Category: Celebrity Sightings

  • Watching The Filming of Gossip Girl


    Two weeks ago while in New York, thanks to fave website OnLocationVacations – who I am now seriously thinking of naming my first born after 🙂 – I was able to watch the filming of Gossip Girl live and in person no less than THREE times!!!!!  Yes, you read that right – THREE TIMES!  For those not familiar with the site, OnLocationVacations features a “Daily Filming Locations” page that chronicles which productions are filming where all over the U.S. – most notably on the island of Manhattan.   So, I, of course, checked that page pretty much immediately after I woke up every morning while on my New York vacation.  And, as you can probably imagine, I just about died when on October 5th I read that my new fave show Gossip Girl  would be filming in Central Park, just a few blocks away from the hotel where I was staying.  So, I immediately dragged my fiancé, my best friend, Robin, his girlfriend, Stephanie, and his mother, who were all visiting from Switzerland at the time, out to the Conservatory Water, which is more commonly known as the Model Boat Pond, in Central Park to do some GG  stalking!  THANK YOU OnLocationVacations!  🙂  (On our way to the set, Stephanie and I spotted the above pictured Craft Services truck and were SO excited we just had to stop and snap a quick pic!)  🙂 



    Upon arriving at the Model Boat Pond, I, of course, struck up a conversation with a few crew members from the show who really could NOT have been nicer or more friendly.  They chatted with me about where filming was taking place specifically and about who was on set at the time.  The only cast member present when we showed up, though, was Taylor Momsen, who plays Jenny Humphrey, aka “Little J”, on the show.  Taylor was very cute in person and much taller than I expected her to be, but, unfortunately, she also looked a bit under-the-weather.  During breaks she pretty much just sat off to the side of the production and kept to herself.  The next day, I heard that she actually collapsed from exhaustion a few hours after we left the set!  Poor Taylor!



    Also on set that morning was Air Bud  actor Kevin Zegers who will be guest-starring as Little’s J.’s new love interest on several episodes of Gossip Girl this season.  Because I didn’t recognize him, while we were there I asked around to see if any of the crew members could tell me who he was, but no one seemed to know.  LOL  One crew member told me that  Kevin had starred in the Spiderman movies, but that information turned out to be incorrect.  LOL  It wasn’t until after I got home that fellow stalker Owen was able to identify him for me.  Thank you, Owen!  🙂  Anyway, after watching the filming for about thirty minutes or so, my fiancé and best friend dragged me away from the set.  🙁   Needless to say, neither one of them is very much into filming locations.  LOL



    But have no fear, because later that afternoon, I, of course, dragged everyone back to Central Park to see if any of the other cast members had shown up.  I was hoping most of all to see Ed Westwick (aka Chuck Bass) and Leighton Meester (aka Blair Waldorf) because, as I mentioned yesterday, they are my two favorite actors on the show.  I so heart Chuck Bass!!!!  So, as you can imagine, I literally almost fell over when I walked up to the set and saw my two faves standing hand in hand filming a scene! YAY!  I could NOT have been more excited!  And it seems that I’m not the only one who reads OnLocationVacations because there were at least two hundred fans and paparazzi standing around watching the filming when we arrived.  🙂





    I cannot tell you how exciting it was to watch GG  being filmed right before my very eyes!!!!!  The scene being shot involved Chuck and Blair taking a leisurely stroll through Central Park just East of the Model Boat Pond.





    We literally took close to 500 pictures while watching the filming that afternoon, so deciding which ones to post here proved to be rather difficult.  LOL  I wanted to post them ALL!  But that probably would have crashed my entire blog, so I had to settle for a select few.  🙂



    Leighton Meester is absolutely BEAUTIFUL in person – much prettier than she appears to be on TV – and MUCH taller than I had expected!!  I thought she would be teeny tiny, but in person she looked to be about 5’6”.





    But I have to say that seeing Chuck Bass in person was my favorite part of the day!  🙂  Like Leighton, Ed Westwick is also much better looking in person than he appears to be on TV, but what struck me the most about him was the fact that he makes the SAME EXACT facial expressions in real life that he does while acting as Chuck on the show.  LOVE IT!  Stephanie and I were cracking up the whole time while watching him because he is just so similar to his character. 





    In between takes Leighton and Ed hung out together on set and seemed to get along really, really well.  They were laughing and joking together and appeared to really enjoy each other’s company.  It was very cool to see.



    And when she wasn’t chatting with Ed, Leighton was pretty much glued to her blackberry.  A girl after my own heart, I swear!   🙂



    Unfortunately, as you can see in the above photos, during most of the breaks from shooting a big guy in a red sweatshirt stood in front of Ed and Leighton blocking the paparazzi’s view of the two stars and making it rather difficult for me to take photos.  🙁



    Because Chuck and Blair are my fave GG characters, I pretty much hit the jackpot with the filming I got to see.  I felt really bad for Stephanie, though, as she was absolutely dying to see Serena (aka Blake Lively) in person.  The closest we got to seeing her, though, was when her stand-in walked by (pictured above).  And, let me tell you, it was absolutely uncanny how much her stand-in looked like her!   Everyone started furiously snapping photos of her until she got close enough for us to realize that it wasn’t actually Blake Lively.  LOL



    The following morning, October 6th, I once again checked OnLocationVacations and was FLOORED to discover that GG was filming on location yet again – this time in SoHo.  So, much to my fiancé and best friend’s chagrin, I once more dragged everyone out to the set to do some stalking.  LOL  This time actor Penn Badgley, who plays Dan Humphrey on the show, was shooting a scene by himself.  And, for some incredibly odd reason, besides the ever-present paparazzi, we were the only stalkers on the set that day.  And can I just say here that I so love the New York paparazzi!!!  They are so incredibly friendly and so incredibly different from the L.A. paps, who always seem to have a chip on their shoulder.  One photog that I struck up a conversation with told us exactly where to stand to get a good pic of Penn.  And, sure enough, he was right!  It wasn’t two minutes after we moved to where the photog had told us to stand that Penn walked RIGHT BY!  🙂 



    So, of course, I asked him if he would mind taking a quick photograph with us.  Penn was SUPER nice and said that he had to film a really quick scene, but that he’d be happy to pose with us afterwards.  You can see him filming the scene in the monitors pictured above. 


    So, while Penn filmed his brief scene, Stephanie and I waited off to the side and, as promised, just a few minutes later he walked by us once again.  When he got close to us he stopped and said to his bodyguard, “Hold on a second, I promised these girls a picture.”  How sweet is that!!!!!  Sigh!!!!!  So darn cool!


    All in all it was an AMAZING experience being on the GG  set.  The cast and crew could NOT have been friendlier and I had an absolute blast being there!  I highly recommend stalking the show if you ever have the opportunity! 


    A big THANK YOU goes out to OnLocationVacations without whom none of this would have been possible!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Gossip Girl  scenes with Taylor Momsen, Ed Westwick, and Leighton Meester were filmed on the East and West sides of the Conservatory Water, aka the Model Boat Pond, in Central Park near 74th Street and Fifth Avenue.  The scene with Penn Badgley was filmed in SoHo at the corner of North Moore and Varick Streets.

  • Watching the Filming of The Mentalist!


