Category: TV Locations

  • More Dog!

    Finally I am back online – with another Dog post. I swear, I was about ready to throw my stupid computer off the lanai I was so annoyed with the internet problems. LOL With getting bumped off the internet constantly, I literally think I have spent about three hours trying to complete this post. UGH! Anyway, this past weekend I did a little more Dog stalking. 🙂 During the entire episode about Dog’s wedding, Dog spent most of his time hunting a fugitive – actually he hunted him right up until the ceremony and was late to his own wedding!! At the beginning of that episode, Dog hunted down the fugitive’s girlfriend outside of the Blockbuster Video in Kailua Kona. I have rented many a movie at that Blockbuster, so I knew exactly where it was when I watched the episode. So, of course, I dragged my boyfriend and parents over there to snap some pics. Dog spent several minutes speaking with the fugitive’s girlfriend sitting on the wall in front of Blockbuster. She later runs off down Palani Road with Dog and crew chasing after her.

    After stalking Blockbuster, I headed across the parking lot to Starbucks to grab an iced latte. While there I asked the barista if she had watched the Dog episode while it was being filmed in the parking lot. She said that she had not watched it, but that Leiland’s wife used to work in the very Starbucks I was standing in. 🙂 Apparently she worked there many years ago, long before she met and married Leiland. How cool is that! Apparently she still stops into that Starbucks pretty often, but I did not have a sighting.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Both Blockbuster and Starbucks are located in the Kona Coast Shopping Center, which can be found at 74-5588 Palani Road in Kailua Kona. If you find yourself at Kona Coast Shopping Center, be sure to hit up Jean’s Warehouse for some super cute clothes!! I got two really cute dresses there for $7 TOTAL – I am not kidding!

  • Here Comes the Dog!

    Today I dragged my parents and my boyfriend out to the HIlton Waikoloa Resort and Spa to do some more Dog, the Bounty Hunter stalking. Ever since we arrived in Hawaii, I have been itching to stalk the hotel where Dog and Beth got married on May 20, 2006. The wedding celebration aired on August 15, 2006, and of course my mom and I watched every second of it. While watching, I immediately recognized the location of Dog and Beth’s wedding as the Hilton Waikoloa Hotel, as it is a place I have visited numerous times during my childhood vacations in Hawaii.

    Dog and Beth got married directly off the main lobby of the hotel. Just past the main lobby there is a huge staircase which leads down to an ocean-fed, four acre, man-made lagoon. It is that staircase that Beth used as the aisle which she walked down to meet her groom.

    Dog arrived at the ceremony via a raft which was pulled towards the landing at the bottom of the staircase by two men in canoes. The entire wedding ceremony took place at that landing at the foot of the lobby staircase. All of that I knew from watching the wedding episode back in 2006.

    What I wasn’t sure of, however, was the location of the couple’s wedding reception. While at the hotel today, I asked TWO different concierges for the location of “Dog and Beth’s wedding reception” and BOTH of them took out a hotel schedule and asked me if the reception was taking place today!! LOL I was like “No, no, I am talking about the Bounty Hunter’s wedding reception.” Neither one of the concierges had any idea where the wedding reception took place – I guess Hawaiians aren’t much into the whole stalking thing. LOL Anyway, one of the concierges called a manager who finally steered me toward the Water’s Edge Ballroom, where the reception took place.

    Lucky for me, the Water’s Edge Ballroom happened to be unlocked and I was able to go inside to snap some pics. The inside of the Ballroom looks exactly as it did when Dog and Beth’s reception took place, minus the decorations, of course. My mom and I were totally floored to see the reception area in person and if you are a fan, I highly recommend doing some stalking at the Hilton Waikoloa Hotel.

