Challenge Lindsay!

Curious about where your favorite TV show or movie was filmed?  Challenge Lindsay to find it!

1,448 Replies to “Challenge Lindsay!”

    1. I know that Michael C. Hall hangs out at a fast food restaurant near my house. It’s called Lucky Boy Drive in Restaurant. The address is 640 S. Arroyo Prkwy. Pasadena. Check it out. I know he loves their breakfast burritos. My partner has seen him there a few times.

      1. No way! The GC LOVES that restaurant and goes there all of the time. I’ve only been once and had chicken strips which were quite amazing. That is just crazy that MCH goes there! They are opening a second Lucky Boy location on Walnut and Madison, FYI.

      2. Wow, don’t think I’m game enough to go there…But thanks for the info!
        I’ll think of more though, I’m travelling to the USA soon & would love to see some awesome Hollywood stuff apart from the usual tours of Tom and Katie’s home.

    2. Most of Dexter is filmed in Long Beach, CA.
      – Dexter & Rita’s House: 3319 E. 1st Street, in Long Beach, CA.
      – Debra’s Beach House: 5468 E. Ocean Blvd, Long Beach
      – Lieutenant Maria LaGuertas House: 3929 Locust Ave Long Beach
      – Spilled Barrel of Dead Bodies: Corner of Bay Shore Ave & Vista Street Long Beach
      – Dexters Apt: 1155 103rd Street, Miami Beach, Florida (outside facade only)

    3. Just about all of Dexter’s exterior work is filmed in and around Long Beach. It’s a great stand-in for Florida.

  1. Find the homes Lucille Ball lived in..a nice “old hollywood” post 🙂 She lived in Beverly Hills, Chatsworth and I think on North Ogden(?)….

  2. Hi Lindsay! Think you can find the Family Lake home and the Chicago home from “The Time Traveler’s Wife”? I think they’re both amazing and I’d love to know their actual locations.

  3. Hi Lindsay, I have a challenge for you. Jason Priestley just moved, and I am looking for photographs of his new home.
    it’s a good challenge for you? thank you.

    1. Found the location by googling some shops in the show. It’s filmed in the area of 26 Prospect Street, Ridgewood, New Jersey, United States. Some lankmarks you should look for is Sam’s Barber shop and Ridgewood Fisheries. Note there’s also a HSBC at the back so it wouldn’t be too difficult to look for.

  4. Where is the 1st heist location from Drive, i know it’s somewhere near me in downtown LA! but idk where!!

    also ~ do you know where in Fracture also w Ryan Gosling, where Ryan’s (i forget his character’s name) house is that over looks downtown- it’s beautifuL! i’m guessing somewhere by Universal or feliz.


    1. I am not sure about Drive, but too funny that you asked about Ryan Gosling’s house from Fracture as I have been looking for it. I finally found it. It is at 3101 Minnesota Street in the Lincoln Heights section of Los Angeles.

  5. Greetings –

    I’ve tried again and again to stalk the church where Cece is baptized and Gabe’s apartment building from season 7 of The Office. Any insight?

  6. What about the paramour Mansion? Loved Halloween H20 and after finding tons of other filming has gone on there, I can’t find any pictures of it other than the outside.

  7. Hello Lindsay,
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your website … each day I check it in hopes to brighten my day as I love all thing Hollywood while at my boring office job here in Australia!
    Do you know the address of Doris Day’s current home in Carmel? Daniela

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