ran from January 1970 to December 1971, the Everett family lived in an idyllic white clapboard residence supposedly located at 10327 Oak Street in what, I believe, was Los Angeles.

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    You can see the “10327” address placard pictured in the background of the above screen captures.

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    Thankfully, the house is also numbered 10327 in real life, which is how Geoff was able to track it down. The Colonial-style residence, which was originally built in 1935, measures 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and 2,128 square feet. And, amazingly enough, it still looks EXACTLY the same today as it did in 1970 when the series was taped, despite the fact that a whopping forty-two years have since passed.

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    Even the decorative light post which appeared in the show is still there in real life! So incredibly cool!

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    As you can see above, the Nanny and the Professor house truly is idyllic in real life.


    So much so that the homeowners even posted a sign in the front yard which reads, “Please . . . Do Not Disturb! This House is Not For sale.” LOL I guess they had quite a few people stopping by wanting the buy the place.


    Kim Richards was only five years old – and absolutely adorable – when the series began filming and, although she had already acted in over 20 commercials by that time, “Prudence Everett” was the future child star’s first major role.

    Big THANK YOU to Geoff, from the 90210Locations website, for finding this location! Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

    Stalk It: The Nanny and the Professor house is located at 10327 Glenbarr Avenue in the Cheviot Hills section of Los Angeles. Claire and Phil’s house from Modern Family is located just a few blocks away at 10336 Dunleer Drive.

  • Villa Sophia from the Final Episode of “Entourage”


    A couple of weeks ago, while the Grim Cheaper and I were out doing some stalking in the Hollywood area, I received an email from Constantine Vlahos, the owner of a Los Feliz mansion named Villa Sophia.  Constantine was writing to let me know that his home had been featured in the final episode of Entourage and that I might be interested in stalking it.  Now, I just have to say here that that was most definitely a first – a homeowner not only seeking me out to inform me of his property’s filming history, but also encouraging me to stalk the place!  Oh, how I wish more people would do the same!  And interested in stalking it, I surely was, so I dragged the GC right on out there later that same day.

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    In real life, Villa Sophia is quite breathtaking.  And while the Mediterranean-revival-style mansion, which was originally built in 1927, appears to be absolutely gargantuan from the street, in reality it “only” boasts 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, and 4,525 square feet – which is large, don’t get me wrong, but from the looks of the exterior, I expected the place to be a whole lot bigger.


    As you can see in the above aerial view, the residence seems to be massive!

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    Villa Sophia was originally designed by Henry Harwood Hewitt, the L.A.-area architect who also gave us The Ebell Club of Los Angeles (an oft-used filming location that I really should have already blogged about being that I have stalked it twice!), the L.A. County Hall of Justice (also an oft-used location that was featured in the television shows Dragnet and Get Smart), and Bob Hope Patriotic Hall (yet another filming location that appeared in the movies Patton and Flashdance).  Villa Sophia was commissioned by Clement E. Smoot, an Olympic-gold-medalist golfer turned industrial lighting manufacturer, and his wife, Margaret Miller Smoot.  During the 1930s, the property became home to James Whale, the famed British film director who made Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, Show Boat, and The Man with the Iron Mask, and who was also the subject of the 1998 flick Gods and Monsters.  In the late 90s, the dwelling was purchased by Constantine, my new favorite homeowner Smile, who had spent years fantasizing about owning the place and who immediately began a massive renovation and restoration process, during which he added on a 15-foot retaining wall, a pool, a pool house, upper and lower rear terraces, a loggia, and a dining pavilion.  Constantine even rents the 750-square-foot pool house out to vacationers, so if you are in the area and would like to stay at an Entourage filming location, you can book a reservation here.  And you can see some fabulous close-up pictures of the home here.


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    In the final episode of Entourage, which was appropriately titled “The End”, Villa Sophia was featured in the very last, post-credits scene in which Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) and his wife, Mrs. Ari (Perrey Reeves), are shown living their new life in Florence, Italy.  It is at the home that Ari receives a phone call from Time Warner chairman John Ellis (Alan Dale), who announces that he is retiring and wants Ari to take over his job.  Dun-dun-dun!  As you can see above, the landscape of Florence was digitally added to the background of the scene.

