Challenge Lindsay!

Curious about where your favorite TV show or movie was filmed?  Challenge Lindsay to find it!

1,448 Replies to “Challenge Lindsay!”

  1. Hey Lins!
    Could you find out where they filmed Buffy the Vampire Slayer and where they film Sons of Anarchy?


  2. Was anyone a fan of MAMA’S FAMILY? I have always wanted to see the house that was used for the opening/closing credits. Does anyone have any insight?

    1. Hi,I challaged her find the house and she came though for all of us.Lindsay found the house last year. The blog is called The Mama’s Family House and was posted on April 3rd 2009. Enjoy!!!

  3. Does anyone know exactly where the dirt pit is that is being used in the filming for the TV series, Parks and Recreation? I heard that the pit is in the San Fernando Valley, possibly in the Van Nuys area. Let me know.

    1. Dirt pit is on Hazeltine Avenue in Van Nuys, between Burbank Blvd and Oxnard. There used to be a big apartment complex there. They tore it down, leveled it off, then P & R came in and dug a new pit.

  4. lindsay or nebody, heading to San Francisco this weekend, do u know of any film locations I could visit, besides what you have already posted I would deeply appreciate!

  5. Lindsay
    Do you have any information on the cabin used in the filming of Commando? I have read that it is on Mt. Baldy in California. Any information you have would be great. I will be in the area several times over the next few months. Thanks!

  6. Lindsay do you think you can find the location they used for the party where Brittany Murphy bumps her head in Clueless?

    Thank you! 🙂

      1. Ok here you go as I did a lot of research for you and I have found most of the other locations. All but one of these locations I am sure of and the other I assume I am correct and that one is the parking garage.

        1. Parking garage is located at around 181 N Dearborn St just south of Wells downtown.

        2. The Ready Help where James Belushi stands in line in the cold was located at 413 N Milwaukee Ave but it has been torn down. I found it by comparing the building just to the right of it and it matched.

        3. The rich place where they stay is located at 399 W. Fullerton Parkway (Near Lincoln Park Zoo)

        4. The Music Box is located at 3733 N Southport Ave

        5. The Knickerbocker exterior seen is located at 163 E Walton Place

        6. The school at the end is located at 2417 Prairie Ave in Evanston. This is called Havan Middle School.

        So far no clue on the restaurant called Rocky fellers House of Beef and where the pawn shop was. If I locate them I will let you know.

        I hope these help

        1. I forgot the office building where Kelly Lnych’s charact works is located at 218 N Dearborn and it was also the exterior to the Wayne’s World highrise.

          1. do u happen to know where the ritzy restuarnt is?I have tried numerous times to find that house of beef place and have had no luck!

  7. Lindsay,

    Heres a quest for you, Ill even make it easy. With the enormous popularity of the Ghostbusters franchise, and the rumors of a third installment on its way… I would really like to see where the “interior” shots of the firehouse were taken. I know the exterior shots were at an active firehouse in Manhattan, but the interior shots were filmed in LA. I have been to the exterior building used in the film, but wasnt able to get inside, although a bum on the sidewalk told me people went in and out all the time. It is located on 5th street in downtown LA… think you could use your super powers to get inside and see what the interior looks like 20 years after the second movie was filmed? (please?)


  8. I was able find out virtually where Greendale Community College is from the NBC Sitcom, Community. It simply the Los Angeles City College campus at 855 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029. I love that show so I hope you can stalk it one of these days.

  9. I was wondering if Lindsay can find the building in Ghost Whisperer from season 2 episode 15 where Melinda talks to the coach outside the school where they were talking about the coach’s little brother.

    1. That is a good one! I would like to see that one too, but I am wondering if it would be covered in trees and it appears gated from the movie so it might be hard to see from the street.

  10. Hi Lindsay! i was wondering if you could knew anything about the condo that brody jenner lives in (or atleast the one they show him living in on the hills) Do you know if he really lives there? And ive heard that other celebrities live there too!?! I was just wondering if you knew who and if you knew anything about the place. Thanks!!

  11. Hi – Have you see the Steve Martin Shop Girl – it has some great LA sites it. Mostly well known – but would love if you stalked Steve Martin’s Characters house. I think it may be on Hercules Drive?

  12. Kendra Wilkinson is going to start filming the second season of her E! reality show this week. She and Hank are currently living in Indianapolis. Do you know where? Thanks!

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