Tag: Beverly Hills 90210 episodes

  • Palace Costume – The Halloween Costume Shop from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    One location that I have been wanting to stalk for close to two decades now is the costume shop that was featured in the Season 2 episode of fave show Beverly Hills, 90210 titled “Halloween”.  Not only was that episode one of my most beloved of the entire series, but, as has been made blatantly apparent by now, Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday and I was positively DYING to wander through the very same clothing racks that the 90210 gang had wandered through.  So when fellow stalker Geoff, from the 90210Locations website, tracked the place down a while back, I just about died of excitement and immediately added it to my Haunted-Hollywood-To-Stalk list.  Being that the store’s actual name – Palace Costume Company – had been visibly displayed in the episode, I am highly embarrassed that I was not able to find the place myself.  I mean honestly, what kind of a stalker am I?  Winking smile Anyway, I finally dragged the Grim Cheaper out to the store two weekends ago and, as you can imagine, I could NOT have been more excited!

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    Palace Costume, which was originally a vintage clothing retailer, was founded in the 1960s by a woman named Melody Barnett in a storefront on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood.  The shop was the very first vintage clothing store to be located on Melrose, a street that is now rife with thrift emporiums and vintage boutiques.  In 1970, Palace Costume moved to a 2,000-square-foot space on Fairfax Avenue and began exclusively renting out authentic vintage clothing to film and production crews.  According to this October 1998 Los Angeles Business Journal article, Barnett has become so successful in the entertainment industry that she has had to add about 1,000 square feet of space to her store every single year due to her rapidly growing collection.  Today, her 36,000-square-foot emporium houses over half a million different pieces, making it one of the largest vintage clothing collections in the entire country.  Melody’s costumes have appeared in thousands upon thousands of productions, including Titanic, Chinatown, A Beautiful Mind, Blow, Frida, Pleasantville, Boogie Nights, Evita, Forrest Gump, What’s Love Got to Do with It, and all three Austin Powers movies.  In 1998, Barnett had a wooden and stucco façade constructed around her store for security reasons, so the place looks quite a bit different today than it did onscreen on 90210.


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    In the “Halloween” episode of Beverly Hills, 90210, Brenda Walsh (aka my girl Shannen Doherty), Kelly Taylor (aka Jennie Garth), Dylan McKay (aka Luke Perry), and the rest of the 90210 gang head out to what they call “Hollywood Costume” to pick out some costumes for a Halloween party they are attending that night.  As I mentioned above, the name “Palace Costume Co.” is blatantly visible on the storefront in the scene.  Yes, I am a blonde!  Winking smile


    It is while there that Brenda and Dylan find their amazeballs Bonnie and Clyde costumes.  It has ALWAYS been my dream to dress up as Brenda and Dylan dressed up as Bonnie and Clyde for Halloween, but somehow I do not think the GC would go for that.  Although this year we are dressing up 90210-style, but I am saving that information for a future post!  Winking smile

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    Sadly, Palace Costume is not open to the public, but is only open to industry professionals.  Words cannot express how heartbroken I was when we arrived and saw the “not open to the public” sign on the front door.  I was literally almost in tears (OK, not really, but I was pretty bummed) as I had so badly wanted to peruse through the countless racks of period clothing like Brenda and Donna had done on 90210.  And I had also wanted to verify if the episode had actually been filmed inside of the store or at a different location.

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    Because I hate making phone calls (I know, I know – I am weird!), I enlisted the help of Mike, from MovieShotsLA (who is doing his own Halloween locations theme this month), to call Palace Costume and ask Melody if any 90210 filming had been done inside of the store.  She confirmed that indeed it had.  And if you look at the above screen capture from the episode and compare it to the photograph of the inside of Palace Costume, which I got off of the company’s website, you can see that the light fixtures and ceiling do, in fact, match.  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to go inside of that place!  I am a member of SAG, doesn’t that count for anything??  Winking smile


    Big THANK YOU to Geoff, from the 90210Locations website, for finding this location!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Palace Costume, from the “Halloween” episode of Beverly Hills, 90210, is located at 835 North Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles.  You can visit the store’s official website here.  Palace Costume is sadly not open to the public, but is only open to members of the entertainment industry.

  • The Jennifer Grant “Good Stuff” Book Signing


    Back on Thursday, May 26th (I told you I am way behind in my reporting! Winking smile), Vroman’s Bookstore welcomed Jennifer Grant for a signing and discussion of her new book Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant which chronicles the actress’ experiences being raised by one of the most iconic movie stars of all time.  And while most of the people attending the event were fans of Jennifer’s famous father, I have been a long-time fan of Jennifer herself, ever since she appeared as Steve Sander’s (aka Ian Ziering’s) longtime girlfriend Celeste Lundy during Seasons 3 and 4 of fave show Beverly Hills, 90210.


