Category: TV Locations

  • The Poppa’s Popcorn House!


    Quite a few months back, I challenged Mike, from MovieShotsLA, to find the house the Ashe family moved into in the Season 2 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210  entitled “Ashes to Ashes”.  In the episode, the African-American family moves in to a home just down the street from the Walshes, causing quite a stir in their normally quiet neighborhood.  The patriarch of the family is none other the “Poppa of Poppa’s Popcorn”, which just so happens to be Brenda’s favorite popcorn brand.  🙂  Vivica A. Fox, in one of her very first roles, plays the Ashe Family daughter, Charise, in the episode.



    Mike found the house pretty much immediately, thanks to the address number shown on the Ashe family’s next door neighbor’s home in the scene when Charise’s boyfriend, Devo, gets arrested by the Beverly Hills Security Patrol (pictured above).  Five digit address numbers are usually found in Encino, so Mike started his search there.  And, sure enough, that’s exactly where the house was located!  So, this weekend I just had to drag my boyfriend out to stalk it!






    The exterior of the Encino house shows up several times in the “Ashes to Ashes” episode, most prominently as the location where Brandon and Charise get into a minor car accident.  The interior of the home was also featured numerous times.   And while the house may be located in Encino, it does look like it could have been found in the Walsh neighborhood, so it’s easy to see why producers chose to use it.  It’s also less than four miles away from the Van Nuys studio where 90210  was filmed, which must have made it the easy choice for filming.



    I am happy to report that the Poppa’s Popcorn house looks exactly the same today as it did when the “Ashes to Ashes” episode first aired back in 1991.  The trees out front have grown quite a bit since then, of course, but otherwise the house looks pretty much the same.  I will say that the home is HUGE in person, though, even bigger than it seemed on 90210.  When I first drove by, it felt like the house just kept going and going and going.    Needless to say, it was very exciting for me to finally be stalking the Poppa’s Popcorn house.  In fact, when we first drove up to it I was immediately transported back to high school and I could almost picture Brandon backing his classic yellow mustang out of Charise’s driveway.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Poppa’s Popcorn House is located at 15912 Woodvale Road in Encino.

  • The Beverly Hills, 90210 Spring Dance!


    A few weeks ago, I happened to pop in my Beverly Hills, 90210 Season 1 DVDs to watch the “Spring Dance” episode – one of my very favorite 90210episodes of all time!  As I scrolled through the DVD menu, I realized that, unbelievably, I had yet to watch that episode accompanied by the commentary by series’ creator Darren Star.  So, I settled in with a nice Starbucks Iced Latte to listen to what Darren had to say.  And I am SO glad I did, because besides dishing juicy little tidbits of information (such as Shannen Doherty and Luke Perry were not getting along at all that day), Darren also stated that the West Beverly High Spring Dance sequence had been filmed at the Universal Sheraton Hotel in Universal City.  So, I of course, grabbed my boyfriend and my camera and immediately headed over there!  🙂



    Unfortunately, last year the Sheraton Universal Hotel underwent a $25 million renovation project and now looks completely different than it did back in 1991 when 90210 was filmed there.  🙁  Even the hotel’s main entrance has changed significantly and the circular awning which was shown as the gang drove up to the prom venue has been replaced.  : (   According to the hotel’s General Manager, Peter Walterspiel, the forty year old Sheraton “needed a facelift pretty badly”.


    First opened in 1969, the twenty story, 451 room hotel is now ready to face the 21st Century.  Although I never saw the Sheraton pre-remodel (except on 90210, that is!) , I absolutely love the way it now looks!  The lobby is shiny and modern and full of bright, open spaces.  And there are many black and white photographs of old time movie stars, like Audrey Hepburn and my girl Marilyn Monroe, lining the lobby walls!  Gotta love it!  🙂


    I really wanted to grab a cocktail in the hotel’s Club Lounge (where the lights change colors based on the cycle of the sun!), but alas it was only 4 in the afternoon when I was there.  🙁  Oh well, next time!






    The Beverly Hills, 90210 Spring Dance scenes were filmed in the hotel’s Grand Ballroom, which, thankfully, looks much the same today as it did eighteen years ago when it appeared on 90210.  🙂  Although some parts of the room have changed since that time, you can see in the above photos that the dark wood doors, wainscoting, and even the wallpaper are still the same.



    You can see in the above photos that the wierd lights located above the ballroom doors also haven’t changed since the filming.  The screen capture I made of the lights didn’t come out very well, but if you watch the episode you can see the lights more clearly.


    Many other productions besides Beverly Hills, 90210 have also been filmed at the Sheraton Universal Hotel.  The reality series Cougar used the hotel for both location filming and as the place where all of the contestants were put up during the filming.  According to the concierge the escalators leading down to the hotel’s conference rooms were used repeatedly on the show (pictured above).  Contestants from the reality series America’s Got Talent were also put up at the Sheraton Universal.  And on an episode of Hogan Knows Best, Brooke Hogan and her father, Hulk, checked into the Sheraton while visiting Los Angeles.  A recent episode of the television series Chuck was filmed in the Club Lounge and the hotel was also featured in both Desperate Housewives and CSI: Las Vegas.


