Category: Uncategorized

  • Oscar Weekend 2013

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (1 of 1)

    I spent this past weekend in L.A. doing some pre-Oscar stalking and while I did not have as much luck with celebrity photos this year as I have in years past, my girl Miss Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, did.  I think she got about 55 celeb pics in total!  I really wish I had her stamina, but while she was out and about until 2 am on both Friday and Saturday night, the Grim Cheaper and I were in bed by 10.  LOL  Ah, it was still a great weekend and we had an absolute blast, but I unfortunately did not have time to write a new post for today.  I will be back tomorrow, though, with a whole new location.  In the meantime, here are my celeb pics from this weekend.


    Jack Black

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (1 of 9)

    Stephen Moyer

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (2 of 9)

    Kelsey Grammer (or as one of the paps called him “Chelsea Grammer” LOL)

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (5 of 9)

    Larry David

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (3 of 9)

    James Marsden

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (4 of 9)

    Teresa Palmer

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (6 of 9)

    Paul Johansson (aka John Sears from Beverly Hills, 90210!!!!)

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (7 of 9)

    Wendell Pierce

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (8 of 9)

    Johnny Simmons

    Oscar Weekend 2013 (9 of 9)

  • L.A. Bound

    Hollywood Sign (1 of 1)

    It has been said that you can’t go home again, but the Grim Cheaper and I are doing just that this weekend by heading out to Los Angeles for a couple of days.  I have an appointment at the Pasadena Blo-Out Lounge, a coffee date with Marci from Lula Mae, all sorts of fun adventures planned with Miss Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, and about a hundred new locations to stalk.  Needless to say, this stalker is beyond excited!  I will be taking today, Monday, and Tuesday off, though, to fit in all of the festivities.  See you Wednesday!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Martin Luther King Day!


    I will be taking a respite from blogging today in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I will actually be spending the entire day with Mike, from MovieShotsLA – one last stalking hurrah before my move to the Desert on Wednesday. I do promise to be back tomorrow, though, with a whole new location – one from fave movie Argo.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

  • Moving On Up . . .

    Over the next couple of weeks, I will only be blogging periodically due to my impending move.  Unfortunately, that means no new post for today, but I should be back on Monday with a whole new location.  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Packing, Packing and Packing Some More!


    While I did manage to do a bit of stalking this weekend, most of my time was spent packing up our apartment (we are moving in nine days – yikes!), so I did not have time to write a new post for today. But I will (hopefully) be back tomorrow with a whole new location!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

  • A Stalking Day

    I spent all day yesterday out and about stalking, so I did not have time to write a post, unfortunately.  But I will be back tomorrow with a whole new location.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Another Day Off . . .


    Sorry to do this yet again, but the moving preparations have already begun, making my life quite hectic, and I unfortunately did not have time to write a new blog post for today.  I will be back on Monday, though, with a whole new location!  Smile  Have a great weekend!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Happy New Year!

    Uggie the Dog (1 of 2)

    I am going to take the next few days off from blogging (yes, again), so that I can celebrate New Year’s Eve and New Year’s day (our last in Pasadena Sad smile) with the Grim Cheaper.  I did get to meet Uggie the Dog from The Artist and Water for Elephants yesterday, though, so I thought I’d leave you with a couples of photos that I took with him.   <3


    Uggie even gave me a kiss.  Smile  And, yes, he really is that cute in person!

    Uggie the Dog (2 of 2)

    I hope all of my fellow stalkers have a very fun and very safe New Year!


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • Merry Christmas!

    I am spending the week visiting my parents and therefore will not be blogging.  I hope all of my fellow stalkers have a very merry Christmas!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

  • A Weekend in Newport

    Balboa Bay Club Christmas (1 of 1)

    My parents, the GC and I headed down to Newport Beach for the weekend to celebrate my dad’s birthday.  We stayed at the Balboa Bay Club, which, as you can see above, was decorated quite beautifully for Christmas.  If you are in the area, I HIGHLY recommend stopping by to see their lights.  Anyway, we just returned home yesterday evening and I, unfortunately, did not have time to write a post while we were away, but I will be back tomorrow with a whole new location.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile