Tag: Dick Clark’s Malibu house

  • Dick Clark’s Former Malibu Home

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (4 of 11)

    Last June, my Grandma sent me an article about legendary television personality Dick Clark’s former Flintstones-style Malibu home, calling it “unbelievable” and asking if I could track it down and stalk it.  One look at the photographs of the cave-like structure, which had recently been put on the market, and I was in!  And while I did manage to track it down right away, it was not until a couple of weeks ago that I finally got around to stalking it.  And I just have to say here that my Grandma, who is 88, never ceases to amaze me!  I called her one evening back in January while on my way home from a SAG screening and she asked which stars, if any, I had gotten a photograph with.  When I told her Robert De Niro and “an actor you probably haven’t heard of named Bradley Cooper”, she replied, “Of course I know who Bradley Cooper is!  He was People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive last year.”  I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!  Or grand-tree in this case.  Winking smile


    Dick Clark’s former home is located at the far northern end of Malibu, past the Ventura County Line, at the top of a very windy and steep road.  It is situated so far up the road, in fact, that in driving there I wound up above the fog line, as you can see below!  It was uncanny to witness!  As my photographs of Neptune’s Net show, the weather was extremely overcast along the Pacific Coast Highway that particular morning, but up by Dick’s house, skies were clear and blue.

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (2 of 11)

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (3 of 11)

    I was disheartened to learn, as I arrived at the property, that very little of it was visible from the street.

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (5 of 11)

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (6 of 11)

    It wasn’t until I started back down the hill towards the PCH that I spotted a faraway glimpse of the structure.

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (9 of 11)

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (11 of 11)

    The small, one-bedroom, two-bath residence was custom-built for Dick and his wife, Kari, although, for the life of me, I cannot figure out when.  I searched through historic aerial views, but was only able to ascertain that the property was built sometime between 1980 and 2005.  Anyway, at some point, “the oldest teenager” purchased a 23-acre plot of land adjacent to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Center and set about building a house there.  The National Park Service objected to the plans, though, so architect Phillip Jon Brown came up with a design for a dwelling that looked like a rock formation in order to appease the group.  His idea worked and the Clarks were given the go-ahead.  The incredibly unique result is pictured below.  According to a March 2012 CNN.com article, Brown created the home’s exterior out of stucco and loose rock.  Of the process, he said, “When it was still wet, we scrubbed in to expose some of the stones.  That made it look like decomposed granite.”



    The house boasts very few straight lines, which would make it hard to hang any artwork.  With views like those pictured below, though, who needs artwork?



    According to the CNN.com article, the curved walls were constructed out of wood and steel beams and then covered over with concrete.



    I absolutely love the openness of the residence and all of its indirect lighting.



    I could do without the kitchen . . .


    . . . and the bathroom, though.  And while I don’t know that I’d ever want to live there, I’d give pretty much anything to see the place in person.



    You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

    Big THANK YOU to my Grandma for asking me to stalk this one!  Smile

    Dick Clark's Malibu House (10 of 11)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Dick Clark’s former home is located at 10124 Pacific View Road in Malibu.