    Last week, while out and about stalking in Pasadena, I just happened to run across a large production crew filming underneath the Colorado Street Bridge, so, of course, I just had to pull my car over to ask what was being filmed.  🙂  Well, when I found out the filming was for my new favorite TV show The Mentalist,I just about flipped my lid with excitement!!!  And I was even more excited when one of the crew members told me that I was welcome to hang out onsite for as long as I wanted to watch all of the action that was taking place!  YAY!   



    The Mentalist  was being filmed in a little wooded clearing in the Lower Arroyo section of Pasadena’s Arroyo Seco Canyon.  To stay out of the way of the cast and crew, I parked myself on a walking trail located just above the clearing, which turned out to be the PERFECT spot to watch the filming, but, unfortunately, did not offer me the best vantage point from which to take photos.  🙁  So, please accept my apology for the less than stellar pics.  🙁    




    When I first walked up to watch the filming, none of the actors were yet on set.   So, I just had to ask one of the crew members if cutie Simon Baker would be filming that day and I just about spazzed out right there on the spot when he told me yes!  LOL  As I’ve mentioned before, I absolutely LOVE me some Simon Baker!!!  🙂  Then, literally, the next thing I knew, out walked the ENTIRE Mentalist  cast and, let me tell you, I just about died!!!!!   On site besides SB were actors Robin Tunney, Tim Kang, Amanda Righetti, and Owain Yeoman. When I watched The Mentalist  being filmed this past March, only actor Tim Kang was in attendance, so, as you can imagine, I was SUPER excited to see them all this time around.




    I am very happy to report that Simon Baker is JUST as cute in person as he appears to be on TV.  🙂  And, let me tell you, I just about fainted when I saw that he was wearing his cute little Patrick Jane vest and carrying that ubiquitous stick of his for the filming!!!!!  SO CUTE!!!!   The highlight of the day for me came during a break from the filming, when SB looked up at me, waved, and said “Hello!”  Sigh!   I could have died a happy girl right there on the spot!!!!  🙂  SB seemed very sweet and very friendly in person, but unfortunately I never got close enough to him to ask him to pose for a picture with me.  🙁  Such a bummer! 



    The actor who I thought looked most different in person was Owain Yeoman, who plays Detective Wayne Rigsby on The Mentalist.  While Owain is just okay-looking on the show, let me tell you, in person he is downright dreamy!!!  🙂  I was shocked!  Owain is much taller and much thinner than he appears to be on TV and actually looks quite a bit like Josh Duhamel.  And you all know how I love me some Josh Duhamel!  🙂 


    The scene I watched being filmed involved (what I am assuming was) the murder investigation of a woman who had been pushed off of a Sacramento area bridge.  And while the above picture shows the actors filming around a mannequin, for most of the takes there was a real woman lying on the ground playing the murder victim.




    The filming of The Mentalist was an absolutely HUGE production!!!  On site were hundreds of crew members, numerous filming trucks, a myriad of props, and a large machine on wheels which provided shade for the area being filmed (pictured above).  It was pretty incredible to see!!!   At one point I looked down at my watch to check on the time and was SHOCKED to see that three hours had passed since I’d first arrived on the set!  LOL   Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun!  After the scene I was watching had been wrapped, one of the crew members was nice enough to invite me to watch more filming later that afternoon on top of the Colorado Street Bridge, but unfortunately, because that was a closed set, I couldn’t take any pictures while there.  It was EXTREMELY cool to see, though! 


    The spot where The Mentalist was filmed is actually a very popular filming location that has also been featured in NCIS, The Shield, and JAG.   Ironically, it’s also the same spot where I watched The Closer  being filmed last October.

     Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Mentalist  was filmed underneath the Colorado Street Bridge in Pasadena, just off North Arroyo Boulevard.  Filming also took place on the Colorado Street Bridge.  Look for the episode to air in about six to eight weeks.

  • Kyra Sedgwick’s Walk Of Fame Star Ceremony



    I found out a few weeks ago that Kyra Sedgwick would be receiving the 2,384th Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on the morning of Monday, June 8th.  So, I immediately called up my good friend Blaze and asked him if he wanted to join me in watching the ceremony.   He, of course, said yes, so today the two of us made our way out to Hollywood to watch Kyra receive her star.  And, even though  I had already seen the entire Closer  cast in person, I was still SUPER excited to attend this event because ever since Footloose  came out, I have absolutely LOVED me some Kevin Bacon.  🙂


    Kyra’s ceremony was scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m., and unlike Hugh Jackman’s Hand and Footprint Ceremony, this event actually started on time.  🙂  Amazingly enough, for some reason there weren’t that many people in attendance.  I’d say about forty-five fans and another fifty reporters and photographers were there.  Because there weren’t a lot of people in the audience, we were able to stand fairly close to the stage area, which I was thrilled about.  Up until just around 11:25, that is, when security guards led all of the media people into the area directly in front of the fans, completely blocking everyone’s view.  It was SUCH a bummer.  To make matters worse, many of the press photographers pulled out stepladders to stand on and propped their cameras up on huge tripods!  UGH.   So, even though I was standing right in the front row, I didn’t have the best view.  🙁  I have no idea why bleachers were not set up for the event, as this definitely would have rectified the situation.  Note to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce – next time you have an event like this, invest in bleachers!  LOL 


    Right at 11:30 a.m. on the nose, Kyra Sedgwick and husband Kevin Bacon arrived and the event got underway.  Kyra looked absolutely adorable and I just about died over her salmon-colored dress.  I have got to get me one of those!!!!   What I was most impressed with, though, were her arms!!!!  I couldn’t take my eyes off of them the entire time!  As you can see in the above photograph, they are absolutely rock-hard!  Not bad for a 44-year-old mother of two!!!  I am so jealous!  I mean, I’m 31 and have no children and my arms don’t look nearly as good as hers!  LOL  Anyway, Kyra was introduced by  Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President Leron Gubler, who gave us a brief background on Kyra and her career as an actress.  One of the many tid-bits of information he told us was that, contrary to popular belief, Kyra was actually born in Manhattan, not the South, and yes, her Closer  accent is a fake.  🙂



    After Leron’s introduction, Lee Daniels, who produced the 2004 movie  The Woodsman, which starred Kyra and her husband, got up to say a few words.  And when I say “a few words”, I literally mean a few words. LOL  I think the guy had maybe two sentences to say about Kyra.  It was kind of disappointing.  If you’re going to get up on a stage to honor someone during an awards ceremony, I’m of the opinion that you should spend a little bit of time writing your speech.  Brief and to the point is nice, but so is saying something meaningful.  LOL  All Lee basically said was that while working with Kyra on The Woodsman, she had taught him to “live in the moment”.   To quote Chelsea Lately, “What . . . a douchebag!!”  LOL 



    Next up was Kyra’s Closer  co-star, and my fave actor from the show, G.W. Bailey.  G.W. gave a FABULOUS – and absolutely hilarious – speech about Kyra and their experiences starring together on The Closer.  He started off his speech by listing the questions he most commonly gets asked about Kyra – such as is her accent real (no), is she really that tiny in person (yes!), is her hair real (yes), do she and Kevin Bacon really love each other that much (absolutely!), and what is she really like in person.  In answer to that last question, G.W. had this to say, “Kyra is a mix of Mary Poppins and Cruella DeVil.  If you come to the set on time and know your lines, she’s a spoonful of sugar.  If you come to the set late and haven’t done your homework, she’ll skin you alive and make a jacket out of you.  But then she’ll feel bad and end up giving the jacket to the homeless.”  LOL  I absolutely LOVED that quote, as one of my biggest pet peeves in acting class is lazy actors who don’t do their homework and don’t memorize their lines!!!!  You go, Kyra!  🙂


    G.W. called Kyra one of the most giving actresses he has ever worked with and said that the cast nicknamed her “Mama” early on because of the way she takes care of everyone.  I was actually an extra on The Closer a few months back and was able to witness firsthand how Kyra takes care of her crew.  At one point while I was there, Kyra held up filming for a few minutes in order to write out a grocery list of cold remedies and medications before sending someone out to pick them up for a make up artist who was feeling under the weather.  She is definitely a “Mama”.  🙂   G.W.’s speech was so sweet that he ended up making Kyra cry.  So cute!



