Tag: Burbank

  • Marilyn Monroe’s Former Burbank Apartment Building

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (6 of 10)

    Shortly before I headed to Los Angeles for my weeklong birthday celebration with out-of-town friends Kim, Lavonna, Katie and Kaylee (that’s Katie and Kaylee in the above pic), I came across a Curbed post that mapped 43 properties where my girl Marilyn Monroe once lived.  The blurb practically had me foaming at the mouth, obvs.  I immediately sent the link to Lavonna and she added several of the addresses to her To-Stalk list, one of which was an apartment building located directly across the street from Warner Bros. Studio in Burbank.  Since the girls had already scheduled a WB VIP Tour for the trip, this particular locale was quite convenient and we included a stalk of it on that day’s itinerary.


    Prior to reading the Curbed post, I had no idea that Marilyn had ever called Burbank home.  According to the article, she lived in an apartment building at 131 South Avon Street for a very brief period during the summer of 1947 in what seemed to be some sort of house-sitting arrangement.

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (7 of 10)

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (1 of 10)

    Per Realtor.com (and several other websites), the 13,283-square-foot structure (which I believe is comprised of 13 units) was originally built in 1835 – 179 years ago.  Yeah, that seems a bit ridiculous to me, too.  My guess is that the 1835 date is a typo (that somehow got picked up by numerous sources) and that the building was actually constructed in 1935.

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (3 of 10)

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (2 of 10)

      Realtor.com also notes that the property was renovated in 1995.  As you can see below, it definitely seems to have received a facelift at some point because the façade looks rather modern, especially the front doors and windows.

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (9 of 10)

    Because the building does look so new, I had originally wondered if Marilyn’s former domicile had been torn down at some point and a different edifice built in its place.  That does not appear to have been the case, though.  Pictured below is a 1972 aerial view of the property, as well as a current one.  As you can see, the structure of the building seems to be the same in both images.  Which means that Marilyn’s former home is actually still standing!  How incredibly cool is that?



    A peek inside the front doors – courtesy of Lavonna.  Someone needs to tell the person in 102 that it’s time for the Christmas bow to come down.  Winking smile

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (10 of 10)

    Marilyn’s former Burbank home is located two doors north of the “fake Fendi” building from Sex and the City, so we also did a little stalking of that locale.  And while we didn’t have any Fendi on us at the time, we were packing some Louis Vuitton (none of it fake, mmmkay!), so we just had to pose for a picture with it.  Winking smile

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (2 of 2)

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (1 of 2)

    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Marilyn Monroe Burbank apartment (8 of 10)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Marilyn Monroe’s former apartment building is located at 131 South Avon Street in BurbankThe fake Fendi building from Sex and the City is located two doors south at 141 South Avon Street.

  • Viva Cantina from “The Girls Next Door”

    Viva Cantina Burbank (13 of 14)

    Each May, my girl Miss Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, and I have a standing lunch date to celebrate her birthday.  We usually hit up Sizzler (‘cause we’re fancy like that!), but this year she requested to dine at Viva Cantina in Burbank – a place I had long wanted to stalk thanks to its appearance in a Season 3 episode of The Girls Next Door.  So I, of course, happily obliged.


    Viva Cantina, also known as Viva Fresh, has been around since 1962.  Surprisingly though, I could find no information whatsoever about its history online or in any of my books about Los Angeles (and believe me, my collection is extensive).

    Viva Cantina Burbank (6 of 14)

    Viva Cantina Burbank (1 of 14)

    What I can report on, thanks to my experience dining there earlier this week, is that the food is delish!  Pinky and her husband, Mr. Keith Coogan from Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead fame, love the place so much that they eat there almost weekly, in fact.

    Viva Cantina Burbank (9 of 14)

    Viva Cantina Burbank (11 of 14)

    In the Season 3 episode of The Girls Next Door titled “May the Horse Be with You,” Holly Madison, Kendra Wilkinson, Bridget Marquardt, and a few of their Playmate friends visited Sunset Ranch and took part in their famous Dinner Tour horseback ride (something the Grim Cheaper and I have always wanted to do).



    The Dinner Tour, which costs $100 per person, is comprised of a four-hour, five-mile evening ride through Griffith Park with a mid-way meal stop at Viva Cantina.  Um, count me in!



    During their visit, Holly, Kendra, Bridget and the girls ate in Viva’s red-leathered back room.



    Pinky and I also ate in the back room, which is pictured below.

    Viva Cantina Burbank (5 of 14)

    Viva Cantina Burbank (4 of 14)

    And while I could have sworn that an episode of Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica was also lensed at Viva Cantina, I scanned through my DVDs of the series while researching this post and did not see the eatery pop up anywhere.

