Tag: architecture

  • The Schaffer Residence from “A Single Man”


    A couple of weeks ago, I dragged my new husband out to stalk an architecturally and cinematically famous house located in Glendale at the base of the Verdugo Mountains – the John Lautner-designed Schaffer Residence which appeared in fashion designer Tom Ford’s directorial debut, A Single Man.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Gary from England, who immediately set about cyberstalking the residence after watching the flick back in February of this year.  And even though I’ve never actually seen A Single Man – I try to avoid any and all movies that have a depressing subject matter – because I am a HUGE fan of legendary architect John Lautner and because the house is simply gorgeous, I just had to stalk it.

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    The two bedroom, two bath Schaffer Residence, which was originally built in 1949, measures 1,698 square feet and sits on a heavily wooded quarter acre of land.  The home was constructed entirely out of steel, glass, redwood, and concrete and boasts an open floor plan with glass walls, which several websites have described as “transparent”.  Apparently being in the home makes one feel as if they are actually outside.  The house is so spectacular, that according to the John Lautner Foundation website, both architects Frank Gehry and Frank Escher consider the Schaffer house to be among their most favorite abodes ever created.  Sadly, though, as you can see in the above photographs, not much of the house is visible from the street.


    Nor is much visible from Bing’s aerial views, either.  🙁

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    Thankfully though, the Schaffer Residence is currently for sale (for a cool $1,495,000 and as fellow stalker Gary said in his email to me, “I am saving as I type!!!!!”) and there are plenty of pictures of the property on its real estate website.  You can also check out some fabulous photographs of the interior of the home on the Big Shed website here.  As you can see above, the Schaffer house is a post-modern masterpiece, stunning in its detail, and with its wood, steel, and glass features, is very reminiscent of both the abode belonging to Sebastian Stark (aka James Woods) on the television series Shark and the residence where Ted Crawford (aka Anthony Hopkins) lived in the movie Fracture.

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    In A Single Man, which premiered last year, the Schaffer Residence stands in for the Santa Monica-area home of Professor George Falconer (aka Colin Firth), and both the exterior  . . .

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    . . .  and the interior of the property were used quite extensively in the filming.  When I skimmed through A Single Man earlier today to make the above screen captures, I was actually surprised to see how the home was portrayed onscreen.  In the movie, George’s house is very dark and dreary, which is ironic being that, in reality, a huge part of what makes the home so special and unique are the large plate-glass windows which bathe the interior of the property in an exorbitant amount of natural light.  As depicted in the real estate photographs and in all that I’ve read about the dwelling online, in real life the Schaffer residence is bright and airy – not at all how it appeared in A Single Man.  In fact, after seeing how it was depicted onscreen, I’m quite surprised that director Tom Ford chose to use the home at all in the movie.  I would have assumed that he’d want to film at a house that, at the very least, had less windows.  But what do I know?  😉  

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    The Schaffer Residence also made an appearance in the ultra-strange 2005 dramedy Happy Endings as the residence where Charley (aka Steve Coogan) and Gil (David Sutcliffe) lived.

    On a side note – If you want to see photographs of the house where Charley (aka Julianne Moore) lived in A Single Man, you can do so on MovieShotsLA.



    On another  side note – A Single Man director Tom Ford also just so happens to be the designer behind my girl Jennifer Aniston’s favorite sunglasses – the “Tom Ford Jennifer sunglasses” (pictured above).  Jen loves the glasses so much, in fact, that legend has it that Tom even named them after her.  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to own a pair of those!  🙂 

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Gary for finding this location!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Schaffer Residence from A Single Man is located at 527 Whiting Woods Way in Glendale.  You can check out the home’s real estate website here.

  • Holly’s Nashua House from “The Office”


    Another location from The Office that I stalked recently was the supposed Nashua, New Hampshire-area house that Holly Flax moved into in the Season 5 episode titled “Employee Transfer”.  I found this location, yet again, thanks to fellow stalker Owen who went on a mission a while back to try to track down as many Office locales as possible.  So, thank you, Owen!  Ironically enough, though, I actually didn’t need his help on this one because as soon as I first saw the “Employee Transfer” episode, I was fairly certain that the Nashua house scenes had been filmed either on or near Carroll Avenue in the Angelino Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles – an area which boasts the city’s largest concentration of Victorian-era  homes.  I was already quite familiar with Carroll Avenue and its architecture as the haunted house from Michael Jackson’s Thriller video and the Halliwell residence from the television series Charmed are both located there.  And, sure enough, my stalking instincts were right on!  While Holly’s house is not actually located on Carroll Avenue, it can be found just around the corner from it.


