Tag: Ben Schwartz

  • On Location With “Peep World”!


    Yesterday, while heading to fave bookstore Vroman’s to pick up a stalking book  I had special ordered, I happened upon a small crew filming on the sidewalk at the store’s entrance.  One of the policemen on duty was extremely nice and told me that the movie being filmed was a low-budget indie entitled Peep World.    The flick actually has a great cast including Sarah Silverman, Michael C. Hall (who plays Dexter on the Showtime series of the same name), and The Office’s  Rainn Wilson, but unfortunately none of them were on hand while I was there.  I was actually really hoping Michael C. Hall would show up as I love me some Dexter, but, alas, that was not to be.   


    The only actors on set that I saw were Ben Schwartz (from I Hate Valentine’s Day);  


    and Kate Mara  (who starred in the movies Shooter  and We Are Marshall).  I didn’t recognize either of them, though, which is surprising being that I usually recognize anyone and everyone.  🙂  At first, I actually thought that Kate Mara was Joanna Garcia  from TV’s Privileged, as the two look strikingly alike!


    I only stuck around to watch the filming for about ten minutes because, sadly, the crew was NOT at all nice or friendly.  One of the production guys actually tried to feed me some nonsense about it being illegal for me to take pictures of the production.  But being that I was standing on a public sidewalk, talking to the policeman on duty while taking those pictures, the guy pretty much didn’t have a leg to stand on.  LOL   Oddly enough, some paparazzi were also on the scene taking pics and one of the crew members had a policeman ask them to leave.  HUH????  Wouldn’t you think that a low budget movie would want all the publicity it could get????  I am actually shocked that the paparazzi were even there to begin with, as no one even remotely famous was on the set.  It’s always such a bummer to me when film crews aren’t friendly.  I find it quite ironic that the crew of a fairly low-budget indie film would be so rude, when one would expect the opposite to be true.  In my experience, though, it is the big budget, A-List crews that are the nicest.  Oh well, I just have to resign myself to the fact that not all film crews are as friendly as the crew of CSI: Miami


    Surprisingly enough, I also got bored quite quickly while watching the filming.  And for me to get bored on a film set is almost unheard of!  But nothing much was really going on.  The crew was also so disorganized that it was almost comical.  They scene they were filming involved a taxi carrying Ben Schwartz pulling up to Vroman’s front entrance.   But because no one from the crew was stationed on the sidewalk to stop cars from entering the filming area, quite a few people were driving up and parking in the exact spot where the taxi cab was supposed to go.  LOL  They actually had to repeatedly stop filming to ask the drivers to move.  During one take, when an older gentleman tried to walk past the camera, a crew member put his hand out and whispered “Can you hold on a minute?”   The man, who was obviously hard of hearing due to his age, said really loudly “WHAT?”  LOL  LOL LOL   So, at least I got a few laughs out of watching the filming.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit their website here.