Tag: Candace Bushnell rea

  • Sex In My City

    To promote her new book, One Fifth Avenue, Sex and the City author and creator Candace Bushnell made an appearance at my fave bookstore, Vroman’s, in Pasadena last night. I could not have been more excited for this event!!! I was absolutely dying to see the real life Carrie Bradshaw in person. For those not in the know, much like her on-screen alter-ego, in real life Candace Bushnell authored a column entitled Sex and the City which appeared weekly in the New York Observer newspaper during the early 90s. In 1996, she published a book of her greatest columns and due to that book’s popularity, a television show based upon her life was created. The rest, as they say, is history. 🙂

    Last night before the event began, I was literally on the edge of my seat waiting to see Candace in person. I was dying to know how alike she was to the character portrayed by SJP. I couldn’t help but wonder . . . Does she talk like SJP, dress like SJP, and most of all, what kind of shoes would she be wearing????

    The reading turned out to be fabulous and I had a blast being there!!! Candace is SUPER tiny in person (much like SJP) and not at all as flashy as I expected her to be. Although her feet were clad in super high Manolo’s, her outfit was pretty tame compared with Carrie Bradshaw’s avant garde wardrobe. (Unfortunately, Candace wouldn’t allow any photographs to be taken during the reading, so I had to wait until she was finished to snaps pics.) Candace read a bit of the first chapter of her new book (where I discovered that she doesn’t talk like SJP) and then there was a short question and answer session, where we learned little tidbits like Candace’s favorite book out of all the novels she has written is One Fifth Avenue, she thinks SJP is an “absolute doll”, and she was floored to meet Mary Tyler Moore recently when the actress guest starred on the television show Lipstick Jungle, which is also based on one of Candace’s books. I think the audience was slightly intimidated by the real CB, because barely anyone asked questions, which led Candace to say “Doesn’t anyone want to know if there is a real Mr. Big or what brand of shoes I am wearing?” LOL Love it!!! 🙂 She told us that there was in fact a real Mr. Big, whom she dated for a year and a half and who did dump her for another woman after a trip to Europe, just like on the series. The real Mr. Big ended up marrying the woman he met in Europe after only four months of dating and, like Carrie, Candace was absolutely devastated. Unlike on the series, however, the real Mr. Big is still happily married to this day. He now lives in Vermont with his wife and kids and several horses. Candace is also now happily married, as well, and I must say her wedding band is absolutely gorgeous – but surprisingly simple. It is a very understated, very modest eternity band with pave diamonds that sparkle like no other. I LOVED it. 🙂 Anyway, Candace also told us that she did just sign a contract to pen a series of young adult novels about the early life of Miss Carrie Bradshaw. YAY! She has not begun writing these novels as of yet, but she is very excited to start. I asked her how closely she worked on the Sex and the City series and she said that was very involved as a consultant during the first two seasons, but not at all after that and not at all on the movie. She said that after the first two seasons she entrusted her story to Michael Patrick King, who she thinks is an absolute genius. She also said that she felt that being a part of the series was like “magic”.

    After the question and answer session, Candace signed books (but no DVDs or SATC memorabilia) for the audience. She would not, however, pose for any photographs with the fans, so I didn’t get a pic with her. 🙁 She was very nice in person, though, and I could not have been more excited to meet her! It was a truly fabulous evening!!!! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: You can purchase Candace Bushnell’s new book here. Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 E. Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena. You can view their upcoming author events here.