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    In the “Employee Transfer” episode, Michael Scott (aka Steve Carell) and Darryl Philbin (aka the hilarious Craig Robinson) move Michael’s girlfriend Holly Flax (aka Amy Ryan) into her new home in Nashua, after she has been transferred back to the Dunder Mifflin branch where she formerly worked.

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    And I am very happy to report that the residence looks EXACTLY the same in person as it did on the show.  Holly’s house is absolutely GORGEOUS and it is not very hard to see why producers chose to film there, although, in my mind at least, it looks far more like a San Francisco-area home than one that would be found in Nashua.  I’ve never been to New Hampshire, though, so don’t quote me on that one.  😉 


    Holly’s Nashua house, which is known as the Jesse Hall Residence in real life, actually has quite a bit of history to it, as do most properties in the neighborhood.  The Hall Residence was designed by contractor John M. Skinner in 1887 for $6,000 and it is a carbon copy of the property located directly to the east of it, which is known as the Henry G. Hall Residence.  Because the homes are identical in appearance and were both owned by families with the last name of Hall, they are known in architectural circles as “the Hall Twins”.  And while the house was originally a single-family dwelling, in 1915 Jesse Hall’s son, Tracey, transformed the property into a duplex and it remains so to this day.  The Hall Twins were both designated Historic-Cultural Monuments in June of 1979.  You can read more about their history on the Big Orange Landmarks blog here.

    On an Office side note – EW Magazine is reporting that Amy Ryan will be back for a whopping eight episodes during the show’s upcoming seventh season.  YAY!  You can watch a clip of Amy appearing on fave show Chelsea Lately in which she talks about how she landed her recurring role as Michael Scott’s love interest  Holly Flax.  Apparently, after she was nominated for an Oscar for the movie Gone, Baby, Gone, she told her agent that she wanted to use her newfound Hollywood clout to land a guest spot on The Office, which was her favorite show.  She ended up landing the part of Holly and when she arrived on the set the first day and told Rainn Wilson the story of how she booked the role, he told her “You really should aim higher.”  LOL  I first watched that interview long before I had ever seen an episode of The Office and remember being absolutely fascinated by the fact that Amy loved the show THAT much.  But now that I’ve become an Office devotee, I TOTALLY get it.  If I was nominated for an Oscar, I, too, would so try to use my clout to land a role on that show.  🙂


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Holly Flax’s Nashua house from The Office is located at 1347 Kellam Avenue in the Angelino Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles.  The house from Michael Jackson’s Thriller video is located just around the corner at 1345 Carroll Avenue and the Charmed residence is located at 1329 Carroll Avenue.

  • The Santa Barbara County Courthouse from “It’s Complicated”


    Two weekends ago, my fiancé and I headed up to Santa Barbara to spend the Fourth of July holiday with some friends.  And just minutes before we left, fellow stalker Kerry texted me to let me know that the 2009 romantic comedy It’s Complicated had been filmed in the area, just in case I wanted to do some stalking while I was there.  Well, let me tell you, I just about died upon hearing that and even though I had yet to see the movie, I spent the entire ninety minute drive up to Santa Barbara researching It’s Complicated filming locations on my blackberry so that we could stalk them as soon as we arrived.  As it turns out, though, not all is at it seems, for while the movie was set in Santa Barbara, very little of it was actually filmed there.  Oddly enough, over ninety percent of the flick was lensed in New York of all places!  I was absolutely shocked when I heard that as I honestly can’t think of a place that is more diametrically opposed to Santa Barbara than New York City,  aesthetically speaking at least.  Anyway, one of the main Santa Barbara locations featured in the movie was the historic county courthouse, so I dragged my fiancé right over there pretty much immediately after we checked into our hotel.

