Category: TV Locations

  • The “Keep It Together” Park from “Beverly Hills, 90210”




    Another location that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I visited during our Valley stalking day back in October was the Van Nuys – Sherman Oaks War Memorial Park, aka the spot where Brandon Walsh was “discovered” in the Season One episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 entitled “Fame Is Where You Find It”.    The War Memorial Park is so named because in 1947 the American Legion organization raised money to purchase a 63 acre parcel of land which was then donated to the City of Los Angeles to be used as a public park  dedicated to the memory of war veterans.  The original plan was to build the park as a sort of homage to “The Wizard of Oz” books – what “The Wizard of Oz” has to do with war veterans, I’m not exactly sure, but I guess that’s why I’m not a city planner 🙂 – with different sections of the property featuring scenery from the Land of Oz.   In the end, though, only two “Wizard of Oz” structures were ever built – an “Over the Rainbow” bridge and a castle, both of which have since been demolished.  🙁  The absolutely ginormous War Memorial Park currently boasts two basketball courts, a jungle gym, a football field, a soccer field, a gymnasium, eight tennis courts, three running tracks, and eight baseball diamonds.  Like I said, the place is absolutely HUGE!  And it is actually thanks to those baseball diamonds that Mike discovered this location.  As fate would have it, in the early ‘90s Mike belonged to a softball league which held its weekly games on the War Memorial Park fields.  So, when he first watched the “Fame Is Where You Find It” episode of 90210, he recognized the park immediately.  YAY!   And, of course, ever since he mentioned the place to me, I was absolutely dying to stalk it.  Which I finally got to do this past October. Thank you, Mike!   




    Sadly, though, when we arrived at the park we discovered that the little picnic table canopy area, which just so happens to be the part of War Memorial most recognizable from 90210, was in the process of being torn down.  🙁  Such a bummer!!







    War Memorial Park shows up numerous times in the “Fame Is Where You Find It” episode.  It first appears at the very beginning of the show, in the scene in which Brandon plays a little solo game of street hockey next to a playground.




    As fate would have it, an episode of the show Keep It Together just so happens to be filming at the very same park where Brandon is playing.  When a key actor fails to show up to the set, Brandon is immediately hired to replace him, and voila, a star is born!  Or so Brandon thinks. 




    Brandon’s small Keep It Together scene, in which his only line is “Hey, Babe!  Looking good.  Real good, babe.” – LOL – was also filmed at War Memorial Park.  The now defunct “Over The Rainbow” Bridge is visible behind Keep It Together’s lead actress Lydia Leeds in the above screen capture.




    At the end of the episode, the park pops up once again in the scene in which Brandon forgives Lydia for being such a diva.   




    On a very interesting side note – While watching the “Fame Is Where You Find It” episode a few months back, Mike – who has got to be one of the most observant people I’ve ever met in my life!!! – noticed some very fascinating scenery in the background of a few of the scenes.  Because the episode centered around the filming of the television show Keep It Together, much of the action took place on a studio backlot.  But instead of renting out a different Hollywood lot for the filming of the Keep It Together scenes, producers simply decided to masquerade their own 90210 soundstages as those of the show within the show.  Which, of course, makes sense.  But what they didn’t realize was that, years later, an eagle-eyed stalker would figure out their little location trick.  As you can see in the above screen capture, the famous red brick Peach Pit After Dark wall is visible in the background of the scene in which Lydia Leeds applies Brandon’s makeup in the Keep It Together makeup trailer.  And I am fairly certain that the makeup trailer used in that scene was the real life 90210  makeup trailer!   Yes, ladies and gentleman, that means that you are looking at the actual spot where Shannen Doherty, Luke Perry, Jennie Garth, and Jason Priestley got their makeup done before filming each and every morning!  SO DARN COOL!


    I took the above photograph of the Peach Pit’s brick wall back in August of 2008 during Mike and my private tour of the former 90210 studio.   As you can see, it matches the brick wall pictured behind Lydia in the make-up trailer scene perfectly.  Mike told me that he actually drove by the 90210 studio several times while the show was still on the air and that the make-up and wardrobe trailers were indeed parked in the area directly in front of the Peach Pit wall.  So darn cool!!!!!!!


    Because the former 90210 studio was located in a industrial area, it was surrounded by various warehouses, one of which happened to be a washing machine factory.  When Mike and I visited the studio last year, he pointed out the factory to me and, let me tell you, I’ve never seen so many washing machines in my entire life!  There were literally hundreds upon hundreds of them lined up alongside the building.  LOL  Well, in the scene in which Brandon and Lydia arrive at the Keep It Together studios via limousine, you can not only see that washing machine factory, but you can even see quite a few of their washing machines!  Too darn funny!


    The above image is an aerial view of the area where that scene was filmed.  The pink “X” denotes the spot where Lydia and Brandon were standing and the purple circle shows the hundreds upon hundreds of washing machines stationed just outside of the studio.  LOL LOL LOL 


    Most interesting, though, was what showed up in a later scene from the “Fame Is Where You Find It” episode – the scene in which, while walking around the studio, Brandon finds out that the entire Keep It Together script has been rewritten. 