    Next up was Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti, who ironically enough is the son of The Closer’s  consulting producer Gil Garcetti, who presented Kyra with a Hollywood Walk of Fame plaque.



    Then Kyra came to the podium to make a speech.  She announced at the very beginning that her speech would be brief due to the fact that her feet were already hurting from standing up for such a long time. 🙂  Kyra said that she wanted to be an actress since the age of 12, when she landed a role in a school production of Fiddler on the Roof.  She said that acting in that production made her “soul dance” and she knew at that moment that she never wanted to do anything else.



    But the best part of Kyra’s speech was when a Hollywood tour bus drove by!!!!   The tourists on board went absolutely crazy, so, Kyra stopped her speech and said hello to them using her Brenda Leigh Johnson accent!   LOL LOL LOL  Only in L.A.!  🙂



    Then, Kyra’s star was unveiled.  But, unfortunately, thanks to the press standing in the way, fans see couldn’t see it at all.  🙁  Such a bummer!!!   Kyra seemed absolutely thrilled to be receiving her star, though, and it made me tear up to think how special it must be to be honored as an actress in that way.   🙂



    Kyra was also given a plaque with a replica of her star on it.  Oh, how I want one of those!!!!!!!  With my own name on it, of course!!!!  🙂




    Then, the press asked if Kevin Bacon would come onstage and I just about died!!  During most of the ceremony, Kevin had been standing in the audience laying low.  I am pretty sure he didn’t want to steal any of his wife’s thunder during the event, so he just remained on the sidelines the entire time.  I had been trying to snap a photograph of him throughout the ENTIRE ceremony, but for some reason could just not get a good shot.  So, when he finally came onstage, I was FLOORED!  KB is still a total cutie after all these years and I could not have been more excited to see him in person.  🙂     



    Also on hand to celebrate with Kyra were her Closer castmates Corey Reynolds, Robert Gossett,  Anthony John Denison, Michael Paul Chan, Raymond Cruz, Phillip P. Keene, and Jonathan Del Arco, along with series consulting producer Gil Garcetti.


    Also in attendance was series creator James Duff. 


    After the ceremony was over, all of the stars – including Kyra and Kevin – came out into the audience to sign autographs and take photographs with the fans.  And I could not have been more excited!!!!!!   So, of course, I just had to ask my two favorite actors from the show for a pic – G.W. Bailey,


    and Anthony John Denison.  Unfortunately, I was using my dad’s huge paparazzi style camera at the event, and Blaze couldn’t figure out how to zoom out to take the above photograph.  LOL LOL LOL  Can you say “extreme close-up”??  Oh well, at least I got a pic.  🙂


    I so wanted to take a picture with KB, but, unfortunately, wasn’t standing near him when he came out into the audience.  But I did manage to snap the above pic of him as he was walking to his car. Sigh!!!!


    About an hour after the ceremony, I returned to see Kyra’s star unveiled, at last.  🙂


    As you can see in the above photograph, because it’s brand new, Kyra’s star is much shinier than any of the others on Hollywood Boulevard. 


    Kyra’s star is right next to husband Kevin Bacon’s, which makes them the only married couple in history to have side by side stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  🙂

    If you find yourself in the Hollywood area during a Walk of Fame Star Ceremony, I HIGHLY recommend attending one!  I had an absolute blast seeing all of the stars, listening to the speeches, and being a part of a historic Hollywood event!   It was definitely a better experience for me than the Hand and Footprint Ceremony and I am so thankful that I got to be a part of it!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Kyra Sedgwick’s star is located in front of Cinespace Nightclub, which is located at 6356 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.

  • Hugh Jackman’s Hand and Footprint Ceremony


    Got a call from my good friend Blaze on Monday morning who told me that Hugh Jackman’s Hand and Footprint Ceremony was scheduled to be held the following day at Mann’s Chinese Theatre.  So, of course, we made plans to attend.  🙂  I was incredibly excited to see a handprint ceremony in person, not so much because I am a huge fan of Hugh Jackman, but because the event is so historic.  That being said, Hugh Jackman is an AMAZING talent and he completely rocked this year’s Oscars, so I was pretty excited about seeing him in person, too.  But truth be told, I would have been excited to see just about anyone.  🙂


    The Hand and Footprint Ceremonies, or Inductions into the Forecourt of the Stars as they are also called, take place fairly rarely.   Previous to yesterday’s ceremony, the last movie star to be immortalized in cement was Michael Caine on July 11, 2008.  In 2007, there were three induction ceremonies, one for the cast of Ocean’s 13 (Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and producer Jerry Weintraub), one for the stars of the Harry Potter movies (Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint), and one for superstar Will Smith.  So, I really could not have been more floored to attend!  Sadly, though, the event was incredibly disappointing!  Even more so for me because I had been so excited about it.  🙁  As you can see in the above photograph, the ceremony was slated to begin at 10 a.m.  But that’s not really what happened.


    Blaze and I showed up to Mann’s Chinese Theatre at around 8:30 a.m. to stake out a place in line.  By that time there were already about a hundred people lined up.  Within an hour, about 500 more people arrived.  Who knew Hugh was so huge!  Needless to say, the event was packed.  Right around 9:30 a.m., we were led to a set of bleachers which had been set up in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard.  Now, even though it was only 9:30 in the morning, the temperature had already reached 90 degrees!  For those of you who don’t live in the area, L.A. has been experiencing a bit of  a heat wave the past few days.  And the bleachers were located in direct sunlight, so, let me tell you, it was HOT.  I’m actually surprised that no one passed out, it was that hot.  At around 10:15 when the ceremony had not yet begun, I was starting to feel a bit woozy.  At 10:25 I was ready to pack up and call it a day.



    At 10:32, when a group of men started hanging a sign at the foot of the stage, I was ready to scream!  The ceremony was set to start at 10 and 32 minutes after the fact they are still hanging signs????   I took the above photos of some nimrod with a tape measure who was trying to center the sign correctly, just to make sure it was all really happening and I wasn’t suffering from some heat-induced hallucination.  LOL  I don’t have a lot of patience to begin with, so for me this was torture.  And I LIVE for this sort of thing!  So, I can only imagine how the people in attendance who weren’t quite so into the whole Hollywood thing were dealing.  When I attended the Friday the 13th premiere back in February, everything went off without a hitch, so I was really surprised at how disorganized this event was.


