Category: TV Locations

  • Donna and David’s Wedding


    A few months ago Mike, from MovieShotsLA, called to tell me that he had located the church where Donna married David on the very last episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.    He mentioned something about the church being located in Sunland, a small town on the outskirts of Burbank, and for the first time ever I thought Mike, God of stalking, had actually gotten a filming location wrong.  You see, I could say with absolute certainty that Donna and David did not get married in a church anywhere near Sunland.  How could I be so sure about the location of their wedding?  Because I was there!    🙂



    Back in the Spring of 2000, just a few weeks after I had first moved to Los Angeles, I was given the once in a lifetime opportunity of being an extra on the very last episode of Beverly Hills, 90210,entitled “Ode to Joy”.  I had just registered with Central Casting, Los Angeles’ premiere extras casting agency, and was calling the hotline to see what jobs were available for the week when I heard words which I will never forget: “Be a part of television history – press one to be a guest at Donna and David’s wedding on the very final episode of 90210.”  Well, let me tell I just about died!  I believe I stood with the phone in my hand screaming for a good two minutes.   LOL  I swear if you had told me back in high school that one day I would be attending the wedding of Donna Martin and David Silver I probably would have had a heart attack right then and there.  LOL  You can see me in the above screen captures dancing at Donna and David’s reception.  🙂


    Anyway, it turns out that Mike was not actually wrong about Donna and David’s wedding location.  I should have known – he’s never wrong!  🙂  For whatever reason, producers chose to film the set-up shots of Donna and David’s wedding church at the First Baptist Church of Sunland.  But all of the actual filming took place about twenty miles away from there in a small chapel right off the 101 Freeway in Hollywood.   So, last weekend I decided I just had to revisit the site of one of my very first acting jobs and I dragged my boyfriend out to stalk the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. 




    Donna and David’s wedding was not actually held in the First Presbyterian Church’s main building, but in a smaller venue named Wylie Chapel, which is also located on the church premises.   The wedding ceremony took one full day to shoot, as did the reception scene, which took place at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.  And, if I remember correctly, we shot the reception scene first.  Both days lasted well over 14 hours – and, let me tell you, I loved every single minute of them!!!  I have to say that being on the final episode of 90210  was an absolutely magical experience for me.  Especially since it was one of my very first encounters with Hollywood.  I swear I spent the entire two days with stars in my eyes.  🙂  The cast and crew were incredibly  nice – especially Luke Perry and Ian Ziering.  I met Ian during one of our lunch breaks and I told him that in high school I had slept on 90210  sheets.  Well, he was absolutely shocked that there was such a thing as 90210  sheets and next thing I know he’s screaming “Luke! Luke!  You’ve gotta come hear this!”  Well, I just about keeled over as Luke Perry, love of my high school life, walked right up to us and Ian told him about my sheets.  Luke started laughing and said “Well, then I guess you can say we’ve slept together.”  LOL  Luke was even cuter in person that I ever imagined he could be and when I told him he was my first Hollywood crush he shook my hand and introduced himself.  Sigh!  I’m telling you, inside I was absolutely dying!  I’m amazed I was actually able to get any words out of my mouth while talking to him.  LOL  And if you’re wondering – Jennie Garth was the least friendliest of the bunch, which really surprised me.  


    The First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood is actually used quite often for filming.  Besides 90210, it was also featured in the 2007 movie Welcome to Paradise. And while we were stalking the place, filming crews for the television series Chuck  pulled up.  🙂 


    The church was founded in 1903 and once boasted the largest Presbyterian congregation in the world!  The main building, which is still used for church services today, was erected in 1923.  The church property takes up an entire city block and has a huge courtyard and garden area which is where the extras hung out while 90210  was filming.   I can still remember Brian Austin Green playing chess in the courtyard with the extras during his breaks.  There is also a theatre on the church gounds.  🙂  First Hollywood Presbyterian also has amazing views of the Hollywood sign, but ironically enough, the church was there long before there ever was a Hollywood sign to view.  🙂 

     Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Donna and David’s wedding was held in the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood’s Wylie Chapel, which is  located at 1763 North Gower Street in Hollywood.  Their wedding reception was filmed in the Beverly Hilton Hotel’s former Coconut Club, which is now the Beverly Hills Ballroom