    The Hilton Waikoloa Resort, which was first opened in the late 80s as a Hyatt Hotel, cost more than $350 million to construct and stretches over 62 acres. The hotel is ginormous and absolutely unbelievable – you truly have to see it to believe it. There are over 1200 guest rooms, three pools, three hot tubs, 24 conference rooms, nine restaurants, a full size Disneyland-style monorail, winding canals with boat service for guests, a huge drawbridge over one of the pools, a waterslide, over $7 million dollars worth of art on display, a man-made lagoon with kayaks and pedal boats for rent, and a on-site dolphin pool. While definitely a cool place to visit, I wouldn’t recommend staying there. Most people come to Hawaii to relax and if that is your goal, the Hilton Waikoloa is not the place for you. It’s more Disneyland than Hawaii, but still a fun place to stalk nevertheless.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Hilton Waikoloa Village is located at 425 Waikoloa Beach Drive in the town of Kohala on the Big Island of Hawaii. Hilton rooms will run you between $199 and $589 per night. If you stalk the Hilton, be sure to hit up nearby Kings Shops for some GREAT shopping. The Honolua Wahine shop is one of my faves!

  • Lindsay, The Celebrity Hunter

    Yesterday, our first full day in Kona, I did a little Dog, the Bounty Hunter stalking. My mom gets a bit obsessed with celebs, just like me – at least I know where I get it from 🙂 – and one of her biggest obsessions right now is Mr. Duane Chapman, aka Dog, the Bounty Hunter. She is so obsessed with that show, in fact, that she even convinced my boyfriend and I to dress up like Dog and Beth last Halloween. 🙂

    Anyway, while Dog’s main Da Kine Bail Bonds office is located on the island of Oahu, his son Leiland, who also stars on the hit reality show, has an office on the Big Island of Hawaii and it is that office that I set out to stalk yesterday. I had attempted a bit of cyber-stalking before I left on my vacation but did not have much luck in locating Leiland’s office. The address is not listed anywhere online, not even on Da Kine’s official website. I tried calling Da Kine’s phone number to ask for the address, but it was just an answering machine and did not give a location. Thank goodness my mom has a few stalker tricks up her sleeve, because she was able to find the bail bonds office pretty much right after we arrived in Hawaii. 🙂

    My mom had a pretty good hunch from watching the Dog episode when Dog and Beth got married, which was filmed entirely on the Big Island, that Leiland’s office was located in a town about 15 minutes north of Kona called Kealakekua (Yes, it’s the same Kealakekua from the song My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii). My mom came to this conclusion because every time they showed Leiland’s office on that episode, the weather was overcast and rainy. The town of Kealakekua is always on the rainy side, so she was convinced Leiland’s office was located there. My mom may be a better stalker than I am, as I have yet to use weather as a stalking clue. 🙂

    So sure enough, yesterday my parents and I headed out to Kealakekua and stopped in at our favorite restaurant there, the Aloha Cafe. We asked our waitress if she happened to know where Da Kine Bail Bonds was located and she told us it was only two blocks away from where we were sitting! So I immediately dragged my parents down the street to stalk it. Sadly, the office was closed and Leiland was not there. I had figured as much, though, as the show is being filmed in Colorado this season. It was still very cool to be there, though and my dad even managed to snap a good pic of his office through the front window. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: DaKine Bail Bonds’ Big Island office is located in the Kainaliu Center which can be found at 79-7430 Mamalahoa Highway #2C in Kealakekua, Hawaii. If you stalk Leiland’s office be sure to stop into the Aloha Cafe, at 79-7382 Mamalahoa Highway, for some GREAT food. Dog’s main office in Hawaii, where most of the filming of Dog, the Bounty Hunter takes place, can be found at 1381 Queen Emma Street in Honolulu, on the island of Oahu.

  • The New Peach Pit

    Over the years there have been several locations used around LA for the filming of the Peach Pit on my fave TV show, Beverly Hills, 90210. And now there is one more location to add to the already long list. My buddy Mike over at MovieShotsLA gave me the scoop on last week’s filming of the new 90210, which is scheduled to premiere on the CW this fall. Apparently filming of the new Peach Pit took place at the Kokomo Cafe (formerly the Eat Well Cafe) on Beverly Boulevard. So, of course, I dragged my boyfriend right out to stalk it!

