Category: TV Locations

  • Don’t Quit Your Day Job, Spencer!


    Those who have seen Heidi’s new music video “Higher” will totally understand when I say it’s a good thing Spencer comes from money as I really don’t see a bright future for him in the music video industry. For those of you who have yet to see Heidi’s video, you really must do so now, as there are NO words to describe it!!!!


    A few months ago in US Magazine I read that Spencer’s dad is a prominent Santa Monica dentist, so this weekend I did a google search for a Dr. Pratt in Santa Monica. I found the address of his office right away and promptly drove there to take a picture. πŸ™‚ His office is located in a very nice building in a nice part of town – so I am not too worried about Spencer not having a future in music video directing. I am fairly certain his daddy will continue to take care of him until he finds his true life calling. For the time being, Spencer should rest assured that he is fulfilling his goal of “making people react and ultimately not think about that we are in a war in Iraq” – while watching “Higher” I swear I didn’t think about the war in Iraq once!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚


    Stalk It: If you want to get your teeth examined by Dr. Pratt, you can find him at the Tenth Street Medical Building in Santa Monica, located at 1450 10th Street, right at the corner of 10th and Broadway. Maybe he can also give you ginormous white teeth just like Spencer! πŸ™‚

  • Epic Records – Audrina’s Place of Business

    img_1953.jpg On The Hills, Audrina Patridge, Lauren’s roommate, works at Epic Records, a division of Sony BMG Music Entertainment. Being that I am completely obsessed with The Hills (when is the second part of the third season going to air already????) I just had to stalk the office building where Audrina works. This location was a snap to find, as I had driven by it many times before and recognized it immediately when it was shown on The Hills. The Sony BMG Music building is located in a cute little business district in Santa Monica, just off the 10 Freeway. While there, you can walk right up to the back gates of the building on 20th Street, and peek in to see the interior courtyard area, which is used frequently on The Hills whenever Audrina needs to escape and have a chat about Justin Bobby with one of her co-workers.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: The Sony BMG building is located at 2100 Colorado Avenue, at the corner of 20th Street, in Santa Monica. If you drive north on Colorado, you can hit up Quiznos, La Salsa, and, my personal favorite, Starbucks. I wonder if Audrina stops at that Starbucks every morning before work?!?! πŸ™‚

  • The Bewitched House!


    This weekend I stalked the house used as Darrin and Samantha’s home on the 1964 TV series Bewitched. Interestingly enough, the house, located in Santa Monica, California, was only the inspiration for the home seen on the series, but was never actually used for filming. An exact replica of the Santa Monica house was built on the Warner Brothers Ranch lot in Burbank and the producers used that home for filming. Even more interesting, the house on the Ranch lot is actually the complete opposite of the real home in Santa Monica – almost an exact mirror image – in that everything on the set house was switched to the opposite side. The peaked roof is located on the right side of the real house, but on the set version it is on the left.

    I found this location on Zillow’s fabulous Famous Houses page. Walking up to the house I felt like I had stepped back in time. Surrounded mostly by modernized and remodeled houses, the Bewitched house looks like it hasn’t been touched in years. But in a good way. πŸ™‚ It’ll bring you right back to 1964!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: While Samantha and Darrin supposedly lived at 1164 Morning Glory Circle in West Connecticut, the real house can be found at 267 18th Street in Santa Monica, just north of Montana Ave. According to IMDB, the house was also used as Gidget’s house in the TV series of the same name. Warner Brothers Ranch lot is located at 411 N. Hollywood Way in Burbank. Sadly (tragic really!) the Ranch is not open to the public. πŸ™ This website has GREAT pictures and information about the Ranch, so at the very least you can stalk it from your computer screen. Many famous movie and TV locations are located on the lot, including the Griswold Family’s home from Christmas Vacation, Danny Glover’s house in Lethal Weapon, the house from Life Goes On, and, my personal favorite, the fountain from the opening credits of Friends!

  • My So-Called Weekend, Part II

    This weekend, thanks to a few tips from my new stalking buddy Andrew (who posted a comment on my first MSCL post), I set out to do some more My So-Called Life stalking. The first location I stalked was the Burlington Arcade, a covered shopping colonnade located just off Lake Avenue in Pasadena. I knew from IMDB that MSCL had filmed on the Arcade, but I was unsure which scene was filmed there.


    Andrew pointed me to this YouTube video – and sure enough there it was in the very first scene of the pilot episode in which Angela and Rayanne ask random strangers for change in front of a red phone booth. The phone booth is there in real life and the Arcade looks much the same as it did in the pilot episode. The street the girls run down at the end of the scene is Lake Avenue.


    From the Burlington Arcade, I headed to the west side of LA – Santa Monica to be exact – to Claire Danes’ former condo. This is the condo she lived in before permanently relocating to Wooster Street in Manhattan.