  • Lauren Conrad’s New Condo


    Last week I heard the tragic news that Lauren Conrad confirmed that this season of her reality show The Hills would, in fact, be the last.  Oh, Lauren, say it ain’t so!!!  I get depressed enough when a season ends – how on earth am I going to feel knowing there will never again be a new Hills episode for me to look forward to??  Waaaaa!  My fingers are crossed that at least Spencer and Heidi will be given their own show, because, let’s face it, The City just isn’t cutting it as a satisfactory Hills replacement.  In other Hills news, Lauren Conrad and best pal Lo Bosworth recently moved out of the Hollywood house LC purchased back in January of ’08 and into a rented condominium in the Westwood area of Los Angeles.  So, of course, last weekend I dragged my boyfriend right out to stalk their new place.  🙂




    One of my very favorite movie lines was said by Denise Richards (I know – yuck!) in the 2001 comedy Good Advice.  In the movie, while trying to convince boyfriend Charlie Sheen to let her move into his upscale New York apartment building with him, Denise says “I’m ready to have a doorman in my life.”  LOL  Well, apparently LC was also ready for a doorman – according to the H’wood Party Girl website Lauren “wanted more security and being in a building with a doorman will allow her that.”  Apparently Lauren was sick and tired of tour buses driving by her home ten plus times a day and random fans scaling her front wall and ringing her doorbell at all hours of the night.  Hmmm, I wonder how these people got her address.  😉  LOL


    Not only does Lauren’s new building have a 24-hour doorman, but it also features valet parking, a swimming pool  and sun deck, a tennis court, a banquet room, and a fitness center.  The twenty story building has only 65 units which range in price from $1.5 million to $3 million. Supposedly, Lauren is paying $15,000 per month to rent her new condo.  To offset that hefty new rental cost, Lauren is currently renting out her Hollywood house for the bargain price of $11,000 a month!  LOL  How cool would it be to have LC as your landlord, though??  Keep your eyes peeled for LC’s new pad to be showing up in the fifth, and final, season of The Hills which premieres Monday, March 30th, at 10 pm. You can see interior pics of another unit currently for sale in Lauren’s building here.



    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Lauren Conrad’s new condominium is located in the prestigious Wilshire House building located at 10601 Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood.  You  can visit the Wilshire House website here.

  • The Pilot House!



    One filming location that has pretty much been the bane of Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and my existence for quite some time now is the home that the Walsh family lived in during the very first of episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.  Mike and I fondly, and sometimes not so fondly – LOL – refer to this location as “The Pilot House” since it was used in one episode and one episode only of our favorite 90’s series – the pilot episode.  The home was never seen again on the series and the question as to why the Walshes lived in a different house when the show began than in later episodes has remained a location mystery for the past twenty years.  It’s actually quite common, though, for certain elements of a television series, i.e. locations or actors, to be changed after a pilot episode is filmed.  Pilots are usually filmed with extremely small budgets months before regular series filming begins.  After a pilot is filmed, it is then shopped around to different networks in the hopes of being sold.  The sad truth is that less than twenty five percent of the television pilots that are filmed ever get picked up by the networks, so producers aren’t usually willing to spend a boatload of money to shoot them.  But even so the questions as to where the original Walsh home was located and as to why the Walsh home changed from the traditional style home pictured above to the famous Spanish style home that we all know and love  have never been answered.  Until now!  🙂




    A few weeks ago while Mike was watching the pilot episode of 90210  he noticed the number 130 located above the front door of the Walsh home – a little location clue neither of us had picked up on before. (Pictured above).  So pretty much immediately the two of us started searching 100 blocks in Los Angeles and its surrounding areas.  We must have scrutinized almost every single square inch of L.A. looking for this house!  With no luck, I might add.  Mike’s instincts kept telling him that the house was located in a gated community due to the fact that the street in front of the home appeared extremely narrow on TV.   But, knowing that the shooting budget for the pilot was most likely meager and that filming on a private road is usually a whole lot more costly than filming on your average city street, I disagreed with him.  Until last week, that is. 