    The Universal Sheraton, which is nicknamed the “Hotel of the Stars”, often plays host to celebrities, as well, including George Clooney, B.B. King, Michael Jackson, Ava Gardner, Tom Hanks, Sophia Loren, Gladys Knight, John Travolta, Dolly Parton, Matthew McConaughy, and my girl Jen Aniston.  Telly Savalas, Jen’s godfather, actually LIVED in the hotel for over 17 years!!!!  Apparently, Telly began staying at the Universal Sheraton while starring in the television series Kojak, which was filmed just down the road at Universal Studios.    He was so keen on the hotel that he ended up moving his wife and kids in and making it his permanent residence.  Supposedly, he used to hang out quite often in the lobby bar and was always willing to take pictures and sign autographs for hotel guests.  🙂  Sadly, on January 22, 1994, Telly passed away in his Universal Sheraton Hotel suite.  He was only 70 years old.  🙁


    I HIGHLY recommend stalking – or even staying at – the Universal Sheraton.  In fact, I am trying to think of a good excuse to drag my boyfriend there for a weekend.  🙂  The staff was incredibly nice to me and answered all of my silly questions about the filming that had taken place there over the years – although no one remembered the 90210 Spring Dance being filmed there back in 1991.  LOL  For all of you tourists who are planning a trip to Universal Studios, the Sheraton Universal would be the place to stay as it is literally a hop, skip, and a jump away from the theme park.  You wouldn’t even have to rent a car.  🙂  Oh, and my favorite part of the hotel?  The mini Hollywood sign located at the Sheraton’s main entrance (pictured above).  LOVE IT!  🙂  I’ve gotta get me one of those for my backyard!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Sheraton Universal Hotel is located at 333 Universal Hollywood Drive in Universal City.  You can visit their website here.  The Beverly Hills, 90210 Spring Dance took place in the hotel’s Grand Ballroom, located just downstairs and to the right of the main lobby.

  • Speidi’s Wedding


    Well, it finally happened!   Yesterday was the big day!  The reality TV event of the season!  What I’m sure was for some fans the wedding of the century!   I, of course, am talking about the nuptials of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag that took place yesterday at around 5 p.m. in Pasadena.  And, I, of course, was on the scene to stalk the whole thing!  🙂  My boyfriend and I arrived at Westminster Presbyterian Church at around 12:30 yesterday afternoon.  The original plan was to snap a few photos of the wedding set-up, leave, and then come back at around 4 take some more pics.  Well, what’s that quote about the best laid plans of mice and men?  🙂 I took one look at the absolute pandemonium that was already in place at 12:30 and that was it for me!  I was not going anywhere!  LOL  So, yes, I stood out on the sidewalk in front of that church from 12:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. yesterday watching the incredible media shitstorm that Speidi had created.  And, let me tell you, I loved EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT!  🙂


    I actually have to say that “shitstorm” doesn’t even begin to describe what was taking place yesterday!  The wedding was originally scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. and three and a half hours prior to that there were already about forty photographers and paparazzi lining the street.  The entire city block surrounding the church had virtually been shut down and there were at least 50 policemen and another 50 private security guards on duty.  It was absolute insanity!  Honestly, it was bigger than any film shoot I’ve ever witnessed.  When we first arrived at the church, Heidi and Spencer were already inside getting ready and their Rolls Royce Phantom was parked right outside (pictured above).




    From the outside, it looked as if a film shoot was taking place, complete with a ginormous lighting truck set up shining bright lights through the church windows.  Being that the whole event was being taped for The Hills, I guess in a sense a film shoot was taking place.  But standing outside watching everything, I almost forgot it was a real life wedding that I was there to see.  🙂



    The security for the wedding was INTENSE!  Every single guest had to show their drivers license upon entering the church, sign photo releases, and have their photographs taken.  There were also metal detectors set up inside of the church, which I am pretty sure were there to ensure that no guests brought cameras inside.


    Early in the afternoon, Heidi’s real father stepped outside the church in full cowboy regalia to make a phone call.  LOL



    Lauren and Audrina were some of the first guests to arrive.  Lauren arrived at around 2 p.m. and Audrina at around 2:30.  All of The Hills stars were shuttled in through a back entrance so we didn’t get to see any of them until after the ceremony was over.  🙁  The only Hills stars who did make an appearance prior to the wedding were Brody Jenner and his girlfriend Jayde Nicole, who were dropped off right in front of the church.  Unfortunately neither of them waved or even looked up at the photographers or fans who were screaming their names.  🙁



    And then things got really exciting!!  All of a sudden I noticed all of the security guards and policemen looking up at the sky.  It turns out that Spencer had hired a plane to write both “Spencer Loves Heidi” and “Heidi’s #1 Hit On iTunes” in the sky.



    Next thing I know, out walks the man himself, Spencer Pratt, to see the skywriting for himself!  🙂  YAY!  Spencer was actually shorter than I thought he would be, maybe about 5’7″, and better looking than he appears on TV.  As soon as Spencer walked out, the crowd went absolutely NUTS.   And he was extremely friendly, waving and smiling for the cameras.  He actually seemed a lot different in person than the guy he portrays on TV.    That ever-present chip that seems to reside on his shoulder whenever cameras are rolling didn’t appear to be there yesterday.  He actually didn’t seem like a jerk at all.  I can’t tell you how excited I was to see Spencer in person!!!!  I even yelled out “Congratulations” and he said back “Thank you!”  LOL




    By the time Spencer had come outside, the skywriting had all but disappeared and one of the young girls standing across the street told him she had taken pictures of the writing.  So, Spencer walked across the street to take a look at her photos and then posed for a picture with her and her friends, which I thought was so sweet.  NO ONE else from The Hills did anything even remotely close to this yesterday, in fact most of them wouldn’t even wave to the fans, so that’s really when my opinion of Spencer started to change.


    The next “celeb” to arrive was Perez Hilton, who pretty much looked like he just rolled right out of bed for the event.  He was actually wearing khaki pants and a hoodie!! underneath a blazer.  What a complete and total douchebag!  I cannot even believe he got invited to the wedding!  I so should have been invited instead!  🙂



    Next up was Justin Bobby, who arrived solo.  And Justin Bobby’s outfit pretty much made Perez Hilton look like a fashion model!!!  Justin actually showed up in what can best be described as pirate pants!  I’m not kidding!  They were calf length and completely frayed at the bottom.  Coupled with his black combat boots, the guy looked like he had come directly off the set of Pirates of the Caribbean.  WHAT A MORON!  I couldn’t zoom in close enough to get a good pic of his pants, but you can kind of see them in the above photo.


    Next up was Heidi’s boss, Brent Bolthouse, who is literally about five feet tall, and Brody’s BFF Frankie Delgado.


    And then, up walked “Stacey the Bartender”, and all of the fans in attendance pretty much gasped all at once.  LOL  After the drama she caused between Spencer and Heidi this season on The Hills we could not figure out WHY in the heck she would be invited!  It is at this point that I should mention that most of the fans in attendance were 13 year old girls.  Why is it always me and the 13 year old girls?  LOL


    Even though the ceremony was scheduled to begin at 4 p.m., it didn’t actually start until right around 5.  You can see Heidi’s real dad entering the church in his cowboy style tuxedo right before the ceremony began.  LOL


    These two idiots didn’t show up to the church until about 5:15 (over an hour and fifteen minutes late!) and, because the ceremony had already started, weren’t allowed inside!  LOL LOL LOL  What a couple of douchebags!  If you were lucky enough to have scored an invite to Spencer and Heidi’s wedding, wouldn’t you have MADE SURE you arrived there on time??





    Speidi’s wedding ceremony only lasted about thirty minutes or so.  During that time everyone pretty much just hung around, waiting with bated breath for the two to make their appearance.  Earlier in the day I had made friends with an event photographer who was on hand to cover the Speidi wedding, so the two of us just chatted while the ceremony was taking place.  She was incredibly nice and told me about all sorts of adventures she has had being a celeb photographer.  Then next thing we knew, hordes of policemen started walking across the street, I guess as a means of crowd control.  They told us to take all the photographs we wanted, but to please not run across the street when Spencer and Heidi exited the church.  By this time there were so many people there it was almost unbelievable!  There had to be over 100 paparazzi on the scene and easily over 300 fans.  Paparazzi were literally climbing the roofs of nearby apartment buildings to get good shots.  LOL



    The first guest to leave the church after the ceremony was over was Lauren Conrad, aka LC.  It seemed as if she left the place pretty much as soon as she could.  It was a real bummer, too, as she kept her head down upon exiting the church and would not even wave or smile to the paparazzi or the fans that were there.  I thought that was a pretty crappy thing to do, especially being that all of the fans on site were little kids.   I can’t say I was surprised, though, as I didn’t get a very good impression of her when I watched The Hills being filmed back in August.


    Right after Lauren left, all of the wedding guests filed out of the church and made their way to the front entrance for the bouquet toss;


    including Heidi’s dad in his classy tux!  LOL  🙂


    While the normal guests filed out of the church’s side doors, all of The Hills stars came out of the front entrance, including Heidi’s mom Darlene (who is super tiny in person!) and her sister, and maid-of-honor, Holly;


    Brody Jenner and girlfriend Jayde Nicole;


    Frankie Delgado and Spencer’s grandma, aka “Nana”;




    Spencer’s sister, and Heidi’s lone bridesmaid, Stephanie Pratt;




    and my fave Kristin Cavallari, who looked AMAZING and who was also very friendly to the paparazzi and fans :).  I can’t tell you how excited I will be if the rumors are true and Kristin really is joining The Hills once Lauren leaves.  🙂


    At this point there were SO many people lined up outside the church that Brent Bolthouse actually started taking pictures of us all with his cell phone.  LOL






    And then came the moment we had been waiting all day for!  Out walked the newlyweds – Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Pratt!   Heidi looked absolutely beautiful.  I loved her dress – it looked like frosting.  🙂







    Then, of course, the couple kissed for us.  🙂








    And, finally, Heidi tossed her bouquet, which was caught by Kristin Cavallari.  Incidentally, all of the female stars of The Hills were strategically placed right in front of Heidi so that one of them would be sure to catch it.  🙂



    Speidi then said hello to all of the fans in attendance and Heidi blew everyone a kiss.




    Then, after saying goodbye to everyone,




    the newlyweds made off in their Rolls Royce.




    After Speidi left, Lo, Audrina, Kristin, and Stephanie hung around and chatted for a bit.


    And, then, next thing we knew, there were Spencer and Heidi pulling up in their Rolls once again to say hi to all the fans, which I thought was SUPER sweet!  A bunch of little girls ran up to take pics with the newlyweds, but unfortunately the paparazzi immediately swarmed the car, so no one could get photos of anything.  I guess one of the little girls was getting pushed out of the way by the paps, and Spencer yelled out “Hey, come on you guys!  She’s a little girl!  Be careful!!!”  See, what I mean, he’s a nice guy!  🙂  After that, Speidi took off once again and the guests and paparazzi pretty much dispersed.


    Here’s a pic of Holly’s bridesmaid dress, which came from BCBG and was really, really pretty. 🙂


    And there you have it – the whole event from start to finish from a stalker’s point of view.  🙂  I have to admit that, thanks to yesterdays festivities, my opinion of Spencer Pratt, and consequently his new wife Heidi, has completely changed.  I love these two now.  🙂  Sure, people are going to say OF COURSE Spencer came outside and posed for the paps and the fans because he is a publicity hound.  But that’s really not the impression I got.  He seemed like a genuinely nice guy.  I mean, he walked across the street and posed for photos with his fans when no one else from the show would.  At one point fans were BEGGING Heidi’s sister, Holly, who is an absolute nobody, to come across the street to take pictures, but she refused.  I have a soft spot in my heart for any celeb who is nice to their fans, especially their little girl admirers.  Because once upon a time I was that little girl and I can’t even imagine how excited I would have been had I had the chance to meet my favorite star and he was nice to me!  From what I observed yesterday, Spencer did not come off as the arrogant douchebag that he portrays himself to be on The Hills.  I honestly think that in real life he is a nice guy, who realized very early on that the more outrageous he and Heidi acted, the more money they could cash in on.  And now I think the two of them are laughing all the way to the bank.  So, you know what, more power to ’em!   🙂  And I thank them sincerely for being so media friendly and announcing to the world exactly when and where their wedding would be taking place so that I could be a part of it, as it was an experience I will never forget!  🙂

    Big THANK YOU to my boyfriend who acted as my paparazzi for the day and took all of the above photos!  Yes, he actually stood out there with me for the entire six hours!  My own father wouldn’t even do that for me, so I guess I really have to hold on to this one.  🙂

    Side note – I will not be writing a new blog for Monday, since this one took me pretty much all day to write.  🙂  But I’ll be back on Tuesday with some more stalking!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Spencer and Heidi’s wedding church is Westminster Presbyterian Church located at 1757 North Lake Avenue in Pasadena.

  • Spencer and Heidi’s Big Day!

    UPDATE: Be sure to check out my full write up of the event with a ton of pictures here.


    Well, it’s official!    The reality TV couple that everyone loves to hate tied the knot at a Pasadena church earlier today .  And, of course, I was there to stalk it!!!!  🙂   I have to say it was A-MA-ZING to be there and surprisingly enough, I think I am now on Team Spencer!  I can’t quite believe it myself, but he seemed like a really nice guy in the little that I saw of him.  Is it possible his douchebag routine is put on solely for the cameras???  Anyway, I promise to do a full write-up on the whole event tomorrow, but for now enjoy the following pictures.  🙂


    Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Pratt  🙂


    Spencer and Heidi kissing in front of Westminster Presbyterian Church.


    Tossing the bouquet . . .


    . . . which was caught by my fave Kristin Cavallari, who looked STUNNING!



    The newlyweds make their getaway in a black Rolls Phantom.


    Lauren Conrad taking off about 15 seconds after the ceremony ended.


    Brody Jenner arriving with girlfriend Jayde Nicole.


    Even “Stacey the Bartender” was in attendance!  LOL


    Holly Montag in her bridesmaid dress – which was actually really pretty.




    Stephanie Pratt, Lo Bosworth, Audrina Patridge, and Kristin Cavallari have a post-ceremony chat in front of the church.

    I promise a full run-down on the Speidi nuptials tomorrow.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Spencer and Heidi’s wedding ceremony took place at Westminster Presbyterian Church, located at 1757 North Lake Avenue in Pasadena.

  • The Knots Landing Cul-De-Sac


     The first time I heard about the wildly popular 80s primetime soap opera Knots Landing  was when it was referenced in the Season 2 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210  entitled “Wild Fire”.  In the episode, after getting into a fight with Brenda over Dylan McKay’s affections, Emily Valentine announces “This isn’t Beverly Hills, it’s Knots Landing! When I got to school they should have given me a scorecard instead of a class schedule so I could keep track of everyone’s boyfriends.”  LOL  Love it!  But for my good friend and fellow stalker, Kerry, during her teenage years  Knots Landing was her 90210.   She loved the show so much, in fact, that one day she actually called up the production company and asked where the famous cul-de-sac from the series was really located.  And they told her!  See why we’re such good friends?  🙂  So, since I was in the area this weekend, I decided to stalk it!   