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    And I have to say that I just about died when I saw the place as it is absolutely GORGEOUS!  I’ve actually been to Santa Barbara countless times in the past as it is one of my family’s favorite vacation spots, but for some reason I had yet to ever visit the courthouse.  So, I am extremely grateful to It’s Complicated, because otherwise I might never have seen the place and it is definitely a must-see Santa Barbara attraction!  🙂  The Santa Barbara Courthouse was first dedicated on August 14, 1929 and was designed by William Mooser III.  It was built after the great 1925 earthquake completely leveled the county’s original courthouse.  Apparently, that first courthouse had been designed in the Greek Revival-style, which is mind-boggling to me as pretty much all of Santa Barbara is either Spanish or Moorish in design.  According to the National Historic Landmarks Program, the courthouse which now stands was the catalyst for the Spanish architecture that now dominates the area, so it is amazing to think about how architecturally different the city would have been had that first courthouse not been destroyed!  I can’t even imagine it!


    Inside, the building looks much more like a museum than it does an actual working courthouse.  In fact, when we first walked in, I was convinced that the property was no longer in use, but it actually still is!  Can you even imagine serving jury duty in a place that looks like that???  Would make for a much more enjoyable experience than serving at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in Downtown L.A., I can tell you that!  😉  The Santa Barbara County Courthouse features vast archways and long sweeping hallways,


    intricate tiling with wrought-iron detailing,


    elaborately painted ceilings,

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    and a HUGE sunken garden. 


    I was most taken with the property’s historic detailing, though, like its old-school “Quiet, court is in session” signs,


    wooden telephone booths,


    and colorfully-painted court directory signs.    LOVE IT!

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    The courthouse also features an 85-foot tall clock tower which is accessible to the public.  The tower formerly housed the solitary confinement chamber of the now-defunct jailhouse which used to be located on the premises.  It now offers visitors unsurpassed 360-degree views of the city and Pacific Ocean beyond.  My fiancé and I almost neglected to visit the tower as we were feeling a bit lazy due to the heat and let me tell you what a mistake that would have been!  Take my advice – no stalk of the courthouse can be considered complete without a climb up to that tower!!!  The views are simply breathtaking!


    The Santa Barbara County Courthouse is actually only featured very briefly in It’s Complicated, in a scene in which Jane Adler (aka Meryl Streep) is shown shopping at a local farmers’ market while making a phone call to her ex-husband, Jake Adler (aka Alec Baldwin).  And when I say very briefly, I mean VERY briefly – the scene only lasted a scant 17 seconds.  Not kidding!  It is amazing to me that producers not only rented out the entire Santa Barbara County Courthouse, but also set up an elaborate set and hired a few dozen extras to film a scene that took up less than twenty seconds of film!  I mean, couldn’t Jane have made that phone call to her ex-husband from anywhere?  Did they really need to create the whole farmers’ market scenario?  But I digress.  Anyway, the It’s Complicated scene was filmed in the sunken garden area of the courthouse which, unfortunately, does not actually host farmers’ markets in real life.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Santa Barbara County Courthouse is located at 1100 Anacapa Street in Santa Barbara.  You can visit the Courthouse’s official website here.

  • Amanda’s House from “The Holiday”


    I thought I’d mix it up a bit today by forgoing blogging about one of the many Pacific Northwest locations that I stalked while in Vancouver and Seattle two weeks ago, in order to write about a residence that can be found right here in the San Gabriel Valley – the mansion which belonged to Amanda (aka Cameron Diaz) in the 2006 romantic comedy The Holiday.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Nick, who had done some research on the subject and had managed to discern that the home featured in the movie was located somewhere in San Marino and had been designed in 1928 by legendary Los Angeles architect Wallace Neff.  According to Nick, Neff, along with his family, had even lived in the property at one point during the 1930’s.  So, I immediately headed over to my friend, and fellow stalker, E.J.’s website – The Movieland Directory – which has an entire page dedicated to Wallace Neff-designed homes in the L.A. area.  The Movieland Directory listed a total of three San Marino residences that the famed architect had once called home.  Because I had never seen The Holiday, I sent all three addresses to Nick to see if one of them was the mansion featured in the movie and, sure enough, one was!  YAY!  So, I immediately ran right out to stalk it and, then yesterday, finally sat down to watch The Holiday for the first time.  And I have to say that I absolutely LOVED it!!!  I have NO idea how I missed it when it first came out four years ago.  But I digress.


