Tag: Altadena

  • On The Set of “CSI: Miami”


    This past Friday, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, took the day off from work so that the two of us could do a little stalking.  For whatever reason, though, for the first time ever we didn’t come up with any sort of plan or itinerary beforehand of where we were going to go or what we going to stalk.  And it’s a good thing we didn’t, either, because fate stepped in and the two of us wound up stumbling upon the cast and crew of CSI: Miami filming on location in Altadena.  YAY!  Earlier that morning, Mike and I had stopped by my parents’ house to ask my dad to accompany us to Altadena Drive so that he could take a few pictures of us in front of Casa Walsh from Beverly Hills, 90210. I am in the process of creating a slideshow for my wedding in August and because Mike is one of my groomsmen :), I wanted to get a picture of the two of us together in front of our very favorite stalking location.  Anyway, while driving to the Walsh residence we passed by a very large production crew and, of course, just had to pull over to find out what was being filmed.    Amazingly enough, it turned out to be my dad’s very favorite show, CSI: Miami.  I should explain here that I, too, love me some CSI: Miami.  Like LOVE it, never miss an episode, was screaming in delight when Calleigh and Eric finally got together last season.  But I think it’s safe to say that my love for the show greatly pales in comparison to my dad’s.  As I mentioned the last time we stumbled upon the filming of the show back in January of ‘09, my father is absolutely, one hundred percent obsessed with the series – it is his favorite show of all time.   CSI: Miami is his Beverly Hills, 90210. So, it goes without saying that he was ABSOLUTELY THRILLED when we stumbled upon it being filmed yet again.  Anyway, as Mike, my dad, and I made our way to the set we passed by a security guard and asked him if it would be OK if we watched the filming.  He not only told us to make ourselves at home (YAY!), but also pointed out the fact that Jonathan Togo, who plays Ryan Wolfe on the series, was standing about two feet in front of us.  So, we immediately walked up to him and asked if he’d be willing to snap a picture.  Well, let me tell you, Jonathan was SO INCREDIBLY NICE and not only posed for pics, but marched us right over to the set, introduced us to everyone, and gave us our own personal tour of the place!!!!!   He literally could NOT have been more sweet, more upbeat, more friendly, or more charming and was EASILY one of the NICEST celebrities I have ever had the pleasure of meeting!   I so heart Jonathan Togo!  😉    He even came over to check up on us several times while we were on the set to make sure we were having a good time.  At one point I mentioned to him how I had chosen my wedding photographer based on the fact that an episode of CSI: Miami had been filmed in his studio (yes, Rob Greer, the photographer whose studio was featured in the “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs” episode of CSI: Miami is photographing our wedding!) and Jonathan laughed and said, “WOW, you guys really are fans!”  😉




    The scene that was being filmed on Friday centered around the investigation of a fire at a “Miami” area home.  While we were watching the filming, I happened to comment on how realistic the fire damage was.  Well, one of the crew members started laughing and told me that movie magic wasn’t responsible for the burn marks, but that the house had actually been involved in a real life fire last April!  I thought he was pulling my leg at first, but as it turns out there really was a fire at the residence just about ten months ago.  You can see photographs of it on fave website Altadenablog here.  Apparently, the CSI: Miami location manager was in Altadena scouting homes to be used in the episode, when he spotted the charred remains of above pictured house and realized it would be perfect for the show!  I mean, honestly, what are the odds of that?


    The makeup in the episode was also incredibly realistic. Pictured above is one of the guest stars, whose hands were supposed to have been burned in the fire.  Even close up his injuries looked incredibly real!  It was unbelievable!


    While we were watching the filming, my dad happened to spot actor John Beasley who played Coach Warren in one of his all time favorite movies, 1993’s Rudy.  I mean, honestly, could the day have gotten any better for my dad??  John, who was guest starring in the episode being filmed, also could NOT have been nicer and happily posed for photographs with all of us.  🙂


    Also on hand filming on Friday was Emily Procter, who plays Calleigh Duquesne on the show, but we unfortunately did not get a photograph with her, and actress Robin Bartlett, who played Debbie Buchman on Mad About You.


    Unfortunately, David Caruso was not on the set on Friday, but one of the crew members mentioned that he would be there the following Monday and that we were welcome to come back if we wanted to.  IF we wanted to????  Duh!  Of course we did!  So, bright and early Monday morning, I headed up to Altadena once again to do a bit more CSI: Miami stalking.  🙂


    On the set on Monday was Eddie Cibrian, who is SUPER cute in person!  Those dimples!  Sigh!


    And Eve LaRue, who remembered us from our last set visit and who, just like last time, was as sweet as could be.  🙂


    And, of course, the man himself, David Caruso!  My dad had actually had a bad night this past Sunday – as I’ve mentioned before, he suffers from pancreatitis – and when I went to pick him up on Monday morning to go to the set, he was still not feeling well.  So, I had to venture over to the filming by myself.  Before I left, though, my dad asked me to bring the photograph we took last January with Mr. Caruso to the set.  The now-framed photograph is a prized possession of my dad’s and it inhabits prime real estate on his desk at home and he was hoping that Mr. Caruso would sign it for him.   And I am happy to report that, much like what happened back in January, when I got to the set on Monday, David Caruso immediately walked up to me to introduce himself and shake my hand, which is such a rare occasion on a film set.  In most instances, fans have to seek the stars out during breaks from filming, but on CSI: Miami, the opposite is true – the stars often walk up to the fans to introduce themselves and say hi.  It is AMAZING!  Anyway, I explained to DC that we had met him about a year ago and that my dad is a HUGE fan of his and asked if he’d be willing to sign the photo.


