Category: Uncategorized

  • A Day Off!


    I had to run a massive amount of errands and take care of some personal business this past Friday, so I was unfortunately not able to write a new post for today.  But I do promise to be back tomorrow with a whole new location.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • A Mental Health Day!


    After my dad’s two recent surgeries, driving back and forth to the desert twice to be there during both of them, and the many stresses that came along with all of that, this past Friday I decided that I needed a mental health day.  So I got a mani/peni and did some major retail-style therapy.  I only wish I had been dressed like Alicia Silverstone above while doing it.  In truth, I was wearing sweats and tennis shoes.   Winking smile Anyway, I promise to be back tomorrow with a whole new post.  So until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Taking Another Two Days Off

    My dad had surgery yesterday to implant a permanent morphine pump in his body which will hopefully stop his chronic pain and because I was out in the desert with him, I did not have time to write a new post.  So I will be taking today, as well as tomorrow, off.  But I do promise to be back on Friday with a whole new location.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

  • Taking Today and Tomorrow Off

    My dad had surgery yesterday (fingers crossed that this one will be successful!) and, because I am spending the next few days in the desert with him, I will not have any new blogs to post today or Thursday and, possibly, Friday. I do have a funny stalking anecdote to share, though – one that has kept me laughing all day in the hospital. My best friend Robin, who lives in Switzerland and who is not in any way, shape or form a stalker, is currently on vacation with his girlfriend Steffi in Phuket, Thailand – which just so happens to very near to where the movie The Beach was filmed. I mentioned this to him in a text before his trip and then this morning I received the following message from him, “Steffi asked where The Beach was made. We saw the island from afar. As you can imagine, I was completely out of breath because of excitement . . . ;-)” LOL LOL LOL Thank you, Robin, for the laughs! They were much needed. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

  • Happy Presidents’ Day!


    I will be taking today off in honor of Presidents’ Day, but will be back tomorrow with a whole new post.  I hope all of my fellow stalkers had a fabulous three-day weekend!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Taking Another Day Off!


    I, unfortunately, bit off a bit more than I could chew once again with the post I had planned on publishing today and did not finish it in time.  Sad smile But I will be back on Monday with a very lengthy article on a very cool location.

    So until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Taking the Day Off


    I do not have a new blog to post for today as I spent all day yesterday in the South Bay doing some stalking with Mike, from MovieShotsLA, but I do promise to be back tomorrow with a whole new location.  So until that time . . . Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Whoopsie!


    I bit off a bit more than I could chew with the post that I was planning on publishing today and unfortunately ran out of time and was unable to finish it.  Sad smile I promise to get it done for tomorrow, though.  So, until then, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Happy Martin Luther King Day!


    I will be taking today off in honor of Martin Luther King Day.  I hope all of my fellow stalkers have a fabulous three-day weekend and I promise to be back tomorrow with a whole new post.  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Merry Christmas!


    I would like to wish all of my fellow stalkers a very merry Christmas!  I hope you are all having a fabulous holiday surrounded by the ones that you hold dearest.  I will be spending the next six days visiting my Grandma in Reno, so I will be taking the week off from blogging.  I will be back in 2012, though, so until next year . . . Happy Stalking!  Smile