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    In person, The Holiday mansion is absolutely beautiful and absolutely humongous!  The Tuscan-style villa boasts 9 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and a whopping 10,324 square feet of living space!

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    The residence pops up quite a few times in The Holiday, especially the front entrance and second story balcony areas.

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    And while, for the most part, the mansion looks much the same as it did in the movie, there have been quite a few changes, including the front gate, which is now wrought-iron instead of wood . . .

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    . . . the front door which is now recessed . . .

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    . . . and the driveway area, to which a fountain had since been added.

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    And while I was fairly certain that the real life interior of the mansion had been used in the filming, according to IMDB’s trivia page for The Holiday, all of the interiors of the house were actually just sets that had been built on a soundstage and had cost a whopping $1 million to construct!


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    But as you can see in the above screen captures and aerial view, the home’s real life backyard and pool were actually used in the flick.


    On a side note – Sadly, the picturesque English cottage which belonged to Iris (aka Kate Winslet) in The Holiday does not actually exist in real life.  Both the interiors and the exteriors of the adorable little home were built solely for the filming of the movie.  You can see photographs of the construction of Iris’ cottage on fave website Hooked on Houses here.

    Big THANK YOU to Nick for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Cameron Diaz’s mansion from The Holiday is located at 1883 Orlando Road in San Marino.

  • Charlie’s Apartment Building from “Monster-in-Law”


    The third and final Monster-in-Law locale that I set out to find this past weekend was the supposed Venice Beach area apartment building where Charlie Cantilini (aka Jennifer Lopez) lived in the flick.  Fellow stalker Nick had already determined that the Spanish-style building was located somewhere in Hollywood, so from there I set out on a Google search using the terms “Mediterranean”, “apartments”, and “Hollywood”.  And I have to say that I got REALLY lucky on this one, because the first thing that popped up was this  link to a complex named “Mediterranean Apartments” on North Sycamore Avenue.  After looking at an aerial view of the building, I quickly determined that it was not, in fact, the Monster-in-Law locale that I had been searching for, but I did notice another apartment complex just a few doors down that looked an awful lot like Charlie’s. And sure enough, it was!  The stalking gods were definitely smiling on me during this search, because, honestly, what are the odds of tracking the building down so easily???  And, let me tell you, I almost fell over when I realized that not only had I already stalked Charlie’s apartment a few years prior, but I had even blogged about it!  More on that later, though.


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    In real life, Charlie’s apartment building is known as the El Cadiz and it is located in the heart of Hollywood, a good fifteen miles away from Venice Beach, it’s purported location in Monster-in-Law.   The building was constructed during the height of the Great Depression in 1936 by architect Milton J. Black and was named after the province of El Cadiz in the south of Spain.  According to the book Courtyard Housing in Los Angeles: A Typological Analysis, the complex has the distinction of being the very last Spanish Revival-style courtyard apartment building to be constructed in L.A.  In 2005, the Church of Scientology purchased the El Cadiz, and thanks to the community’s fear that the place would subsequently be torn down, just a few months later the City of Los Angeles declared it a Cultural Historic Monument, preserving its beauty for future generations to appreciate.  The El Cadiz is an absolutely gorgeous dwelling that boasts numerous Andalusian decorative elements including a red-tiled roof, covered balconies scattered throughout, large water fountains, arched doorways and windows, and a multitude of courtyards.  Sadly, though, none of those elements is visible from the street and what is visible is fairly non-descript, as you can see above.


    Even more unfortunate is that fact that not even Google maps can give us a very good view of the building.  🙁   But you can read a more in-depth history of the property and see a picture of its interior courtyard here.


    Charlie’s apartment building is only featured at the very beginning of Monster-in-Law, in the scenes which take place before she moves in with new-fiancé Kevin Fields (aka Michael Vartan). 


    Because of the way some scenes were filmed and because, according to the movie’s production notes, all of the apartments in the El Cadiz building were vacant and undergoing extensive renovations at the time of the filming, I am fairly certain that the real life interior of one of the units was used in the movie, too.

