My dad had surgery yesterday (fingers crossed that this one will be successful!) and, because I am spending the next few days in the desert with him, I will not have any new blogs to post today or Thursday and, possibly, Friday. I do have a funny stalking anecdote to share, though – one that has kept me laughing all day in the hospital. My best friend Robin, who lives in Switzerland and who is not in any way, shape or form a stalker, is currently on vacation with his girlfriend Steffi in Phuket, Thailand – which just so happens to very near to where the movie The Beach was filmed. I mentioned this to him in a text before his trip and then this morning I received the following message from him, “Steffi asked where The Beach was made. We saw the island from afar. As you can imagine, I was completely out of breath because of excitement . . . ;-)” LOL LOL LOL Thank you, Robin, for the laughs! They were much needed. 🙂
Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