    The Knots Landingseries, which has the distinction of being one of the longest running primetime dramas in the history of television, centered around the happenings of a group of families living in a beachside cul-de-sac named Seaview Circle.  In real life that cul-de-sac is known as Crystalaire Place and it is not located anywhere near the beach.  It’s actually in Granada Hills in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley.  Producers actually edited the beach into the series opening credits to make it appear as if the cul-de-sac overlooked the ocean.  LOL  


    Even though I’ve never seen even one episode of the series, I was still super excited to be stalking the famous Knots Landing  cul-de-sac.  All I could think about while I was there was how cool it would be if  Wisteria Lane from TV’s Desperate Housewives  was a real life residential street that fans could visit.  🙂  I realize that people can stalk the Wisteria Lane set at Universal Studios, but somehow it’s just not the same.  screenshot884




    All in all, five houses on Crystalaire Place were used in the filming of Knots Landing, including the Ewing house;


    the Mackenzie house;




    the Cunningham house; 



    the Avery house;


    and the Ward house.

    I am happy to report that aside from some minor changes like paint color, all of the houses are very recognizable from the series.  🙂  If you were at all a fan of Knots Landing, I highly recommend stalking Crystalaire Place.  And please excuse some of my photos.  I stalked the cul-de-sac on a very bright day and in some of the pictures my camera picked up quite a glare.  🙁


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Knots Landing  cul-de-sac is really Crystalaire Place in Granada Hills.  Gary Ewing’s house is at 16966 Crystalaire Place.  Karen Mackenzie’s house is at 16972.  The Avery house is number 16975.  The Cunningham house is at 16969.  And the Ward home can be found at 16961.   

  • The Closer Duplex



    As I have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of TNT’s crime series The Closer.  As is my whole family, actually.  So, a few weeks ago when my mom challenged me to locate Brenda and Fritz’s duplex apartment building from the series, I accepted the challenge!  🙂  And it didn’t take me long to find it at all.  


    Actually, I can’t really take credit for this one.  I happened to show my boyfriend a screen capture I had made of Brenda’s building to see if he might have an idea of where it was located, and, sure enough, he did!  He told me that there is a certain area of Hollywood that is chock full of duplexes just like Brenda’s and that I should start my search there.  And that’s exactly what I did.  That area is South of Beverly Boulevard, in between La Brea and Fairfax.  And sure enough, that’s exactly where I found the building!  It was actually on the second street I searched.  🙂


    Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson and her fiance Fritz Howard move into this duplex on the Season 4 series opener, entitled “Controlled Burn”.  Brenda spends most of the episode, which guest-starred Life On Mars  cutie Jason Mara, fretting about what to do with her cat, Kitty, as her new landlord has a strict “no pets” policy.   “Controlled Burn” actually featured some on location filming at the duplex, when Brenda brings home a reporter who is writing a story about the squad (pictured above).  The duplex is shown throughout the rest of Season 4 in establishing shots of Brenda and Fritz’s home.



    The Closer  duplex looks EXACTLY the same in person as it does on TV, right down to the wind chimes hanging from the second story balcony and the decorative plaque located above the carport.  Oddly enough, though, producers changed the address number of the duplex during filming.  As you can see in the above screen capture, the address number on The Closer  is 130/132.  The real address, though, is 126/128.  Which makes absolutely no sense to me!  If you’re going to change the house number for whatever reason – most likely to ward off stalkers like myself 🙂 –  shouldn’t you change it more significantly than that?  LOL  Because, to tell you the truth, when searching for the duplex, I was only looking at buildings with 130/132 address numbers, but quickly noticed The Closer  duplex located right next door to a building that was numbered 130.  LOL   🙂


    The other inconsistency I noticed about the duplex is that in The Closer there is only one exterior door. You can see in the above screen capture that to enter her apartment, Brenda has to go through the main front door, which then leads into an anteroom.   



    But in real life, the duplex actually has a second front door located just to the right of the main entrance.  Since Brenda’s unit is the one with the large plate glass window on the bottom floor, she should actually enter her home through that second exterior door, which is never shown on TV.  Ah, the magic of Hollywood!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Closer duplex is located at 126/128 North Detroit Street in Hollywood.

  • “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs”


    A few months ago while doing some cyberstalking, I came across this fabulous blog post about a photographer named Rob Greer who was lucky enough to have my fave show CSI: Miami  film right in his studio.  So, of course, I just had to stalk the place.  🙂  Especially since the episode which was filmed at the studio, entitled “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs”, was one of my favorite episodes from this season!  In the episode, which aired in February of this year, the team investigates a physician who performs illegal organ transplant surgeries right in his own home.  The episode was pretty much a thrill a minute and I was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time – especially when Eric Delko finally professed his love to Calleigh Duquesne.  I have been waiting for those two to get together for YEARS!  🙂





    In “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs”, Rob Greer’s photography studio was used as the Miami home of the episode’s renegade doctor.  Filming took place in both the interior and the exterior of the studio.  I actually find it odd that they chose this location to stand in for a physician’s home, as neither the interior nor the exterior look much like a home at all.  The place actually looks more like a warehouse than anything else.  But, due to the illegal surgeries that the physician was performing in the episode, I am guessing that the producuers wanted his home to have a cold, urban, industrial feel to it.   You can see some great photos of the photography studio here.