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    Villa Sophia was also the site of a Victoria’s Secret “Bombshell Summer” commercial starring Candice Swanepoel, Chanel Iman, and Erin Heatherton that was filmed in May 2011.

    Victoria’s Secret Bombshell Summer commercial filmed at Villa Sophia

    You can watch a behind-the-scenes video of that shoot by clicking above.

    Constantine also informed me that the home will be featured in the near future in a yet-to-be-released movie starring Kate Bosworth.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Villa Sophia, from “The End” episode of Entourage, is located at 4565 Dundee Drive in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.  You can visit the mansion’s official website here.  The Lovell Health House, aka Pierce Patchett’s home from L.A. Confidential, is located just up the street at 4616 Dundee Drive.

  • George’s Childhood Home from “Blow”


    This past Saturday morning, after waking up to a torrential downpour and then waiting a few hours for it to pass, the Grim Cheaper suggested that we head south to the city of Whittier to do some stalking of Whittier High School, aka Hill Valley High School from Back to the Future, which, amazingly enough, in all my years of stalking I had yet to visit.  And I should mention here that while I do absolutely love me some BTTF and have stalked quite a few of its locales, I have yet to blog about any of them as The Big Waste of Space Photologue features a Back to the Future Tour in which each and every one of the movie’s sites is painstakingly documented.  I have long been of the opinion that, unless I have something to add to the mix, there is no reason to blog about places that have already been reported on and since BTTF has been done, and done quite well, I figure my stalking “talents” are best left to more uncharted territory.  Anyway, the GC and I had an absolute blast stalking Whittier High School and while I might do a blog on my experiences there sometime in the future, for now I thought I would write about the other places we visited, one of which was the childhood home of George Jung (Johnny Depp) from the 2001 movie Blow.



    While doing some stalking on Painter Avenue in the Whittier Historic Neighborhood Association area, I happened to run into a homeowner who informed me that one of the properties on a nearby street had been used as George’s childhood home in Blow.  And while she did not remember the exact property used, she pointed me in the right direction.  From there, I contacted Mike, from MovieShotsLA, to see if he would email me some screen caps of the residence in question so that I could attempt to track it down while I was in the area.  Mike’s response?  “Oh, I know where that house is – it’s at 6216 Friends Avenue.”  LOL  I really should have known – if a property has anything to do with filming and is located anywhere in the vicinity of greater Los Angeles, chances are Mike is going to know about it.  So, with the address firmly in hand, I immediately dragged the GC right on over there.  On our way, I just had to pull over and take a picture with the Friends Avenue street sign – for reasons that should be imminently clear to all of my fellow stalkers.  Winking smile LOVE IT!

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    George’s childhood home, where he lives with parents Ermine Jung (Rachel Griffiths) and Fred Jung (Ray Liotta) and which is said to be located in Weymouth, Massachusetts, shows up quite a few times in Blow.  It first pops up at the very beginning of the movie in the scene in which George is describing his background to the audience.

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    It is next featured in the scene in which George skips bail to go see his parents after the death of his girlfriend, Barbara Buckley (Franka Potente).  While there, Ermine calls the police on him and he winds up being rearrested.

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    It later appears in the scene in which George visits his parents yet again in order to tell them that he is going on the lam and might not be in touch for a while.

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    And it lastly pops up towards the end of the movie in the scene in which Fred listens to a message that George has tape-recorded for him.

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    In real life, the Blow house, which was originally built in 1924, boasts 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, and 2,734 square feet of living space.  And while it does look similar to how it appeared onscreen, I actually much prefer the color scheme from the movie to the colors it is currently painted.

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    And while I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the residence was also used in the filming, I was unable to find any interior photographs of the house online with which to verify that hunch.

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for telling me about this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: George’s childhood home from Blow is located at 6216 Friends Avenue in Whittier.