    In that scene, you can ACTUALLY SEE THE REAL LIFE WALSH FRONT PORCH SET AND THE EXTERIOR OF THE WALSH’S DINING ROOM WINDOW (denoted with the pink arrows above)!!!!!  How incredibly cool is that????  When Mike first sent me the screen captures from that scene and pointed out the Walsh house in the background I just about died I was so excited.  LOVE IT!  LOVE IT!  LOVE IT!  🙂


    And, a little bit of 90210  trivia for you – a very young Melissa Rivers (pictured above) made one of her first television appearances in the “Fame Is Where You Find It” episode playing an actress named MacKenzie, who, according to Lydia Leeds, only has a career because her uncle is “like this really big producer” .  Hmmm, sound familiar, Tori Spelling??  😉


    A big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location and for discovering all of the behind-the-scenes location information from the “Fame Is Where You Find It” episode!  You are my hero!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Van Nuys-Sherman Oaks War Memorial Park, aka the park where Brandon Walsh was discovered, is located at 14201 Huston Street in Sherman Oaks.  The area used in the “Fame Is Where You Find It” episode can be found near the corner of Hazeltine Avenue and Huston Street.

  • Tamale Heaven from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    One location that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, has been begging me to blog about for over a year now is the Canoga Park burger restaurant that stood in for Tamale Heaven in the Season Two episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 entitled “Ashes to Ashes”.  In real life that restaurant is named Michael’s Burgers and even though it has been on my “To Stalk” list for ages now, because I rarely find myself in the Canoga Park area, I had yet to visit the place.  So, during our Valley stalking day back in October, Mike made a point of stopping by the tiny restaurant to finally show it to me.  And, let me tell you, I could NOT have been more excited!  🙂    Especially because the “Ashes to Ashes” episode has always been one of my favorites, thanks to the fact that it featured all of the elements that made 90210 such a classic show – a sugary sweet, albeit cheesy, moral message, Dylan and Brenda back together and madly in love, and boyscout Brandon not only taking on the Beverly Hills Security Patrol, but race relations, as well!  Love it!  One of my favorite 90210 lines EVER was actually spoken during this episode, in the scene in which Devo (love the name!) accuses Brandon of trying to score drugs at Tamale Heaven, causing Brandon to say, “Hey, I’m not a doper, man!”  LOL LOL LOL  See what I mean?  Classic 90210!   



    Amazingly enough, Mike frequented Michael’s Burgers on a regular basis back in the early ‘90s.  So, when the restaurant appeared in the “Ashes to Ashes” episode, he immediately recognized the place.   Love it!  According to Mike, the burgers at Michael’s are out of this world, but unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to eat there while stalking the place.  🙁  Oh well, it looks like I’m just going to have to drag my fiancé back there in the near future.  In the “Ashes to Ashes” episode, only the back entrance and rear parking lot area of Michael’s Burgers were used.  



    For some reason, the front exterior, which is pictured above, was never shown.  



    The areas which appeared in the episode include the main rear door,





    the interior,



    the rear employee entrance,





    and the dumpster area.  Because Tamale Heaven is supposed to be located in the ghetto, somewhere between “Watts and the airport”, producers really dressed the place down for the filming.  In reality, though, Michael’s Burgers is not located in a bad area at all, nor is it completely covered over with graffiti.  And, amazingly enough, despite a change in paint color and the lack of graffiti, Michael’s Burgers still looks almost exactly the same today as it did eighteen years ago when the episode was filmed!  LOVE IT! 

    TamaleHeaven pic

    On a side note – While making screen captures for today’s post, I spotted something quite interesting.  If you look in the above screen capture, you will notice a sign in the upper left hand corner which ends with the letters “R” and “S”.  I am fairly certain that that sign read “Michael’s Burgers” and that it wasn’t actually supposed to appear in the scene.  I am guessing that producers either forgot to take the sign down for the filming or left it up thinking it would not be visible in the shot.  Whoopsie!  🙂 


    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location and for taking all of the photographs featured in this post.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Michael’s Burgers, aka Tamale Heaven, is located at 7225 Topanga Canyon Boulevard in Canoga Park.  You can visit their website here.  Directly across the street from Michael’s, at 7218 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, is the strip mall that was used in the 1999 movie Blast from the Past.

  • Bullocks Wilshire – The Department Store from “Christmas Vacation”


    One location that I have been dying to stalk for months now is the former Bullocks Wilshire department store located just outside of Downtown Los Angeles  – a spot which has been featured in countless productions since its grand opening way back in 1929.  And, even though I am usually a big fan of immediate gratification, I waited to stalk this location until just recently as I wanted to blog about it in December, along with my other Christmas movie posts.  So, what holiday movie was the building featured in, you ask?  One of my very favorite Christmas flicks of all time – the 1989 holiday classic Christmas Vacation.   In the movie, Bullocks Wilshire stood in for the Chicago area department store where Clark Griswold (aka Chevy Chase), accompanied by his son, Rusty (aka The Big Bang Theory’s Johnny Galecki), shopped for lingerie.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Mike, from MovieShotsLA, who, as luck would have it, just happened to be driving right by the department store on the day filming took place way back in 1989.  Once Mike noticed the production trucks, he, of course, immediately pulled over to inquire about what was being filmed and to watch some of the action.  And, let me tell you, when Mike told me about the location a few months back, I just about passed out from excitement as I had always wanted to know where that scene had taken place!  Thank you, Mike!  🙂



    The Bullocks Wilshire building was originally built in 1929 by the father and son architecture firm of John and Donald Parkinson, a team who was also responsible for designing the Continental Building, which is better known as Los Angeles’ first skyscraper, Union Station, L.A.’s City Hall and the Memorial Coliseum.  Department store magnate John G. Bullock commissioned the building in the hopes of creating the most luxurious and upscale shopping experience Angelinos had ever seen. The interior, which was designed by Eleanor Lemaire and Jock Peters, was the utmost in splendor, featuring travertine flooring, marble walls, ornate elevators, and rosewood display cases.  