    Mr. Caruso not only happily obliged, but also gave me some autographed photographs of himself, a Horatio bobble head, and the above pictured Lance Armstrong-style “Horatio” bracelet.  LOVE IT!   That bracelet is now prominently placed around the gearshift in my car.  🙂   Anyway, later on in the afternoon I returned to my parents’ house to see if my dad was feeling any better, which he was, so I brought him back to the set.  Well, as soon as Mr. Caruso saw my dad, he walked right up and gave him a HUGE hug.  From that point on, he came over to talk to us pretty much between every single take and was so incredibly nice and down to earth that it was almost unbelievable!  I honestly can’t say this enough – David Caruso has got to be the NICEST guy in show business!



    Jonathan Togo was also on the set on Monday and remembered me from the previous Friday.  I think he thought I was a little nutso to have returned to the set to watch MORE of the filming, because at one point he walked up and said, “You HAVE to be at least a little bored!  Just a little bit!  Come on, admit it!”  But I could honestly sit for HOURS and watch productions being filmed.  The entire process and everything that goes into it – from the  hundreds of crew members and extensive camera equipment . . .





    . . . to the actual filming – absolutely fascinates me, especially if it’s for a show I watch regularly.  I honestly can’t get enough of it!










    As I mentioned last January, the entire cast and crew of CSI: Miami is fun and friendly, almost unbelievably so.  Mike also said that in all his years of living in Los Angeles and of all the sets he had visited in the past, he had NEVER seen one quite like theirs.  As you can see in the above pictures, there is definitely a very jovial feeling on set and you’d be hard pressed to find a time when the cast and crew is not laughing or cracking jokes with each other, even during difficult scenes.  At one point yesterday, they were trying to film a scene which involved a tricky camera maneuver that just didn’t seem to be working.  They had to film the scene numerous times and even through the frustration of it all, they were STILL laughing and kidding each other between takes!  LOVE IT!


    Both Friday and Monday were absolutely incredible days for me and my dad.  I literally could not drag him away from the set yesterday, and he typically hates that sort of thing, so it was very cool for me to see him enjoying himself at a filming.  Especially when he has been so sick lately.  As I said after our last set visit, being with the cast and crew CSI: Miami provided him with the kind of healing that just can’t be found in a doctor’s office or a hospital building.  🙂  I honestly can’t thank them all enough.  When we left the set yesterday, David Caruso said, “I hope to see you guys again the next time we are in Pasadena.”  H – you can count on it!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: CSI: Miami was filmed at 1838 East Braeburn Road in Altadena, just down the street from the Walsh’s Minnesota house from Beverly Hills, 90210, which is located at 1640 Braeburn Rd.  Look for the CSI: Miami episode to air sometime in April.

  • The Walsh Family’s Minnesota House from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    One Beverly Hills, 90210 location that both Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I have long wanted to stalk was the Walsh Family’s former Minnesota residence which briefly appeared in the Season Four episode entitled “So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye”.  Sadly, though, because no address number or background information which would point us to the home’s location were visible in the episode, we had no idea where to even begin looking.  So, this past week I called upon the usual suspects, fellow stalkers Owen and Chas, to help us track down the residence.  And sure enough, they did!  Chas ended up getting into contact with a former 90210 crew member who remembered that the home was located somewhere in Altadena, in the very same vicinity as Casa Walsh.  So, Owen got to cyberstalking aerial views of the area and, voila, fairly quickly found the home!  YAY!  As it turns out, the “Minnesota” house is located a mere two blocks away from Casa Walsh, so it looks like when the Walsh’s moved, they didn’t go very far. 😉  And, let me tell you, once Owen gave me the address, I immediately hopped into my car and dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place!  As fate would have it, when we pulled up to the house, the owner – an incredibly nice woman named Judy – just happened to be standing outside, so I of course had to strike up a conversation with her.  🙂 




    Judy truly could not have been nicer and did not find it at all weird that I was stalking her home.  😉  She even shared some interesting tidbits of behind-the-scenes information with us, the most exciting of which was the fact that not only did her home appear in the “So Long, Farewell” episode of 90210, but also in the opening credits of the Season One episode entitled “The Green Room” – which you can watch here.   In the credits, the house is featured in one brief scene in which a mailman is shown picking up the Walsh’s forwarded mail from their snow covered former home in Minnesota.  For some reason, though, that particular segment appeared only in “The Green Room” episode’s opening credits and never again.  It’s too bad, too, because I think it would have been a really cute way to start off each show.  Judy told us that it was about 105 degrees in Altadena on the day that scene was filmed and that the producers were having a hard time keeping the “snow” – which in reality was just a soap suds mixture – from evaporating in the heat.








    In the “So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye” episode, Brenda returns to Minneapolis for the first time since her family’s move to Beverly Hills in order to begin her Freshman Year at the University of Minnesota.  Before school starts, Cindy takes Brenda to see their former home and she knocks on the front door, hoping to take a peek at her old bedroom, but unfortunately no one is home.  Is it while standing in the front yard of her former home, though, that Brenda first starts to have doubts about attending college in Minnesota.  Those doubts soon turn into all out misgivings and in the following episode she leaves Minnesota and heads back to Beverly Hills to attend CU with Brandon, Kelly, and the rest of the gang.  🙂


    In the scene, Brenda mentions that as kids she and Brandon used to play on a tire swing that their father had hung from a tree in their former home’s front yard.  So, I was absolutely floored when I noticed that the house had a swing hanging from a tree in the front yard in real life, too, as you can see in the above photograph.  So cool!