  • The “Sylvester Stallone” House from “Pretty Woman”


    A couple of weeks ago, while trying to figure out in what movie I had spotted L’Orangerie, aka Chez Quis restaurant from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (which, maddeningly, I still have yet to determine, by the way!), I started scanning through the 1990 romantic comedy Pretty Woman and found myself wondering why I had never stalked the house jokingly referred to as being Sylvester Stallone’s in the flick.  Fellow stalker Chas, of the It’sFilmedThere website, had tracked down the Hollywood-area residence quite some time ago and, while the address had been on my “To Stalk” list ever since, for whatever reason, I had never made it out there.  So I quickly decided to remedy the situation and dragged the Grim Cheaper right on over there just a few days later.


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    At the very beginning of Pretty Woman, Edward Lewis (Richard Gere), while lost in Hollywood, spots a hobo on the sidewalk digging through some trash and pulls over to ask him the way to Beverly Hills.  The hobo replies, “You’re here!  That’s Sylvester Stallone’s house right there!”  LOL LOL LOL  I swear, I have seen Pretty Woman about one hundred times and that scene never fails to make me laugh!

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    To find “Sylvester Stallone’s house”, Chas tracked down a helpful crew member who told him the general vicinity in which it was located.  From there, he simply scanned aerial views and it was not long until he found the right place.  And, amazingly enough, despite the fact that over two decades have since passed, the property still looks almost exactly the same today as it did when Pretty Woman was filmed!  The small front door/front porch area was at some point enclosed, but otherwise the place appears to have been untouched by time.  So incredibly cool!  In real life, the tiny home, which was originally built in 1902, measures 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and 1,201 square feet.

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    On a Pretty Woman side-note – While scanning through the flick a couple of weeks back, I was knock-me-over-with-a-feather-shocked to discover that the lobby scenes were not filmed inside of the Regent Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills (pictured above) or on a soundstage at Disney Studios, as countless websites and books have suggested over the years.

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    Amazingly enough, the lobby scenes from Pretty Woman were actually shot at the since-demolished Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

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    What tipped me off to this fact was the famous Ambassador lobby fountain, the base of which is visible in the background of almost all of the hotel scenes.  You can see a photograph of that fountain here.

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    Upon closer inspection, I spotted several other elements of the interior of the Ambassador lobby that matched perfectly with what appeared in Pretty Woman, including the curved, check-in desk, which you can see a photograph of here (credit).


    and the gold-detailed ceilings and wood-paneled columns, which you can see a photograph of here (credit).

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    I also realized that the lobby lounge where Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) waited for Edward was actually the Ambassador’s famed The Palm Bar, which you can see photographs of here, here, and here.

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    And it has long been known that the ballroom where Vivian (aka Julia Roberts) learned the proper use of flatware and where Edward played the piano was the Ambassador’s Embassy ballroom, which you can see a photograph of here.  So it now seems as if the vast majority of Pretty Woman was actually filmed inside of the Ambassador Hotel, which makes the fact that the structure no longer stands even more heartbreaking than it already was.  Oh, how I wish I had seen that place in person!  Sigh.

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    Big THANK YOU to Chas, from the It’sFilmedThere website, for finding this location.  You can check out Chas’ extensive Pretty Woman filming locations page here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The “Sylvester Stallone” house from Pretty Woman is located at 1735 North Hudson Avenue in Hollywood.