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    Coincidentally, the El Cadiz was also featured each week during the first two seasons of the immensely popular television series Alias, where it stood in for Sydney Bristow’s apartment.   (An even further coincidence is that both productions starred actor Michael Vartan!)  As I mentioned above, I actually stalked the place – and blogged about it! – back in February of ‘08, but because only the exterior of the complex was featured in Alias, while only the interior courtyard was featured in Monster-in-Law, I didn’t recognize that they were actually the same place.   


    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Nick for helping me find this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: El Cadiz, aka Charlie’s apartment building from Monster-in-Law and Sydney Bristow’s apartment building from Alias, is located at 1721-1731 North Sycamore Avenue in Hollywood.

  • Viola’s Mansion from “Monster-in-Law”


    The second Monster-in-Law location that I set my sights on tracking down this past weekend was the gargantuan mansion owned by Viola Fields (aka Jane Fonda) in the flick.  Once again, fellow stalker Nick had done most of the legwork on this one by discerning that the house was located in Pasadena and had been built in 1927 by famed Los Angeles-area architect Wallace Neff, the very same man who was responsible for designing King Gillette Ranch (aka the Biggest Loser Ranch) and the dwelling where Brad and Jen lived during most of their five year marriage.  But even though Nick had provided me with that wealth of information, for some reason, I had a very difficult time finding this particular residence.  As fate would have it, not only did Wallace Neff design quite a few homes in the Pasadena area, but the vast majority of them were Mediterranean in style and extremely similar in appearance to the Monster-in-Law mansion.  So, I once again headed over to fave bookstore Vroman’s with the hope that it could provide me with some Wallace Neff insight.  And, sure enough, it did!  As was the case with Kevin’s house from Monster-in-Law, which I blogged about yesterday, Viola’s mansion was chronicled in the very first book in which I looked – Wallace Neff: Architect of California’s Golden Age.


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    In real life, the Monster-in-Law mansion is known as the “George O. Noble House” and, as I mentioned above, it was designed by Wallace Neff in 1927.  The Spanish Revival-style abode boasts six bedrooms, five bathrooms, and a whopping 8,971 square feet of living space.  And, while it once sat on over three acres of land, much of the parcel was subdivided in later years and the property currently encompasses “only” 1.2 acres.  Sadly, though, not much of the residence is visible from the street.


    But, as I’ve said before, that’s why God created aerial maps!  😉  As you can see in the above image, the George O. Noble House is not only stunning, but absolutely ginormous!


    The mansion was featured quite a few times in Monster-in-Law . . .


    . . . most notably in the scene in which Charlie Cantilini (aka Jennifer Lopez) and Kevin Fields (aka Michael Vartan) get married.


    And, thanks to a photograph provided in the book Architectural Realism, you can see that the mansion’s real life interior was also used in the flick. 


    The George O. Noble House also appeared in the 2009 horror flick Drag Me to Hell as the residence belonging to Clay Dalton’s (aka Justin Long’s) parents.  And, as was the case with Monster-in-Law, the real life interior of the residence was also used in the movie.


    A few other Monster-in-Law locations can also be found in the Pasadena area, including the Ross House, which I blogged about yesterday, and the Bundy House, aka the Governor’s mansion from Benson, which was used as the home of one of Charlie’s dog walking employers (pictured above).  And, yes, I did also find Charlie’s apartment building from Monster-in-Law.  Tune in tomorrow for that location.  🙂


    Big THANK YOU to Nick for helping me find this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The George O. Noble house, aka Viola’s mansion from Monster-in-Law, is located at 675 Burleigh Drive in Pasadena.  The Governor’s Mansion from Benson is located at 1365 South Oakland Avenue in Pasadena.