    Judy also told us that for the past eight years her family has hosted a huge – and I do mean HUGE – annual Halloween spectacular in their front yard, consisting of a 40 foot maze, creepy clowns, life-size animatronics, monsters with chainsaws, and screenings of horror movies, along with numerous other tricks and treats to both terrorize and delight.  Judy’s a woman after my own heart, I swear, as Halloween has always been my very favorite holiday.  🙂   The “Haunted Yard”, as it has come to be known, attracted some 3,500 spectators this past year, including the Los Angeles Clippers Cheerleading Team who led the entire crowd in a spontaneous rendition of Michael Jackson’s zombie dance from Thriller.  Which begs the question, HOW IN THE HECK DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS????   I mean, I would have absolutely DIED to have seen that!!!!   And it was all happening just a few miles from where I live!  Oh, how I wish I had been there.  🙁  Ugh.  Maybe I can convince the Clippers to do a repeat performance next Halloween! 😉  You can read more about the annual “Haunted Yard” on fave website AltadenaBlog here.


    A big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, Owen, and Chas for finding this house.  This one was definitely a group effort!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Walsh Family’s Minnesota house from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1640 Braeburn Road in Altadena.

  • Dylan’s House from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    Still licking our wounds this past weekend after finding out that the Walsh Family garage had recently been dismantled, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I decided to head over to Dylan McKay’s house to do some more Beverly Hills, 90210 stalking.  And, as fate would have it, the real life owner of Dylan’s home, an INCREDIBLY nice woman named Mary, just happened to be outside doing some gardening work when we arrived!  So, we got to talking to her and found out quite a bit of behind-the-scenes information, the most fascinating of which was the fact that throughout the show’s entire second season, all of the scenes which took place at Dylan’s residence were actually filmed inside of Mary’s house and not on a soundstage!  And, let me tell you, I just about died when I heard that!  Interestingly enough, though, Mary’s house was not used for the exterior establishing shots of Dylan’s house until early in the show’s third season! 


    The house used as the exterior of Dylan’s abode during the show’s second season is pictured above.  And, ironically enough, it’s also the very same house that was used as Andrea’s residence in the Season One episode of 90210 entitled “Spring Dance”.   LOL  The location manager’s wires must have gotten crossed somewhere along the line while dealing with this residence!  😉





    The interior of Mary’s house first appeared early on in the series’ second season in an episode entitled “Necessity is a Mother” (pictured above).  According to Mary, whenever filming would take place at her home, producers would use her actual furniture in all of the scenes.  She said she and her husband owned a pink couch at the time and producers would cover it up with Indian-style blankets during the filming, as you can see in the above screen captures.  So, that finally answers the question of how Dylan McKay’s blanket-happy decorating style came to be.  😉   



    The exterior of Mary’s house (pictured above) didn’t show up until a full year after the “Necessity is a Mother” episode aired.  Its first appearance was in the premiere episode of the Third Season, which was entitled “Misery Loves Company”.  I guess producers didn’t figure viewers would notice that Dylan’s house changed mysteriously mid-series, but they really should have accounted for all of us stalkers out there.  😉




    According to Mary, the interiors of her house were used throughout the filming of the entire second season and into the beginning of third, at which time producers ended up building an exact replica of the structure on a studio soundstage. 




    They even rebuilt the home’s front porch and side patio area (pictured above), complete with a replica red Webber BBQ, just like the one Mary and her husband owned at the time!  So cool!   You can watch a clip which features an extensive view of Dylan’s house from the Season 3 episode entitled “A Song of Myself” here




    Mary also told us that a scene from the Season Four episode entitled “Twenty Years Ago Today” was also filmed inside of her house.  In the scene, Dylan is shown taking a shower, just as Brandon pulls up to pick up a picture frame he had purchased for his parents’ twentieth wedding anniversary.  Because Dylan can’t hear him knocking, Brandon ends up breaking the glass on the back door and entering the house.  Dylan hears the glass break, grabs his gun, and almost shoots him.  Ah, dontcha just love 90210 drama?  Mary said that for the filming of Brandon’s breaking-and-entering scene, a fake back door – complete with break-away glass – was built and that she got to keep the door after the filming was completed!  She still has the door in her garage!  Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see it, but I think it is so incredibly cool that she still has it after all these years. 


    She also told us that her real life bathroom was used for the scene in which Dylan is showering in that episode, which means that Luke Perry actually stood in her shower!  Sigh!  Mary also said that Shannen Doherty was her favorite out of all of the actors on the show.  YAY!  Go Team Brenda!  See, I knew Shannen had to be nice!  🙂 



    Because Mary’s front door is glass, you can easily see inside of the house when standing on the front porch.  And, let me tell you, I was ABSOLUTELY DYING looking at the interior because it looks EXACTLY the same in person as it did on 90210.  But while Mary told us that we could take all the pictures we wanted of the house’s exterior and the front porch area, she asked us not to take any photos of the interior through the glass.  🙁   Apparently fans are apt to do that and she’s not too keen on it.  And even though it killed me not to, I had to respect her wishes.  🙁  Ugh, such a bummer as I would have LOVED to have posted photographs of the inside here. But you can see some great interior photos of the house from before Mary owned it here and a photograph that someone did actually take through her front door here







    The house’s front porch area, which showed up countless times on 90210, is absolutely HUGE and Mike and I just had to take pictures of every single angle of it!  🙂 


    The house is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and extremely unique, in person.  It’s appearance from the street is actually quite deceiving, though, as it seems to be rather small and quaint. . .