    Rob Greer’s photography studio is located in the Los Angeles Brewery Arts Complex.  The complex, which can best be described as a sort of compound or artists’ enclave, is an eclectic mix of buildings, warehouses, and offices.  Apparently, the buildings house mostly live/work units and are available for lease to artists only – ie. graphic designers, painters, photographers.    The complex is located in an industrial part of town, out in the middle of nowhere, which led me to wonder how in the heck a location scout would even find out about it.  But my boyfriend said since the compound has such a unique look, it is probably used in productions all the time and therefore is well known in the scouting world.  The entire area is gated and not usually open to the public, but luckily when I showed up to stalk the place it was open for an art gallery showing.  🙂  Yay!  I can’t really recommend stalking the complex, though, because besides the fact that it is normally closed to the public, there also just isn’t really that much to see.


    Rob Greer’s blog post about the CSI: Miami filming  is a great read with tons of pictures and I highly recommend giving it a glance.  According to Rob, set dressers came to his studio the day before the filming and spent quite a few hours dressing the space with living room furniture and a large chandelier so that it would look more like a home.  But the following morning, when the director arrived on set, he took one look at the living room set-up and wanted it all removed!  LOL Only in Hollywood!  Rob Greer’s experience with the cast and crew of CSI: Miami  was exactly on par with my encounter with them a few months back.  He said they were incredibly nice and friendly, especially David Caruso, whom he describes as “really warm and genuine”.  🙂  I’m telling you, the CSI: Miami  cast is like no other!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Rob Greer Photography is located at 678 South Avenue 21 in Los Angeles.  Be careful not to trespass on the property, though, because, as I mentioned above, the area is not usually open to the public.

  • The Adamson House


    I spent all last week on the hunt for a location from my fave 90s TV show Beverly Hills, 90210.  The spot I was looking for was the location that stood in for Baja, Mexico in the Season 2 episode entitled “Mexican Standoff”.  In the episode, Brenda sneaks off to a Mexican resort town for the weekend with Dylan without telling her parents.  I knew from this amazing website that the “Mexico” scenes were actually shot near the beach in Malibu, so I started my hunt there.   And it wasn’t long before I found the right spot!


    While watching the “Mexican Standoff” episode, I noticed an abundance of intricate Spanish tile in the background of pretty much every scene.  (You can see an example of that tile behind Dylan in the above screen capture.)  The tiles were my big tip-off, as there is actually a famous house in Malibu that is known for its exquisite tile work.  In fact, the house has been deemed the “Taj Mahal of tile”.  I had done some research on the home a few years back when I was working and immediately thought of it when I watched the “Mexican Standoff” episode this past week.  The home, which is named the Adamson House, is owned by the State of California and has been open to the public as a museum since 1983.  So, I, of course, dragged my boyfriend right out there this weekend for a tour.


    In 1891, a man named Frederick Hastings Rindge purchased what is now known as the city of Malibu for the bargain price of $10 per acre.  Rindge’s wife, May, was fiercely protective of her family’s privacy and did everything she could to keep outsiders out, including fencing off the 17,000 acre property and hiring armed guards who patrolled the area day and night.   For close to forty years the Rindges were Malibu’s only occupants. But in the 30s, May ran into some financial trouble and had to sell off parcels of her property.  Not wanting to sell to just anyone, May made sure she sold her land to wealthy, distinguished individuals who understood the need for privacy.  Most of those individuals were movie stars.  And thus, the city of Malibu, celebrity haven, was born.  It was Frederick and May’s daughter, Rhoda Agatha Rindge, and her husband Merritt Adamson who in 1930 built the 4,000 square foot Mediterranean style home that is now known as the Adamson House.




    Rhoda and Merritt’s custom home, which was designed by Stiles O. Clements, took a year and a half to build and is situated directly above the Malibu Lagoon.  May Rindge, who was a tile connoisseur and owned her own tile company named Malibu Potteries, commissioned all of the custom, handmade tile that eventually made her daughter’s home so famous and, in the end, saved it from demolition.  In 1966, four years after Rhoda’s death, the State of California was granted eminent domain on the Adamson House and its surrounding property.  The state purchased the home from Rhoda’s heirs for $2.6 million and set about razing the property to build a beach parking lot.  Unbelievable!!   Thankfully, the Malibu Historical Society and the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation stepped in and fought to stop the demolition of the home.  That fight turned into a ten year battle.  During that time, the chancellor of Pepperdine University leased and lived in the property.  In 1976, thanks to the home’s unique tile work and its historical significance to the city of Malibu, the house was saved from the wrecking ball.  In 1983, after a lengthy renovation process, the home was opened to the public as a museum.  The Adamson House is currently both a California Historic Landmark and on the National Register of Historic Places.