    Anyway, the event FINALLY got underway right at 11 a.m., exactly one hour past the scheduled start time.  Just a few minutes before Hugh was introduced, six men walked out carrying the cement block Hugh would soon be standing in.  I couldn’t believe it took six men to hold it!!!!



    Then, Jay Leno, who was emceeing the event, came out and made a very brief speech introducing Hugh.  Jay was much larger than I expected him to be and seemed to have on a ton of makeup. Jay said that Hugh is one of the nicest celebs he’s ever had on his show.  He said that you can tell a lot about a person from how they treat the people working behind the scenes in show business, and that Hugh is always extremely kind to everyone from the makeup crew to the production staff at The Tonight Show.



    Then, finally, Hugh came out!  HJ is very good-looking and VERY tall – 6’2″ according to IMDB – in person.  He is in excellent shape, too.  Hugh posed for some quick media photographs before heading over to the podium to make a speech.



    In his speech, which was also very brief, Hugh said that about 12 years ago when he and his wife first moved to L.A., they visited Mann’s Chinese Theatre and he put his hands in Peter Sellers handprints, which I thought was really cute.  Maybe someday I’ll be up at that very podium saying that I once put my hands in Marilyn Monroe’s handprints.  🙂


    Hugh also thanked his wife and two children who were in attendance.  Apparently, Hugh’s nine year old son told him he would only come to the ceremony if Daddy promised not to make a long, boring speech.  LOL


    Also in attendance at the ceremony was 20th Century Fox owner Rupert Murdoch and his wife, Wendi Deng.



    Then came the moment we’d all been waiting for – the handprints!  It was actually pretty bizarre to see the handprint process in person, as three men were actually surrounding Hugh the whole time, physcially guiding him through it.  You can see in the above photographs how the two men on either side of him actually placed his hands in the cement for him and then held them down.  What was also odd was that he had to leave his hands in the cement for a good minute before taking them out.  I’m not sure if that was strictly so that the media in attendance had time to snap photographs or if it had something to do with the time it takes for cement to set.



    It was very apparent how excited Hugh was to be recieving this honor.  His grin was absolutely HUGE.  So cute!  🙂



    Then, HJ signed his name in the cement with a little wooden stick, which he ended up giving to someone in the crowd.  🙂





    Then, this time with the help of four men, Hugh placed his feet in the cement.




    As with his hands, Hugh also had to keep his feet in the cement for quite a long time – at least one full minute.


    As he was wiping his feet off, one of the fans in the bleachers called out “Can I have your shoes?”  LOL  Hugh said no to that one, though.  I’ve heard that Mann’s actually provides the shoes that celebrities wear during the footprint ceremony, but in this case it appeared that HJ wore his own shoes.  They didn’t look new.



    After his feet and hands had been immortalized in cement, Jay and Hugh returned to the podium and thanked everyone for coming.  At that point Hugh turned to the bleachers and thanked all of his fans, whom he said he knew he wouldn’t be here without.  And that was pretty much it.  All in all the ceremony took about ten minutes.  LOL


    And literally the second it was over, Jay Leno was out of there!!  He pretty much immediately dashed off stage and into a waiting car without signing any fan autographs.  🙁   I think that had a lot to do with the heat, though.   As you can see in the above photograph, Jay looks as if he’s about to wilt.  Check out his hair!  LOL


    After the ceremony was over, Hugh announced he was going to sign autographs for the many fans in attendance.  I was extermely impressed by this being that it was so darn hot outside.  Blaze and I didn’t stick around for an autograph, but instead walked to a nearby grocery store to buy some much needed bottled water.  Twenty minutes later, as we made our way back to Mann’s, Hugh was STILL there signing autographs!!  He seemed like a genuinely appreciative, kind, and humble guy.   And while it was extremely exciting for me to see a hand and footprint ceremony in person, I don’t know that I’d ever do it again.  🙁  Well, maybe if it was for my girl Jen.  But even then I’d have to think long and hard about attending.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Mann’s Chinese Theatre is located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.  You can visit their website here.  Hugh Jackman’s handprints and footprints are currently on display in the center of the Chinese Theatre’s Forecourt to the Stars.   

  • Oscar Weekend 2009!

    Academy Awards Red Carpet Entrance

    Oh, how I love the smell of Awards Season in the morning! And let me tell you – this was the Academy Awards Weekend to end all Academy Awards Weekends for me! I had the absolute time of my life!!!!!!!!!!! It was so incredible that I am still pinching myself today. Bright and early Saturday morning I dragged my boyfriend out to Hollywood and Highland Mall to stalk Oscar’s red carpet and we didn’t make it home until after 3am the following morning. AND I still cannot believe this but we saw 128 stars! YES you read that right – ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHT MOVIE STARS! There were so many stars out and about that at times I didn’t know which way to look. My boyfriend said he thought my head was about to explode. LOL I almost feel like I should just throw in my stalking towel now as it just doesn’t get any better than this weekend – but don’t worry, I won’t! 🙂

    Oscar Statue Kodak Theatre

    Our first stop on Saturday morning was the Kodak Theatre where we got to check out the most famous carpet in the world. Although I have done this for three years in a row now, I don’t think I will ever get tired of it! For someone who grew up so far away from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, to get to be that close to the Academy Awards red carpet is a dream come true. It’s almost surreal. And I LOVE every minute of it! I can’t wait for the day when I am walking down that red carpet for real. 🙂 A few of the pics I took at the Kodak:

    Kodak Theatre Entrance Oscar Day

    Red Carpet Stairs Leading to the Entrance

    Red Carpet Stairs from the Balcony

    Workers setting up the Oscar's Red Carpet

    Oprah's Press Box on the red carpet

    Red Carpet almost done

    Although the Oscar set-up was beautiful, as always, for some reason this year they had the red carpet area blocked off and fans could not walk across it. 🙁 Such a bummer! If you’ll notice in the above pics the carpet is completely tarped in plastic during the set-up, so that the hundreds of crew members traipsing across it don’t ruin it.

    champagne on the Red Carpet

    I was stoked to see a little champage stand set up alongside the red carpet, since champagne is my favorite drink – and it was my girl Marilyn Monroe’s, too. 🙂 How cool to be able to grab a glass of champagne, while making your way down the red carpet! LOVE IT! 🙂

    Oscar Statuette at the Kodak Theatre

    Mr. Oscar looking pretty drab outside the Kodak – notice the blemishes on his arms. LOL

    Limo Dropoff area start of red carpet

    What they don’t show you on TV! LOL The ugly road closures and chain link fences at the start of the red carpet.

    Press Box on the Red Carpet

    The massive press bridge built over Hollywood Boulevard

    Red Carpet Interview Area

    Tented Red Carpet Protected from Rain

    Hollwood Blvd shut down for the Oscars

    What the red carpet looks like from Hollywood Boulevard.