      . . . when in reality it is absolutely huge and stretches the length of an entire block.  When you walk by, the place literally seems to just keep going and going and going.







    Mary’s house was also used as Jesse Bradford’s residence in the super cute 2002 movie Clockstoppers.


    Besides its cinematic significance, the house also has quite a bit of historical significance, as well.  The dwelling is known as the “Parsons House” in architectural circles and it was originally built in 1910 by Arthur and Alfred Heineman, former Greene & Greene Brother’s’ apprentices.  Amazingly enough, the house wasn’t always located in Altadena, though.  It was originally built on East California Boulevard in Pasadena, four miles away from its current location.  In 1980, a condominium development company purchased the land where the Parsons House used to stand and slated the area for demolition.  The developer ended up giving the home to the Pasadena Heritage Society, who later sold the entire structure for one dollar to a man named Phil Elkins.  Elkins hired architect Tim Anderson to restore the Parsons House and then purchased a vacant lot in Altadena, where he would eventually move the structure.  In order to do so, though, the home had to be cut into three separate pieces, using a chain saw, no less!  But the house survived the cut and the four mile journey to Altadena and two years later the entire property was completely restored.  Anderson says, “We probably could have built a reproduction of the house for less than what it cost to restore.  Had we all been less enthusiastic and naive about this project, the house would not have been saved.”  You can read an entire history of the house on Tim Anderson’s website here.



    Only the home’s chimney and front porch area had to be rebuilt from scratch, but they were made in exact replication of the originals.  Ironically enough, George McDavitt, the stoneworker who did all of the masonry work on the new porch – and who also did the stone work on Bob Dylan’s Malibu house –  actually showed up one day at Mary’s front door with his teenaged daughter.  It turns out that his daughter was a huge 90210 fan and she didn’t believe that her father had actually built a part of Dylan McKay’s house, so he wanted to show her his name, which he had engraved in one of the rocks (pictured above).  So cool! 


    I honestly cannot tell you how exciting it was to be able to see Dylan’s house in such an up-close-and-personal way and to talk to Mary about her amazing home and the historic filming that took place there almost two decades ago.   It was truly a dream come true!  🙂


    On a side note – My good friend Kristin, who owns my very favorite restaurant POP Champagne and Dessert Bar in Pasadena, will be appearing on KTLA tomorrow morning at around 9:45 in honor of dineLA’s Restaurant Week.  If you live in the Los Angeles area be sure to tune in for the segment.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Dylan’s house from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1605 East Altadena Drive, at the corner of Altadena Drive and Porter Avenue, in Altadena.

  • Christmas Tree Lane



    Last December, I blogged about a house in Altadena known as the Balian Mansion, or, as I like to call it, the real Clark W. Griswold house (pictured above).  And even though the mansion has appeared only briefly onscreen – in the movie Obsessed and in an early episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 – the house is somewhat of an institution in these parts due mainly to something that happens there each December.  During the Christmas season, the Balian Family decorates their mansion with THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of twinkle lights.  People literally drive from miles around to see the spectacle and, last year, the place was even written up as one of AOL’s Top Twelve Festive Holiday Homes.  Anyway, in last December’s post on the Balian Mansion, I happened to mention another display of Christmas lights in the Altadena area – a one mile stretch of road named Christmas Tree Lane, which, while not a filming location, is definitely a holiday must-see.  Well, one very astute reader named Allyn contacted me shortly after that post was published to let me know that Christmas Tree Lane actually is a filming location, appearing in, among other things, the 1998 teen comedy Can’t Hardly Wait.   Allyn told me that the Lane popped in a scene in which the two nerd characters are shown walking along a cedar tree lined street.   Ironically enough, though, even though Allyn had described the exact location AND the movie in which it was featured, this proved to be a rather difficult stalk for me.  It all started yesterday morning when I popped in my Can’t Hardly Wait DVD and scanned through it TWICE, both times coming up completely empty-handed.  I couldn’t seem to find a scene featuring Christmas Tree Lane ANYWHERE!  It then occured to me that Allyn had perhaps mistakenly told me the wrong movie.  So, I promptly started scanning through a few other teen comedies that I thought Allyn might have confused with Can’t Hardly Wait.  After skipping through Not Another Teen Movie, She’s All That, and  the first two American Pie flicks with absolutely no luck, I became completely perplexed.  And then, like a beacon, it hit me!  I needed to consult with fellow stalker Owen.  Because Owen has long had a penchant for actress Jennifer Love Hewitt (JLove, are you listening??), I figured he would know the movie Can’t Hardly Wait like the back of his hand.  And, sure enough, he did! 