    For the design of the relief located above the department store’s Wilshire Boulevard entrance, which reads, “To build a business that will never known completion”, Bullock looked to MGM art director Cedric Gibbons, who is best known for designing the first ever Oscar statue.


    Because Bullock wanted to cater to the growing number of motorists in the L.A. area, the department store was the first in Los Angeles ever to feature a porte cochere, aka a covered driveway under which shoppers could hand over their vehicles to waiting valets.


      The building’s most remarkable feature – in my mind, at least – has to be the highly elaborate mural painted on the ceiling of the porte cochere.  Romanian painter Herman Sachs designed the brightly colored fresco secco as a tribute to Mercury, the god of travel.  The painting features renderings of different forms of modern-day transportation, including airplanes, trains, and ships. 


    Upon its opening on September 26, 1929, the 241 foot tall Bullocks Wilshire encompassed over 230,000 square feet of retail space which included a perfume hall, a penthouse tea room, a “doggery” which sold trinkets for shoppers’ furry companions, a saddle shop, a Louis XVI room, a furrier, live mannequins, a salon, and a private suite where the truly elite could shop in complete privacy, all the while sipping martinis and snacking on the finest hors d’oeuvres.  Years later, Bullock added a Chanel Room, a photography studio operated by celebrity photographer Neil Gittings, and a Ladies Custom Salon, run by future Hollywood costume designer Irene Lentz.  Thanks to Bullock’s incredible attention to detail, the department store quickly became the place to see and be seen in Los Angeles.  Such stars as Mae West, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, Alfred Hitchcock, John Wayne, and Marlene Dietrich all visited Bullocks Wilshire at one time or another.  And actresses June Lockhart and Angela Lansbury and former First Lady Patricia Nixon even worked there in their early years.  Thanks to the building’s architectural detail and rich history, Bullocks Wilshire was added to the National Registry of Historic Places on May 25, 1978.  Sadly, in the late 80s, the store began a precipitous decline, eventually being sold to the Macy’s chain.  A few years later, the historic building was heavily vandalized both inside and out during the riots of 1992, with looters destroying display cases, prized artifacts, and even setting fire to the property.  Bullocks Wilshire ended up closing its doors for the last time in 1993.  But its story doesn’t end there.    About a year later, the property was purchased by Southwestern Law School, which had long occupied a neighboring building.  The school then set out on a ten year, $29 million restoration project which completely restored the historic building back to its original state.  For this endeavor, Southwestern Law School received a National Preservation Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation.   Today, Bullocks Wilshire is used as a part of the Southwestern Law School campus, where, coincidentally, actor Jerry O’Connell (husband of Rebecca Romijn) is currently a student.  🙂



    And, while the building is not actually opened to the public, while stalking the place, I ventured inside and asked the security guard on duty if I might be allowed to take a quick peek.  The guard truly could NOT have been nicer and allowed my fiancé and me to walk around the school.  Unfortunately, though, photography is not allowed indoors, so I couldn’t take any pictures, other than the two pictured above, which I snapped through the building’s front window.  But, take my word for it, the interior – which you can see photographs of here – is nothing short of magnificent.  Walking into Bullocks Wilshire is like stepping back in time to a more glamorous era.  The cafe, the lounge area, even the bathrooms have all been restored to their original state and I couldn’t have been more excited to be seeing it all with my own two eyes.  And, even though the building is now technically a college campus, the interior still looks much as it did when it operated as an upscale department store.  I was so mesmerized with the place, in fact, that I am just dying to get my hands on a copy of this book to learn more about the building’s rich history!




    Bullocks Wilshire shows up just briefly in Christmas Vacation in the very memorable scene in which, while out shopping with his son Rusty, Clark Griswold meets and flirts with a lingerie saleswoman named Mary and utters that famous line, “It’s a bit nipply out”.  LOL LOL LOL When I was a Senior in high school – and I should mention here that I went to a Catholic high school – one of my classmates, Marcus, came up with the inspired idea of reading a surf report to the entire school each morning during our daily announcements.  Marcus’ little experiment was going well, too, until one particularly cold morning, when he announced to the student body that the ocean “was a bit nipply” that day.  Needless to say, that was the end of that morning’s announcements – and our daily surf report.  But, ever since that fateful day, even all these years later, I can’t help but think of Marcus and laugh every time I watch the Christmas Vacation shopping scene.  🙂




    Bullocks Wilshire was also the store where Benjamin Siegel shopped at the beginning of the movie Bugsy;




    its La Directoire room was the site of the ”Romantic Dinner” Taco Bell commercial featuring Gidget, the talking Chihuahua;

    it was where Angela Chase (aka Claire Danes) shopped with her mother Patty (aka Bess Armstrong) in the Season 1 episode of My So-Called Life titled “The Zit”;

    and the Louis XVI Room was where the Mother/Daughter Fashion Show was filmed in that same episode.




    it was the location of the eponymous elevator in Aerosmith’s “Love in an Elevator” music video


    the exterior was featured briefly in Public Enemy’s “By The Time I Get to Arizona” music video;




    and in The Aviator, it stood in for the nightclub where Howard Hughes and Ava Gardner got attacked by Hughes’ former girlfriend.