    And, let me tell you, it is an absolutely incredible place to visit.  The tile work in the home is nothing short of A-MA-ZING!  I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life and doubt I ever will again.  I was shocked when I heard that construction on the home took only a year and a half to complete, as the detailing is so incredibly intricate and elaborate that I would have expected it to have taken much longer.  Everything from the clock in the kitchen to the heater grates in the ceiling are made from hand-painted tiles!   The house could not be more exquisite and I HIGHLY recommend taking the tour to see it for yourself.


    That being said, I have to say that the actual tour was one of the most BIZARRE experiences of my life.  There are simply no words to accurately describe our tour – or our docent for that matter.  I’m not quite sure what was wrong with her, but I think it is safe to say she was a few bricks shy of a load.   A sample bit of her dialog from the tour:  “Now we are in the upstairs . . . the ceiling . . . has . . . and you can see . . . and there are . . . this piece of .  . . . . . . . . . . . . string . . . during World War II . . . there were bombs . . . who can guess why there are no lights?”  And I’m pretty much QUOTING her!  LOL   When I asked why the Rindge family sold the Adamson House to the State of California she told me it was because “they were tired of it”.  LOL LOL LOL  At one point during the tour, my boyfriend turned to me and said “Please don’t ask if 90210 was filmed here – that might just make her head explode!”  Within the first five minutes I became convinced we were on a hidden camera show – I was hoping it was I Get That A Lot – and at any moment a camera crew was going to jump out at us from behind a wall. I was actually laughing so hard on more than one occasion that I had to completely turn away from the group and stare at the wall.  LOL  I haven’t laughed that hard in a really long time, so I guess the tour wasn’t a total bust!   In fact, as I sit here writing about it, I’m STILL laughing.  🙂  We even made friends with another couple, who were just as bewildered over our docent’s behavior as we were.   At the end, one of them said to us, “I realize that they are all volunteers, but isn’t there some sort of screening process???”  LOL  But I must say that despite our nimrod of a tour guide, seeing the house in person is still an experience I’d recommend.





    Oddly enough, only a very small section of the Adamson House was used in the “Mexican Standoff” episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.   Of course our docent had no clue whatsoever where, or even if, 90210 had filmed on the property back in 1992 and I had a surprisingly difficult time locating the exact spot used on my own.  After the tour on Saturday, I went home and watched the “Mexican Standoff” episode once again and finally figured out where it had been filmed.  Unfortunately, I had only taken one photograph of that spot while on the tour.  LOL  So, I actually had to drag my boyfriend BACK to the house the following day to take some more pictures.  Thank the lord our docent was nowhere to be found.  🙂  The area featured on Beverly Hills, 90210 was the little porch and driveway located to the side of Adamson House garage.





    In the scene, Brenda and Dylan get into an argument over a girl that Dylan dated the previous summer.  Brenda is in quite the little snit until a mariachi band strolls over and serenades them with a Spanish version of the Morris Albert song “Feelings”.   The two make up and then dance the night away under the Mexican sky.  GOD I LOVE THAT SHOW!  🙂  The new one doesn’t even compare!!!  You can watch the scene filmed at the Adamson House here.



    The “Baja” beach where Brenda and Dylan surf the following morning is very obviously the Malibu Lagoon State Beach, which is located directly in front of the Adamson House.


    The location where Brenda and Dylan run into Jake Hanson in the beginning of that same episode is the beach parking lot located just south of the Adamson House. It is actually the place where you must park your car if you are going on an Adamson House tour.  That’s the Malibu Pier in the background behind Dylan.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Adamson House is located at 23200 Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.  The grounds are open daily to the public from sunrise to sunset.  You do not need to be part of a tour to walk around the grounds.  The interior of the house is only made available to the public via docent led tours.  Tours are held Wednesday through Saturday from 11am to 3pm, with the last tour beginning at 2pm.  Tours cost $5 per adult and $2 per child under the age of 16.  Kids 5 and under are free.  You can visit the Adamson House website here.

  • Spencer and Heidi’s Wedding!

    UPDATE: They actually did it (again)! Check out pictures from Saturday’s wedding here.


    My favorite reality TV duo, better known as Heidi and Spencer, have caused a media shitstorm yet again by announcing that they will be tying the knot – for real this time – in two short weeks right in my hometown of Pasadena.  🙂  Early in the week, I actually got a tip that Speidi would be at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (which I’ve blogged about in the past) this past Wednesday and, of course, went right out to stalk the place.  But unfortunately the normally camera friendly duo stayed inside the church the whole time they were there and I didn’t get to see them.  I did get to chat with quite a few paparazzi on the scene, though, one of whom actually gave me his phone number as he said it seemed I had more information than he did.  He actually told me to call him next time I had a tip!  🙂  LOL  Anyway, I had a feeling that Speidi might be visiting the church for reasons relating to their wedding and now it sounds like my hunch might just be correct.  (I took the above photos of Westminster Presbyterian back in June when the movie Valkyrie was being filmed there.)