    While my first instinct was that the Christmas Tree Lane segment might only have appeared in a deleted scene or an extended version of Can’t Hardly Wait, fellow stalker Owen clued me in to the fact that it actually pops up about 15 seconds after the credits start rolling at the very end of the movie.  Which explains why I missed it even though I scanned through the movie TWICE!  LOL  In the scene, the two X-Philes, so named because they are huge X-Files fans :), are shown walking along a tree lined street in the early morning.  And just as one X-Phile says to the other, “This town is so lame.  Nothing exciting ever happens here.”, a UFO appears and beams the two right up.  THANK YOU, OWEN!  🙂





    Christmas Tree Lane is, in actuality, a mile long stretch of Santa Rosa Avenue, in between Woodbury Road and Altadena Drive, in Altadena.  The road is lined with over 150 towering deodar trees which were planted by Altadena’s founder, John P. Woodbury, in 1885.  Woodbury had originally seen the large-scale deodar trees during a trip to Italy and returned home to Altadena with several hundred of their seeds, which he immediately planted.   After being cultivated at a ranch for two years, the trees were then deposited all along the mile long driveway leading up to Woodbury’s yet-to-built Altadena mansion.  And while the mansion was never actually completed, that mile long stretch of driveway eventually became Santa Rosa Avenue, a main thoroughfare in Altadena.  In 1920, a rather festive Altadena gentleman named Frederick C. Nash, along with The Pasadena Kiwanis Club, decided to light one small section of Santa Rosa Avenue during the holiday season.  Over the years, more and more trees were added to the spectacle, finally resulting in a one mile stretch of land encompassing 150 trees, which are lit with over 10,000 twinkle lights.  The street was eventually dubbed Christmas Tree Lane and was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places on September 13, 1990.  According to the official Christmas Tree Lane website, the display is “the oldest large-scale Christmas lighting spectacle in the United States” and each December more than 50,000 motorists venture out to Altadena to view it.  The lights on the trees are hung each year by a group of hard-working, dogged volunteers and members of the Board of the Christmas Tree Lane Association.  Up until the year 2000, the electricity costs were paid for by Southern California Edison, but after the deregulation of California utilities, the financial obligation of keeping the trees lit fell to the Christmas Tree Lane Association.  The tree lighting tradition has only been able to continue thanks to the many generous donations received each year.  If you would like to donate your time or money to the Christmas Tree Lane Association, you may  do so here.  I honestly can’t recommend stalking Christmas Tree Lane enough!  It is an absolutely magical display of Christmas lights, the likes of which I have never seen duplicated.  On a side note – the fact is not lost on me that I am wearing a tank top in one of the above photographs, despite the fact that it was taken after dark in late December.  LOL  That’s Los Angeles for you, though!  And while I am usually a big fan of L.A.’s warm climate, during Christmastime I actually prefer there to be a chill in the air.  As Kevin McAllister said in Home Alone 2, “Who wants to spend Christmas in a tropical climate, anyway?”  😉  Come December 26th, though, I am all about the heat!  🙂




    I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t take the time here to mention two other Pasadena area homes which, while not filming locations, are definitely holiday must-sees. The two houses are actually located on neighboring streets and, let me tell you, both are a site to behold!  The first one is pictured above.




    Not only do both houses feature a myriad of multi-colored twinkle lights, but they also boast musical animatronic displays starring such characters as Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, among countless others!  Not kidding!  I can’t even tell you how much fun it is to visit these two homes each year and to see what new Christmas decorations have been added to the already over-the-top spectacles.  LOVE IT! 



    Big THANK YOU to Allyn and Owen for helping me out with this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Christmas Tree Lane is a mile long section of Santa Rosa Avenue located between Woodbury Road and Altadena Drive in Altadena.  This year, the lights will be turned on nightly from dusk until midnight through January 6th.  If you would like to donate time or money to the Christmas Tree Lane Association, you can do so here.  At the end of Can’t Hardly Wait, the two X-Philes are shown walking north on Santa Rosa Avenue, directly in front of the house numbered 2287.  The Balian Mansion is located at 1960 Mendocino Lane in Altadena, just a short distance from Christmas Tree Lane.  The other two must-see houses in the area are located at 1776 Las Lunas Street and 1775 Monte Vista Street in Pasadena, just north of the 210 Freeway.

  • The Obsessed House


    A few weeks ago, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, called me up and said, “Where is that big pink house in Altadena that you stalked a while back?”  Well, I had absolutely no idea what on earth he was talking about!  For some reason, a “big pink house in Altadena” just wasn’t ringing any bells with me.  And it really should have, being that I actually know the house he was speaking about quite well.  I mean, it’s practically an Altadena institution!   Heck, I’ve even blogged about it before!  LOL  But that’s the blonde in me, I guess.  🙂  Anyway, about an hour after Mike’s phone call, it all of a sudden hit me like a ton of bricks – he had been asking me about the famous Balian Mansion, or, as I like to call it, the real Clark W. Griswold house.  🙂  Mike had been inquiring about the mansion because it was featured briefly in the 2009 movie Obsessed, which he had just finished watching.  Mike had an inkling that Beyonce Knowles’ house from the film (pictured above) was most likely located in the same area.  And, sure enough, he was right!  Just a few clicks through Google Maps later and the two of us were able to locate it, literally right around the corner from the Balian Mansion.  🙂  So, of course, we immediately ran right out to stalk both homes.  🙂



    Because only one view of the Obsessed house – the view pictured above – was ever shown in the movie, it looks quite different in person than how it appeared onscreen.  For some reason, producers filmed at an angle which cut out the entire garage area.  (You can see what the garage looks like in the first picture featured in this post.)  The only reason I can think of behind this decision is that producers wanted the home to appear smaller than it really was.