    Supposedly, the final scene in Ghostbusters was filmed on the roof of Bullocks Wilshire, but as you can see in the above screen captures and photograph, the Ghostbusters roof and the Bullocks Wilshire roof look nothing alike.  And, while it’s entirely possible that some close-up filming for that scene did take place on top of the Bullocks Wilshire tower, my best guess is that the entire scene was filmed on a studio soundstage somewhere in Hollywood.  Bullocks Wilshire has also been featured in the movies Topper (where it stood in for the luxurious Connecticut area Seabreeze Hotel), Tarzan’s New York Adventure (where it was used as a New York hotel), Dunston Checks In (where it again stood in for a New York hotel), Fist of the North Star, On Deadly Ground, Family Plot, The Tie That Binds, Rough Magic, and in episodes of Murder, She Wrote, Judging Amy, and The Agency.



    Big THANK YOU to Mike for finding this location!  🙂

    On a very sad side note – My thoughts and prayers go out to Brittany Murphy’s friends and loved ones today.  I can’t even imagine losing someone so young, especially this close to the holidays.  🙁    Rest in peace, Brittany.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Bullocks Wilshire is located at 3050 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles.  You can visit the building’s official website and see interior photographs of it here.  Because Bullocks Wilshire is part of the Southwestern Law School campus, it is not open to the public. Once a year, though, tours of the property are given.  You can check the Southwestern Law School website for further tour information.

  • Courteney Cox’s House from “Cougar Town”


    While on the West Side of L.A. doing some stalking this past weekend, I dragged my fiancé out to see a few of the houses featured on one of my favorite new shows of the fall season, Cougar Town.   Now I know I’ve used the word “favorite” to describe more than one new show recently, but in all honesty there are just SO many fabulous series on TV right now that I almost need two TiVo’s to keep up with them all!  Between my new must-sees like Glee, Modern Family, Cougar Town, and Flash Forward, and my old staples of 90210, The Big Bang Theory, Chelsea Lately, and Gossip Girl, my television viewing schedule is completely FULL!!  Anyway, for those who have yet to watch, Cougar Town is an absolutely HILARIOUS show, thanks mostly to the characters of Grayson Ellis and Bobby Cobb, played by Josh Hopkins and Brian Van Holt, respectively.  If you’re not watching it yet, you really must tune in!  So, when I found the address of Jules Cobb’s (aka Courteney Cox’s) house on the series, thanks to fave website Seeing Stars, I immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place!


    On Cougar Town, Jules lives in a red-roofed house at the end of a cul-de-sac in the fictional Sarasota County, Florida suburb of Gulf Haven.  In reality, though, her house and cul-de-sac (pictured above) are not located anywhere near the Sunshine State, but right here in Los Angeles.  Well, in Culver City, to be exact, just around the corner from Sony Pictures Studios.  The neighborhood where Cougar Town is filmed actually reminds me a lot of a video game I used to play as a kid named “Paperboy”.   In the game, the player, acting as a paperboy, must deliver daily newspapers to a neighborhood full of homes that look exactly alike – there are maybe five different house styles that are repeated over and over again on each street.  And that’s pretty much what the Cougar Town  neighborhood looks like.  It is a labyrinth of countless cul-de-sacs containing very similar-looking red-roofed homes.  In fact, the streets are so similar looking in Jules’ neighborhood that my fiancé and I actually got lost while there.  LOL




    The Cougar Town cul-de-sac is featured weekly in each episode’s set-up shots and in the numerous scenes which are filmed on-location in the neighborhood.  In fact, filming takes place there so often that my fiancé was absolutely convinced that the entire cul-de-sac was a set that had been built inside of a studio soundstage somewhere in Hollywood. It wasn’t until we drove up to the actual houses and he saw them with his own two eyes that he believed they were real!  LOL  And I am very happy to report that Jules’ house looks exactly the same in person as it does on the show!  



    In fact, the only difference I noticed was her front door, which on the show is a single glass door, but in real life is a double wooden door.  My guess is that producers put a false front with a fake glass door over the porch area during filming.







    The house where Jules’ cutie neighbor, Grayson, lives also looks exactly the same in person as it does onscreen.  YAY!


    Eillie Torres (aka Christa Miller) and her husband Andy (Ian Gomez) live just down the street from Jules and Grayson, but unfortunately I didn’t snap a pic of their particular house because at the time I wasn’t sure exactly which one it was.  🙁  Oh well, it looks as if I’ll just have to go back and re-stalk the place someday.  🙂




    On Cougar Town, Jules’ backyard and pool area have also been featured numerous times. 


    But, as you can see in the above aerial image, the real life house does not have a pool.  So, I am guessing that the scenes in Jules’ backyard were either filmed at a nearby house that has a pool or on a studio soundstage where a backyard set was built for the filming.


    On a side note – Last week, while on an intense hunt for the circle necklace Kristin Cavallari recently sported in the episode of The Hills entitled “Can’t Always Get What You Want”, I came across a fab website named Seen On that I wanted to share with all of my fellow stalkers.  The website, which details where to purchase clothing and jewelry worn on popular television shows and movies and by your favorite celebrities, is simply A-MA-ZING!  I literally can’t get enough of it!   And I figured that if my readers were interested in stalking locations that appear onscreen, they’d also likely be interested in stalking clothing that has appeared onscreen.  😉  So, check it out!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Courteney Cox’s house from Cougar Town  is located at 4033 Lamarr Avenue in Culver City.  Josh Hopkins’ house is located directly across the street at 4034 Lamarr Avenue.  Christa Miller and Ian Gomez’s house is just down the street at 4027 Lamarr Avenue.

