Tag: Brian J. Smith locations

  • Charlie’ Apartment Building from “Gossip Girl”


    Well, it certainly looks as if it is shaping up to be Gossip Girl week here at IAMNOTASTALKER.com because here I am yet again with yet another location from the fabulous teen drama series – this time the apartment building where con-artist Charlie Rhodes (aka Kaylee DeFer) lived with her chef boyfriend, Max (aka Brian J. Smith), in the Season 5 episode titled “Beauty and the Feast”.  This location was once again found by fellow stalker Geoff, from the 90210Locations website who has somehow managed to track down all of the Los-Angeles-area locales featured in the two episodes of the series that were filmed on the West Coast this past August.  Thank you, Geoff!  So, I, of course, dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to West Hollywood to stalk the place, shortly before grabbing cocktails at Eveleigh Restaurant a few weeks back.



    The exterior of Charlie’s apartment building is featured three times in the “Beauty and the Feast” episode of Gossip Girl.  It first pops up in the scene in which Charlie and Max discuss the difficulties of trying to make it as an actor in Los Angeles.

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    It next shows up in the scene in which Serena van der Woodsen (aka Blake Lively) waits outside for Charlie in order to confront her about her bounced rental deposit check.

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    And finally it appears in the scene in which Serena arrives via limo to pick Charlie up to take her to their grandmother’s house in Montecito.

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    No filming took place inside of any of the actual apartment units, though.  The interior of Charlie and Max’s dwelling was, I am fairly certain, just a set that was most likely built on a soundstage at Silvercup Studios in New York where the series is filmed, as was the case with Diana Payne’s bedroom which I talked about in yesterday’s post.  You can check out some photographs of what the interior of the real-life apartments actually look like here and here.  As you can see, they do not match up at all to what appeared onscreen and do not have nearly the same amount of charm that Charlie and Max’s apartment had.

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    I really had to laugh when Serena tried to convince Charlie to move out of the apartment building by saying, “But you can’t live here!” LOL  While the outside of the place is a bit bland, I actually thought the interior of Charlie’s pad was kind of cute and not nearly the dump that Serena made it out to be.  And I absolutely fell in love with her little kitchen alcove, which is pictured above.  As my friend Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, would say, “It’s adorbs!”  But then again, I did not grow up on the Upper East Side, so what do I know?  Winking smile

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    In real life, the exterior of Charlie’s apartment building looks pretty much exactly the same as it did on Gossip Girl.  I am totally kicking myself, though, as I SO wished I had leaned against the entryway to pose for a picture as Serena had done in the episode!  I do not know WHY I did not think of it at the time.  UGH!  Ah well, I will just have to drag the GC back there sometime to re-stalk the place.

    Big THANK YOU to Geoff, from the 90210Locations website, for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Charlie’s apartment building, from the “Beauty and the Feast” episode of Gossip Girl, is located at 1009-1015 North Croft Avenue in West Hollywood.