    As we pulled up to the address I was literally shaking with excitement. I had heard that the Peach Pit signs were still up from last week’s filming and the 14 year old in me was absolutely ecstatic at the thought of seeing them in real life! But alas it was not to be. The Peach Pit signs had already been removed and the Kokomo Cafe signs put back up by the time we arrived. It was still very cool to be there, though! The Kokomo Cafe looks NOTHING like the Peach Pit of the old days – this one is much more modern, with a sleek purple and black interior. The exterior is completely different, as well. The new Peach Pit is located in the corner space of a Spanish style building with large potted plants and wrought iron balconies. Supposedly producers are building an exact replica of the new Pit on a soundstage for future filming. One thing that hasn’t changed at the 90210 gang’s old hangout, though? Nat! Apparently Peach Pit founder Nat (played by actor Joe E. Tata) has signed on to be a part of the new 90210. YAY! Now if they can only get Luke Perry on board!!! 🙂

    You can see a picture of the Kokomo Cafe all decked out with Peach Pit signs here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The new Peach Pit can be found at the Kokomo Cafe located at 7385 Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles. Both the interior and the exterior of the cafe were used for the filming of the new 90210. The restaurant looks like a pretty cool place to grab a bite to eat. Apparently many stars were fans of the Kokomo Cafe’s former Farmer’s Market location and such celebs as Drew Barrymore and Denzel Washington were spotted dining there.

  • The Cravens Estate

    Just purchased Scott’s LA Audio Tour of Pasadena, a CD driving tour which is absolutely chock full of filming locations!! Loved it!! I was especially excited because one of the locations visited on the audio tour was a mansion named the Cravens Estate which was used in one of my favorite TV shows. Besides currently housing the Pasadena headquarters for the American Red Cross, the estate is practically a Hollywood backlot. Countless productions have filmed there over the years, but most significantly Cravens Estate was featured each week as JAG Headquarters on the television series of the same name. I do love me some Commander Harm Rabb! 🙂

    The Cravens Estate was built in the 1920s by John and Mildred Cravens. It is one of the last remaining mansions on what used to be known as Millionaires Row (Orange Grove Avenue) in Pasadena. The 25,000 square foot French Chateau style mansion was donated to the American Red Cross in the 1960s. The red brick exterior of the estate is absolutely gorgeous and the mansion really looks like it could be found in Washington D.C. Apparently, fans always used to write to JAG creator Donald P. Bellasario telling him that they stalked the town of Falls Church. Virginia (where JAG supposedly takes place) looking for JAG Headquarters only to find out that the builiding was actually located in Cailfornia. 🙂

    Both the interior and the exterior of the Cravens Estate have been used as filming locations over the years. On the TV show Commander in Chief, starring Geena Davis, the kitchen of the estate was used as the White House kitchen. Other productions filmed at the estate include Enemy of the State, Traffic, Murder She Wrote, Rush Hour 3, The Practice, Swordfish, Judging Amy, The Lyon’s Den, 24, and Beverly Hills, 90210. (I wish I knew what it was portrayed as in 90210!!!! Does anyone know???) The estate is also often used for weddings and special events.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Cravens Estate is located at 430 Madeline Drive in Pasadena, just off of Orange Grove Avenue. You can purchase Scott’s Driving CD’s here. Although the CD’s do move a bit too fast on occasion, they are lots of fun to take a tour with. Currently Scott has audio tours of Pasadena, Hollywood and Los Angeles available.

  • More Charmed Locations!

    My friend Chelsea is just about as obsessed with the TV series Charmed as I am with Beverly Hills, 90210. So while hanging out the other day she asked me to stalk a few Charmed filming locations for her. She was just dying to find Finn’s creepy looking house from the Season Four episode entitled “Size Matters”. In the episode Finn lives in a run-down, haunted-looking, Victorian-style home. The picture to the left is a screen capture of Finn’s house from the show. (I just learned how to do screen captures!!! YAY!)

    As soon as I popped in Chelsea’s DVD of the “Size Matters” episode, I immediately recognized the house as what is quite possibly the most famous haunted house in the world. Turns out Finn’s house is the exact same house used in Michael Jackson’s Thriller video and I have visited it several times. In the Charmed episode the house looks a lot more run down than it actually appears in real life. I am not sure if the house was actually in a state of disarray back when the Charmed episode was filmed or if producers added a facade to make it appear more spooky. In any event, today the house is not quite as creepy as it was when it played Finn’s home. Ironically, the Thriller house is just a few doors down from the Victorian that is used as the Halliway Sisters’ home on the series.