    While driving through Brentwood with my boyfriend last week I saw a gated community that I had never noticed before.  I could tell just by driving by that it bore a striking resemblance to the 90210  pilot neighborhood.  So when I got home that night I did some cyberstalking and quickly found a house in the community with a 130 address that looked a whole lot like the Walsh’s first Beverly Hills home.   But I couldn’t be certain it was the Pilot House until I saw the property with my own two eyes.  And I was really worried that, being that the home is located in a gated community, I would never get that chance.  Well, I must have a guardian angel watching over me, because on a whim, last weekend, I asked my boyfriend to drive by the neighborhood.  I knew there was a house for sale just up the road from the pilot house and I had a bit of a hunch.  Sure enough – right as we drove up to the community, there on a sign in big red letters were the words I was hoping beyond all hope to see –  OPEN HOUSE!  🙂  YAY!  And that was my ticket in!



    Let me tell you, as we came around the corner and the Pilot House came into view, I was so excited I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest!!!!  🙂   I was pinching myself the whole time!  It was so surreal to finally be standing there in front of a filming location I had wondered about for almost twenty years!  I almost felt as if any second I would wake up at home in bed only to realize that none of it was real. LOL  The Pilot House is a lot smaller in person than it appeared on the show, but otherwise, even twenty years later, it looks EXACTLY the same as it did on 90210!  And I could not have been more ecstatic to finally be seeing it with my own two eyes!!!!!  The neighborhood where the Pilot House is located is really beautiful, too, with towering trees, huge lawns, and hilly, winding roads.  The house for sale wasn’t too shabby, either – yes, of course, we went to go see it!  🙂   


    And once I determined that the home was located in a gated community, the other part of the 90210  pilot house mystery was solved, too.  Upon entering, I just happened to ask the guard on duty at the guard shack if the community allowed filming of any sort to take place on the premises.  He told me that in fact filming is not allowed and he laughed as if he gets asked that question all the time.  I am sure location scouts come a-knockin’ at the guard shack door all too often.  My best guess is that back in 1990, when the pilot episode was filmed, there was no ban on filming in the neighborhood.  The pilot house was probably the first home on the premises ever used for filming of any sort.  And I am pretty sure it must have belonged to someone on the production team – ie. the director, producer, art director, etc.  It actually happens more often than you’d think that someone involved with a lower budget production will offer up their home for filming to keep costs down.  Because the Pilot House is a beautiful home located in an upscale community, and since the 90210  pilot budget was most likely quite small, I think that is exactly what happened.  Otherwise I just don’t see how they could have afforded to film there.  If you’ve seen the pilot episode as many times as I have, you’ll remember that most of the location shooting at the Walsh house took place at night, which I am sure angered quite a few neighbors.  Night shoots usually last from sunset to sunrise and can be loud, messy, and annoying to anyone whose house is nearby.  So I am gonna go out on a limb and say that during the production of 90210,  a few of the neighbors probably got a little miffed about the filming and  as soon as the pilot wrapped, members of the small community (there are only 67 houses on the property) made certain nothing like that would ever happen again.  So when Beverly Hills, 90210 got picked up as a series three to six months later, the producers were left without a home to use for filming.   And that’s how we ended up with Casa Walsh.  🙂 

     Now we can FINALLY put to bed one of the greatest filming location mysteries of all time.  Now if only I could find that darn Girls Just Want To Have Fun apartment!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The 90210  Pilot House is located at 130 North Gunston Drive in the Brentwood Circle community.  Please remember that this home is located in a private, gated community, and unless they open their gates for a reason (ie. an open house), you should not be on the property.

  • Jason Mesnick’s Bachelor Pad


    Monday night’s episode of The Bachelor  was all that RealitySteve  promised it would be – and more!  The show played out pretty much EXACTLY as he said it would and I completely agree with him that the finale’s “shocking twist” was a set-up from the get-go.  Something about Molly’s reaction during the After the Final Rose  program just didn’t ring true for me.  I mean, come on, she got dumped two months ago on national TV, then Monday night she finds out that the girl she was dumped for just got dumped herself (also on national TV), and then the dumb-ass guy asks her if he can have another chance????  Anyone with half a heart would need at least an hour or so to process all that information!  Not Molly, though – she had her lips on Jason’s before they could even cut to a commercial break.  And we’re supposed to believe that was her “real” reaction?  Come on, ABC!   No woman in her right mind would react that way!  I mean doesn’t she find it just a wee bit unsettling that Jason has now proposed to three different women, none of whom it’s worked out with??  Hello – red flag!   But I must say that as obvious of a set-up as the whole thing was and as horrible as I felt for poor Melissa, damn if that didn’t make for some good TV.  I was absolutely glued to my television set for the entire three hours!  And I have to admit I have a new found respect for Melissa.  LOVED when she called Jason a bastard.  LOL LOL LOL  You go girl!  Anyway, since earlier this week I stalked the house the women lived in on this season of The Bachelor, today I thought I’d blog about Jason’s pad.