    Jennifer also made an appearance as Nina Bookbinder, the girl Chandler Bing (aka Matthew Perry) couldn’t fire, in the Season 1 episode of Friends titled “The One With Two Parts: Part I”.  But I digress.


    Because I have never actually seen a Cary Grant movie, before attending the reading I did not have much interest in reading Good Stuff.  My only reason for going to the event was to meet and, of course, get a photograph with Jennifer.  But, let me tell you, all of that changed as soon as I started looking through the memoir.  As I have mentioned before, I am just slightly anal, so I arrived at the signing about 3 hours early.  Well, not only did those three hours ensure me a front row seat, but they also gave me time to peruse through the book and I was immediately mesmerized.  Cary Grant was not only an amazing man, but an amazing father!  He retired in 1966, the same year that Jennifer was born, so that he could devote all of his time to being a dad.  Because Jennifer’s mother, Dyan Cannon (whom the actress is the spitting image of!), was at the height of her career at the time and often on location filming movies for months on end, most of Jennifer’s childhood was spent with her father.  And Cary wanted to document his only child’s early years as best he could.  Not only did he save and catalogue ever single letter ever exchanged between the two and every single photograph ever taken of them, but he also made hundreds upon hundreds of audio recordings of their time together, many of which are transcribed in the book.  Sweetest of all, though, was the fact that, on the mornings when Jennifer was not staying with him, Cary would wait along the sidewalk of her bus route just to wave to her as her bus passed by on the way to school.


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    The event began right on time and I just about died when I caught my first glimpse of Jennifer as she looks almost exactly the same today as she did eighteen years ago when she was on 90210. Jennifer started out the evening by reading a few passages from her book and I have to say that she is a fabulous writer and a fabulous speaker. Her voice has an almost lyrical quality to it and I was absolutely mesmerized listening to her. I was completely shocked, though, when she adopted a British accent to read her father’s words! Prior to that evening, I was unaware that Cary Grant was British!

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    Jennifer then opened up the session to questions from the audience and, even though A LOT were asked, for once they were actually well-crafted.  I should explain here, to those who do not regularly attend book signings and television screenings, that people at these events usually ask the most asinine questions imaginable and it absolutely drives me mad!  If you have the chance to ask a question of an actor, author, or director, make it a good one, people!  And, for the love of God, do NOT ask the celebrity to get you a role in a movie or TV show!  And yes, that has been asked at almost EVERY SINGLE EVENT I have ever attended!  Most of the questions asked of Jennifer, though, were about what it was like to grow up with such a famous father.  In answer to those questions, Jennifer told numerous anecdotes and, as amazing as it may sound, it seems she had a very normal childhood.  The two often squabbled about Jennifer’s choice in music and boys, they took frequent outings to the Fox Hills Mall – one of Cary’s favorite haunts – and played regular family games of Trivial Pursuit.  She said she never viewed Cary as a celebrity, but, while she knew he was special and certainly different than her friends’ fathers, to her he was always just “Dad”.

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    When it came time for the signing portion of the reading, the Vroman’s coordinator asked Jennifer if she would be willing to take posed photographs with those in attendance, to which the actress gave a puzzled look and said, “Of course I will!”, as if she could not figure out why anyone wouldn’t take a picture with their fans.  LOVE IT!


    When it was my turn to meet Jennifer, I told her what a huge fan I had been of Beverly Hills, 90210 and she said that the show was actually the very first acting job she had ever had and was one of the best experiences of her life.  She told me that all of the actors were extremely nice and welcoming and that she looks back on that time with incredible fondness.  She took quite a bit of time to chat with me and I even got to tell her about my experiences as an extra in the final episode of the series and that the 90210 theme song was still the ringtone on my cell phone.  Smile Jennifer was so abundantly sweet and warm, it was almost unbelievable.


    As I was leaving Vroman’s, I opened the book to read what Jennifer had signed and almost died over her inscription.  It reads, “To Lindsay, Thank you for watching 90210 – your smile is infectious.  Jennifer Grant”  OMG nicest inscription EVER!  Especially considering that so many celebrities will not even personalize books at their signings!  Meeting Jennifer was such an incredible experience and I love her even more now than I did before!  And while I have not started to officially read Good Stuff yet, it is the next book on my “To Read” list and after I do so, I will most definitely be stalking the many locations mentioned in it.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: You can purchase a copy of Jennifer Grant’s book, Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant, here.  Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit the store’s official website here.  And you can check out Vroman’s upcoming author events here.