  • Jay and Gloria’s House from “Modern Family”


    Once fellow stalker Robert, from the website Movie Locations and More, tracked down Phil and Claire’s house and Mitchell and Cameron’s duplex from the new hit series Modern Family, I set my sights on locating the modern-style abode where Jay (aka Ed O’Neill), Gloria (aka Sophia Vergara), and their son Manny (aka Rico Rodriguez) reside on the show.   For this task, I enlisted the help of fellow stalker Owen, who I am happy to report found the home’s location almost immediately, even though he had yet to ever watch even one episode of Modern Family!  LOL  All I gave him was the home’s street number and the general vicinity where I thought it might be located and, voila, just a few minutes later he texted me back with an address!  So, I, of course, immediately grabbed my camera and headed out to go stalk the place.



    Jay and Gloria’s ultra-unique home is MUCH bigger in person than it appears to be on Modern Family.  For some reason, the establishing shots shown on the series only feature one angle of the residence.  In reality, though, the home has a whole other half which has never appeared on TV.  The house is so massive, in fact, that I couldn’t get all of if to fit in my camera lens, but you can sort of get an idea of its true size in the above photograph.  According to Zillow, the residence boasts five bedrooms, six bathrooms, and a whopping 6,359 square feet!  


    The ultra-modern style home, which in real life is known as the Sinnot Residence, was built in 1992 by the architecture firm Abramson Teiger and, unfortunately, is not very visible from the street thanks to a large concrete wall which surrounds the property.  But have no fear because I managed to find a few interior photographs of the home online, which you can take a look at here.  🙂  Even with the exterior wall, though, the house is still very recognizable from Modern Family.   🙂


    Jay and Gloria’s house shows up each week in Modern Family’s opening credits . . .




    . . . as well as in establishing shots which appear throughout the course of each episode.







    Quite a bit of on-location filming has taken place at the residence as well.  In the episode entitled “The Bicycle Thief”, Manny waits for his father to pick him up out in front of the house.




    In the episode entitled “Coal Digger”, the entire family jumps into the house’s real-life pool fully-clothed.




    And in the episode entitled “The Incident”, Mitchell has a heart-to-heart chat with his father by the very same pool.


    On a side note – If you did not catch Chelsea Lately’s interview of Sophia Vergara which took place this past October, let me tell you, it is a MUST-SEE!   In fact, I might just go out on a limb here and say that it is my favorite CL interview EVER – and being that I watch her show nightly, that’s saying A LOT.  Sophia Vergara is absolutely HILARIOUS and to see her match wits with Chelsea Handler makes for some awesome TV!    


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jay and Gloria’s house from Modern Family is located at 121 South Cliffwood Avenue in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles.

  • Mitchell and Cameron’s House from “Modern Family”


    The second locale that fellow stalker Robert, from the site Movie Locations and More, tracked down from fave new series Modern Family was the Spanish-style duplex where Mitchell Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet), and their newly adopted daughter, Lily, live on the show.  Because I have always had a thing for Mediterranean-style homes and because Mitchell and Cameron are my two favorite Modern Family characters, their house was the one from the series that I was most looking forward to seeing in person.  So, as soon as Robert gave me the address, I immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place!  And, amazingly enough, because my fiancé is also a big fan of Spanish houses, getting him to take me there didn’t actually require much arm-twisting on my part.  This was one filming location he was actually looking forward to stalking.  YAY!  🙂



    Cameron and Mitchell’s duplex shows up each week in the Modern Family opening credits . . .







    . . . as well as in set-up shots shown throughout the course of each episode.



    And I am very happy to report that their abode looks exactly the same in person as it does onscreen in Modern Family.  In fact, the only difference I noticed between the real property and its television counterpart was the address number.  Because Mitchell and Cameron live in a duplex on the show, their building has two addresses – 2211 and 2213.  Makes sense, right?  But, even though the residence is also a duplex in real life, according to Zillow it only boasts one number – 2211.  Strange!  I am guessing that the 2213 sign shown in the above screen capture was just a prop that was brought in for the filming, which strikes me as odd being that it doesn’t match up to the real sign.  You’d think the producers would have wanted the two signs to look somewhat similar, but they don’t!  I guess that’s Hollywood for you, though!  😉


    I HIGHLY recommend stalking Mitchell and Cameron’s Modern Family house as it is absolutely ADORABLE in person.  I have a feeling I am going to be obsessed with this home for a long time to come!  🙂




    Ironically enough, an entirely different location stood in for Mitchell and Cameron’s house in the series’ pilot episode (pictured above), as was the case with the Dunphy home which I blogged about yesterday.  And, although the two locations do share some similarities – they are both duplexes, have wooden front doors, and arched entryways – in actuality they don’t look anything alike.


    Big THANK YOU to Robert for finding this location! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Mitchell and Cameron’s duplex from Modern Family is located at 2211 Fox Hills Drive, just around the corner from Fox Studios, in Century City.