    During the first half of this season’s Bachelor, Jason Mesnick lived in a red adobe style home that looked like it belonged in Arizona or New Mexico rather than in L.A.    Jason’s son Ty, who someone on RealitySteve’s site commented looks just like Eddie Munster LOL LOL LOL, also lived in this house during the filming – notice the jungle gym in the above screen caps.  This house was the site of Jason’s infamous camping date with Molly where the two supposedly stayed up all night “talking” in their tent.  Yeah right!  About halfway through the season, Jason moved out of this house and into what was supposedly his Seattle home.  In reality, though, that house (like everything else on the show) was a fake and didn’t truly belong to him.   





    Ironically enough, I first started searching for this home when it appeared on an episode of the new 90210 series earlier this year.  The home was featured in the episode entitled “Love Me or Leave Me” in which Annie and Ethan take a little overnight vacay to Palm Springs.  In the episode the two spend the night in Annie’s grandmother’s house, which just happens to be the very same home Jason lived in on The Bachelor.  When the home first appeared on 90210, I believed it was actually located in Palm Springs.   It wasn’t until I recognized it a few weeks later on The Bachelor that I realized it had to be located somewhere in the L.A. area, most likely Malibu.  


    I am sad to say that it took me much longer than it should have to find this house, being that it is located ON THE SAME STREET as the house the women lived in on The Bachelor.  LOL  In fact I drove right by it the other day while out stalking the women’s house, but just didn’t realize it.  I’m oh so observant!  So when I finally found the house today after doing some cyberstalking, I could have kicked myself!  I knew the two Bachelor  homes had to be located fairly close to each other, but I had no idea they’d be on the very same street less than a mile apart.  LOL



    Sadly, not much of the home, which is named Rancho Cielo, is visible from the street.  You can see just enough of it to recognize it as The Bachelor  house, but even so I wouldn’t make any sort of special trip out there to see it.  I’d stay home and cybertsalk it instead


    According to the sign out front, besides being available for filming, Rancho Cielo is also currently used as a wedding venue.  And while Jason didn’t have much luck in the love department while living there, it still looks like a beautiful place to get married.   LOL   You can visit the home’s wedding website here

    On a side note – if you didn’t catch Jason’s appearance on Monday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, you really need to watch it!  I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t hear it with my own ears, but on the show Jason actually said – and I am quoting here – “I think at some point her [Melissa] and I will be friends again.”  WOW!   Seriously????  Jason, you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought!  LOL  Jimmy Kimmel’s reaction to that quote was absolutely priceless!  LOL LOL LOL

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jason Mesnick’s Bachelor pad, aka Rancho Cielo, is located at 430 Kanan Road in Malibu.

  • “The Bachelor” Mansion


    I just about died this past Friday afternoon when my US Magazine  arrived in the mail and looming out at me was the headline “Is The Bachelor Fake?”   I have been absolutely enthralled with The Bachelor  this season – and not because I am a fan of Jason Mesnick.  I think the guy is pretty much a tool.  But there was just so much drama this season that I absolutely could not tear myself away from the TV.  And from the look of things, more drama is yet to come on tonight’s Final Rose Ceremony and After the Final Rose presentation.  According to this week’s US Magazine article, a blogger named Steve Carbone, from, blew the lid right off of tonight’s shows!  According to Steve (whose website I am now addicted to!) Jason is going to propose to contestant Melissa Rycroft at the end of tonight’s Bachelor  finale.  But (and here is where things get juicy!) during tonight’s After the Final Rose show (which was pre-taped six weeks ago) Jason is going to dump Melissa for second runner up Molly Malaney.  And, the icing on the cake, supposedly Jason has been seeing Molly behind Melissa’s back ever since filming was completed – not that he will ever admit to that!  What a snake!  Steve believes in his heart of hearts that ABC concocted this whole scenario to increase their ratings and I have to say I agree with him.  I started having my doubts as to the reality of The Bachelor way back during Season Two when my boyfriend’s boss spotted Bachelor Aaron Buerge on a date with contestant Gwen Gioia.  Apparently not only were make-up artists fixing Gwen’s hair and make-up during the date, but producers were constantly stopping the filming to re-shoot certain segments. LOL  Needless to say I cannot wait for tonight’s episode.  I am sure I will walk away from it thinking Jason is an even bigger douchebag than I did before.  LOL      



