Tag: Canadian attracations

  • The “Love Happens” Houses

    Two other Vancouver-area locations that fellow stalker Owen managed to track down from the ultra-depressing 2009 romantic comedy Love Happens were the residences belonging to Eloise Chandler’s mom (aka Frances Conway) and Burke Ryan’s former in-laws (aka Martin Sheen and Deirdre Blades).  Both homes are located about ten miles southeast of Vancouver in the Queens Park area of the city of New Westminster, British Columbia.  And, as I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, even though I didn’t particularly like Love Happens, because it starred my girl Jen, I just had to stalk both locations.


    Eloise’s mom’s house only appears in one very brief scene in Love Happens, in which Eloise (aka Jennifer Aniston) stops by her mom’s residence in order to pick up the keys to a telephone truck she is borrowing from her mom’s neighbor, Bob.  Why is she borrowing a telephone truck, you ask?  Without giving too much away, I’ll just say it’s so that she and Burke (aka Aaron Eckhart) can “attend” a sold out Road Wave concert in a rather unconventional way.

    I am very happy to report that Eloise’s mom’s house looks much the same in person as it did in Love Happens.

    And I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the home also appeared in the movie.

    Located a little over a mile away from Eloise’s mom’s residence is the V.A. Brachat House, where Burke’s in-laws lived in Love Happens.  The absolutely adorabe little house, which was built in 1940, popped up in two different scenes in the movie.

    And, as was the case with Eloise’s mom’s residence, I believe that the real life interior of the V.A. Brachat house also appeared in the flick.

    I am very happy to report that this house also looks much the same in person as it did in Love Happens.

    I was most excited to see that the lightpost on which Rocky, the parrot, waited for Silver at the end of Love Happens was actually there in real life, too. So darn cool!

    Missing in real life, of course, is the “Semper Fi” plaque and sword that ex-Marine Silver had posted above his front door in the movie.

    Burke’s in-law’s house also appeared in the Season 3 episode of the television series Supernatural titled “A Very Supernatural Christmas”.  I found this information thanks to the Supernatural Locations Website, a fabulous site dedicated to finding each and every locale ever featured on the show.  So darn cool!

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding these locations!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Eloise’s mom’s house from Love Happens is located at 202  7 Avenue East in New Westminster, British Columbia, ten miles outside of Vancouver.  Burke’s in-law’s house is located at 115 Queens Avenue, also in New Westminster.