  • Claire and Phil’s House from “Modern Family”


    A few weeks back I received an email from a fellow stalker in the Nebraska area who had just recently started his very own filming locations blog entitled Movie Locations and More.  This stalker’s name was Robert Patterson and I have to admit that when I first saw his email a red flag went up, as I thought he was some weirdo pretending to be the lead actor from the Twilight movies. LOL At the time I didn’t realize that the Twilight actor was actually named Robert PattINson, not PattERson.  LOL LOL LOL  Man, I can be such a blonde sometimes!!!  Anyway, as it turns out, my new friend really is named Robert Patterson and he is not a weirdo at all.  🙂 He is actually quite an amazing stalker and recently tracked down two of the main homes featured on Modern Family, which just so happens to be one of my favorite new shows of the fall season.   So, literally, as soon as he gave me the addresses to the houses, I ran right out to stalk them!   Thank you, Robert!


    The first Modern Family house that Robert managed to track down was the residence belonging to Phil (aka Ty Burrell) and Claire (aka Julie Bowen) Dunphy and their three children on the show.   Because Robert knew that Modern Family was filmed at Fox Studios in Century City, he decided to begin his search for the houses featured on the series in the neighborhood surrounding the studio – which is always a smart move.  And, sure enough, he found Claire and Phil’s house pretty much immediately.  YAY!  🙂  Besides being featured weekly in the series’ opening credits . . .





    and in set-up shots during the course of each episode . . .




    . . . several scenes have also been filmed on location at the Dunphy home, such as was the case with the episode entitled “Fizbo” in which Claire and Phil host a massive birthday party for their son Luke in the house’s front yard.




    As you can see in the above screen captures, though, an entirely different house was used in the filming of the pilot episode.  The house featured in the pilot has an address number of 1057, while the house used in the rest of the series has an address number of 10336.  The front door of the pilot house, which is flanked by window panes on either side, also does not match the front door of the house used in the rest of the series.


    When I first pulled up to stalk the Dunphy house a couple of weeks ago, some neighbors just happened to be outside chatting, so I, of course, just had to strike up a conversation with them.  🙂  The neighbors were SUPER nice and did not think it was at all weird that I was stalking a home in their vicinity.  They said they absolutely LOVE having Modern Family film on their street and that everyone involved with the show is extremely nice.  LOVE IT!  They also said that since I was such a big fan of the show, I should try to come back when an episode was being filmed so that I could watch.  How nice is that?  🙂  So LOVE IT!   And I am happy to report that Claire and Phil’s house looks EXACTLY the same in person as it does onscreen.  🙂


    On a side note – At the very end of the episode entitled “The Bicycle Thief”, Phil and his son, Luke, are shown riding their bikes past a street sign for Dunleer Drive, which is the actual street where Claire and Phil’s house is located in real life.  LOVE IT!


    Big THANK YOU to Robert for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Claire and Phil’s house from Modern Family is located at 10336 Dunleer Drive in the Cheviot Hills area of Los Angeles.

  • Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts


    Many years ago, I was enrolled in an acting school in Burbank that was located just down the street from a little coffee shop named Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts.  I logged quite a bit of time at the coffee house, as my classmates and I would often grab a coffee and hang out there before and after class.  So, when the place popped up in an episode of Desperate Housewives a few weeks ago, I literally almost fell out of my chair!   Since I hadn’t been to Priscilla’s in almost eight years – and because I’m always on the lookout for any excuse to visit a coffee house – I decided I just had to stalk the place.  So, yesterday I headed out to Burbank – laptop in hand – to spend the morning blogging and drinking coffee at Priscilla’s.  And, let me tell you, the place was absolutely JAM PACKED when I arrived.  There literally wasn’t an empty seat in the entire house.  I was shocked that the the place would be so crowded on a weekday morning, but that’s a definite testament to how good Priscilla’s coffee is.  🙂  Anyway, after ordering my iced latte, I retreated to a nearby corner and waited around for a table to open up.  Well, I wasn’t standing there more than 45 seconds when an extremely kind gentleman walked up and offered to share his table with me!!  How incredibly nice is that?  I almost couldn’t believe it, as people in L.A. aren’t usually that overtly friendly.  But, from what I noticed yesterday, that’s just par for the course at Priscilla’s – people there are just plain nice!  🙂  So, my new friend and I sat there for a while – me blogging away on my laptop, him studying his lines for an upcoming addition, both of us enjoying some extremely good coffee.  🙂 


    Surprisingly enough, when I used to hang out at Priscilla’s many years back, I wasn’t a coffee drinker.  In fact, until yesterday morning, I had never actually tasted any of Priscilla’s coffee and I honestly didn’t have high hopes that the place would compare to my beloved Starbucks.  So, you can imagine my surprise when I tasted my latte yesterday morning and discovered it was JUST as good as Starbucks, if not better!  It was so tasty, in fact, that as soon as I finished my first cup, I got in line to order another!  LOL   And it was while I was waiting for my second drink that I asked the barista if it would be alright to snap a few photos of the store.  I really wasn’t sure how she would respond, because as I’ve mentioned before, for whatever reason, many restaurants in L.A. don’t allow any sort of interior photography.  Well, not only did she tell me it was OK to snap pictures, but she also asked if I wanted her to take a photograph of me in the shop!!!!!  I mean could this place be any greater????  The above photo is the one she took, and the other barista on duty even agreed to pose with me for it!  LOVE IT!  🙂




    Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts has actually been in business since the early 1970s, at which time it was operated out of a former gas station.  In 1993, due to a growing demand, the coffee house moved to a larger location on Riverside Drive in Burbank where it has remained ever since.  Besides coffee, Priscilla’s also serves up teas, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and even gelato.  It’s also a great place to browse as they have numerous gift items and greeting cards for sale.  And the fact that the place has free wi-fi and plays 80s music (including Michael Jackson!!!) is pretty much just icing on the cake!  🙂  Priscilla’s is a SUPER cute little coffee shop and I honestly cannot recommend stalking it enough!!!!  In fact, I’m thinking of becoming a regular there!  🙂




    Priscilla’s first popped up in the episode of Desperate Housewives  entitled “The Coffee Cup”, which aired on November 15th.  Quite a few scenes from the episode took place at Priscilla’s, which stood in for “The Coffee Cup Bakery & Cafe” on the show.  It first appeared in the scene in which Julie Mayer (aka Andrea Bowen) has a highly awkward encounter with her married boyfriend’s wife, Angie Bolen (aka Drea de Matteo), while waiting in line for coffee.