    Thanks to my buddy Whitney over at ZillowBlog, who alerted me to this article back in October, I was able to stalk the Bachelor  house this past weekend.   Ever since it was built in 2005, the Malibu area home pictured above has been featured on numerous seasons of The Bachelor.  The mansion’s front entrance was used repeatedly as the famous limousine drop-off area where the past few Bachelors and Bachelorettes have welcomed their contestants during the first episode of each season. In fact, not only was the mansion’s entrance the very spot where Jason first met Deanna last season, but it was also the same locale where Jason welcomed the women of the show this season.  The home’s living room area has also been the site of the numerous rose ceremonies of seasons past.  But this season, not only was the home used for rose ceremonies and the big limo welcome, but it was also where the women lived during the filming.  So I was pretty excited to stalk it!  🙂




    Orignally priced at $13 million and later dropped to $8,750,000, The Bachelor  house is currently for sale at the bargain price of $6,750,000.   Apparently being “The Bachelor  house” isn’t that great a selling point.  LOL   The six bedroom, nine bathroom Tuscan style manse measures a whopping 8,000 square feet and sits on almost ten acres of land!  The home has a four car garage, a gourmet kitchen, an infinity pool with a swim-up barbeque and bar, and a detached 4,000 square foot studio/office area!     To put it in Bachelor  speak, the house is simply “amazing”!  Ever notice how often they use that word on the show?  LOL  Somebody really needs to get the contestants a thesaurus – stat!  Unfortunately, not much of the home is visible from the street, but it was still extremely exciting to stalk it knowing all the drama that took place there back in November.   




    Be sure to tune into tonight’s Bachelor Season Finale.  It is sure to have “the most dramatic rose ceremony . . . ever”!  And if you haven’t yet, you simply must check out Reality Steve’s blog – it’s enthralling! 

    UPDATE – This very same mansion was recently featured in the Season 2 episode of The Mentalist entitled “The Red Box” as the home of photographer Hopper Banks.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: The Bachelor  house is located at 2351 Kanan Road in Malibu.  You can visit the home’s real estate website here.  You can also visit the owner’s website here.

  • Isn’t It Romantic!



    A few weeks ago while watching my all time favorite episode of Beverly Hills, 90210, entitled “Isn’t It Romantic”, I noticed something I had never noticed before in all of my previous times watching it.   In the episode, Dylan takes Brenda on a date to a scenic lookout point to discuss their burgeoning relationship.  While watching that scene I noticed that Dylan and Brenda walk right by a sign reading “Mulholland Scenic Corridor” (pictured above).  And I almost jumped right out of my chair as I knew exactly where Brenda and Dylan were standing.  My boyfriend had taken me to that exact same spot about four or five years ago.  My boyfriend – stealing romantic moves from Dylan McKay!  Who knew?  LOL 

     So immediately after watching the episode, I dragged my boyfriend out to stalk the overlook that he had taken me to all those years ago.  But when we got there I realized immediately that we were in the wrong place.   For some reason it just didn’t look to me like Brenda and Dylan’s overlook.  My boyfriend kept telling me “Lindsay, the episode was filmed 20 years ago!  Surely the place is going to look different now!”  LOL   Well, come to find out, we were in the wrong place!  Turns out there are EIGHT different scenic overlooks located along the twisty turny 24 mile stretch of Mulholland Drive known as the Mulholland Scenic Corridor and Parkway.  LOL  I believe it was at that point that I became a bit unglued and told my boyfriend that we were going to drive to EACH AND EVERY ONE of those overlooks until I found the right one. LOL  I know, I know, it’s amazing that he puts up with me!