    Which makes absolutely no sense to me!  You see, while watching the movie I became completely obsessed (ha ha) with the fact that the interior of Beyonce’s home looked a whole lot bigger than the exterior.  It’s as if the two just didn’t match up.  The inside of her house was absolutely HUGE, yet the outside appeared quite average in size.  It was bizarre and  completely distracted me throughout the entire movie.  I just couldn’t seem to get past it!  I kept pausing the DVD to ask my fiance if the dichotomy in sizes was bothering him as much as it was bothering me.  (It wasn’t, by the way.  LOL)   Anyway, as you can sort of see in the above screen capture, the interior of the house appears to be GINORMOUS, which does not at all fit with the exterior that was shown.



    Further complicating the matter is the fact that the exterior of the Obsessed  house is Mediterranean in style, painted in bright terracotta colors, yet the interior has a classic Colonial style feel.   Needless to say, the whole thing just didn’t work for me and I spent the entire movie distracted by the discrepancies between the interior and exterior of the house.  LOL  Now, it’s quite possible that these variances were not necessarily a production decision and that the studio based their sets on the home’s real life interiors, but somehow I really doubt that.  Ironically enough, Mike and I got to see the interior sets of the Obsessed  house while taking the Sony Pictures Studio Tour last November.  Sadly, though, we weren’t allowed to take any photographs of them.  🙁 



    Another thing I became obsessed with while watching Obsessed, was the home’s gorgeous, intricately carved mailbox.  I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with it!  Being that the mailbox was so unusual, I was fairly certain it was a prop that had been brought in solely for the filming.  So, you can imagine how FLOORED I was when Mike and I pulled up to the house to find that mailbox standing there!  So cool!  🙂  As soon as I buy my first house, I am SO getting one of those!  In fact, I’d buy one right now, but I think it’d look a little silly standing out in front of my apartment.  LOL  



    After stalking the Obsessed  house, Mike and I made our way down the street to stalk the Balian Mansion.   The mansion is actually only featured very briefly in the movie, in the scene when Beyonce turns her car around after realizing she forgot to turn on her home’s security system.


    On a humorous side note – As you can see in the above screen capture, the Google Maps Street View photograph of the Obsessed house was apparently taken after the property had just been TP’ed.  LOL LOL LOL   Talk about your bad timing!  Can you imagine your house being forever immortalized on Google Maps with toilet paper strands hanging from every tree???  LOL LOL LOL  Too darn funny!   The kids who pulled this off must be seriously patting themselves on the back right now!!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Obsessed  house is located at 2345 Midlothian Drive in Altadena.  The Balian Mansion is located just down the street at 1960 Mendocino Lane.

  • The Walsh House – Circa August 2009

    UPDATE 2/18/10 – The Casa Walsh garage has been torn down in the months since I wrote this post. You can see pictures of the rubble here. And to see the inside of the real Walsh house, click here.


    My fiance tried to talk me out of writing this post today, but it just seemed to be too important of an item for me to ignore.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, last week, while giving a stalking tour of Pasadena to my good friend Kerry and her husband Jim, I drove by the Walsh House from fave TV show Beverly Hills, 90210 and almost had a full blown panic attack right there in my car!  While cruising down Altadena Drive, I, Lindsay Blake, almost passed right by my favorite stalking location of all time without even recognizing it!!!!!  I actually turned to Kerry at one point and said, “Wait a minute!  Where’s the 90210 house???”  What I didn’t realize at that time was that some pretty major changes had been made to the exterior of the house rendering it almost unrecognizable to me.  OK, OK, maybe I’m being slighty melodramatic here, but, let me tell you, the whole experience was pretty JARRING.  I mean, not only had a large hedge been removed from the Walsh’s driveway, but their entire house had been PAINTED PINK!   Oh, Jack, say it ain’t so!



    Ironically enough, when I showed my fiance photographs of the newly painted 90210 house, he said “What are you talking about??  It looks exactly the same as it always did!  You CANNOT write a post about that!”  LOL LOL LOL  It’s amazing to me how two people can have such differing views of the same exact thing.  To me, the difference in the house’s appearance was absolutely STAGGERING, yet my fiance didn’t even notice it!  Men!  LOL  I also showed the photos to my mom, though, who said “THAT’S what you’re so upset about?  From the way you were talking, I thought they had painted the house black or something!”  LOL  OK, OK, I will concede that the paint color isn’t that different, but I guess because the 90210 house is so cemented in my memory, any change in its appearance, no matter how minor, is going to seem huge.   And, to be fair, the paint color doesn’t show up well in pictures.  In person, the house is PINK!  Anyway, against my fiance’s better judgement, I just had to write a post today about the house and how it looks post-paint.



    Also altering the appearance of the house was the removal of the large hedge which used to stand along the West side of the Walsh’s driveway.  As you can see in the two screen captures pictured above, the hedge used to run the length of the driveway, separating the Walsh property from that of their neighbor’s.



    But, as you can see in the above photographs, that hedge has been completely removed, which only adds to the difference in the home’s appearance, especially if you approach it from the West.




    At least the garage still looks pretty much the same as it always did – minus Brandon’s basketball hoop, of course.  Last November, when Mike and I met Jack, the owner of the house, he told us that he was in the process of remodeling his garage and we both got looks of absolute HORROR on our faces!  Jack laughed and said “What?  Is it a crime to change the Walsh garage or something?”   To which both Mike and I replied with a resounding “YES!”  LOL  Obviously Jack didn’t heed our words of wisdown, though!  SUCH A BUMMER!