  • Carrie Fisher’s House


    I would like to start off by wishing all of my fellow stalkers a very happy New Year!  I hope that 2012 brings each of you joy, laughter, fulfillment, and much good stalking.  And now, on with the post!  When my good friend, fellow stalker Lavonna, visited Los Angeles back in mid-November, she, along with her daughter Melissa and friends Beth, Kim, and Sandy, attended a taping of The Talk (during which she got a hug from none other than Henry Winkler himself, aka The Fonz!).  The guest on that particular day was Carrie Fisher and all audience members were given a copy of the Star Wars actress’ latest book, Shockaholic.  Because Lavonna knows how much this stalker absolutely loves herself some celebrity biographies, she kindly passed her copy along to me and I read the 162-page tome in just a few days.  And while I did not find it particularly enthralling (it is a very odd, sometimes incoherent, rambling collection of stories), one portion that did pique my interest was when Carrie discussed her current home and its famous former owners, one of whom was the legendary Academy-Award-winning costume designer Edith Head (on whom the character of Edna in the 2004 movie The Incredibles was based).  Of the property, and the fact that it is supposedly haunted, Carrie said, “ . . . if Edith did happen to roam her once-beloved home, she never floated past me.  Nor did I spot any visions of Bette Davis, who sold the property to Edith, or Robert Armstrong, King Kong’s captor in the original film, who built the house and sold it to Bette.”  Well, believe you me, once I read those words and learned of how much the property was steeped in Hollywood history, I became just a wee-bit obsessed with stalking the place.  Thankfully, a simple input of the terms “Carrie’s Fisher’s house” on Google yielded a link to a page on fave website Virtual Globetrotting which featured the home’s location.  So I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk it the very next weekend.


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    Carrie’s 4-bedroom, 4-bath, 4,210-square-foot home, which sits on over 2.5 acres of land, was originally built in 1933 for actor Robert Armstrong, as I mentioned above.  According to Zillow, Carrie purchased the property in May of 1993 for a cool $13,745,454.  Sadly though, as you can see above, aside from the gate, no part of the house is visible from the street.  There are some rather quirky signs posted on the gate, though, which made me LOL.  The signs read, “Dear Crossing”, “Beware of Crabs”, and “Public Telephone Within”.  I was a bit tempted to ring the buzzer to ask if I could use said public telephone, but the GC ixnayed that idea real fast.  Winking smile

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    As you can see in the above aerial views, Carrie Fisher’s hacienda-style home is nothing if not private.  The residence sits far back at the end of a long driveway and is surrounded by huge trees and tall hedges.  According to fave book Movie  Star Homes: The Famous to the Forgotten, the property was even more secluded in its early days when it encompassed 5 acres of land, but Edith Head had the lot subdivided sometime during the 1950s.  Thankfully, Carrie showed off the dwelling in the November 2004 issue of Architectural Digest, allowing us stalkers an insider’s peek.  Aside from Edith Head, Bette Davis, Robert Armstrong, and Carrie Fisher, singer James Blunt also lived on the premises, in Carrie’s guest house, for a time.  He even recorded a song in one of the property’s bathrooms – yes, in a bathroom.  Apparently, Carrie has a stand-up piano on display in one of her lavatories because, as she says, “We had no place else to put it and the room has good acoustics.”


    As I mentioned earlier, I did not particularly enjoy Shockaholic, but there was one section that I did absolutely love and would be remiss by not referencing here.  In the beautifully-written chapter titled “The Princess and The King”, Carrie discusses her friendship with Michael Jackson and, as you can imagine, I was absolutely drooling while reading it.  One particularly poignant paragraph really hit home for me and I found myself wishing I had written it myself.  The paragraph reads, “The thing is, though, I never thought Michael’s whole thing with kids was sexual.  Never.  Granted, it was miles from appropriate, but just because it wasn’t normal doesn’t mean that it had to be perverse.  Those aren’t the only two choices for what can happen between an adult and an unrelated child spending time together.  Even if that adult has had too much plastic surgery and what would appear to be tattooed makeup on his face.  And yes, he had an amusement park, a zoo, a movie theater, popcorn, candy, and an elephant.  But to draw a line under all that and add it up to the assumption that he fiendishly rubbed his hands together as he assembled this giant super spiderweb to lure and trap kids into it is just bad math.”  I couldn’t agree more, Carrie, I couldn’t agree more!  (The photograph pictured above, from Shockaholic, is of MJ reading Carrie’s 2008 book Wishful Drinking.  The caption reads, “President Harry Truman playing golf on island of Kailua, Hawaii.  June 1911.”  Um, OK.  See what I mean about the book being very odd, sometimes incoherent, and rambling? Winking smile)

    A big THANK YOU to my good friend, fellow stalker Lavonna for gifting me with her copy of ShockaholicSmile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Carrie Fisher’s house is located at 1700 Coldwater Canyon Drive in Beverly Hills.  Please keep in mind that the home is private property and do not trespass.