    Well, lucky for my boyfriend, we didn’t actually have to go to all eight overlooks.  I believe we only made it to five of them.  🙂  The funny thing is that by that point I didn’t even care so much about seeing Brenda and Dylan’s overlook in person – it was more the frustration over not being able to find it that was driving me.    Anway, the overlook used on Beverly Hills, 90210  is named the Nancy Hoover Pohl Overlook and as soon as I saw it in person I had to give myself a mental kick.  I am sad to say that I really should have figured this one out sooner, as the Pohl Overlook is pretty much the only Mulholland overlook that has any sort of parking lot.  And parking lots are definitely one thing location scouts look for when scouting locations.  They need a place to park all of those massive production trucks!  The Pohl Overlook has a HUGE parking lot that can fit over 40 cars, so it would have been the obvious choice for the filming of my fave 90s show.  UGH!  I can be such a blond sometimes!  LOL


    I HIGHLY recommend stalking ANY of the Mulholland Scenic Parkway and Corridor overlooks.  All five that we visited boasted absolutely majestic views of Los Angeles.  The eight overlooks are located on Mulholland Drive in between the 101 and 405 Freeways.  Their names are: Barbara A. Fine Overlook, Hollywood Bowl Overlook, Nancy Hoover Pohl Overlook, Stone Canyon Overlook, Universal City Overlook,  The Groves Overlook, Las Virgenes Overlook, and Seminole Overlook.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: The Nancy Hoover Pohl Overlook is located at 8401 Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles.

  • Quake!




    The other night while driving home from the hospital – yes, my dad is in the hospital yet again – I happened to hit a red light at the corner of Green Street and Arroyo Parkway in Pasadena. The light took a really long time to change and while waiting I just happened to gaze off to my left. What I saw almost made me run my car right off the road! LOL Just down the street from me on Green Street, I saw what looked a whole lot like the exterior of Quake Restaurant from the television series Charmed. Even though I never watched Charmed while it was on the air, I have been slightly obsessed with finding Quake’s exterior ever since some Charmed fanatics challenged me to find it this past summer. And let me tell you, it was one difficult location to find!



    For Christmas Mike from MovieShotsLA bought me the entire Charmed series on DVD and I just started watching the first season last week. By scrutinizing some screen captures I could tell that the exterior of Quake was not the exterior of a real restaurant. Basically Quake’s entrance consisted of two pillars and an archway that producers spruced up a little by adding some foliage, potted plants, and a sign reading “Quake”. My best guess was that the pillars were the entrance to an apartment building or a commercial driveway of some sort. But trying to find two random pillars in L.A. proved to be quite difficult and to tell you the truth I had no idea even where to begin looking. Due to the vagueness of what was shown on TV, this is one location I had no hope of ever finding. Until Sunday night, that is!



    What caught my eye as I drove by Green Street the other night were the twinkle lights covering “Quake’s” archway (pictured above). I’ve probably driven by this location about a hundred times in the past, but in the daylight I never really noticed it. At night, though, the bright twinkle lights caught my eye and triggered something in my mind. I immediately pulled off to the side of the road, snapped a few photographs, and sent them off to Mike. He called me back right away and said that the Green Street location was, indeed, Quake!!!!




    It turns out that in real life the exterior of Quake is the entrance to an office building named the Pasadena Livery Building. The lit archway in front leads to a small brick courtyard located at the Livery’s entrance. While the archway and courtyard area are very cute in person, I’m sure it will be pretty disappointing for Charmed fans to find out that in real life Quake is just a nondescript office building that one could easily drive right by without even noticing. LOL I was still SUPER excited to find it, though!!

    Now that I can check Quake off my must-find locations list, I can pour all of my stalking attention yet again into finding the ever elusive Girls Just Want to Have Fun apartment . LOL For some reason not even Mike, master stalker, can locate that apartment building. But like I told him the other day, if we can find two pillars and an archway that were used in the filming of a television series over 11 years ago, surely we can find the Girls Just Want To Have Fun apartment!!!! LOL

    And it’s definitely true what they say – every cloud does have a silver lining. Because while my dad might have spent all week in the hospital, had I not been driving home from visiting him late at night I never would have discovered Quake. Sometimes you’ve just gotta keep your eyes open to what the universe is trying to show you. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The exterior of the fictional Quake restaurant is really the entrance to the Pasadena Livery Building located at 101 East Green Street in Pasadena.