    The next location Chelsea wanted me to stalk was the tunnel used in the Season Six episode entitled “Forget-Me-Not.” In the episode, Piper’s toddler son Wyatt conjures up a dragon who ends up running wild all over San Francisco. In one scene, the dragon flies out of what Piper identifies as the “Presidio Tunnel”. The screen capture above shows the tunnel in the episode. I am so loving this screen capture thing! 🙂 Anyway, after doing a bit of Internet research I found this link on fave website Seeing Stars which led me to a tunnel in Griffith Park called the Mount Hollywood Tunnel.

    I was very excited to learn that the Mount Hollywood Tunnel has quite a distinguished filming history. It was used in Back to the Future 2 as the “River Road Tunnel” where Marty tries to get his almanac back from Biff, in Who Framed Roger Rabbit it served as the entrance to Toon Town, in War Games it was the entrance to NORAD, Emma Roberts ran through it in the Nancy Drew movie, and it was also the location of the accident that killed Marissa Cooper in Mischa Barton’s final episode of The O.C. And after looking at the Seeing Stars page, I could immediately tell it was the same tunnel used in Charmed.

    So yesterday I set out to stalk the Mount Hollywood Tunnel. I was excited to see that it looks pretty much exactly as it did in the Charmed episode. The only difference is that in Charmed signs were hung on the tunnel entrance saying “Presidio Tunnel”. Those, of course, were not there in real life. Also, for some reason, in real life cones have been put up running down the entire center of the tunnel. If you decide to stalk the tunnel for yourself, please exercise extreme caution! Cars barrel through it at about 40 mph, and I almost got hit while I was there. The tunnel is very dark and I don’t think drivers realize that there might be pedestrians inside – so be careful!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Finn’s house, aka the Thriller house, is located at 1345 Carroll Avenue in Echo Park, just down the street from the Charmed House, which can be found at 1329. Carroll Avenue is a historic neighborhood with a huge collection of beautiful Victorian homes. Walking tours of the neighborhood are conducted monthly and you can even take a tour of the interior of the Charmed house. The Mount Hollywood Tunnel is located in Griffith Park, just off Vermont Drive. Follow Vermont through the park, past the Greek Theatre. Once you pass the Observatory keep going straight on Vermont to where it turns into Mount Hollywood Drive and it will lead you right through the tunnel. Once you drive through the tunnel, there is small dirt parking lot where you can park your car and walk back to the tunnel entrance. The entrance near the parking lot is the side of the tunnel that was used in Charmed.

  • Brenda and Kelly’s Spa Weekend

    The other night while watching some old episodes of 90210, I was super excited to recognize a location from the Season 3 episode entitled “Midlife . . . Now What?” In the episode Brenda, Kelly, and their moms, along with Donna and Andrea, try to spend a relaxing weekend at a health spa, but, as usual, drama ensues. Kelly’s mom, Jackie, runs into her former coke dealer and Brenda overhears some disturbing gossip about Kelly’s step-dad. Such a great show! 🙂 Anyway, the health spa that the girls spent the weekend at was actually Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, a location my boyfriend and I have visited on many occasions.

    So, of course, after watching the episode, I immediately dragged my boyfriend to the Loews to do some stalking. But I was crushed to see that the lobby was completely different than I remembered it due to a recent remodel. Up until just a couple of months ago, the lobby looked exactly the same as it did in the 90210 days. But, sadly, now the lobby is virtually unrecognizable. Gone are the large chairs and couches that used to line the lobby area, and which Brenda and Kelly sat in upon their arrival at the spa, and in their place is a long row of tall palm trees which now run the length of the lobby. 🙁

    The hotel pool was also featured extensively in the episode – Jackie sits by the pool and contemplates using cocaine again and later has a poolside heart to heart with Kelly. I am happy to report that not only did Jackie decide not to start using drugs again, but that the hotel pool looks exactly the same as it did when filming took place there 15 years ago. An episode of Season 10 of The Bachelor with triathlete Bachelor Andy Baldwin was also filmed at the hotel pool. The girls competed in a triathlon competition around the pool to win private time with Andy.