  • Arthur Abbott’s House from “The Holiday”


    Another location from the 2006 movie The Holiday that I set out to track down last week for my Christmas-themed stalking posts was the large Mediterranean-style abode where Arthur Abbott (aka The Misfits’ Eli Wallach) lived.  Thanks to the flick’s production notes, I knew that the property was located somewhere in Brentwood and that it “reflected the glamour of old Hollywood”.  So I spent quite a few fruitless hours searching aerial views of the area before coming up completely empty-handed.  Enter Mike, from MovieShotsLA, who so graciously offered up his stalking services and spent almost the entire day scouring Brentwood streets looking for the house.  And I am very happy to report that he did, indeed, find the place – without the help of a crew member or knowledge of an address number to guide him.  Whoo-hoo!  Thank you, Mike!  So, I, of course, ran right out to stalk the residence this past weekend.

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    Amazingly enough, while we were stalking the place, not only was the front gate standing open, affording us a small peek at where filming of The Holiday had taken place, but two different super-nice neighbors also happened to walk by and informed us that the property has belonged to comedienne Phyllis Diller for over forty years now!  How incredibly cool is that?  And, in an ironic twist, fellow stalker E.J., of The Movieland Directory website, wrote to me yesterday morning after seeing my post on Miles’ house from The Holiday to let me know that he was fairly certain he knew where Arthur’s abode was located – he thought it might just be Phyllis Diller’s residence in Brentwood.  As it turns out, E.J. has a good friend who formerly lived near Phyllis and when E.J. watched The Holiday for the first time over five years ago, he recognized the home immediately.  As I responded in my email to him yesterday, “Where the heck were you last week when we were looking for the place???”  LOL


    In real life, Arthur Abbott’s home, which was originally built in 1914, boasts 8 bedrooms, 5 baths, 9,266 square feet of living space, and a 1.23-acre plot of land.


    And, as you can see in the above aerial view, it also features an incredibly cool central courtyard that I am undeniably in love with!


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    In The Holiday, Iris Simpkins (aka Kate Winslet) befriends Arthur Abbott, the elderly man who lives next door to the house where Iris is spending a two-week Christmas vacation thanks to a home swap with Amanda Woods (aka Cameron Diaz).  (I blogged about Amanda’s residence way back in June of 2010.)  As Iris soon discovers, Arthur is an accomplished Hollywood screenwriter and he winds up changing her life and infusing her with “gumption”, a trait that she had somehow lost along the way.

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    The neighbors that we spoke with also informed us that filming at the property took about three weeks to complete, which leads me to believe that the real life interior was used in the production.

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Arthur Abbott’s house from The Holiday is located at 163 South Rockingham Avenue in Brentwood.

  • The Ohara House – aka Miles’ House from “The Holiday”


    One location that my good friend/fellow stalker Lavonna suggested that I blog about during my Christmas-themed stalking week was the modernist abode where Miles (aka Jack Black) lived in the 2006 Nancy-Meyers-directed flick The Holiday.  Ironically enough, just a few days after my conversation with Lavonna, my mom and I happened to catch The Holiday on TV and when a scene showing Miles’ residence popped up onscreen, she said, “Oh my gosh, what a cool house!  Lindsay, you have got to find it!”  Talk about synchronicity!  So I started doing some research and quickly stumbled upon the flick’s production notes, which, amazingly enough, spelled out the property’s exact location.  Whoo-hoo!  I so love it when that happens!  So I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out there to stalk the place this past weekend.

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    The Holiday’s incredibly informative production notes stated, “Miles’ house was designed by Richard Neutra, the Vienna-born master of Southern California modernism and is situated on Neutra Place in L.A.’s Silverlake [sic] area, near downtown.”  As it turns out, in the 1950s and 60s, the legendary Neutra, who also designed the famous Kauffman house in Palm Springs which I blogged about last December, constructed ten residences on Silver Lake Boulevard and an adjoining cul-de-sac that is now known as Neutra Place.  All ten dwellings were built in the Pavilion style – a design characterized by box-shapes, horizontal planes, open floor plans, and large plate glass windows.  And towards the very end of that short Pavilion-home-lined cul-de-sac sits the property where Miles lived in The Holiday.  In real life, it is known as the Ohara house and it was originally built in 1961 for June and Hitoshi Ohara and their two daughters.  Sadly though, as you can see above, not much of it is visible from the street.