    I guess it’s really true what they say – the only constant is change.  But this is one filming location I was convinced would stay as fixed in real life as it is in my memory.  🙁

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Walsh house from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1675 East Altadena Drive in Altadena, CA.

  • The Step Brothers House



    Got a challenge last week from my good friend Chelsea who wanted me to find the home used in the 2008 movie Step Brothers.  Lucky for me, Mike, from MovieShotsLA,  had already found this location a few months back and told me where it was located.  🙂   So, today – after stalking about a million wedding locations 🙂 – I ran right out to stalk the Step Brothers  house.  Thanks, Mike!!!!



    My friend Chelsea had a hunch that the Step Brothers  home was located in the Pasadena area and she actually wasn’t too far off!  Am I a good stalking teacher, or what??  🙂  The Step Brothers  home is located just a few miles north of Pasadena proper, in the city of Altadena.  And although the coloring is now a bit different, for the most part the home looks exactly the same in person as it did onscreen in the movie.  The Step Brothers  house is absolutely ginormous in real life, which I found to be slightly ironic, being that in the movie John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell are forced to share a room because John won’t give up the third bedroom which houses his “sound laboratory”.   LOL According to Zillow, the home actually has four bedrooms, four bathrooms and measures 3,502 square feet.   In the movie, John C. Reilly tells Will Ferrell that the home was built in 1825 by General Custor (LOL LOL LOL), but in reality it was built in 1935. 





    The home is featured several times in the movie, most notably as the location where John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell get into their massive front yard brawl.  LOL 



    On an interesting side note, in real life, Step Brothers star John C. Reilly is a long time Altadena resident.  My mom and I actually saw him a few years back attending a movie at Laemmle Playhouse in Pasadena.  He was in line waiting to buy popcorn at the concession stand when a woman walked up to him and very loudly said “Are you from Philadelphia?  I think we went to high school together.”  John was very gracious and explained that he actually grew up in Chicago.  And just as he opened up his mouth to say what I’m assuming was something along the lines of “I’m an actor, maybe you recognize me from one of my movies,” the woman interrupted him and said, “No, I’m POSITIVE we know each other!!!! Are you sure you’re not from Philadelphia?”  LOL  John’s wife was standing next to him the whole time, head down, completely CRACKING UP!    John quickly paid for his popcorn and started walking down the hall toward the theatre, but the douchebag lady ran – yes, ran!! – after him, saying things like “Maybe you know my sister in Des Moines.”  LOL LOL LOL  When John finally entered the theatre and the doors closed behind him, my mom tapped the lady on the shoulder and said “You recognize that man because he is John C. Reilly, the actor.”  The woman got a look on her face like she absolutely wanted to just crawl into a hole and die!!!  LOL  To quote Chelsea Lately once again, “What . . . a douchebag!”  The whole thing was absolutely HILARIOUS and one of my very favorite “only in L.A.” moments. 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Step Brothers  house is located at 1987 Midwick Drive in Altadena.

  • Altadena Town and Country Club


    As I predicted a few weeks ago, getting engaged has opened up a whole new stalking world for me!  And even though I have known for years now the exact spot where I want to get married, I am fully planning on dragging my fiance from one end of L.A. to the other looking at wedding/filming locations.  Hey, a girl should really keep her options open, shouldn’t she?  For stalking’s sake, at least.  🙂  So, yesterday I set out to stalk my very first wedding (and, of course, filming) location – the Altadena Town and Country Club.  I had heard rumors a few years back that a scene from Dirty Dancing  had been filmed at the club – how did these Dirty Dancing  being filmed in Altadena rumors get started, anyway???? – and have wanted to stalk the place ever since.  Yesterday, I finally had my chance.


    Altadena Town and Country Club, which was established in 1910 and was originally called the Altadena Country Club, is an absolutely beautiful private club located at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains. 


    The five and a half acre property boasts sprawling lawns;



    a beautiful rose garden;


    a sparkling swimming pool complete with a poolside snack bar;


    multiple tennis courts;



    a 27,000 square foot clubhouse,



    consisting of several beautiful ballrooms with wood-beamed ceilings;


    a large terrace overlooking the pool;


    and an upscale restaurant with a top notch wine list.  In fact, one of my very favorite champagnes is on the Club’s list of options for wedding toasts.  🙂   Altadena Town and Country Club looks like the perfect setting to host a wedding and the prices are extremely reasonable to boot!!!  I didn’t end up taking the full wedding tour while I was there yesterday, as it was the event coordinators’ day off.  But I think I am going to make an appointment to do just that, as I ended up really liking the place.  🙂







    And, while I am absolutely certain that Dirty Dancing  was not filmed at the Altadena Town & Country Club, many other productions have been filmed there.  The Club stood in for Marsante Country Club in the Season One episode of The Mentalist  entitled “Scarlett Fever”;



     it was used as Vince Vaughn’s pool club in Starsky & Hutch;




    and it was the location of the Lambda Omega Omega “End of Finals Loo-au” in Van Wilder.  Altadena Town and Country Club was also featured in an episode of Mad Men, the 1994 movie Speechless, and the Wonder Years two-part series finale entitled  “Summer/Independence Day”. 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Altadena Town and Country Club is located at 2290 Country Club Drive in Altadena.  You can visit their website here.  Unfortunately, the Club is not open to the public, but it is available as an event and wedding venue.