    Earlier this evening E! News reported that my two favorite douchebags will be marrying on Saturday, April 25th, in a “sunset” ceremony at an “undisclosed Pasadena location”.   Now I am not sure if Speidi’s wedding will actually take place at Westminster Presbyterian, but I do know that the church is going to figure in the ceremony in some form or another.  Quite possibly, a pastor from the church will be officiating the nuptials, but they will take place elsewhere.  Either way, I’ll give you one guess as to where I’m going to be on April 25th right around sunset.  🙂

    According to E!, the reception is taking place on a rooftop somewhere in Pasadena.  Well, the only wedding locale with a rooftop in the Pasadena area that I know of is the Pasadena Museum of California Art.  So that’s my best guess as to where the reception is going to take place.  Now, don’t quote me on any of this, as I am simply going on quite a few large hunches.  Only time will tell whether those hunches prove to be correct, but my fingers are sure crossed.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Westminster Presbyterian Church is located at 1757 North Lake Avenue in Pasadena.  The Pasadena Museum of California Art is located at 490 East Union Street, also in Pasadena.

  • My Day on the Set of Weeds!


    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I absolutely LOVE living in L.A.  You just never know what surprises lay around each corner here!  Yesterday, as I drove up to the Hollywood & Highland Center to meet my good friend Blaze for some coffee, I noticed quite a few of those yellow filming signs that I love so much.  Come to find out, the Showtime series Weeds  was filming on location at the outdoor mall.  I can’t say that I am a huge fan of the show, but my boyfriend absolutely loves it, so I have seen quite a few episodes.  Needless to say, even though I don’t really watch the show, I was floored to be there.  I’m pretty sure I could stumble upon an episode of Sesame Street  being filmed, though, and still be pretty darn excited.  🙂  LOL 



    I pretty much couldn’t have picked a better time to arrive at H&H, since the filming of a large dance sequence was just about to begin right as I was walking up to the complex.  The dance number was being filmed in the mall’s central courtyard area and there were cameras set up all over the top level of the complex.  There was even a camera crew filming from the top of a ladder (pictured above).


    The area where the scene was being filmed was not closed off to the public – much the same as when I watched the filming of The Mentalist a few weeks back – and normal people were walking in and out of the scene not realizing what was going on.  In this case, though, I think that was exactly the producers’ intention.  I believe they wanted to capture the real life reactions of tourists watching the dance sequence take place.  The Weeds  crew was extremely friendly and let people take all the photographs they wanted, so I was in heaven.  🙂 





    Being that I am a sucker for any sort of musical, I really couldn’t have picked a better film shoot to stumble upon.  I can’t tell you how much fun the dance sequence was to watch!  🙂  The scene being filmed actually seemed to be an imitation of the awesome T-Mobile “Life’s For Sharing” commercial that was filmed at the Liverpool Street Train Station in London.   Not only was the set-up of the Weeds  scene pretty much identical to the T-Mobile ad, but the extras were all pretending to be taking photographs of the dancers with their cell phones, just like in the commercial.  Basically the scene consisted of Mary-Louise Parker sitting in Hollywood & Highland’s central courtyard drinking a fruit smoothie, when all of a sudden loud music starts pouring out of the loudspeakers and one by one a large crowd breaks out into a spontaneous dance routine.  It was really very cool to see in person!  I so wanted to get out there and dance myself!  LOL   Amazingly enough, according to one of the extras I talked to, the dancers had only learned the dance a few hours earlier.


    The only series regular acting in the scene was Mary-Louise Parker. I was hoping to see her cutie son on the show, actor Hunter Parish, but sadly he was not there.  Ironically, before Mary-Louise came onto the set, her stand-in walked out and I started immediately snapping photos as I thought it was MLP!  LOL  She looks JUST like her!  It was uncanny!  You can see her stand-in wearing the purple shirt in the above photograph.




    The above are photographs of the real  MLP during the filming of the scene.  🙂  Mary-Louise is very pretty in person and a lot taller than I expected, but extremely thin.  Disgustingly thin, really.  Her arm looked like a bone with skin covering it.  I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen arms that skinny in my entire life. 





    During the filming breaks, Mary-Louise actually had a “personal umbrella holder” who followed her around with an umbrella to shield her from the sun (pictured above).   For those of you who don’t read US Magazine  regularly, some celebrities actually employ what is known as a “personal umbrella holder” – or a P.U.H. – who basically holds an umbrella over their heads for them when it rains.  I’m not kidding!  I guess celebs are just far too important to be holding their own umbrellas.  LOL  I mean, how lazy can someone actually be???  I honestly don’t think I could ever in good conscience allow another person to hold an umbrella for me, no matter how big of a star I was.  I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but something about that just doesn’t seem right.   LOL


    P.U.H. aside, I had an absolute blast being on the Weeds  set today and cannot wait to watch the episode on TV!!!  It should air on Showtime in about two months.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk ItWeeds  was filmed in the Hollywood & Highland Center’s central courtyard, which is located at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.  Some filming also took place at Dlush Deluxe Beverage Joint in the Hollywood & Highland Center.