Challenge Lindsay!

Curious about where your favorite TV show or movie was filmed?ย  Challenge Lindsay to find it!

1,448 Replies to “Challenge Lindsay!”

    1. Hi Terri,
      I don’t have any photos of the Scream locations as I have yet to stalk them, but I do have addresses. Here you go: Casey Becker’s house is at either 7054 or 7060 Sonoma Mountain Road in Glen Ellen. Sydney’s house is at 1820 Calistoga Road in Santa Rosa. Tatum’s house is at 822 McDonald Avenue, yet again in Santa Rosa. And the finale party house is at 2624 Tomales Road in Petaluma.
      Happy Stalking! :),

  1. Hey Lindsey,
    I know that Corrina, Corrina was filmed in Long Beach,CA and I was wondering if you knew the house that was the Singers home. I love your site!!!

    1. I read somewhere that the house is in the Bixby Knoll part of Long Beach. That’s about a 4 mile area. The Drive in is George’s 50’s drive in at the corner of Atlantic and San Antonio Drive…which is in the same area – Bixby Knoll.

      1. I found the house today. It is at 1126 LaDera, Long Beach, CA.
        George’s 50’s Diner is at 4390 Atlantic Avenue….
        These two places are in the same neighborhood as:
        Ferris Bueller’s house, Donnie Darko House, American Pie house, Jim Cunningham House (from Donnie Darko), Painter House (American Pie 2) and Michelle’s house (American Pie) Beautiful older neighborhood..

  2. Hi Lindsay,

    I’m curious to know where is the house used as Addison’s (Kate Walsh) house in Private Practice. I guess it’s either Santa Monica or Malibu but I don’t know for sure. Thanks !

    Keep up the good work !

  3. I dare you to find jillian michaels house, and the set of the bigges loser that is just so hidden. I know its in malibu, Ive tried finding it myself. No luck yet.

    1. Hi,

      Look for the North South road called Las Virgenes Road. Then look for the cross road Mulholland Hwy. From there look southeast some and you will see the Biggest Loser Campus/Ranch. The entrance to the Malibu Creek State Park is due West of the Ranch. It is not a surprise but it is a gated private area. Some day I hope to go there and see it but doubt it will happen. I have no clue where Jillian’s house is.

  4. Hey Lindsay,
    I’m just watching A Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff. Since I’m totally into it, I wanted to know right away where filming took place, so I searched on your website. The one location I found was the house where she lives in. I googled myself some more to find out some other locations and found that the diner she works in is really the George’s 50’s Diner – 4390 Atlantic Avenue in Long Beach and North Valley High is in reality Monrovia High School where also other movies where filmed (like Drive Me Crazy – I read you really like that one too!). Maybe these two locations can be interesting for visit.
    Keep up the good work! Love your site!

  5. hey lindsay its amanda!!! so u still sad about MJ?? I KNOW IM HEARTBROKEN!! I cant wait till they announce his memorial details, I will be there!!!!!! neways I forgot to mention a certain film location, seeing your blog today was on a junior high school, I thought I let u know about a elementary school called DORRIS PLACE ELEMENTARY, one of my best freinds took me there a few years back, she attented all 6 years there, and since the late eighties and early nineties they have used the school for numerous commercials and movies, she would tell me that all the kids used to get excited when they saw the film crews take overe there school. The most recent movie that was shot there was MY SISTER’S KEEPER, which I loved!! Abigal Breeson character attends school there, and interstingly they did not change the name of the school! Another movie that I know was also filmed there was FREAKY FRIDAY with Lindsay Lohan. DORIS PLACE ELEMENTARY is located 2225 Doris Place, Los Angeles its right by Dodger Stadium.

  6. I’m surprised you havent posted anything about the houses from Disturbia. They are in Whittier on Painter Blvd. somewhere in between beverly and camilla Also in Whittier is the high school from Back to the Future (Whittier High) and it was in Whittier that the season finale of Wonder Years was filmed (Greenleaf Ave., the parade scene)
    You should check it out. Love the site by the way

  7. hey lindsay its amanda your fellow stalker!!! im deeply saddend by the lost of MICHEAL JACKSON!!! but dont you feel blessed to have visited the museum, and witness such a piece of history from such a legend!!!! I k now i do!! and im glad i posted a blog about it, so that u experienced a once in alifetime opprotuinty!!!

    p.s i have the crossroads pixs, i just need to upload them and get them to you…….on a lighter note!!!


      1. lol, its funny u ask becuse my friends think I should! but no i do not ๐Ÿ™ ,I have visted many numerous filming and famous locations….and know a lot about this sort of thing…..this is probably the most exciting thing for me is to visit locations…….LOL….Lindsay if u ever need an assistant, im here!!!

  8. I challenge you to find out where SHaron Stone is CURRENTLY living! FIND THAT STALKER CHICK HAHAHAAHAHA–horror movie laugh…

  9. Can you please find the house from “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” and also Kourtney and Khloe’s townhouse.

    1. The house is located at 1047 Maple Street in Santa Monica, CA There was a fake street sign in the movie which threw me at first.

  10. LINSAY!! Okay, I have a good one. The Step Brothers House. =) I know that they filmed a lot of it in South Pas and even at Paseo.

  11. Hey Lindsay! I suggest Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. SO many films and tv shows shot there… and quite a history of its own as well. Check it out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Hey LIndsay!!!
    well i finally got a chance to look at your blog! great work! very interesting actually.
    so hey, please do find matt le blanc’s house, (JOEY). i’m not too big on keeping up with the famous people’s lives or anything like that, but i love joey!!!

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