    Viva Cantina Burbank (3 of 14)

    Viva Cantina Burbank (7 of 14)

    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Viva Cantina Burbank (12 of 14)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Viva Cantina, from the “May the Horse Be with You” episode of The Girls Next Door, is located at 900 West Riverside Drive in Burbank.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.  The Los Angeles Equestrian Center, from Beverly Hills, 90210 and Pretty Woman (which I blogged about here), is located right next door at 480 West Riverside Drive.  You can visit the Equestrian Center’s website here.  And Pickwick Bowl, from Parks and Recreation (which I blogged about here), is located across the street at 1001 West Riverside Drive.  You can visit the Pickwick Bowl website here.

  • Winnie Cooper’s Second House from “The Wonder Years”

    UPDATE – The Wonder Years is coming to DVD for the first time ever in October!  The 26-disc boxed set includes all six seasons of the show, plus a cast reunion segment, over 15 hours of bonus footage, a collectible metal locker, two production booklets packed with behind-the-scenes information, a replica yearbook, and Wonder Years magnets.  Sets can be pre-ordered here.

    Winnie Cooper's Second House (2 of 10)

    I am still currently in the process of binge-watching The Wonder Years on Netflix.  The Season 3 finale, titled “Moving,” in which Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar – who is completely ROCKING IT on Dancing With the Stars!  LOVE her!) relocates to a new home located four miles away from longtime love Kevin Arnold (Fred Savage), absolutely broke my heart.   Come to think of it, every episode breaks my heart.  Prior to this recent re-watching, I didn’t remember the series being so sad, but yikes!  I bawl during pretty much every episode.  I am a nostalgic person by nature and the sentimentality of the show tugs at all of my heartstrings – but in a good way.  So when I found the address of Winnie’s new house on this website, I ran right out to stalk it.


    During the first three seasons of The Wonder Years, Winnie and her family lived in a home (which I blogged about here) located right across the street from the Arnold residence (which I blogged about here).  While the Cooper family sold that abode in “Moving,” their new dwelling did not actually appear onscreen until the Season 4 opener, which was titled “Growing Up.”  It is said in the episode that the Cooper’s new pad is located four miles away from their previous one, but in reality it is located right around the corner.



    The property continued to be utilized throughout the remaining three seasons of the The Wonder Years.



    I actually find the residence to be an odd choice for use on the series for two reasons – it is substantially larger than the Cooper’s first home and it doesn’t really have a 1960s-feel to it.


    Thankfully though, the property has not changed much since its Wonder Years days.

    Winnie Cooper's Second House (1 of 10)

    Winnie Cooper's Second House (4 of 10)

    According to Redfin, the 1950 home boasts two bedrooms, two baths, and 1,896 square feet.  It actually looks to be much larger than that, though, so I am not sure if the listed measurements are correct.

    Winnie Cooper's Second House (8 of 10)

    Winnie Cooper's Second House (10 of 10)

    Whenever I think of the Cooper’s second residence, I am reminded of the Season 4 episode titled “The Accident,” in which Kevin climbed onto Winnie’s roof, peeked through her window and mouthed “I love you” to her.  Ironically enough, though, after re-watching the scene, I do not believe it was actually shot at the house.  As you can see below, the roof that Kevin climbs in the episode has two side-by-side dormer windows.  Winnie’s residence does not have any such windows, so I am guessing that producers either filmed the scene at a different property or, in a more likely scenario, had a prop roof built on a soundstage for the shoot.



    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Winnie Cooper's Second House (3 of 10)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Winnie Cooper’s second house from The Wonder Years is located at 501 Tufts Avenue in Burbank.  Winnie’s first home from the series can be found right around the corner at 525 University AvenueKevin Arnold’s residence is located diagonally across the street from Winnie’s first home at 516 University Avenue.

  • The Donna Martin Graduates Protest Site

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (4 of 21)

    As big of a Beverly Hills, 90210 fan as I am, it will probably come as a shock to learn that up until recently I had yet to stalk the spot where one of the show’s most iconic moments was filmed – Burbank City Hall, aka the Donna Martin Graduates protest site from the Season 3 episode titled “Something in the Air.”  So, since I was in the area recently stalking The Wonder Years houses (you can read those posts here and here), I decided that it was about time that I amended that fact.


    Burbank City Hall, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, was designed by architects William Allen and W. George Lutzi.  Construction on the Moderne/Art Deco-style building began in 1941 and lasted until 1943.  The final cost of the project was $409,000.

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (11 of 21)

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (17 of 21)

    The building’s most impressive feature is its tower, which stands at 77 feet.

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (18 of 21)

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (16 of 21)

    The lobby area, which I, unfortunately, did not get to see, boasts twenty different kinds of marble, bass relief sculptures and a grand staircase.  The building also houses two large murals painted by Hugo Ballin.  In a 1996 Daily News article about the structure, Councilman Ted McConkey is quoted as saying, “Anyone walking into City Hall would recognize that it’s something unique.  It’s special because of the period in which it was built, because of the way it’s been maintained and because of all the murals at City Hall.  We get an inordinate number of requests to use City Hall from film companies.”   Love it!  You can check out a fabulous photograph of the lobby here.

