Tag: Alexandra Paul

  • The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon


    This past Tuesday night after my parents moved to Palm Springs, the GC arrived home from a late-night meeting with a box of chocolate-, vanilla-, and pistachio-flavored macaraoons in hand, so that I could drown my sorrows the Blair Waldorf way.  And I have to say that while I am still depressed and missing my parents like crazy, the macaroons (along with about twenty episodes of The Office) did bring a bit of a respite from the sadness.  So thanks, GC!


    Anyway, as I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, my parents and I have been huge fans of actor David Duchovny ever since the early ’90s when he played the role of cross-dressing DEA Agent Dennis (“Denise”) Bryson on the television series Twin Peaks.  When The X-Files premiered a few years later, we all immediately became “X-Philes” and my dad quickly adopted the moniker of “Mulder” to use as his Starbucks name.  (Yes, my dad is a bit of a character.)  On one particular occasion, he used the name while ordering a meal at an In-N-Out Burger and the perplexed cashier mistakenly spelled his alias “Molder” while typing it into her register.  The receipt from that In-N-Out visit, with the words “Guest: MOLDER” typed onto it, was tacked onto my bulletin board for many years after that.  Smile I even dressed up as Dana Scully for Halloween one year while in college, but pictures of that costume are sadly packed away in a box somewhere at my parents’ new house.  Anyway, when the fabulous Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, invited me and the Grim Cheaper to do some stalking of the Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon benefit, at which David Duchovny was scheduled to be a participant, I just about had a full-blown heart attack!  The GC was not nearly as enthusiastic about the invite, though, as it meant that we had to get up at around 7 a.m. on a Sunday so that we could be in Santa Monica by 9, when the event was scheduled to begin.  Ah, men!

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    The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-A-Thon, which was sponsored by the 100 Mile Man Foundation (try saying that five times fast!), consisted of 100 stationary bikes positioned on a wing of the Santa Monica Pier.  Those bikes could be “bought” by individuals or groups who would then ride a total of 100 miles in order to raise money for the Harold Robinson Foundation, an organization that sends under-privileged children to camp each summer.

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    When we first arrived on the pier, I spotted the above-pictured woman and immediately turned to the GC and said, “Oh my god, Joan Crawford is here!” And then when Pinky arrived a few minutes later, one of the first things out of her mouth was, “That woman looks EXACTLY like Joan Crawford!” LOL LOL LOL We are two peas in a pod, I tell you! Smile


    I was extremely excited to learn that several actors from the television series Baywatch, including Alexandra Paul, Kelly Packard, and David Chokachi, had purchased a bike for the event.  The three former co-stars showed up to the benefit together and they literally could NOT have been nicer.  When I asked Alexandra for a photograph, she immediately stuck out her hand to shake mine and said, “Hi, I’m Alexandra.  What’s your name?”  SO DARN NICE!


    Alexandra was absolutely GORGEOUS in person!  Much like my girl Jen Aniston, Alexandra is definitely someone who just seems to get prettier and prettier as the years go by.  Oh, how I wish that same thing will happen to me!  Smile She looks better now at the age of 48  than she did at 29 when she starred on Baywatch.  And she is in AMAZING shape, to boot.  Look at those arms!


    When I asked David Chokachi, who played Cody on Baywatch, to pose for a picture, Alexandra immediately got out her camera and told the GC, David, and I to hold our positions so that she could get a picture of the GC taking a picture of David and me.  So cute!


    Kelly Packard was also SUPER sweet and SUPER cute in person.


    David Duchovny showed up shortly after the Baywatch gang and walked right over to Pinky and me to snap a few quick pics.  And while he was VERY nice, he seemed a bit reserved (not in a mean way, he just came off as a bit reticent and shy), so I did not bring up the fact that he had served as the inspiration behind my dad’s Starbucks name.

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    As you can see above, David is JUST as good-looking in person as he appears to be on screen.  Drool!



    Now as fate would have it, Pinky had been stalking a different celebrity event a few days prior to the Pedal on the Pier benefit and just about died when she spotted David Duchovny filming a scene for Californication at a nearby hospital.  (And meeting DD twice in one weekend is something that would ONLY happen to Pinky, by the way!  The girl has some AMAZING luck!  While she was stalking an event featuring Cameron Crowe recently, who should she spot leaving a restaurant across the street from where she was standing, but two-time-Academy-Award-winning actress Hilary Swank!  Hilary immediately spotted Pinky’s adorable dog, Sammy, and ran right up to start petting him.  Then she posed for a bunch of pics with Pinky, and fellows stalkers Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, and Scotty, who were with her.  They also all got their pic taken with Cameron Crowe, by the way.  I mean how lucky is that?????  You can read about Pinky’s Hilary Swank encounter here.)  Anyway, Pinky managed to catch David Duchovny just as he was leaving the set and DD was nice enough to stop his car and pose for the above photo with her.  And I have to say that it is easily one of the CUTEST celeb photos that I have ever seen!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  I jokingly told Pinky that I was going to superimpose my face over hers and pretend that it is actually me in the picture.  Smile

    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for inviting me to this event!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon took place at the Santa Monica Pier, which is located at the end of Colorado Avenue in Santa Monica.  You can find out more about the 100 Mile Man Foundation here and the Harold Robinson Foundation here.