  • The Firehouse from “Ghostbusters”


    This past weekend while doing some stalking in Downtown L.A. I dragged my fiancé out to see an oft-used filming location that has long been at the top of my “To-Stalk” list.  That location is known as Fire Station #23, a real life former working fire house that served as the offices of Dr. Raymond Stantz (aka Dan Aykroyd), Dr. Peter Venkman (aka Bill Murray), Dr. Egon Spengler (aka Harold Ramis), and Winston Zeddmore (aka Ernie Hudson) in the 1984 movie Ghostbusters.  And as fate would have it, when we pulled up to the now-defunct fire station, the caretaker of the property, an EXTREMELY nice man named Daniel Taylor, happened to be standing outside speaking with a student filmmaker.  So, I, of course, struck up a conversation with him and asked if it might be alright if I stepped inside to take a look around and snap a few photographs.  And, let me tell you, I just about fell over from excitement when Daniel told me to go right in!  YAY!




    Fire Station #23 actually has quite a storied, and sometimes scandalous, history.  The structure, which first opened on October 2, 1910, was designed by the prominent architectural firm of Hudson & Munsell and served as the headquarters of the Los Angeles Fire Department for over a decade.  The three story building, which cost between $57,000 and $60,000 to construct and measured 26 feet wide, 167 feet deep and encompassed 13,600 square feet of space, has been mired in controversy ever since the day it was first dedicated.  In the beginning, angry citizens deemed the construction costs far too steep for a public building, especially since tax payers were footing the bill and considering the extravagance with which the place was built.   And it has been said that no other fire station in the country is as opulent.  The top floor of the structure housed the Fire Chief’s suite, an apartment which every fire chief from 1910 to 1928 called home.  The suite featured a marble bathroom complete with a double bathtub, Peruvian mahogany wall paneling, imported Italian tile detailing, oak flooring, a private elevator, a brass bed, a roof garden, a marble fireplace, and French bevel glass mirrors.  The second floor contained the captain’s dwelling, a library with built-in bookshelves, and bunks for twenty firefighters.  The bottom floor contained an open arcade with enamel tiled walls, 21 foot high pressed tin ceilings, and stalls to accommodate ten horses.  Pretty amazing for a fire house, huh?  The Los Angeles Times even dubbed the place “the Taj Mahal of fire stations”.


    Fire Station #23 remained in operation for fifty years, whereupon its men responded to over 60,000 fires.  But with the city moving towards building more modernized stations, Engine Truck Company #23 closed its doors for good on November 23rd, 1960.  Because a station in Pacific Palisades adopted the “23” company number, the shuttered station took on the name “Old 23”.  For the next six years, the fire department utilized the space for medial records storage and as a training facility.  In 1966, the same year it became a City of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument, the fire house was shut down by the department completely.  For the next ten years, as the area surrounding the building became more and more impoverished, the station fell into serious disrepair and suffered from extreme vandalism and looting.  In 1979, the Fire Commission decided to renovate the property and eventually turn it into a firehouse museum.  A non-profit organization named Olde 23 was set up to oversee the restoration process and to raise funds for the massive undertaking.  In 1980, the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places.  Nine years later, though, in 1988, the plans for turning Old #23 into a museum were nixed and the city opened their Los Angeles Fire Department Museum at a location in Hollywood instead.


    Seven years later controversy came raining down upon the fire house once again when Los Angeles Times staff writer Robert J. Lopez authored a front page article accusing the Olde 23 corporation of misuse of funds.  According to the article, Olde 23 had been collecting massive amounts of money (over $210,000 to be exact) thanks to the numerous film shoots that had taken place on the premises over the years.  Not only had the company failed to turn that money over to the city, though, but no one had even informed the city that any sort of filming was going on.  Being that a city department is responsible for handing out film permits, I’m not quite sure how this even happened, but I guess it’s just another case of a beaurocracy’s right hand not knowing what the left is doing.  Causing further scandal was the fact that even though the city had moved the museum location to a different site seven years prior, Olde 23 was still collecting not only filming fees that would supposedly go into the museum fund, but also donations for the project.  AND (yes, there’s more!) the supposed non-profit was ALSO collecting filming fees from production companies for shoots that were taking place at other firehouses in the area – firehouses that the Olde 23 company had no jurisdiction over!  LOL  Talk about a sh*tstorm!!  😉  President and C.E.O. of the Olde 23 company was none other than Los Angeles Fire Chief Donald O. Manning himself, who resigned from his post just 8 days after Lopez’s newspaper article hit the stands.   Following his resignation, Fire Station #23 continued to host film shoots, with the money going to the City of Los Angeles, the property’s rightful owner.  Just this past September, though, the building was designated surplus property and the city is considering selling it to several different private investors, including a restaurant developer and a non-profit arts education group.