    Spirit Awards Shutters Parking Lot

    paparazzi swarming actors as they arrive at shutters

    After stalking the red carpet, I dragged my boyfried out to do some stalking of the blue carpet at the Independent Spirit Awards in Santa Monica – and, yes, the carpet there really is blue! Much more relaxed than the Oscars, the Spirit Awards are held each year under a plastic tent that is set up in a public parking lot next to the beach in Santa Monica. We showed up just as the awards were ending this year and got to see a whole slew of celebs walking the short half-block from the show to the after-party. And, let me tell you, it was absolute pandemonium! There were about a million paparazzi and fans alike swarming the stars as they made their way to the Shutters Hotel where the afterparty was being held. You can see in the above pics the massive amount of paps that were on the scene. It was insane!!! While there we saw . . .

    Rosie Perez Arriving at the Spirit Awards

    Rosie Perez

    John Hamm and his girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt

    Mad Men star John Hamm and his girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt. They were super nice and stopped to take pictures with every fan who asked!

    Elisabeth Rohn

    Elisabeth Rohn from Law and Order – she seemed very sweet. 🙂

    Teri Hatcher

    A very heavily made up Teri Hatcher – you can just barely see her in the above pic. She is standing behind the guy in the suit. As soon as she drove up, the paps went ABSOLUTELY NUTS and completely surrounded her, so I wasn’t able to get a very good pic. 🙁

    Rainn Wilson Signing Autographs

    Rainn Wilson

    The Office’s Rainn Wilson

    Elisha Dushku


    Elisha Dushku (who you can just barely see in the above pics)

    Ron Livingston (aka SATC's Jack Berger)

    Ron Livingston (aka SATC’s Jack Berger) who looked to have just been in an accident of some sort. Ugh, it broke my heart to see him like that! 🙁 Poor Berger!

    Leonard Maltin

    Film critic Leonard Maltin


    And this guy who the paps and fans went absolutely CRAZY for – like so crazy I thought it might be Brad Pitt pulling up! – but I have no idea who he is!!!! LOL Does anyone recognize him?


    And, finally, this actor who I am sad to say I also didn’t recognize. 🙁 Does anyone know who he is?

    After stalking the Spirit Awards, I dragged my boyfriend from one end of L.A. to the other, hotel and bar hopping. There were Oscar parties galore going on literally every hundred feet or so and the celebs were out in full force! And I just about died over two celeb run-ins that I had. My personal fave was when my girl Jen Aniston came up and stood about two feet away from me for a good six minutes. Unfortunately we were inside a hotel at the time, and no hotels were allowing any sort of pictures to be taken last night. But even though I didn’t get to snap a pic of her, I was still in heaven. Jen looked A-MA-ZING! I’ve seen Jen in person on two other occasions and I have to say this was the best I’ve ever seen her. She seemed very healthy and happy. Forty years old suits her. 🙂 She is just so freaking adorable I can’t stand it! And she has the best laugh ever – it’s this huge guffaw that fills the whole room. And she was doing a lot of laughing last night. Needless to say I was mesmerized! 🙂

    A bit earlier in the evening I just happened to spot Ginnifer Goodwin who stars in my favorite movie as of late He’s Just Not That Into You. She was the only celeb I saw yesterday that I just HAD to go up to. In a situation like yesterday, where there are tons of celebs around and hotels aren’t allowing photographs, I am very content to just sit and observe their comings and goings. Sort of like being in a celebrity zoo. LOL But when Ginnifer Goodwin walked by, I just couldn’t help myself! So I walked up to her and told her how amazing she was in He’s Just Not That Into You and how I absolutely loved the movie. And she was SO SWEET! She thanked me for coming up to her, shook my hand, and introduced herself. I just about died. She is completely adorable in person, too! I mean, does it get any better than that??

    But I’d have to say that THE most exciting part of the night for me was when I got recognized! Yes, I got recognized!!!!! While I was eating dinner last night a lady came up to me and asked if I was the “I Am Not A Stalker Girl”! I am not kidding!!!! Someone actually recognized me and I just about died! I think I was more excited about that than the fact that Nicole Kidman was eating just a few tables away. LOL I’m always amazed to hear that people actually read my blog, as most of my loved ones just barely tolerate my stalking addiction. So the fact that there are people that actually care what I have to say is AMAZING! It’s nice to know that there really are other people like me out there. 🙂 My fan (and new best friend! LOL ) introduced me to her friends and one of them asked me how my dad was doing! I was like “Wow, you guys really do read my blog!” LOL They were the NICEST group of ladies, but unfortunately they live in another state – otherwise I think we’d all make a great stalking team! 🙂 When I woke up this morning I really had to think for a minute to be sure that that part of my evening wasn’t just a dream. LOL

    Anyway, without further ado, here is the list of stars I saw in and around Hollywood on Saturday:

    1. Nicole Kidman
    2. La Toya Jackson – my boyfriend and I kept going back and forth as to whether it was La Toya or Janet. LOL
    3. Mickey Rourke
    4. Robin Wright Penn
    5. Olivia Wilde
    6. Sarah Silverman
    7. Seth Rogan
    8. Dax Shepard
    9. Kristen Bell
    10. Topher Grace
    11. Dennis Leary
    12. Amy Adams
    13. Darren Le Gallo
    14. Jason Bateman
    15. Amanda Anka
    16. Josh Radnor
    17. Lindsay Price
    18. Forest Whitaker
    19. Zach Braff
    20. Kevin Connolly – said hi to me as he walked by 🙂
    21. Molly Sims
    22. Chace Crawford
    23. Deborah Messing – super pretty in person
    24. Amy Poehler
    25. Will Arnett
    26. Tina Fey – sooooo short and tiny
    27. Eric McCormack
    28. Neil Patrick Harris
    29. Kristin Davis – said “Hi” as she walked by and I was floored to see that she walked with a little bounce JUST LIKE Charlotte does on SATC!
    30. Aaron Eckhart
    31. Holly Robinson Peete
    32. Rodney Peete (NFL)
    33. Gwen Stefani – absolutely stunning in person!
    34. Christian Siriano (Project Runway winner)
    35. Elle Macpherson
    36. Nikki Hilton
    37. Christopher Walken
    38. Ben Stiller
    39. Christine Taylor
    40. Laura Dern
    41. Tobey Macguire
    42. Jennifer Meyer
    43. Kimora Lee Simmons
    44. Djimon Hounsou (Kimora Lee Simmon’s baby daddy)
    45. Victor Garber
    46. Kathy Hilton
    47. Jessica Alba – had the coolest red sequin shoes on! and she made my boyfriend practically drool!
    48. Kerry Washington
    49. Leo!!! – I can finally, finally cross Leo off my must-see celebrity list. SIGH! 🙂
    50. Breckin Meyer
    51. Rachel Bilson
    52. Adam Rodriquez
    53. Michael Chiklis
    54. Andy MacDowell
    55. Debra Winger
    56. Sally Field
    57. Ron Livingston (Jack Berger on SATC)
    58. Tim Allen
    59. James Marsden
    60. William Shatner
    61. Eddie Murphy
    62. Kate Bosworth
    63. Anne Hathaway
    64. Christine Ricci
    65. James Caan
    66. Robert De Niro
    67. Bill Maher – with his twelve year old looking girlfriend
    68. Wentworth Miller
    69. Michael Buble (sigh!) – such a cutie in person! I was practically swooning! 🙂
    70. Josh Hartnett
    71. Ellen Pompeo
    72. Ellen Pompeo’s husband Chris Ivery
    73. Jack Black
    74. Tanya Haden (Jack Black’s wife – she’s a model)
    75. Alyssa Milano
    76. Michelle Monaghan (from The Best Man and Eagle Eye)
    77. Chris Pine
    78. Ron Howard
    79. Josh Brolin
    80. Diane Lane
    81. Kathy Najimy
    82. Michael Moore – just as unattractive in person as he appears in his movies
    83. Chris Rock
    84. Jenna Fisher
    85. Heather Locklear
    86. Jennifer Aniston
    87. Josh Duhamel
    88. Bridget Moynahan
    89. Elton John
    90. Steven Spielberg – thanks to a red fedora he looked like a total douchebag! LOL
    91. Kate Capshaw
    92. Hugh Laurie
    93. Cameron Diaz
    94. Brian Grazer
    95. Stacy Keibler
    96. Geoff Stults
    97. Bradley Cooper
    98. Whoopi Goldberg
    99. Shirley MacLaine
    100. Ginnifer Goodwin
    101. Elisha Cuthbert
    102. Fred Savage – looked really old!
    103. Frances Fisher
    104. Richard Jenkins
    105. Melissa Leo
    106. Taraji P. Henson
    107. Claire Danes
    108. Hugh Dancy
    109. Josh Grobin
    110. Prince Frederick von Anhalt (Zsa Zsa Gabor’s ex)
    111. Steven Baldwin
    112. Dule Hill
    113. Kiersten Warren (At least I think it was her!)
    114. Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire star)
    115. Anil Kapoor (Slumdog Millionaire star)
    116. Kirk Kerkorkian
    117. Ralph Lauren
    118. Valentino Garavano
    119. Terri Hatcher
    120. Elisabeth Rohn (D.A. from Law and Order)
    121. Rosie Perez
    122. John Hamm
    123. Jennifer Westfeldt (star of Kissing Jessica Stein)
    124. Michael Bolton
    125. Leonard Maltin (movie critic)
    126. Elisha Dushku
    127. Dustin Lance Black (Academy Award and Independent Spirit Award winner for Milk screenplay)
    128. Rainn Wilson