  • The 90210 Pilot Church


    A few days ago I sent Mike, from MovieShotsLA, a screen capture of the church featured in the pilot episode of Beverly Hills, 90210. I had a hunch he might know where it was located – and, sure enough, he did! He immediately called me and said “That’s the Spiderman church!” as it was also used in the filming of Spiderman 3. 🙂 God, he’s good! St. Brendan Church – or as Mike and I like to call it, the “pilot church” – was built in 1927 by Los Angeles area architect Emmett Martin.







    In the pilot episode of 90210, Brenda, not wanting her new twenty-something boyfriend Jason to know that she is only sixteen years old and still living at home with her parents, lies and says that she is attending UCLA and living in a sorority house named Sigma Rho Tau. After their first date, Jason drops Brenda off in front of her fake sorority house, which just happens to be located next door to a church. That church is St. Brendan and that sorority house is not really a sorority house at all, but the church rectory. As you can see in the above screen captures, all the producers had to do was add a sign with the sorority’s name to the outside of the rectory and cover up the stained glass window with a bulletin board – and voila, they had themselves a sorority house!


    While researching St. Brendan Church earlier today I remembered something very ironic from my past. I can’t even believe I’m admitting to this – in a public forum no less – but you only live once, so here goes! When I was in high school I receieved the Sacrament of Confirmation. At the time I was fifteen years old and deep in the throws of my 90210 obsession. So much so in fact, that I chose Brendan, after St. Brendan, as my confirmation name. In the Catholic faith, when ones receives the Sacrament of Confirmation, they are to adopt the name of a patron saint who is said to then guide and protect them. Confirmation candidates are supposed to study the history of the saints and find one that represents the type of Christian they want to become. But for me the choice was easy. Once I found out there was a saint named Brendan, that was it for me! Of course, the female version of the name Brendan is Brenda. 🙂 Yes, I was THAT obsessed. LOL Being that my mother wanted to kill me when she found out the saint name I chose, this little episode of my life has been a long running joke in my family. LOL So earlier today when I found out that St. Brendan was the name of the 90210 church, I just about fell out of my chair.

    St. Brendan actually has quite a rich filming history. Besides the pilot episode of Beverly Hills, 90210, the church was also featured in Armageddon as the location of Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler’s wedding.



    You can watch the wedding scene below:

    It was the location of Stephanie Seymor and Axl Rose’s wedding in the Guns N’ Roses music video for the song “November Rain”.




    On a side note – I must say that I absolutely LOVE Stephanie Seymour’s wedding dress from the video (pictured above). I am gonna have to get me one of those for my wedding! LOL As if!! 🙂 You can watch the “November Rain” music video below:

    In the Season Four episode of CSI: Miami entitled “From the Grave”, my fave Horatio Caine confessed his sins at Saint Brendan.


    The church was also featured in the 1953 version of War of the Worlds (as the location where the residents of L.A. gather during the final scenes of the movie), Spiderman 3 (the interior is where Topher Grace prayed for God to kill Peter Parker), Fight Club (Edward Norton’s cancer support group was held there), and an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. You can see interior pics of the church on the Saint Brendan website.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Beverly Hills, 90210 pilot church, aka St. Brendan, is located at 310 South Van Ness Avenue in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles.

  • Pawn Shop to the Stars



    Another day, another pawn shop to write about. 🙂 Ironically, just around the corner from the now defunct Beverly Hills, 90210 pawn shop that I blogged about yesterday, is yet another local pawn shop that also has a filming history. Who knew that pawn shops were such popular filming locations?? 🙂 Angelo’s Jewelry and Loan Company, which touts itself as the “Pawn Shop to the Stars”, opened up in 1984 and has the distinction of being Santa Monica’s oldest pawn shop. Since it was around at the time, I can’t help but wonder why it wasn’t used as Dylan’s pawn shop in the “Anaconda” episode of 90210. Or why there would be two pawn shops in such close proximity to each other. Perhaps that explains why the “Anaconda” one is no longer in business. Anyway, even though the tiny shop was overlooked by 90210 location scouts, it did get featured just last year in the Owen Wilson movie Drillbit Taylor.