    Daniel Taylor, who has been caretaker of the property since 1985 and who the city is currently trying to evict, has different plans for the building, though.  He recently formed the Corporation for History, Arts, and Culture (CHAC) with the hopes of restoring the old firehouse to its original grandeur for use as both a cultural center and a filming location.  He estimates the restoration project to cost upwards of $8 million and is trying to raise funds now.  If you would like to learn more about the cause, you can do so on CHAC’s official website.  And while the future of the historic firehouse remains to be seen, in the meantime I highly recommend stalking it as it is a truly beautiful and unique building.


    In Ghostbusters, the exterior of the gang’s headquarters (pictured above) was actually filmed at Hook & Ladder Company #8 located at 14 North Moore Street in New York.









    But for the interior filming, cast and crew came to Fire Station #23 in Downtown Los Angeles.  And I am happy to report that the interior looks almost exactly the same today as it did in 1984 when Ghostbusters was filmed!  Amazing!



    The boys’ back office area is not there in real life, though, and I am assuming it was just a set that was added solely for the filming.




    The upstairs of the firehouse was used in the filming, as well, but unfortunately I didn’t get to see that area while I was there.




    Five years later cast and crew returned to Fire Station #23 once again to film the interior scenes for Ghostbusters II.




    And I just about died when I spotted the wooden wall adornment pictured above, which was featured in the sequel.  So cool!







    The firehouse was also featured in 1994’s The Mask, in which it doubled as Jim Carrey’s deceitful car mechanic’s office.





    He later vandalizes the place after turning into “The Mask”.




    In 2003’s National Security, the firehouse was used as the location of Earl Montgomery (aka Martin Lawrence) and Hank Rafferty (aka Steve Zahn’s) stakeout.  Only the exterior of the building and a very small portion of the interior (pictured above) were featured in that shoot, though.  Firehouse #23 has also appeared in V.I. Warshawski, Police Academy 2, Flatliners, Set It Off, RE(e)volution, Big Trouble in Little China, in the television series Firehouse, and in the Season 4 episode of The A-Team entitled “The Road to Hope”.  All in all, it has been featured in more than 50 commercial, television, movie, and music video productions over the years.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Fire Station #23, aka the firehouse from Ghostbusters, is located at 225 East Fifth Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  Unfortunately, the station is not in the safest of areas, so please exercise caution if you choose to stalk it.  You can visit the CHAC Fire Station #23 website here.

  • The “Fracture” House


    A few weeks ago, while doing some cyberstalking, I came across a fabulous filming locations database named Unreel Locations and I just about died when I saw a listing for what the site referred to as “The Fracture House”.  I immediately recognized the property as the ultra modern abode where Ted Crawford (aka Anthony Hopkins) lived in the 2007 flick – a location which I had long been wanting to stalk.  Unfortunately though, Unreel Locations didn’t specify where the residence was located, so I had to call in the usual suspects – aka Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and fellow stalker Owen – to help me track it down.  And as expected, it wasn’t long before Owen was emailing me back with an address!  YAY!  Owen actually began his search for the home in an unlikely place – on the IMDB Fracture filming locations page – a site which doesn’t always serve up the most accurate of information.  But there was a notation on the page stating that Fracture had been filmed in Encino, so Owen decided it was as good a starting point as any.  From there he began Googling “Encino” and “Fracture filming location” and fairly quickly stumbled upon this real estate listing which advertised a vacant piece of property located “next to the famous Sherman House featured in the movie Fracture”.  From there it was just a matter of searching the area next to the vacant lot.  And voila, the Fracture house was found!  Thank you, Owen!  🙂 







    For those who have yet to see Fracture (and I highly recommend that you do – it’s a FABULOUS flick), Ted Crawford’s house is simply breathtaking in it and, in my humble opinion at least, is the real star of the film.  Both the inside . . .