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    Because I was absolutely itching to see the property in person, I just had to climb up the front steps a tiny bit to catch a better peek.  And I am very happy to report that the residence did not disappoint!  As you can see above, it is absolutely spectacular in person!  Even the Grim Cheaper, who is not fazed by much of anything, was impressed with it.  In real life, the Ohara house boasts 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,564 square feet of living space, and a .23-acre plot of land, and was last sold in December of 2003 for a cool $1.2 million.



    The exterior of Miles’ house showed up only once, and very briefly at that, in The Holiday.  I absolutely LOVE how it appeared in the movie, with its expansive front yard and cantilevered roofline all lit up.  Sigh!  What I would not give to live in a house like that!

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    The interior of the property, which is also quite spectacular, was featured a few times in the movie, as well.


    On a celebrity side-note – While out doing some Christmas shopping in Beverly Hills this past weekend, the GC and I stopped into Madame Chocolat, which I blogged about back in January of this year, and who should be there but Madame Chocolat herself, Hasty Torres.  I had met Hasty once before at the shop and did not ask her for a photograph, which I have always regretted.  Well, believe you me, I was not going to make the same mistake twice and I am very happy to report that Hasty seemed seriously flattered when I approached her and could not have been more excited to pose with me.  Love it!  For those not in the know, Hasty is the proprietor of the ever-popular Madame Chocolat and has appeared in such shows as The Girls Next Door and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Ohara house, aka Miles’ house from The Holiday, is located at 2210 Neutra Place in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles.

  • The “Bad Santa” House


    A couple of weeks ago, my good friend/fellow stalker Lavonna suggested that I do a Christmas movie stalking theme during the entire month of December.  I absolutely LOVED the idea, but,  unfortunately, by that time it was too late for me to get enough locations together and actually stalk them prior to December 1st.  I usually start preparing for my Haunted Hollywood posts in August of each year as it takes quite a bit of time to research and compile enough themed locations to fill a whole month.  So, while next year one of my goals is to do both a Haunted Hollywood month and a Christmas month (fingers crossed that it will work out!), for this year I thought I would do a Christmas-themed week, instead.  I hope that you enjoy it!  So, while in the San Fernando Valley area two weekends ago, I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to stalk the house where “The Kid” aka Thurman Merman (aka Brett Kelly) lived in the absolutely HORRIBLE 2003 Christmas movie Bad Santa.  Now you might be wondering why I would stalk a location from a movie that I thoroughly hated, but the sad truth is that when it comes to flicks of the holiday variety, very few were filmed in L.A.  And being that fellow stalker Chas, of the It’sFilmedThere website, had already tracked the place down, it required no work on my part aside from driving out to stalk it.  Beggars can’t be choosers, as they say.  Winking smile

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    As you can see above, the dwelling’s address number was changed from “7211” to “41” for the filming, but Chas was able to find the place thanks to a very helpful crew member.


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    In Bad Santa, disgusting and disgruntled mall Santa Willie Stokes (aka Billie Bob Thornton) takes up residence with The Kid and Grandma (aka Cloris Leachman) because, as he tells them, “things are all f*cked up at the North Pole”.  Now I have to say that that particular line did make me LOL, as did Willie’s line to his neighbor, “Well, you see, we don’t celebrate Christmas around here.  We’re Muslims.”  LOL LOL LOL  Other than those two very brief moments, though, the movie is downright terrible!

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    I am very happy to report that, despite a change in the color of the garage and front doors, the Bad Santa house looks much the same in person as it did onscreen.  In real life, the gargantuan abode, which was originally built in 1997, boasts 5 bedrooms, 5 baths and 4,100 square feet of living space.

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    As luck would have it, the Bad Santa home was listed for sale late last year and you know what that means, my fellow stalkers!  Yessiree, we get to take a peek inside!  I so love it when that happens!  As you can see in the real estate listing, the actual interior of the home also appeared in the flick.

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    As well as the real life backyard and pool.

    In an extremely random side-note – I have to ask, why in the heck was Leonardo DiCaprio given special thanks in the movie’s end credits?


    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Lavonna for giving me the idea of doing a Christmas theme and to fellow stalker Chas, of the It’sFilmedThere website, for finding this location.  You can check out Chas’ extensive Bad Santa filming locations page here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Bad Santa house is located at 7211 Whitehall Lane in West Hills.

  • David Santiago’s House from “Post Grad”


    Unfortunately, this stalker is currently suffering from a bad cold (which, for some reason, always seems to happen to me right before the holidays) and thanks to the fact that I cannot breath out of my nose and have taken copious amounts of NyQuil, I am feeling just a wee bit out of it today.  So I have to apologize if this particular post is somewhat off, but, regrettably, my head is somewhere in the clouds right now, instead of sitting on top of my shoulders in front of the computer screen where it should be.  I will do my best to be coherent, though, so here goes.  Located directly across the street from the house where Ryden Malby (aka Alexis Bledel) lived in Post Grad, which I blogged about yesterday, is the residence that belonged to her mysterious neighbor – zany, Brazilian infomercial director David Santiago (aka Love Actually’s/Lost’s Rodrigo Santoro).  So I, of course, dropped by to stalk it while in the neighborhood last weekend.


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    David’s one-story, stone-and-wood, ranch-style abode shows up numerous times throughout Post Grad. And oddly enough, while I actually think the exterior is quite similar in appearance to the Malby house, according to the Post Grad production notes David’s pad was supposed to represent a more “cosmopolitan” lifestyle, the very type of lifestyle that Ryden was seeking.  In the notes, production designer Mark Hutman states, “The house we found for the Malbys is a single story, ranch-style house, which is very common in the Valley.  It’s not new, but it’s not old either, it’s just somewhat non-descript.  For David’s environment, we went very stylish and masculine. His house is more modern, with dark leather couches and a minimalist color palette.  And he has a pool.”

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    As luck would have it, the real life owners of David’s house walked outside just as we showed up to stalk the place and they literally could not have been nicer!  They spoke with us for quite a while and answered all of my silly little questions about the filming.  Just a few of the tidbits they shared with us were that the shoot lasted just over three weeks and that a lot of filming did take place inside of their actual home.

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    As well as in their backyard and pool.

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    They also informed us that the production team replaced their entire back and side fence for the filming.  And they mentioned that the experience was the most fun they had ever had in their entire lives.  Um, you’re telling me!  I think I would just about die if a movie set up shop in my apartment for over three weeks!

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    In real life, David’s house, which was built in 1960, measures 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, and 2,767 square feet.  And I am very happy to report that it looks exactly the same in person as it did onscreen.


    I was actually struck by how much it resembles the party house from fave movie Clueless, a location that has been the bane of my existence for years now as I just cannot seem to find it anywhere!!!!  UGH!  But I digress!


    On a random side-note – while getting my hair blown out the other day, I was lucky enough to run into Summer Bishil, who plays Navid Shirazi’s (aka Michael Steger’s) sister Leila Shirazi on fave show 90210!  Summer could NOT have been nicer and readily agreed to pose for a pic with me even though she had no make-up on and her hair had yet to be done.  Love it!  And when I told her that Matt Lanter was the love of my life, she said, “I think he’s pretty much the love of everyone’s life!”  Love it even more!


    On another side-note – I would like to wish my wonderful father a VERY happy 65th birthday today!!  I love you so much, Dad!

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Chas, from the It’sFilmedThere website, for finding this location!  Smile You can check out Chas’ extensive Post Grad filming locations page here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: David Santiago’s house from Post Grad is located at 5901 Farralone Avenue in Woodland Hills.  Ryden’s house from Post Grad is located directly across the street at at 22200 Tiara Street, also in Woodland Hills.