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (5 of 21)

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (8 of 21)

    In “Something in the Air,” Brandon Walsh (Jason Priestley) stages a Senior Class walk-out during final exams to protest the fact that Donna Martin (Tori Spelling), after showing up drunk to the prom, is not being allowed to graduate with her class.  (The Juniors also participate in the walk-out, in order to protest the dress code that the school board has implemented for the upcoming school year.)  The protestors – chanting the now legendary line “Donna Martin graduates!” – wind up at the steps of Burbank City Hall, which (I think) is supposed to be masquerading as the West Beverly Hills School District in the episode.



    This guy had a little trouble with his “No scapegoats” sign.  Winking smile



    During the rally, Mrs. Teasley (Denise Dowse) warns the students that they are all in danger of being flunked, which only serves to rile them up further.  With Brandon leading the charge, they head inside the building and into the school board meeting.



    Once inside, Brandon, of course, makes a speech in Donna’s defense.  That speech never ceases to crack me up.  He says, “Donna Martin is the kind of girl that goes out of her way for people.  That’s why all these people here are going out of their way for her.”  Like, huh?  Did I miss something in all of my avid 90210 watching?  When did Donna ever go out of her way for anyone, let alone the entire Junior and Senior class?  It all ends well, though, as the board members wind up being moved by Brandon’s speech and vote to allow Donna to graduate.  Donna Martin graduates, indeed!



    “Something in the Air” was not the first Beverly Hills, 90210 episode to be lensed at Burbank City Hall.  Although the exterior of Beverly Hills City Hall was used as an establishing shot . . .


    . . . the interior of Burbank City Hall was where Jim Walsh (James Eckhouse) and Brandon attended a meeting about the Highpoint Center project in the Season 2 episode titled “The Pit and the Pendulum.”



    Thanks to the Dear Old Hollywood website, I learned that Burbank City Hall stood in for a police station in the 1954 film Pushover.


    In the Season 3 episode of The Rockford Files titled “Crack Back,” which aired in 1977, Burbank City Hall masqueraded as the courthouse where Beth Davenport (Gretchen Corbett) defended a professional football player who was on trial for murder.



    In 1980’s American Gigolo, Burbank City Hall was where Julian (Richard Gere) was accosted by the press after being arrested.  Very little of the building is visible in the scene, though.



    The building masqueraded as a courthouse once again in the 1993 made-for-TV movie A Place to Be Loved (aka Shattered Family).



    The interior of Burbank City Hall stood in for the U.S. Naval Headquarters at Pearl Harbor in the ending scene of the 1995 movie Crimson Tide.



    For the exterior of the U.S. Naval Headquarters, a different building was used – Memorial Hall at Chapman University in the City of Orange.



    The IMDB website states that Burbank City Hall was also utilized in the 1961 film The Choppers, the Season 2 episode of Police Woman titled “Generation of Evil,” the Season 2 episode of S.W.A.T. titled “Courthouse,” and the Season 1 episode of Matt Houston titled “The Showgirl Murders,” but, unfortunately, I could not find copies of any of those productions to verify that information.

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (13 of 21)

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (21 of 21)

    On a Donna Martin Graduates side-note – Even though we don’t have kids, during the holidays the GC and I participate in a bit of Elf on the Shelf fun by trading off hiding our elf (named Max) every night for each other.  This year, Max decided to hold a walk-out – with some nutcrackers, a couple of Santas, and my 90210 dolls – in honor of my favorite television show.  While I thought it was genius, the GC did not share in my enthusiasm.  Winking smile


    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Donna Martin Graduates Protest (6 of 21)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Donna Martin Graduates protest from the “Something in the Air” episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 was filmed at Burbank City Hall, which is located at 275 East Olive Avenue in Burbank.

  • The Fake Fendi Apartment Building from “Sex and the City”

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (1 of 16)

    My favorite moment from the two Sex and the City episodes that took place in Los Angeles (Season 3’s “Escape from New York” and “Sex and Another City”) was when Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall) attempted to buy fake designer purses at a seedy apartment building somewhere in the Valley.  I, of course, was pretty intent on tracking down said apartment building and while I spent quite a bit of time trying to do so a few years back, I came up empty-handed.  Then, a  couple of weeks ago, after finding Lorenzo Lamas’ house from the “Sex and Another City” episode (which I blogged about here), I became inspired to have another go at it and, lo and behold, pinpointed the place!