    My final MSCL location (at least for this post!) is Claire’s parents’ Santa Monica home. When Claire first landed MSCL, her parents moved from New York to Santa Monica. The home they lived in at the time is located on Marine Street in a very funky, hip, bohemian part of town. It’s easy to imagine Claire living in this neighborhood! Her house is extremely tiny. But don’t go thinking you can pick it up for a bargain – according to Zillow, this 758 square foot home is worth $968,000!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: The Burlington Arcade is located at 380 South Lake Avenue in Pasadena, in between Del Mar Blvd. and California Blvd. Lake Avenue is a local favorite – a great place to shop and eat! Claire’s Santa Monica condo is located at 1011 Euclid Avenue, in between Washington and California Avenues. Claire’s childhood home can be found at 601 Marine Street, also in Santa Monica.

  • Melrose (aka Greenwood) Place

    melose.jpeg The apartment building used as the exterior of the fictional apartment complex “Melrose Place” on the TV show of the same name cannot actually be found on, or anywhere near, the real Melrose Avenue. In real life, the complex is called the “El Pueblo Apartments” and is located on Greenwood Place in Los Feliz, a short distance from Hollywood.

    This location I found in my fave stalking book “The Ultimate Hollywood Tour Book“, which described the “El Pueblo” as “dumpy” in person. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I visited the apartments, because I found them to be adorable! I would love to live there! The “El Pueblo” looks very much as it did on Melrose Place and I swear I could almost envision Amanda and Billy conversing at the mailboxes at the entrance to the building.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: The real “Melrose Place” is located at 4616 Greenwood Place in Los Feliz. While it looks pretty much the same as it did when it was depicted the show, don’t go looking for the interior courtyard pool. Sadly, that only existed on a soundstage. πŸ™ If you would like to stalk Melrose Avenue – the neighborhood where the Melrose Placers supposedly lived – hit the stretch of Melrose between Fairfax and La Brea. There are many cute – and a few very odd – shops and restaurants located in that area. For more upscale stalking, head west of Fairfax, where you can find shopping mecca Fred Segal, Agent Provocateur and countless others.

  • Bolthouse Productions – Where Heidi "Works"

    img_1474.jpg On The Hills, Heidi supposedly works at the event planning company Bolthouse Productions. I say “supposedly” not because I doubt that she actually works there, but because I doubt that she actually does any work. It seems the only two things Heidi ever does while at “work” are gossip with various co-workers about her many problems with Spencer and gossip with various co-workers about her many problems with Lauren.

    img_1473.jpg Even so, I just had to stalk the location of Bolthouse Productions. The location was easy enough to find with a simple google search. After snapping a picture out in front of the building, I had to sneak around back to see the spot where Spencer told Heidi “Sweet! My answer is get out of my car!” πŸ™‚

    On a side note, thanks to a comment from E.J. and his stalking website, I found a link to a GREAT map with tons of Hills filming locations! You can view the map here. Looks like I have some more stalking to do!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It:Bolthouse Productions is located at 7966 Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, not too far from Speidi’s apartment complex. You’ll recognize the building right away by the “sbe” sign located near the roof. There is plenty of street parking, so you can get out and snap a quick picture. Be sure not to bother Heidi at work, though, as I am sure Brent Bolthouse is not too appreciative when Heidi gets distracted from her many daily event planning duties. πŸ™‚

  • Kelly and Donna’s Beach Apartment

    img_1163.jpg Just got a comment from La on my 90210 post – she wishes I had taken my stalking a little further and stalked Kelly and Donna’s beach apartment from 90210’s college years. Come on – don’t you know me by now? Of course I’ve stalked Kelly and Donna’s place. πŸ™‚ This location I found a few years ago – thanks to my good friend Stew. One day he happened to be jogging along the Strand, a beach-side path in Hermosa Beach, and ran right by Kelly and Donna’s apartment. He immediately called me and told me the location so I could stalk it myself.

    The beach apartment is adorable – right on the beach in a really cute area of town. How lucky was Kelly to get the cute apartment on the show and the cute guy! No one was hotter than Dylan McKay!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!

    Stalk It:Kelly and Donna’s apartment is located right on the sand at 3500 The Strand in Hermosa Beach, just south of where Hermosa Beach borders Manhattan Beach. Kelly and Donna lived in the second floor apartment on the show. According to one of my favorite stalking sites, Seeing Stars, the house was also used in the movie My Step-Mother is an Alien. The O.C. also used the Strand and Hermosa Beach for much of its filming.

  • The Central Park Boathouse – Where Carrie and Big Went Swimming

    home1-test.jpg One of my very favorite episodes of Sex and the City (oh, who am I kidding – every episode is my favorite episode!) was the Season Three Finale when Carrie decides, after much deliberation and a big fight with Miranda, to meet Mr. Big for lunch. Just before the lunch, Carrie promises Miranda that no matter what happens she will NOT kiss Mr. Big.

    img_03222.jpg Of course, that is easier said than done! When Big sees Carrie standing on the small dock outside the restaurant, he leans in to kiss her and as she tries to back away from him, they both fall into the pond and start cracking up hysterically. God, I love Sex and the City!

