Tag: Beethoven

  • Monrovia Bakery from the New “Iceland” Pilot


    During this entire past week, the television pilot for the new Fox comedy series Iceland, which stars Scrubs’ Kerry Bishe, Friday Night Lights’ Zach Gilford, and 24’s John Boyd, has been filming on location on Myrtle Avenue in Old Town Monrovia, just down the street from where my parents now live.  The show, which takes place in a supposed small town in Minnesota, centers around a young woman (Bishe) whose fiancé dies suddenly shortly before their wedding day – and yes, despite its tragic-sounding premise, the series is being pitched as a comedy.  So I, of course, asked my parents to keep tabs for me on what was going on – and to take lots of photographs of the filming, which my dad has been doing on a pretty much daily basis.  My mom had also heard that some filming would be taking place at the Monrovia Bakery, which is located at 506 South Myrtle Avenue, this past Wednesday, so I ventured on over there on Wednesday morning to do some stalking of the set.

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    Sadly though, the shoot at the Monrovia Bakery was not scheduled to take place until the evening hours and most of the cast and crew was filming at an apartment building located a few miles away when I showed up to stalk the set.  The day was not entirely lost, though, as I did get to speak with the SUPER nice owner of the bakery, which has remarkably been in business since 1900!, who filled me in on all of the filming that has taken place in her shop over the years. 


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    I was extremely excited to hear that in the Season 3 episode of Mad Men titled “Seven Twenty Three”, the Monrovia Bakery stood in for the supposed Ossining, New York-area Swenson’s Bakery where Betty Draper (aka January Jones) met Henry Francis (aka Christopher Stanley) to discuss saving the local Pleasantville Road Reservoir.  Both the interior . . .

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    . . . and the exterior of Monrovia Bakery were featured in the episode.

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    After leaving the bakery, Betty and Henry walk by Wentworth’s Furniture Store, where Henry spots a “fainting chair” in the window and suggests that Betty should purchase it.

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    In real life Wentworth’s Furniture Store is the Irish Gardener gift boutique located right next door to Monrovia Bakery.

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    In 1992’s Beethoven, Monrovia Bakery was the neighborhood bake shop where Beethoven the dog stopped to pick up a free bear claw.

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    For the 2007 Jim Carrey movie The Number 23, producers transformed Monrovia Bakery into a model train shop while, in an odd twist,  the nail shop next door was transformed into a . . . you guessed it, bakery!  Apparently, Monrovia Bakery did not have the exact look that producers desired for the shoot and they felt that they would be better able to redress the nail shop than redecorate the real life bakery into the image that they wanted.  So, a false rear wall was constructed inside of the nail shop and a myriad of bakery cases and bakery equipment was brought in for the filming, when all the while all of those exact same things could be found already in place right next door!  I will never understand production decisions like that, I swear!  Winking smile


    Monrovia Bakery was also featured in the 1988 made-for-TV movie Rock ‘n’ Roll Mom and in a television pilot starring That ‘70s Show’s Laura Prepon that was, unfortunately, never picked up.

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    While we were stalking the bakery, some set dressers came to start preparing the premises for filming, which included putting up the above-pictured “Ellie’s Bakery” sign over Monrovia Bakery’s real life front awning.  So incredibly cool!

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    Pictured above are some photographs that my dad took this past Monday afternoon during the filming of Iceland.  The shoot took place in front of the Monrovia Library and involved a wedding scene of some sort.  From what the owner of the Monrovia Bakery told me, in the pilot of Iceland, Kerry Bishe’s character decides to go on with her wedding, even though her fiancé has just recently passed away.  I believe that is the scene they were filming above.


    Stars Kerry Bishe, Jack Gilford, and John Boyd were all on set on Monday.

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    And my dad managed to snap some great shots of both Kerry . . .

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    . . . and Zach.  I sent the pictures over to my friend Christine at fave website OnLocationVacations on Monday afternoon and after she looked at them she said that my dad should seriously consider becoming a paparazzi!  Love it!  Smile 

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    On a Kerry Bishe side note – In one of the actress’ very first film roles, she portrayed the twenty-something woman shown looking into a department store window while Carrie Bradshaw (aka Sarah Jessica Parker) says in one of her famous voiceovers, “Year after year, twenty-something women come to New York City in search of the two L’s – Labels and Love” in the opening scene of Sex and the City: The Movie.  So incredibly cool!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Monrovia Bakery, from the new Iceland pilot and the “Seven Twenty Three” episode of Mad Men, is located at 506 South Myrtle Avenue in Monrovia.  The Irish Gardener, aka Wentworth Furniture Store from Mad Men, is located next door at 504 South Myrtle Avenue.

  • The Beethoven House


    Got a challenge from Debbie a few weeks back to find the house used in the 1992 movie Beethoven and its many subsequent sequels.  Debbie had just read my post on the Camden house from the television series 7th Heaven  and was struck by how similar it looked to the home used in the Beethoven movies.   Due to their similarities, she thought the two houses might be located in the same neighborhood and wanted me to find out.  Well, while Debbie was certainly right that the Beethoven house does bear a striking resemblance to the 7th Heaven home, the two are actually located about 25 miles apart from each other. Mike, from MovieShotsLA, had actually shown me the Beethoven house a few months back during one of our many stalking trips.  I had yet to blog about it, though, as I could not seem to find a copy of the movie anywhere and I needed one to make screen captures.  For some reason, none of the Blockbuster stores in my area carry the title.  Ugh!  Then, last week, out of the blue, my fiancé caught an airing of Beethoven’s 2nd on TV, remembered that I had been looking for a copy of the movie, and TiVo’d it for me.  Yay!  I’m so glad I’m marrying this guy!!!  🙂 





    I am very happy to report that the Beethoven house looks EXACTLY the same today as it did back in 1992 when the movie was filmed – right down to the exterior paint color!!!  So love it!  In fact the ONLY difference I noticed between the onscreen house and the real life house were the trees in the front yard. Today those trees are considerably larger than they were at the time of filming, which isn’t at all surprising being that the movie was shot over 17 years ago. 



    Interestingly enough, fellow stalker Amanda told me that when she went on the Universal Studios Hollywood Tour a few years back, her guide pointed out a home on the Wisteria Lane set (which was then known as “Colonial Street”) and said that it was used in the Beethoven  movies.  And while it’s quite possible that a replica of the real life home was re-created on the Universal backlot and used for some filming, I believe that the majority of the exterior scenes were actually shot at the real life house in South Pasadena.  According to this fabulous website, the Wisteria Lane set was  in fact used in the first Beethoven movie, but not for any of the house scenes.  Apparently, the backlot street was featured in the scene when the dogs escape out of the back of a van.


    Surprisingly enough, I’ve never actually seen any of the Beethoven movies, so I am not sure how many of the installments were filmed at this house.  I do know for sure that it was used in the first Beethoven movie and in Beethoven’s 2nd, but from what I’ve been able to discern online, the other four sequels (yes, the movie had a total of FIVE sequels!) were filmed elsewhere.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It:  The Beethoven House is located at 1405 Milan Avenue in South Pasadena.  The home from the 1970’s television series Family  is located just up the road from the Beethoven  house at 1230 Milan Avenue.