    In “Sex and Another City,” Samantha purchases a fake Fendi bag while visiting L.A. with the girls.  When Carrie sees the faux purse, she flips over it (and its $150-price tag) and Samantha tells here, “We could go get more.  I got the guy’s card.  He lives somewhere called ‘the Valley.’”  (Samantha says the words “the Valley” with a romantic undertone, so its obvious she was never an avid 90210 watcher. Winking smile)  The two then take a two-hour drive to the guy’s apartment building, which supposedly has an address number of 45386.



    Only the backyard and rear portion of the apartment building were shown in the episode, which, coupled with the fact that I assumed the place actually was located “deep in the Valley,” made it rather difficult to find.



    While re-watching the scene a couple of weeks ago, I was shocked to spot the unique building visible in the background behind Carrie and Samantha.  Somehow, I had failed to notice it during all of my previous viewings.  As it turns out, the building is one I am quite familiar with and have visited frequently over the years.


    The building pictured in the background of the scene is located right across the street from Warner Bros. Studios and is known as Warner Bros. Studio Plaza or Building 160.  It is the spot where guests check in for the Warner Bros. VIP Tour, which I have taken more times than I can count.  How I never spotted the building on my earlier viewings of the fake Fendi scene is beyond me!

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (12 of 16)

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (13 of 16)

    Especially considering that I knew from one of those tours that the scene in which Carrie met with Matthew McConaughey (who played himself) in the “Escape from New York” episode was filmed INSIDE OF a Warner Bros. Studio Plaza office.  Duh!



    Not to mention that a few other scenes from the two episodes were filmed at Warner Bros., including the scene in which Carrie attempted to smoke on a backlot stoop (which I wrote about for Los Angeles magazine here) and the two scenes in which Carrie drove to the studio for meetings about turning her column into a TV show (which were shot across the street from Building 160, in front of Gate 5).


    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (16 of 16)

    In real life, the building is not seedy at all, nor is it located in a shady area.

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (3 of 16)

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (2 of 16)

    While I really wanted to walk into the backyard to catch a glimpse of where filming had taken place, I somehow managed to restrain myself.

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (6 of 16)

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (14 of 16)

    I was thrilled to see, though, that the size and positioning of the building’s windows, the base of the exterior stairwell and the three gray poles to the side of it all matched up to what appeared onscreen.


    The spot where the dogs were caged up in the scene is denoted with a pink arrow in the photograph below.


    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (9 of 16)

    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Sex and the City Fake Fendi Apartment (10 of 16)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The fake Fendi apartment building from the “Sex and Another City” episode of Sex and the City is located at 141 South Avon Street in Burbank.

  • Winnie Cooper’s House from “The Wonder Years”

    UPDATE – The Wonder Years is coming to DVD for the first time ever in October!  The 26-disc boxed set includes all six seasons of the show, plus a cast reunion segment, over 15 hours of bonus footage, a collectible metal locker, two production booklets packed with behind-the-scenes information, a replica yearbook, and Wonder Years magnets.  Sets can be pre-ordered here.

    Dan Lauria (1 of 1)

    It was quite a Wonder Years weekend for me.  Not only did the Grim Cheaper and I indulge in some more binge-watching of the show, but I also got to meet Dan Lauria, aka Jack Arnold himself!  As fate would have it, the actor happened to be participating in a celebrity golf tournament in the desert this weekend.  When I saw his name on the list of players, I just about died being that I have been on such a Wonder Years kick as of late.  So bright and early Saturday morning I dragged the GC right on out to the course – Starbucks in hand, natch!  Dan really could not have been nicer.  When I asked him for a photo, he said, “Sure!  That’s what we’re here for this weekend!”  Um, love!  Then, when we went to take the picture, the GC had some trouble getting my camera to work and Dan joked, “He doesn’t know how to use a camera – he must be a director.”  Winking smile  Such a sweet guy!  And I absolutely love that he was wearing a ‘50s-style hat.  So apropos!  And now, on with the post!


    As was depicted on The Wonder Years, diagonally across the street from Kevin Arnold’s (Fred Savage) house (which I blogged about on Friday) is the home where his perennial love interest, Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar), lived.

    Wonder Years House (10 of 19)

    Like the Arnold residence, Winnie’s house was built in 1949 and also boasts three bedrooms and three baths.

    Wonder Years House (1 of 19)

    Wonder Years House (3 of 19)

    Sadly though, while still recognizable, the property is not nearly as frozen in time as Kevin’s house is.  As you can see below, the wood paneling that used to cover the front left portion of the residence has since been removed.


    Wonder Years House (5 of 19)

    Alterations have also been made to the front porch area and a walkway has been added.  The main front window has been changed, as well.  LOVE that there is a bench in the exact same spot that the Coopers had one, though!


    Wonder Years House (4 of 19)

    The one-story residence, which was shown considerably less often than the Arnold home, was only utilized in the first three seasons of The Wonder Years.  Winnie and her family sold the house (breaking Kevin’s heart in the process) in the Season 3 finale, which was titled “Moving.”  Their new abode, said to be located four miles away on the series, can actually be found just around the corner at 501 Tufts Avenue.  And yes, I will be stalking that location soon!