    There were just so many that I am sure I forgot some of them somewhere along the way! LOL All in all an absolutely AMAZING DAY! And I can’t wait to do it again next year!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: I stalked so many hotels and bars this Oscar Weekend, that there are far too many to list here. For a detailed list of places to go to see movie stars, check out this blog post. The Spirit Awards are held the Saturday before the Oscars each year on the beach in Santa Monica just South of Shutters Hotel.

  • How To Spot a Movie Star!


    Because so many of you have been asking lately, and in honor of the upcoming Oscar Weekend, I thought I’d do a post today on the best places to go in L.A. to see a star.   But first let me start by saying that if your sole purpose in visiting L.A. is to see celebs – and let’s be honest, what other reason is there? 🙂 – the very best time of year to plan your trip is Oscar Weekend.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Hollywood comes alive for the Oscars.  I swear it’s like celebrities come out of the woodwork during that time of year and everyone who’s anyone is here.  Last year this fellow stalker took my Oscar Weekend advice (you can read that advice – Part I and Part II –  here)  and saw 68 celebs – yes, she counted.  🙂  But if you can’t make it to L.A. this weekend – have no fear!  I have advice for the other 51 weeks of the year, too!  So where is the best place to go to see a movie star?  The answer to that question is actually quite simple.  It’s two words, really.   Hotel bars!   Or hotels in general for that matter – hotel lobbies, bars, restaurants – they’ll all do.  A few years ago I realized that for whatever reason, almost every single time I visited a hotel restaurant or bar in the Hollywood/West Hollywood/Beverly Hills area I spotted someone famous.  So now I’ve pretty much made a habit out of stalking hotel bars.  And there are quite a few that stand out in my mind as celeb magnets.

    So, without further ado, here is my list of must-stalk hotels (in no particular order, except for the last one):


    1. Hollywood Renaissance Hotel – 1755 North Highland Boulevard in Hollywood.  I’ve spotted Nikki Blonsky and Will Smith on different visits to this Hollywood hotel.  The lobby was also featured in the movie Red Eye.  The lobby bar is located just to the right of the main entrance.


    2. The Mondrian Hotel – 8440 Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.  This is one of my favorite hotels in all of Los Angeles.  The staff is always warm and friendly and the views from the pool and the hotel’s Asia De Cuba restaurant are to die for!  I’ve spotted both Victoria Beckam and Spike Lee at the Mondrian.  Britney Spears had one of her meltdowns during her shaved head period at the Mondrian’s pool.  Pictured above is me standing with all of the paparazzi waiting to see Victoria Beckham a few years ago. 🙂  I’m the one poking my head out behind the guy in the blue blazer. 


    3. The Regent Beverly Wilshire – 9500 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  Besides being the hotel where Pretty Woman  was filmed, the Regent Beverly Wilshire also hosts the Night Before the Night Before Party each year during Oscar weekend.  I also spotted Jake Gyllenhaal in the hotel’s lobby one random Friday afternoon.  And Spencer and Heidi are big fans of the restaurant Cut located inside the hotel.


    4. Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel – 7000 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.  I’ve blogged about this hotel numerous times before as it is so steeped in Hollywood history.  Almost every celebrity in history has been spotted at this hotel.  Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift used to live there and today celebs like Lauren Conrad and Nicole Richie hang out by the Tropicana Bar at the hotel’s pool.  I even got to meet Kristin Cavallari once while hanging out at the Tropicana.



    5. Sunset Tower Hotel – 8358 Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.  Another of my favorite L.A. hotels.  Both the Tower Bar and the Terrace Room boast A-MA-ZING views and serve up some great cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.   I met Kate Bosworth on one of my visits to the Terrace Room and both Jen Aniston and Kevin Spacey are regulars at the Tower Bar.  I really can’t recommend this place enough!


    6. Raffles L’Ermitage – 9291 Burton Way in Beverly Hills.  This is the place where Brenda and Dylan shared their first kiss on the original 90210  series, so of course it holds a special place in my heart.  🙂   I’ve heard that seeing a celeb at the hotel’s Writer’s Bar (where scripts of legendary movies line the walls) is pretty much a sure thing.  While I was stalking the hotel I spotted James Woods who supposedly lives there.  


    7. Beverly Hills Hotel – 9641 Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  This hotel hosts the Night Before Party every year during Oscar Weekend.  And I almost always spot a celeb at the hotel’s legendary Polo Lounge Restaurant.   While there I’ve seen Paris Hilton (first picture of this post), Rob Reiner, Elle Macpherson, and Reese Witherspoon.  It’s one of my favorite bars in all of L.A.  It’s pricey, but so worth it!

    8. Beverly Hilton Hotel – 9876 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  This hotel plays hosts to OVER 200!!!!! celebrity events and awards show parties each year, including the annual Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party.  There is an event there pretty much every Saturday night and you can literally just park yourself in the lobby bar, order up a few champagnes, and enjoy your perfect view of celebrity arrivals through the front door. 

    9. Viceroy Santa Monica- 1819 Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica.   Celebs LOVE this ultra-modern avant-garde hotel, especially Britney Spears and LLo who are regulars.  Kate Beckinsale has also been spotted here. 