    Later in the episode, Angie confronts her husband Nick (aka Jeffrey Nordling) at Priscilla’s, after she sees him flirting with a Coffee Cup barista named Emily Portsmith. 




    And, finally, at the very end of that episode, Priscilla’s shows up once again as the spot where Nick makes a phone call to the police to let them know he is thinking of turning himself in for an as-yet unnamed crime . . .




    . . . and as the spot where barista Emily is strangled.




    And, in the following episode, which was entitled “Would I Think of Suicide?”, Priscilla’s shows up yet again!  It is featured in the episode’s opening scene, in which the manager of The Coffee Cup enters the store in the early morning hours only to discover Emily lying dead on the floor.




    In a subsequent scene, Julie Mayer and her friends discuss Emily’s death out in front of Pricilla’s.



    Besides being a filming location, Pricilla’s is also something of a celebrity hotspot, thanks to its proximity to the area studios.  Just a few of the stars who have been spotted there recently include Jay Leno, Ben Affleck and Kevin Connolly.  Randomly enough, while I was attending acting school in Burbank, I happened to see a television show on the E! Network (for the life of me I cannot remember what it was called!) that featured paparazzi videos of celebrities performing day to day activities.  One of the videos featured an old clip of my girl Jen Aniston during the early days of Friends grabbing a cup of coffee at Priscilla’s.   And, let me tell you, when I saw that video I just about had a heart attack over the fact that Jen had visited the very same coffee shop that I was hanging out in at the time!!  🙂    What can I say, the girl’s got good taste!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Pricilla’s Gourmet Coffee and Teas is located at 4150 Riverside Drive in Burbank.  You can visit their website here.

  • The Red Robin Restaurant from “Newlyweds”


    While Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I were out doing some Valley stalking a couple of months ago, we decided to made a pit stop at the Red Robin restaurant in Calabasas for lunch.  Even though I am not now nor never have been a big Jessica Simpson fan, I had been dying to stalk the restaurant ever since it had appeared in a Season Three episode of the Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson reality series Newlyweds.   Truth be told, though, I was really just using the fact that the restaurant had appeared on TV as an excuse to eat there, as Red Robin has long been my very favorite place to dine.  🙂  In fact, until POP Champagne Bar came on the scene late last year, Red Robin was literally the only place I ever wanted to eat.  For those who have never had the pleasure of dining at a Red Robin location, let me just say here that the eatery serves up some of the BEST chicken strips (aka “Clucks”) I’ve ever tasted in my entire life, their fries are out of this world, and don’t even get me started on the ranch dressing!!!  🙂   So, when I randomly mentioned to Mike that I had always wanted to stalk the Red Robin from Newlyweds, and he not only knew its exact location, but said we happened to be right in its vicinity, I just about died from excitement and begged him to take me there.  Which he happily did.  🙂 




    In the Season 3 episode of Newlyweds entitled “Eye Surgery”, Jessica Simpson and BFF Cacee Cobb have Lasik surgery performed on their eyes – and yes, the entire procedure is shown, in very high detail I might add – on the show.  I was literally gagging while watching it!  In fact, after seeing the surgery in such an up-close-and-personal format like that, I don’t think I will ever in my life sign up for Lasik.  LOL  But I digress!  After the procedure, Jessica mentions that she could really go for a burger and the two make a stop at the nearest Red Robin restaurant.  Because the girls are forced to wear post-surgery eye goggles, which severely inhibit their vision, several comical moments take place during the course of the meal.


    My favorite of which being when Jessica drowns her plate in about three pounds of ketchup, and then, not realizing  how much she had poured, asks Cacee, “Do I have enough for my burger?”  LOL LOL LOL   



    In the episode, Jessica also had a little trouble walking up the restaurant’s front steps, so Mike suggested that I imitate her while he took a picture.  LOVE IT!  🙂 


    While we were eating, I mentioned to Mike that I wished I could remember the spot where Jessica and Cacee sat during the episode, to which he replied, “Oh, I know their exact booth!”  And that right there is why he is one of my best friends!!! 🙂  For those who are curious, Jessica and Cacee sat in the furthest corner booth of the restaurant’s Eastern side (pictured above).  


    It should be no surprise that I HIGHLY recommend stalking the Red Robin restaurant from Newlyweds!  🙂  I also highly recommend ordering the Clucks & Fries meal while there.  Trust me on this one, you will NOT be disappointed!!!     🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Red Robin restaurant from Newlyweds is located at 24005 Calabasas Road in Calabasas.