    In Drillbit Taylor, a group of nerdy teenage boys hire con man Owen Wilson to be their bodyguard. But instead of protecting them, Drillbit ends up robbing them blind and hawking their goods at a local pawn shop. That pawn shop was Angelo’s. And it looks exactly the same in real life as it did in the movie. According to the owner Angelo’s has also been featured in other productions over the years, but he was unable to recall which ones – which boggles my mind! LOL My guess is that Angelo’s has appeared in one or more of the L.A. based crime dramas such as Without A Trace, Cold Case, or the CSI shows.



    I found this location thanks to Mike over at MovieShotsLA, but the truth is I really should have recognized it myself. For over two years I took acting classes right around the corner from Angelo’s and would pass by the shop at least three times a week on my way to grab a coffee before or after class. Every time I walked by I would laugh at the silly signs in the store windows (pictured above). So when Mike told me that my acting class pawn shop was the very same pawn shop featured in Drillbit Taylor, I had to mentally kick myself for not immediately recognizing it. And I call myself a stalker!! LOL Sometimes I really think all that blond dye goes straight to my head. LOL Thanks, Mike!


    According to this article, Angelo’s claim of being the “Pawn Shop to the Stars” is actually not a joke. Apparently movie stars do stop in to Angelo’s from time to time, although the owner refuses to divulge which ones. I didn’t see any while I was there, but who knows, while stalking the place you might end up spotting a celeb or two! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Angelo’s Pawn Shop is located at 206 Santa Monica Boulevard in Santa Monica.

  • Anaconda!


    No, the above title does not refer to the 1997 JLo/Ice Cube action flick Anaconda (a movie I have never seen), but a Beverly Hills, 90210 episode of the same name. The other day while I was hanging out on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, Mike (from MovieShotsLA) called me and asked if I wouldn’t mind stalking a nearby location for him. He was looking for the pawn shop that down-on-his-luck Dylan visited in that Second Season episode, which he could tell from the above screen capture was located somewhere on 2nd Street in Santa Monica.


    While watching the pawn shop scene, Mike immediately recognized the famous Santa Monica Crocker Clock Tower in the background behind Dylan. The Crocker Clock Tower is somewhat of a landmark building in Santa Monica, most likely due to its unusual art deco style and size – it is the second tallest building in the city. The clock tower is also famous for another reason, though. On January 17, 1994, at 4:31 a.m. the Northridge Earthquake struck Los Angeles and its surrounding area. The 6.7 magnitute quake not only rocked the city, but the Crocker Clock Tower as well, stopping its hands at the precise moment the first wave struck. For over six years afterwards the clock’s hands remained frozen in time at 4:31 a.m., a constant reminder to all who viewed it of the devastating quake. In 2000, the clock was finally fixed for the meager cost of $75,000.



    Using the clock tower (and the above screen capture) as his guide, Mike was able to figure out the exact location of Dylan’s pawn shop, which I am sad to say is no longer in business. Such a bummer! Currently a sound design company named RMD Entertainment occupies the space. “Anaconda” was filmed 17 years ago and in that time a lot on 2nd street has changed. While I haven’t been able to confirm it, I do believe that filming took place at an actual pawn shop that was once located in RMD’s space. Although it is also a possibility that a fake pawn shop was set up in a vacant storefront at that location strictly for the filming of the “Anaconda” episode. But I believe the former is true.



    I am constantly shocked when locations Mike and I stalk look different than how they appeared onscreen. Mike is always telling me that I need to remember that these episodes were filmed almost two decades ago and that the locations where they were filmed will have changed considerably in twenty years time. But since Beverly Hills, 90210 is so frozen in time for me, I am always expecting the locations to be frozen in time, as well, and am always shocked when I find that they aren’t. LOL

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The pawn shop featured in “Anaconda” is now RMD Entertainment which is located at 1418 2nd Street in Santa Monica. The Crocker Clock Tower building is located just around the corner at 225 Santa Monica Boulevard.