    10. Casa Del Mar -1910 Ocean Way in Santa Monica.  Once while grabbing a drink at this seaside hotel, I spotted my girl Jen Aniston, Vince Vaughn, Joey Lauren Adams, and Jon Favreau who were all there doing publicity for The Break Up.  Katie Holmes, Mandy Moore, Britney Spears and KFed have all stayed at the hotel at one time or another.  Casa Del Mar is very historic and very upscale and it’s centralized lobby bar is situated in the perfect location for viewing the many celebs who enter the front door.  Shutters Hotel located right next door to Casa Del Mar is also a notorius celeb hangout.  The above pics were taken with my camera phone the day we saw Jen.  The first pic is of me standing with the paps outside Casa Del Mar and the second is of Jen getting into her waiting car.   You can’t really tell, but I am wearing my Team Aniston sweatshirt in the pics – when Jen saw it she pointed and said “Oh, thank you!”  lol 


    11. Chateau Marmont – 8221 W. Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.  A list of celebrity hotspots would not be complete without at least a mention of the famed Chateau Marmont.  The problem is I hate this place!  The staff is pretentious and snooty and if you aren’t a celeb, they pretty much treat you like dirt.  Which I’m sure is one of the reasons stars like the place so much.  LOL  COUNTLESS celebs have visited this hotel including Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan (who used to live there), Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Ginnifer Goodwin, the late Heath Ledger and his wife Michelle Williams, etc., etc., etc.  But if you happen to spot a celeb while visiting the Chateau DON’T EVEN THINK of going up to them or snapping their pic (no cameras of any kind are even allowed in the hotel! I’m not kidding).  Which is, again, probably why celebs love the place so much – and why stalkers hate it.  🙂

    It is at this point that I realize my list of hotels could go on and on.  Why?  Because looking back on my eight years of living in L.A. I can hardly think of a time I visited an upscale hotel and didn’t  spot a celeb.  You really can’t go wrong with any hotel you choose.  What can I say – celebs love ’em.  And why not?  If I was rich and famous I’d be constantly staying in hotels, too.  Who wouldn’t want daily turn down service and a nightly pillow mint?  🙂 


    Restaurants can also be good places to see celebs, but I’ve always had better stalking luck at hotels.  If you want to try your hand at a restaurant, though, these are the ones I’d recommend:  Marix Tex Mex Cafe (a Jen Aniston favorite located at 1108 N. Flores Street in West Hollywood – she sits on the patio), The Ivy (THE celeb stalking restaurant located at 113 North Robertson Blvd. in Beverly Hills – every celeb and their mother has dined here), Ago (the Robert Dinero owned Italian restaurant where Quentin Tarantino once punched out his dinner mate located at 8478 Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood), Nobu (another Jen Aniston – and every other celebrity – favorite located at 3835 Cross Creek Road in Malibu), Katsuya ( a celeb fave sushi spot located at 11777 San Vicente Blvd. #120 in Los Angeles), Orso (Simon Cowell’s favorite located at 8706 West 3rd Street in Los Angeles), Il Sole (Jen’s absolute fave and notorius celeb hot spot located at 8730 Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood), and, finally, Madeo (the celeb restaurant du jour located at 8897 Beverly Boulevard in West Hollywood).


    And finally, a few random locations where celebs always seem to congregate: the Brentwood Country Mart  shopping center which seems to be Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck’s home away from home; the Santa Monica Farmers Market – an outdoor food bazaar that occurs on Arizona Avenue twice weekly (Wednesday and Saturday mornings) where a lot of celebs buy their produce; Malibu Country Mart – Malibu’s main upscale shopping center; and the place I blogged about on Monday, the Los Angeles Farmers Market.  It seems celebs like farmers markets and country marts.  🙂  LOL

    My final piece of advice?  If you are in the Beverly Hills/Hollywood/West Hollywood area and you see a large group of men standing out in front of a hotel or restaurant, pull over immediately!  Those men are paparazzi, which means there is a celeb in the vicinity!!  🙂   I’ve seen quite a few celebs just by spotting the paps.  🙂  And if you are lucky enough to come across one of those yellow signs that I love so much, stop!!! and ask the crew what is being filmed.  Most crews are very friendly and will let you on set to watch!

    So there it is – my advice on the best places to go celeb-stalking.  Just visit a hotel, mill around the lobby a bit, grab a bite to eat or just a cocktail (much cheaper than an entire meal) and sit back and wait for the celebs to arrive.  🙂  

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

  • Meet Me At 3rd and Fairfax!

    My boyfriend has some amazing celebrity karma!   He pretty much sees a movie star of some sort or another everywhere he goes.  And for some odd reason it seems his celebrity karma is especially strong when I am not with him.  It drives me nuts!!  Just a few of his celeb encounters that I somehow missed – he ate dinner once next to Calista Flockheart and Harrison Ford – and he didn’t even look to see what, if anything, Calista ate!!, he shopped for CD’s right next to Britney Spears at a Circuit City store, he sat next to Julia Louis Dreyfus during an outdoor theatre performance, and, my personal favorite, he stood behind Jennie Garth in line at a deli in San Ysidro.  Ugh!!!  Not that I am bitter about it or anything.  🙂  But I must say that the place where my boyfriend most often has a celeb sighting – I mean virtually EVERY SINGLE time he is there –  is the Los Angeles Farmers Market located at the corner of 3rd and Fairfax (pictured above – that’s me and my good friend Stephanie in the pic).
    Scott Caan and me

    So the other night, while my mom and I were walking through the Farmers Market after dinner, I told her to keep her eyes peeled for celebs.  “Here???” my mom asked me in disbelief pointing to the numerous outdoor tables and metal folding chairs.  “Yes!”, I told her.  “No, here????” she asked me again.  LOL  She could not believe that the popular, but by no means upscale or fancy, outdoor market was a celeb hot spot.  And wouldn’t you know it, just as we were having this little tete-a-tete, who should we walk by but Scott Caan – star of the Ocean’s 11 movies and son of movie star James Caan!   Due to my thrill over seeing him in person and the flurry over our slighty ill-timed conversation, I got just a bit flustered and immediately walked right into the men’s room which happened to be located straight ahead of me.  LOL!  I’m not kidding!   After I recovered from walking into the wrong restroom, I just had to ask Scott if he wouldn’t mind taking a pic with me.  He was super nice and friendly (even though he is not smiling in the above pic) and said he would be happy to pose for a photo.   After I got my pic and Scott walked away, I told my mom who she had just taken a picture of and she just about spazzed out at the fact that it was James Caan’s son.  LOL   See what I mean, you’ve gotta keep your eyes open!