  • Farnsworth Park


    My favorite movie of all time has got to be Dirty Dancing. I’ve loved the coming-of-age film ever since I was about 13 years old.  Oh, how I wanted to be Baby!  🙂  Growing up, I made my best guy friend practice doing “the lift” with me everytime we were in a swimming pool.  LOL   And, like Baby, I could never seem to get it right!  🙂  It has long been my location dream to one day travel to Pembroke, Virgina to stalk Mountain Lake Resort, the hotel where most of the filming of the movie took place.   So, imagine my surprise yesterday when I read in my new favorite stalking book  that the final dance sequence from Dirty Dancing  was actually filmed right here in L.A.!  I literally just about died of excitement!!!!  LOL  According to the book, the Kellerman Playhouse, which supposedly existed at the Catskills resort where Baby and her family were vacationing, was, in reality, the Davies Memorial Building located in Farnsworth Park in Altadena.  So, of course, I ran right out to stalk it! 








    Unfortunately, though, after watching Dirty Dancing  earlier today – accompanied by screenwriter Eleanor Bergstein’s commentary – I am fairly certain that the rumors about the movie being filmed in Altadena are simply that – rumors.  As you can see in the above screen captures, the Davies Memorial Building in no way resembles the Kellerman Playhouse where Johnny and Baby performed their famous final dance.  🙁    The differences between the two buildings include: the Kellerman Playhouse has French doors and stone columns running along its walls, but the Davies Building does not;  the ceiling of the Davies Building is flanked by wooden beams, while the ceiling of the Kellerman Playhouse has an almost curtain-like ceiling;  the Davies Building features a huge rock fireplace centered on one wall, while the Kellerman Playhouse is lacking a fireplace; and the chandeliers in the Davies building are craftsman style, while the Kellerman Playhouse chandeliers are more traditional.  Final proof that the dance scene was not filmed at the Davies Building?  In the commentary, Eleanor states that the scene, which took a whopping five full days to film, took place in North Carolina.  SUCH A BUMMER!!!!  



    My stalking trip to Farnsworth Park wasn’t a complete bust, though.  While I can pretty much state with absolute certainty that Dirty Dancing’s  final dance scene did not take place there, I am happy to report that many other productions have been filmed on the property. 🙂





    In American Pie 2, Farnsworth Park stood in for Tall Oaks Band Camp.  The amphitheatre area was featured in the scene where Jim played the trombone before a packed audience . . .


    . . . and the Davies Memorial Building was used as the camp lodge where Jim and Michelle had a late night chat.  You can see the building’s huge stone fireplace behind Jim and Michelle in the above screen capture.  Farnsworth Park also made an appearance in the movie’s sequel, American Pie Presents Band Camp


    The Davies Memorial building was also used in the Margaret Chow series Two Sisters  and it’s kitchen area was featured in an episode of NCIS, where it was dressed up to look like a morgue.  The picnic area of Farnsworth Park has been featured in CSI: Las Vegas, numerous episodes of Ghostwhisperer, and a commercial for Apple Computers. 


    And even though Dirty Dancing  wasn’t filmed there, I still highly recommend stalking Farnsworth Park.  It is a really pretty place to walk around, lounge in the shade, or have a picnic.  The staff there is also EXTREMELY friendly.  I was even given a mini-tour of the property by one of the staff members, who told me all about what filming had taken place there.  🙂  Love it!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Farnsworth Park is located at 568 East Mount Curve Avenue, at the corner of Mount Curve and Lake Avenues, in Altadena.  Park hours are from 9 a.m. to sunset.  Parking is free.  You can visit the park’s official website here.

  • Fill ‘Er Up!



    In the film-friendly city of Altadena, where pretty much every other house has been featured in a movie or television show, it seems that even the gas stations are famous! 🙂 Last week, while doing some Altadena stalking with Mike, from MovieShotsLA, he drove me by Ronnie’s Automotive, a gas and service station that has been used in countless movies and television shows. Mike had stalked the location a while back after recognizing it while watching Transformers where it was used as Bernie Mac’s car lot (pictured above and below).



    While we were there snapping photographs, the owner of the garage happened to step outside. He really could not have been nicer and ended up chatting with us for a good 15 minutes. He told us all sorts of stories about different productions that had filmed there over the years. He said that Clint Eastwood, who directed Million Dollar Baby which was also filmed at the station, was by far the nicest and most professional director he had ever seen. Apparently Clint is so prepared and focused that he is able to complete each shot in just a few takes and his days are usually wrapped very quickly. He also told us that Clint is extremely nice and does not tolertate any sort of yelling on his sets.

    All in all Ronnie’s Automotive has been featured in over 200 productions – so many, in fact, that the owner George could not remember most of them! Besides Transformers and Million Dollar Baby and countless commercials, it was also used in the Vince Vaughn flick Dodgeball and in Pamela Anderson’s July 1992 Playboy pictorial. I was also convinced that Ronnie’s was used as Dan Akroyd’s garage in the Britney Spears’ movie Crossroads. Back when I was an extra in Crossroads, one of the crew members told me that the garage used in the movie was located in Altadena, so I just assumed that it was Ronnie’s. However, when I recently re-watched the movie, I could see that the two stations didn’t match up. So it looks like Mike and I have a new location to find! 🙂



    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Ronnie’s Automotive Service is located at 2012 Lake Avenue in Altadena. You can visit their website here.