    Wonder Years House (7 of 19)

    Because it was so rarely shown, I would venture a guess that the inside of the real life home was used as the interior of the Cooper house.



    For all of my fellow Wonder Years aficionados, in 2002 the Biography series aired a fabulous episode titled “The Wonder Years: Comedy Coming of Age” that featured a lot of behind-the-scenes information about the show.  You can watch it by clicking below.

    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Big THANK YOU to Mikey, of the Mike the Fanboy website, for suggesting this stalk!  You can read his write-up of the day here.

    Wonder Years House (2 of 19)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Winnie Cooper’s house from The Wonder Years is located at 525 University Avenue in BurbankKevin Arnold’s house from the series is located diagonally across the street at 516 University Avenue.

  • Kevin’s House from “The Wonder Years”

    UPDATE – The Wonder Years is coming to DVD for the first time ever in October!  The 26-disc boxed set includes all six seasons of the show, plus a cast reunion segment, over 15 hours of bonus footage, a collectible metal locker, two production booklets packed with behind-the-scenes information, a replica yearbook, and Wonder Years magnets.  Sets can be pre-ordered here.

    Wonder Years House (19 of 19)

    My good friend Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, recently asked if I wanted to do some stalking of The Wonder Years house with him.  The 1968-set coming-of-age series finally made its way to Netflix in October 2011 (due to music licensing issues, it has never been released on DVD) and Mikey had been indulging in some binge-watching.  He had never stalked the Burbank-area residence where Kevin Arnold (Fred Savage) and his family – Jack (Dan Lauria), Norma (Alley Mills), Karen (Olivia d’Abo) and Wayne (Jason Hervey) –  lived on the show, though, and while I had stalked and blogged about the location before, because it was eons ago (in March 2008), I figured it was most-definitely time for a redux.  So one rainy day (I had literally just had my hair blown out, too!) a couple of weeks ago, the two of us met up to do some Wonder Years stalking.  As soon as I returned home, the Grim Cheaper and I started binge-watching the series, as well (thanks, Mikey! Winking smile), and I was shocked at how oddly sad it is – much more so than I remembered.  While still enjoyable, I find myself tearing up at least once during every episode.


    Visiting the Arnold abode was like stepping back in time.  As you can see below, virtually no part of the property has been changed in the 25-plus years since the series first debuted.


    Wonder Years House (12 of 19)

    The one-story, three-bedroom, three-bath, 1,839-square-foot home, which was originally built in 1949, was featured regularly throughout the series six-season run.


    Wonder Years House (11 of 19)

    Amazingly, the residence was last sold in 1987, which means that the same family who owned it during The Wonder Years years still owns it today!  Love that!

    Wonder Years House (13 of 19)

    Wonder Years House (18 of 19)

    The dwelling was also featured weekly in The Wonder Years opening credits.


    Wonder Years House (14 of 19)

    For some reason, Mikey and I were both under the mistaken impression that Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar) waved to the camera in the opening credits and we each sat down on the curb to reenact the moment while we were there.  It was actually Paul Pfeiffer (Josh Saviano) who waved in the opening, though.  Whoops!


    Wonder Years House (15 of 19)

    You can watch The Wonder Years opening credits by clicking below.  (Bet you can’t not sing along!)

    Time also appears to have stood still on the Arnolds’ street.  It was never specifically stated where the series was supposed to have been set, producers instead choosing to keep things vague so that the narrative would be relatable to anyone who grew up in a suburban American town in the late 1960s.  The formula worked, too.  Even though I came of age in the ‘80s, my childhood wasn’t all that different from Kevin’s.  I cannot express how incredibly nostalgic stalking the neighborhood was – due both to the fact that it still looks like a community from a bygone era and because it brought back so many memories of my early years.


    Wonder Years House (8 of 19)

    I am 99.9% certain that the real life interior of the home appeared in the pilot episode and that a set resembling it was subsequently built for all future filming once the series got picked up.  As you can see below, the kitchen in the pilot episode looks quite a bit different than than the one that appeared in the Season 1 episode titled “The Phone Call.”


    Another view of the kitchen from the pilot as compared to a view of the kitchen from the Season 1 episode titled “Swingers” is pictured below.


    Stay tuned for Winnie Cooper’s house (pictured below) on Monday!  And I recently stumbled across this amazeballs site, so you know what that means!  There will definitely be more Wonder Years stalking in my future!

    Wonder Years House (3 of 19)

    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Big THANK YOU to Mikey, of the Mike the Fanboy website, for suggesting this stalk!  You can read his write-up of the day here.

    Wonder Years House (17 of 19)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Kevin Arnold’s house from The Wonder Years is located at 516 University Avenue in Burbank.