    . . .  and the outside of the Sherman Estate were featured extensively in the movie and several weeks were actually spent shooting on location at the home.  Of the property, Fracture director Gregory Hoblit says, “It must be 80% glass, supported by struts, but you can see from one of the house all the way to the other, all the way through it, side to side, end to end, anywhere you go.  It would be a little unnerving to live in a house like that, but fortunately it’s pretty well-hidden.”   And while Hoblit enjoyed filming at the home and all of the unique camera angles the open, almost transparent-seeming property allowed him, cinematographer Kramer Morgenthau had a different opinion.  “It was very film-unfriendly,” he says, “but it was worth every bit of effort and heartbreak and stepping on top of each other.  It was a classic, Schindler-influenced building, where the interiors and exteriors flowed from one to the other, but it was not easy.”  Openness and glass walls on a movie set are usually big no-nos, as crew members need places to hide themselves and their large camera equipment behind, so I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been to film at the Sherman Estate.  In this case, though, I think it was worth the extra effort as the house is absolutely unforgettable.  You can read a great article on the filming of Fracture here.


    In reality, the 3 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 5,472 square foot Sherman Estate, which sits on 4 acres of land, was built in 2001 by architect Peter Tolkien and the Scanlon Construction Company for Jerome and Zina Sherman.  The “Zen-serenity” aura of the award-winning home was inspired by some Bali and Thailand area hotels where the couple had spent many a vacation.  The house, which was built almost entirely out of wood, concrete, and glass and in which every room opens up to the outdoors, was constructed as a one-story dwelling because as Jerome said in the September 2004 issue of Better Homes and Gardens, “The older I get the more forgetful I am.  I didn’t was to be constantly going up and down stairs to find my glasses.”   The property also includes a 1,500 foot guest house, a tennis court, a pool and hot tub, and a veritable forest of orange, oak, sycamore, and Deodar trees.  I honestly can’t say enough about this house.  It is truly a work of art! 





    Sadly, though, not very much of it can be seen from the street.  🙁  It was still very cool to stalk the house nonetheless, but oh, what I wouldn’t give to see the inside of that place in person!  You can see some great photographs of the interior of the property here and here





    The Sherman Estate also popped up very briefly as one of the homes that Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni robbed in the 2005 movie Fun With Dick and Jane.

    A big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Fracture house, aka the Sherman Estate, is located at 4411 Noeline Avenue in Encino.  You can see interior pictures of it here.

  • The Zeta House from House Bunny


    Last week, thanks to fellow stalker Owen, I was able to stalk the Zeta House from the 2008 movie House Bunny.   Owen actually found this location without ever even having seen the film, which takes some pretty major stalking skills, I tell you!!!!   He happened to notice the house while watching a House Bunny  preview and, because of its unique and distinct look, set about on a mission to locate it.  Which he did in record time!  And even though I didn’t particularly like House Bunny all that much, once Owen told me where the house was located, I just HAD to stalk it.  🙂  I do have to say, though, that I did absolutely LOVE Anna Faris in the movie. I laugh out loud EVERY TIME I hear her do that scary-deep-voice-to-remember-a-name thing.  LOL LOL LOL 



    The House Bunny  house is absolutely GINORMOUS in person, much larger than it appears onscreen.  It’s so huge that pictures don’t even really do it justice, in fact!  It’s easily one of the biggest houses I’ve ever seen in my life!!!!  Other than its size, though, I am happy to report that the House Bunny house looks exactly the same in person as it did in the movie.  🙂 



    Well, until the girls painted it blue towards the middle of the film, that is.    



    And, of course, in real life there is no ZETA sign.  🙂



    The house shows up several times throughout the movie, most notably as the location where Anna Faris does her absolutely HILARIOUS Marilyn-Monroe-over-the-subway-grate impersonation!  LOL LOL LOL


    I highly recommend stalking the House Bunny  house.  The home itself is just so unique and distinct, that even if you didn’t like the movie it’s still worth the trip.  🙂  The house is also located on a pretty amazing street that is chock full of HUMONGOUS Craftsman style homes.  Walking around the neighborhood it’s easy to forget that you are just one small block away from the hustle and bustle of the 10 Freeway.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It:  The Zeta House from House Bunny  is located at 2151 West 20th Street in Los Angeles.