    This scene was shot at The Boathouse Restaurant, which I happened to spot on my very first trip to New York as we were walking through Central Park. It is an adorable little restaurant that sits right on the lake. According to my Sex and the City: Kiss and Tell book, SJP cut her foot when she fell in the water shooting this scene and had to be given a tetanus shot right after.

    The Boathouse is a great place to eat lunch during the spring and summer months. You can eat lunch and watch the pedal-boaters float by. After lunch you can stop by the boat rental dock and take a nice afternoon boatride across the lake.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!

    Stalk It: The Boathouse Restaurant is located in the middle of Central Park at E. 72nd Street and Park Drive North. The restaurant is only open during the months of April through November. You can visit their website here – The Boathouse. Carrie and Big fell off the boat rental dock to the left of the restaurant’s entrance. Sex and the City: Kiss and Tell is a great resource for SATC fans – it contains a map with locations of many SATC filming locations and a lot of behind the scenes info.

  • Lauren’s House – Part Two (Or Should I Say Les Deux)

    img_1875.jpg At the risk of becoming a stalking site solely about The Hills, I just had to share my pics from visiting LC’s house this weekend. Conveniently, Lauren’s new pad is located only half a mile from Speidi’s apartment building on the cutest street in the world! πŸ™‚ Her house is gorgeous in person – I absolutely loved it! I must say, I would definitely be plonking down $2.3 million for this house, too, if I had it! Ahh, if only I had my own reality show!!

    img_1827.jpg Last weekend I also visited LC’s home away from home – Les Deux nightclub. Les Deux is in an unmarked building on Las Palmas Avenue in Hollywood and you’d never know it was there if you weren’t looking for it. One of these days I am going to have to stalk it at night, when it is actually open! πŸ™‚ It looks like a pretty cool place – part of it is an old Craftsman style house which backs up to a huge outdoor patio. I believe that patio is the very site where Lauren and Heidi had their first big public showdown – “You know what you did! You know what you did!”

    of50332442.jpg Les Deux is located just down the street from another famous location from the big screen – Julia Roberts’ hotel from Pretty Woman. Her character lived at the Las Palmas Hotel in the beginning of the movie and it’s also the same site where Richard Gere climbed up the fire escape to rescue her!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!

    Stalk It: LC’s new house is located at 1627 N. Orange Grove Avenue in Hollywood. Les Deux is located nearby at 1638 N. Las Palmas Avenue. I think Thursday nights are the big nights to hang out there. You can find the Las Palmas Hotel just a few blocks north of Les Deux at 1738 N. Las Palmas Avenue. It’s a bit of a shady place, so exercise caution!

  • Spencer and Heidi’s Apartment – the Holy Grail of Filming Locations!


    I don’t know what’s sadder – that it took me as long as it did to locate Speidi’s apartment building or the fact that I was so completely consumed with finding it in the first place! I keep asking myself – Why am I so fixated on these two idiots? I have no logical answer. All I can say is that even though I think Spencer and Heidi are both complete douchebags, I am still totally obsessed with them!


    For the past few months I have spent countless hours on Los Angeles apartment websites searching for Speidi’s building, with no luck whatsoever. I was beginning to think I was losing my touch! (Gasp!) So, this weekend, as a last resort, I bought Season Two of The Hills in the hopes that I could find some clue as to their apartment’s location on the DVDs. A side benefit in purchasing Season 2 on DVD is that I can now watch the scene where Heidi tells Spencer that her answer to moving in with him is “No” and he says “Sweet! My answer is get out of my car!” over and over again! I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that! πŸ™‚


    Anyway, success came pretty quickly because on the Season 2 Finale, in the scene when Spencer first shows Heidi the apartment, I found a few clues that led me to the right spot. I first noticed the address number “1333” behind Spencer’s head as he was sitting on the front steps of the building waiting for Heidi. After they tour the apartment, he takes her out onto the balcony and points out various Hollywood hot spots that he and Heidi frequent. That let me know the apartment had to be in Hollywood, west of Las Palmas Ave. From there I just googled the terms “1333” and “Hollywood Apartments” which led me to a listing Craig’s ListΒ  and I knew I had found it!

    I dragged my boyfriend to the La Fontaine apartments this afternoon to check out the place – and since I just happen to be in the market for an apartment myself, I buzzed the manager to take us on a tour of the available units. πŸ™‚ The apartments are really nice on the inside – dark hardwood floors, high ceilings, granite counter-tops. If only the one we viewed had the word “Hollywood” graffiti-ed on the living room wall, I just might have taken it right then and there! πŸ™‚


    Stalk It: Spencer and Heidi’s apartment building, La Fontaine, is located at 1333 N. Curson in Hollywood. You can check out the La Fontaine website here – For $2700 and up, you can be Speidi’s neighbor! To take a tour of the available apartments, buzz the manager at the sister building across the street at 1322 N. Curson.