  • Frank’s Coffee Shop and Restaurant from “Larry Crowne”


    A few days before Christmas, while I was wallowing in a horrible head cold, the Grim Cheaper and I sat down to watch the 2011 flick Larry Crowne. Neither of us had very high hopes for the movie as it had received such horrible reviews, but I am very happy to report that we both ended up loving it. So much so that we watched it again a few days later when my parents came to town to celebrate Christmas with us. The whimsical storyline centers around Larry Crowne (aka Tom Hanks), a middle-aged former Navy chef who is forced to rethink his life after being fired from his job at the local U-Mart Store. He decides to enroll in a nearby community college where he not only makes friends with a group of wildly eccentric and endearing characters, but also finds his life finally start to take shape. If you have yet to see Larry Crowne, I highly recommend ignoring the critics and renting it! Anyway, one of the main locations featured in the flick was Frank’s Coffee Shop and Restaurant – a Burbank-area eatery that I had passed by countless times during my ten-plus years of living in Los Angeles, but had, for whatever reason, never dined at. So I immediately added the place to my “To-Stalk” list and dragged the GC right on out there as soon as we returned home from visiting my grandmother in Reno this past weekend.


    As we pulled up to Frank’s Coffee Shop and Restaurant, I spotted an article about Larry Crowne posted on the café’s front door and knew right away that I was going to LOVE the place.

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    And I am very happy to report that I did! Frank’s Coffee Shop and Restaurant, which is also sometimes called Frank’s Steak House, first opened its doors in 1957 and not much has changed since. Walking into the diner is like stepping back in time about fifty years – and I mean that in the best way possible.

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    The interior of Frank’s, with its dark vinyl booths, popcorn ceiling, and Formica countertops, is straight out of the 1950s and it is not at all hard to see why countless location managers have flocked there over the years. The place also serves up some FABULOUS food at very reasonable prices, which pleased the GC to no end. I opted for a mushroom cheeseburger with French fries and a side of ranch dressing and it was all simply amazing – especially the steak fries, which were extremely thick and seasoned in a way that was reminiscent of the fries served at fave restaurant chain Red Robin. The GC ordered the homemade split pea soup and it was also out of this world.

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    I was absolutely floored when I spotted a photograph of Tom Hanks posing with Jose, Frank’s owner, on display on the wall next to the kitchen. As fate would have it, Jose happened to come over to chat with us while we were dining and, let me tell you, the guy could NOT have been nicer! He sat with us for a good twenty minutes and filled us in on the Larry Crowne shoot, which took six days to complete. Jose informed us that the cast and crew were some of the nicest that he has ever encountered – and he has encountered quite a few. He also told us about the restaurant’s vast filming history and showed us countless photographs that he had stored on his cell phone of the various filmings that have taken place on the premises and the numerous celebrities that have posed with him. As you can imagine, I was pretty much drooling the entire time.


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    In Larry Crowne, Frank’s Coffee Shop and Restaurant is featured repeatedly as the eatery where Larry and his scooter-riding friends hang out.

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    Later on in the movie, Larry gets a job working as a line cook in the restaurant’s kitchen.

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    That kitchen is pictured above.

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    Jose, who has been a chef for over forty years, actually acted as Tom Hanks’ cooking consultant during the filming of Larry Crowne and at one point had to step in to do some chopping for the actor. The hands you see above, which are supposedly Larry’s in the movie, are actually Jose’s. So incredibly cool!


    In the Season 5 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 titled “Squash It”, the exterior of Frank’s stood in for the Reno, Nevada-area diner where Valerie Malone (aka Tiffani Thiessen) convinced Ray Pruit (aka Jamie Walters) to return to Beverly Hills.

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    As you can see above, though, a different restaurant was used for the interior filming.

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    Jose informed us that Frank’s Coffee Shop had been featured in no less than 5 episodes of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, one of which is the upcoming “Willows in the Wind”, which just so happens to be Marg Helgenber’s final episode.  Unfortunately, Jose was unsure of the titles of the other four episodes filmed on the premises, but I was able to do some digging and tracked down two of them.  Then, after publishing this post, a CSI message board led me to the other two.  Win!  Frank’s first appeared in the Season 6 episode titled “Rashomama” as the supposed Las Vegas, Nevada-area coffee shop where the car belonging to Nick Stokes (aka George Eads), as well as all of the crime scene evidence inside of it, was stolen.

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    And in the Season 7 episode titled “Law of Gravity”, Frank’s stood in for the restaurant where Michael Keppler (aka Liev Schreiber) ran into Frank McCarty (aka Len Cariou).

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    In the Season 9 episode titled “Mascara” (CSI’s 200th episode), Frank’s is where Dr. Raymond Langston (aka Laurence Fishburne) met up a few times with his former thesis student Sylvia Mallick (aka Aimee Deshayes).

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    And in the Season 11 episode titled “The List”, Catherine Willows (aka Marg Helgenberger) met up with Detective Vartann (aka Alex Carter) to discuss the case she was working on.

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    In the Season 2 episode of Parks and Recreation titled “Ron and Tammy”, Frank’s stood in for the supposed Pawnee, Indiana-area restaurant where Ron Swanson (aka Nick Offerman) took his ex-wife, Tammy Swanson (aka Megan Mullally), out for lunch.


    Jose also let us know that Frank’s was featured in the 2003 flop Gigli, but I scanned through the movie yesterday while doing research for this post and did not see it anywhere. I did, however, spot it briefly in the flick’s trailer, so the scene that was filmed at Frank’s appears to have been left on the cutting room floor.

    That scene can be viewed at the 2:18 mark when Larry Gigli (aka Ben Affleck) tells Ricki (aka Jennifer Lopez), “I got a confession. I think we’re good together.”

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    Fellow stalker Jason also let me know that Frank’s Restaurant was featured in Chris Daughty’s “No Surprise” music video.

    Chris Daughty–“No Surprise” Video Filmed at Frank’s Coffee Shop & Restaurant in Burbank

    You can watch that video by clicking above.


    Jose also told us that Frank’s Coffee Shop and Restaurant was featured in the A&E Network mini-series Stephen King’s Bag of Bones, but I scanned through it yesterday and did not spot the restaurant anywhere. He also told us that Criminal Minds had filmed on the premises recently, but I scanned through all of the Season 7 episodes that have aired so far and did not see it, so I am guessing that it will pop up in an upcoming episode in the very near future.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

    Stalk It: Frank’s Coffee Shop and Restaurant, from Larry Crowne, is located at 916 West Olive Avenue in Burbank.

  • Larry’s Chili Dog from “The Office”


    Because fellow stalker Lavonna has been in town for the past few days and I have been doing some major stalking with her, today’s post is, unfortunately, going to be a short one.  Sad smile Sorry about that folks, but I do promise to be back tomorrow with a regular-sized write-up.  And now, on with the post!  One location that has been on my “To-Stalk” list since way back in early February is Larry’s Chili Dog – a tiny Burbank-area hot dog stand that was featured in the Season 7 episode of fave show The Office titled “The Search”.  As I mentioned quite a few months back in my post about Kung Pao China Bistro, the Chinese food restaurant that was also featured in “The Search”, fellow stalker Owen tracked down every single location which appeared in the episode.  And because, as I have also mentioned previously, this stalker absolutely loves herself some hot dogs, I was especially excited to stalk Larry’s, but for whatever reason had just never made it out there.  So, a couple of weeks ago, when the Grim Cheaper and I found ourselves ravenously hungry after a shopping expedition at the Burbank IKEA, I knew exactly where to head!


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    In “The Search” episode of The Office, after being left stranded at a local gas station sans wallet, money, and cell phone, Michael Scott (aka Steve Carell) decides to go on a “walkabout” through Downtown Scranton, Pennsylvania.   He first hits up a pet store and talks to a few random animals about love, before heading over to Larry’s Chili Dog where he orders a hot dog.  Because he has no means of paying, he tells the cashier that he will leave his “$45 watch” behind as a sort of marker, to which the cashier says, “We’re not a pawn shop.”  Michael tries to barter with the cashier further, but he is having none of it and Michael ends up yelling “You’ve just lost my business” before walking away empty-handed.  LOL  God, I love that show!  It has sadly gone downhill this season, but the reruns of the earlier episodes just never get old!

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    Larry’s Chili Dog looks much the same in person as it did on The Office and I am very happy to report that the owners truly could NOT have been nicer!  They let me take all of the photographs of the place that I wanted and answered all of my silly little questions about the filming.


    They also told me that Steve Carell was extremely nice and had posed for pictures with them during the filming.  SO INCREDIBLY COOL!


    Because the owners were so incredibly nice, it seriously pains me to say that I did not enjoy my hot dog all that much.  It was of the snap-skin variety, which, for whatever reason, gives this stalker the major heebie-jeebies!  As I have mentioned many times in the past, I am an extremely picky eater.  The GC absolutely LOVED his hamburger, though, and the French fries and ranch dressing were both A-MA-ZING, so all in all our lunch was not a total loss.

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Larry’s Chili Dog, from “The Search” episode of The Office, is located at 3122 West Burbank Boulevard in Burbank.