  • Big Oaks Lodge from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    Before I left on my New York vacation just about two months ago, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I spent a day together stalking in and around the San Fernando Valley.  And even though we had a long list of places to stalk, the location we were most excited about seeing had to be a place called Big Oaks Lodge, which was used in the Season 2 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210  entitled “Camping Trip”.  Before arriving at Big Oaks Lodge, I was actually a little nervous about the drive up there, though, as I had read that the place was located completely out in the middle of nowhere, but, as it turns out, it’s not really as out in the middle of nowhere as I had thought.  The Lodge is located a brief twenty minute drive from the City of Santa Clarita, and while the road which leads there is remote, windy, and lacks a Starbucks, it’s really not a bad ride at all.  🙂  Big Oaks Lodge was originally built in the 1920s as a rest stop and eatery for traveling stagecoaches.  In the 30s, 40s, and 50s, the Lodge and its surrounding area became something of a Hollywood hotspot for the likes of such legends as gangster “Pretty Boy” Floyd and the original Brangelina – Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford – who even ended up building their own private cabin near the restaurant.  In later years, the property served as a training spot for boxers like Mike Quarry and Michael Doakes and even boasted its own outdoor ring, which has since been removed.  The Lodge now serves as a meeting place and rest stop and features not one, but two different eateries on the property.  The first is a little food stand named the Char House, which serves up such culinary staples as hamburgers, chili, and tri-tip sandwiches and is popular with the Harley Davidson set.  The Lodge’s more upscale restaurant is named Cavi and it specializes in authentic homemade Italian food.  The Lodge is still popular with celebrities to this day and has played host to talk show host Jay Leno and members of the band ZZ Top.





    Big Oaks Lodge is actually much smaller than I expected it to be and consists solely of the main lodge area, which houses Cavi restaurant, the Char House shed, an outdoor patio, and two small cabins, which can be rented out nightly.  While stalking the place, Mike and I had the good fortune of meeting one of the Lodge’s owners, who absolutely could NOT believe that we had driven all the way out to Big Oaks just to see a location from an episode of 90210  which had aired over 18 years ago.  And, let me tell you, he just about fell over when we showed him Mike’s portable DVD player, where we had the “Camping Trip” episode all cued up.  LOL  🙂  The owner told us we were free to walk around the property and take all of the photographs we wanted.  And you really should have seen the two of us!  We could not have been more excited and were screaming like little schoolgirls pretty much the entire time!  “Oh, look there’s the firewood shed!” and “Ohmigod, there’s the tree Brandon leaned against!”  LOL  We were both pretty bummed out, though, that neither of the Lodge’s restaurants were open while we were there, as we had hoped to grab a bite to eat during our stalk.  🙁  But you know what that means, don’t you?  My fiancé will definitely be getting dragged out there in the near future so that I can re-stalk the place.  🙂 





    In the “Camping Trip” episode, thanks to a patch of bad weather, Brandon, Brenda and the gang get stuck at Big Oaks Lodge while on their way to a camping trip in Yosemite.   The entire episode was pretty much shot on location at the Lodge and made use of the entire Big Oaks property, which I am happy to report still looks very much the same as it did on 90210.  Pictured above is Big Oaks’ front entrance, which showed up several times in the episode.



    The firewood storage area, which looks a bit different today than it did when 90210  was filmed, was the spot where the gang first took shelter from the rain after pulling over at Big Oaks.



    Had to do it!  🙂  LOL 





    The “Char House” restaurant stood in for the Lodge’s main office where Brenda and Dylan booked a cabin for the group to spend the night.




    Once upon a time there were actually ten different cabins located on the Big Oaks property, but today there are only two and both of those cabins were featured in the “Camping Trip” episode.  The 90210 gang stayed in the wood shingled lodge, which at the time of the filming was painted red, but is now a light grey color.


    And the Newlyweds stayed in the rock cabin located directly next door. 



    And although a full exterior shot of the rock cabin was never shown during the episode, as you can see in the above screen capture and photograph, the front door still looks exactly the same today as it did during the filming.  Love it!  And I was very excited to find out that the real life interiors of both cabins were also used extensively in the episode.  Unfortunately, though, the owner didn’t have his keys on him while we were there, so he was not able to take us on a tour of the cabins.  🙁   Next time! 



    The picnic table area in front of the Char House was used as the location where the gang fretted about Dylan and Brandon’s early morning disappearance.







    The road in front of the Lodge and the main parking area showed up in the scene in which Brandon and Dylan return to the campsite after their little hiking mishap.



    And finally, a large tree in the Lodge’s dirt parking lot – aka “Brandon’s tree” – was featured as the spot where Brandon contemplated life after his near death experience of almost falling off a cliff.  So, of course, I just had to pose like him!  🙂 





    A little bit of 90210 trivia for you – The highly dramatic scene where Dylan downed a few airplane bottles of liquor (pictured above) was not actually filmed at Big Oaks Lodge, but in the backyard of the real life Walsh house!  Mike and I learned that little tidbit of information from the owner of Casa Walsh during our private tour of the home.  🙂  So cool!


    According to the Big Oaks Lodge website, the property has also been featured in the movies Frances, Enough, American Gun, and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and in episodes of the television series  Dynasty  and Highway to Heaven, and in commercials for AT&T and Vonage.  It’s a very cool place and I highly recommend stalking it, especially to fans of the original 90210! 


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Big Oaks Lodge from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 33101 Bouquet Canyon Road in Santa Clarita, just nine miles north of where Bouquet Canyon Road intersects with Plum Canyon Road.  You can visit the Big Oaks Lodge website here.  Cavi restaurant is open Wednesday through Sunday, beginning at 5 p.m.  The Char House is open Saturdays and Sundays, starting at 11 a.m.