    The Loews is a really nice place to stop in and have a drink. The hotel is situated right on the beach in Santa Monica and has amazing views of the Pacific and the famous Santa Monica Pier. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled if you visit the Loews as celebs often frequent the hotel. The last time my boyfriend and I were at the lobby bar, Jorja Fox from TV’s CSI walked in off the beach after a surfing lesson to have a drink. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The four-diamond Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel is located at 1700 Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. You can visit their website here. Their rooms will run you about $400 a night.

  • Buy A Set From Laguna Beach!

    Fave website Real Estalker just posted news that Lauren Conrad’s parents put their Laguna Beach dream house up for sale for a cool $17.5 million! You may remember that James Conrad built this house during the first season of Laguna Beach: The Real O.C. and LC and Ste-ven traipsed through the house during construction in the pilot episode. L.C. threw a few pool parties/BBQ’s there during subsequent seasons of the show and it was at one of those pools parties that her romance with Jason Wahler blossomed. I have no idea why the Conrad’s would sell this home – it is absolutely amazing!

    You can read the entire Real Estalker article here.

    Stalk It: The Conrad’s home is located at 29 Vista Del Sol in Laguna Beach. You won’t get past the guardshack located at 32350 Pacific Coast Highway, though, so you’ll just have to settle for views of the house from the road.

  • Making My Job a Little Easier!

    For my birthday my boyfriend bought me the new Sex and the City: The Movie book and I was totally floored to open it up and find a whole chapter devoted to filming locations from the movie! Takes a bit of the guesswork out of stalking, but it will make things so much easier on my next trip to New York. 🙂 The book is GREAT! I absolutely LOVE IT! There are tons of pictures, gossip, and trivia inside and I am having so much fun flipping through it. The only location not named in the filming locations chapter in the book is the Mexican restaurant the girls go to during Carrie’s “honeymoon”. It does mention, though, that it is located in Simi Valley, so it looks like I’ll be stalking all Mexican restaurants in the Simi Valley area for the next few months. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: You can buy your very own Sex and the City: The Movie book here.

  • Miranda and Steve’s Garden Wedding

    In keeping with the SATC theme of this week, I thought I’d do a post about a location that my boyfriend actually dragged me to! At the time I had no idea it was a filming location, let alone a SATC filming location, so sadly I didn’t take many pictures while I was there. When I was in New York two years ago, my boyfriend and I happened upon what looked like a huge brick castle in the middle of Greenwich Village and he insisted we go inside to explore. It turns out the building was not a castle at all, but a former New York City courthouse and detention center. A bit of trivia – the detention center once held famous prisoner Mae West! I must admit that while I am usually not into touring museums or historical buildings, this location was a really fun one to stalk. 🙂

    Jefferson Market Courthouse functioned as the Third Judicial District Courthouse from 1874 to 1945, at which time it fell into disrepair and was headed for demolition. Thankfully, New Yorkers protested against the demolition and the property was turned into the Jefferson Market Branch, New York Public Library. The building is now a National Historic Landmark and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The detention center that was attached to the Courthouse was demolished in 1974 and replaced with a community garden called the Jefferson Market Garden. That garden was the location of Miranda and Steve’s nuptials on Sex and the City. According to a Villager article, thanks to that episode of SATC, the garden has turned into a frequent wedding venue. Besides being used in the SATC, Jefferson Market was also featured in David Duchovny’s movie House of D.

    The Library is very cool to stalk, as it is still set up like an ancient courthouse. There are winding staircases, wood paneled rooms and even a dark, creepy dungeon that now houses the computer room. 🙂 When you step inside the library, it feels as if you are stepping back in time.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Jefferson Market Garden is located next to the Jefferson Market Branch, New York Public Library at 425 6th Avenue in Greenwich Village. The former courthouse is open daily to the public.