  • Halloween 2011 with Matthew Lillard


    Well, the stalking gods have definitely been smiling down upon me as of late because this year I experienced what was quite simply the Best. Halloween. Ever.  It was an absolute whirlwind and I honestly do not know how any future Halloween can ever compare!  It all started a couple of weeks ago when the fabulous Katie, from the Matthew Lillard Online website, announced that she would be giving away two tickets to the October 28th performance of Harbor, the new play in which the Scooby-Doo-actor stars, along with a meet-and-greet/photo-op.  I, of course, immediately entered my name in the contest and, as fate would have it, I won!  Because this stalker absolutely LOVES herself some Matthew Lillard, I was literally screaming at the top of my lungs when I found out.  What better way could there have possibly been to begin my Halloween weekend than by meeting one of the stars of Scream, my very favorite scary movie of all time?!?!  And while the Grim Cheaper was not nearly as excited about my big win as I was – he is not at all a fan of the theatre, especially Los Angeles theatre which tends to be a bit pretentious – the two of us found ourselves heading out to The Victory Theatre Center in Burbank this past Friday night.  And, let me tell you, I was literally bouncing out of my seat during the entire drive there!


    Amazingly enough, the excitement of the evening got started before the lights in the theatre even went down!  While the GC and I were standing in line waiting to pick up our tickets, I just happened to spot Mekia Cox – who not only played Sasha during Season 3 of fave show 90210, but was also one of Michael Jackson’s dancers on the ill-fated This Is It tour – standing in line behind us.  I, of course, just had to go up to her to ask for a photo and I am very happy to report that she could NOT have been sweeter.  Mekia said that she could not believe that I had recognized her as she usually does not get spotted when her hair is pulled back.  She obviously didn’t realize that she was talking to a stalker.  Winking smile I was like, “Are you kidding?  I noticed you the second you walked through the door!”  Smile


    Harbor, which was written by Jon Cellini, Matthew Lillard’s college roommate, is the story of a single mother who, upon the death of her father and the subsequent reading of his will, is forced to make contact with her ex-husband and his new wife.  And while it sounds as if that would be some rather depressing subject matter, the play is actually laugh-out-loud hilarious!  And Matthew Lillard absolutely SHINES in it.  His onstage persona is magnetic and he is nothing short of fascinating to watch.  The guy has got some major presence – one look at him onstage and it is entirely obvious how he became a movie star.  Truth be told, though, the entire cast was FABULOUS, the script superb, and the theatre warm and intimate.  I honestly could not have enjoyed the production more.   And I was not the only one!   Let me tell you, I almost fell out of my chair when the lights went up at the end of the show and the GC turned to me and said, “That was the best play I’ve ever seen in my life!”  I mean, I knew Harbor was good, but the fact that the GC said that speaks volumes!  If you live in the L.A. area or are planning to visit in the near future, you really need to go see this show!!  I honestly cannot recommend it more!


    After the play was over, we headed to the lobby to wait for Matthew to come out, whereupon the GC met the producer of the show and promptly told her that Harbor was the best play he had ever seen.  He was so giddy over finally enjoying a live performance, I honestly would not have been surprised if he had started shouting about it from the rooftops!  Anyway, when Matthew came out, I walked up to him to introduce myself as the Matthew Lillard Online contest winner and he immediately said, “Oh!  I’m supposed to take a picture with you!”  Um, LOVE IT!  After posing for the above picture, which turned out ADORABLE (can you tell how excited I was to meet him??), Matthew hung around and chatted with us for quite a long time.  The guy truly could NOT have been nicer and when I told him that the two of us used to frequent the same Starbucks and that I had always tried to (accidentally Smile) run into him there, he jokingly started calling me a stalker!  Oh, if he only knew.  Winking smile Matthew was truly honored that I was such a fan and gave me a huge hug before going off to meet the many other fans of his that were in attendance.  Sigh!  What a complete and total sweetheart!   As I said – the evening could not have been a more magical start to my Halloween weekend.


    The following night, the GC and I headed out to Palm Desert, where his boss was hosting a prom-themed Halloween party.  And while I had originally wanted to dress up as Ali (aka Christina Aguilera) and Jack (aka Cam Gigandet) from Burlesque this year, as soon I heard the words “prom-themed”, my plans immediately changed and we instead went as Brenda Walsh (aka my girl Shannen Doherty) and Dylan McKay (aka Luke Perry) in their outfits from the Season 1 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 titled “Spring Dance”.  As you can imagine, I could NOT have been more excited for this particular costume!

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    And I, of course, just had to make the GC a vegetable boutonniere like the one Brandon Walsh (aka Jason Priestley) wore in the episode.  Smile

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    I also just had to re-create the above photograph of Brenda and Dylan.  Oh, the crap I put the Grim Cheaper through!  It is honestly amazing that he ever proposed!  Winking smile And my Halloween excitement did not end there because I spent this past Monday night at a place that I am still pinching myself over, but more on that tomorrow.  Winking smile

    A big, huge THANK YOU to Katie, from the Matthew Lillard Online website, for the tickets to Harbor!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Matthew Lillard will be starring in Harbor each Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night now through December 3rd at The Victory Theatre Center, which is located at 3326 West Victory Boulevard in Burbank.  You can purchase tickets to the show here.