Tag: Big Brother Filming Locations

  • Big Brother

    Big Brother Stage Last summer I was COMPLETELY obsessed with the reality show Big Brother 8 – like absolutely on-the-edge-of-my-seat hooked on the show! I loved me some Dick and Danielle! So when I found out that the Big Brother soundstage was located on the CBS Studio Center lot in Studio City and that it could actually be seen from the road, I ran right out to stalk it.

    The Big Brother set is immediately recognizable from the tennis court like fence surrounding the set’s “backyard” area. According to Joe “the Barkeeper” from “The Barkeeper” shop at Sunset Junction, who was the one who first told me where to find the Big Brother set, the area where the set is located was formerly the lagoon from Gilligan’s Island. The lagoon was demolished several years ago to make room for new soundstages, one of them being the Big Brother “house”.

    Unfortunately, other than the tennis court like fence, not much can be seen of the Big Brother house from the road. But, thankfully, cyberstalking at Live Search Maps provides a better view of the set. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Big Brother set is located at the CBS Studio Center at 4024 Radford Avenue in Studio City. Unfortunately the studio is not open to the public and does not offer tours at this time. But you can get an up close and personal view of the lot on the CBS Studio Center website. For the best views of the Big Brother set, head on over to the Studio Village Apartments located on Colfax Ave., just off of Ventura Boulevard. Enter the apartment complex on Chiquita Street and walk to where Chiquita dead ends for a view of the Big Brother soundstage.