    The Farmers Market (no apostrophe) was the brainchild of businessmen Roger Dahlhjelm and Fred Beck who in 1934 proposed creating an open air market on a vacant 30 acre parcel of land owned by oil tycoon Earl Bell Gilmore.  During its early days local area farmers would pay 50 cents a day to park on Gilmore’s land and sell goods directly out of their trucks.  Those tailgate food stands became enormously popular and it wasn’t long before permanent stalls had to be created and, thus, the Los Angeles Farmers Market was born.  Today the Market is an L.A. institution, housing over 70 permanent stalls and shops, employing more than 700 clerks, and serving up over 16 different varieties of native foods to an average of 3 million yearly visitors!  Somewhere along the way someone coined the phrase “Meet me at 3rd and Fairfax” and it became almost as famous as the Market itself.  🙂

    Farmers Market Entrance

    A few of you have been asking me lately for some information on the best place to spot celebs in L.A. – and I promise to do a post on that subject very soon.  But for the time being let me suggest the Farmers Market, which the Los Angeles Times recently called “the number one place in L.A. to spot stars!”   If you are visiting Los Angeles and want to see a movie star, this is definitely one of the top places I’d stalk. 🙂  On a recent trip there I spotted the ENTIRE Wayans Family and on my last visit I saw David Edwards who starred in the Real World: San Francisco!   Also spotted at the Market and at the nearby Grove Shopping Center: my girl Jen Aniston, Jay Leno, Lauren Conrad and Steven Colletti, Jessica Simpson, Rihanna, Mischa Barton and Brandon Davis, Teri Hatcher, Will Ferrell, Drew Barrymore, and (sigh!) Luke Perry.  The Market has had some historical brushes with celebrity, too.  Supposedly on the morning of September 30, 1955 James Dean ate his last meal there.  And legend has it that Walt Disney did some of his original sketches for what would later come to be known as Disneyland while sitting at the Market’s circular tables.  Besides being a celeb hang out, the Market has also been featured in a few productions, including Body Double, Stigmata, an episode of Diagnosis Murder, and in the Season One episode of my fave The Hills entitled “Somebody Always Has To Cry”.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Farmer’s Market is located at 6333 West 3rd Street, at the corner of Third and Fairfax, in Los Angeles.  I highly recommend eating at DuPars while visiting.  Tyra Banks, Teri Garr, and He’s Just Not That Into You author Greg Behrendt are all fans of the 70 year old restaurant.  For dinner you just can’t beat their “Beat the Clock” menu – a special menu where everyday between the hours of 4 and 6pm, the hour you arrive is the price you pay for your meal.  Yes, that means that if you arrive at 5:30pm, your meal (not including a drink) costs $5.30!  And the food is really good!  For slightly more money, head on over to Monsieur Marcel – a superb restaurant with great food and even better service.

  • The Friday the 13th Premiere


    Hollywood rolled out the black carpet last night (and yes it really was black!) for the world premiere of the new horror film remake Friday the 13th – and amazingly, I got to be a part of it! My good friend Blaze Foster is obsessed with the Friday the 13th movie franchise and wanted someone to accompany him to the premiere so he dragged me along. I have to admit that I am not really into the whole slasher flick genre – I’ve never even seen the original Friday the 13th – but since I had never attended a movie premiere before, I was definitely game. 🙂


    Apparently, tickets to movie premieres are quite easy to obtain – a fact I hadn’t realized before yesterday. A website named Gofobo was giving away the Friday the 13th premiere tickets and all fans had to do was print up a ticket, show up across the street from Mann’s Chinese Theatre, and wait in line – a line which was literally about 500 people long! (pictured above) Apparently Friday the 13th has quite a cult following, which I had never realized before yesterday. When we showed up across the street from the theatre at around 4:30pm (the premiere started at 7pm) the line was already wrapped around the block! I told Blaze that I wasn’t sure we would be getting in to see the movie with a crowd that large ahead of us, but Blaze is nothing if not determined. He had his sights set on introducing himself to Michael Bay at the premiere and when Blaze gets an idea in his head, there is absolutely no stopping him. So as we made our way through the line, Blaze made friends with a group of guys at the very front and miraculously they let us stand with them. I was extremely uncomfortable doing this as I am kind of a miss goody two shoes. LOL I don’t really break the rules. But like my girl Marilyn Monroe once said “If I’d observed all the rules, I’d never have got anywhere.” LOL How right she was – by cutting in line not only did we get in to see the movie, but we also got great seats! 🙂




    While we were waiting in line, I tried to snap some pics of the red – ahem, I mean black – carpet. Unfortunately, due to the torrential rain plaguing Los Angeles for the past few days, the carpet was actually shortened and completely tented so that the celebs would stay dry while walking the press line. Due to the large plastic tenting, I couldn’t get very good pics of the black carpet, or the hundreds of Jason Voorhees hockey masks that lined it, but you can sort of get an idea of what it looked like in the above pics.


    At around 6pm, we were finally led into the theatre. We entered Mann’s Chinese just to the side of the black carpet and did not get to walk through the press line. Bummer! I snapped the above photograph of the press area, but again, due to that darn rain tent, it didn’t come out very well. 🙁 Inside the main lobby of Mann’s Chinese, there were hundreds of popcorn bags and small sodas set out for us – for free, no less. It was awesome! Especially since I am the type of girl who can’t watch a movie without popcorn. 🙂

    At a premiere, the fans are usually let into the theatre first, before any of the stars. So after finding our seats, I immediately started looking around the auditorium for celebs. And sure enough, there were plenty. I ran into Jordanna Brewster in the lobby on my way to the restroom (she didn’t seem very friendly) and I saw Dax Shepard in the popcorn line (he was by himself and slightly under-dressed in a hoody and jeans). Blaze got to meet actress Betsy Rue from My Bloody Valentine, Willa Ford, and Wes Craven! But I was most excited when Friday the 13th star (and Rory’s former love interest on Gilmore Girls) Jared Padalecki sat down about ten feet away from us. When the movie started I must say it was absolutely surreal to be watching Jared act onscreen knowing he was sitting just a few feet away. 🙂


    After the movie, as we made our way out of the theatre we ran smack dab into Anna Faris – who I absolutely loved in Lost In Translation! I was SO excited to see her in person!!!! Anna was a total sweetheart and posed for a picture with me and gave Blaze a hug! And when she walked by us a few minutes later on Hollywood Boulevard, she stopped to say good-bye to us. See what I mean – total sweetheart! 🙂 She’s also super, super pretty in person.


    But the high point of the night for me was when fate stepped in to give my friend Blaze his wish! Right after I took my picture with Anna Faris, Blaze noticed Michael Bay standing off to the side of Mann’s entrance. It was the opportunity Blaze had been hoping for and let me tell you, he took the bull by the horns! He marched right up to Mr. Bay, introduced himself, and told him about his dream of playing Glen Lantz in the new Nightmare on Elm Street movie! Michael was extremely receptive and talked to Blaze for a few minutes and then shook his hand. I couldn’t even believe it! Never in a million years could I have walked up to MICHAEL BAY and PITCHED MYSELF for an upcoming movie role! LOL But perhaps that is why Blaze has acted in a Jodie Foster movie and I haven’t. LOL In the above photo Michael Bay is the man wearing a white jacket and a blue shirt. And as a perfect end to our Hollywood evening, we saw Kevin James from King of Queens while driving out of the Hollywood & Highland parking lot. 🙂

    We had such a blast at the Friday the 13th premiere. If you have yet to attend a movie premiere and are at all into celebrities and movies, I highly recommend you go to one! Oh and as for the movie – I actually liked it. I was thoroughly entertained – and scared out of my wits – the whole time. I was confused at the movie’s premise, though, as I really felt there wasn’t a point to it. But Blaze enlightened me to the fact that slasher flicks don’t ever have a point. LOL 🙂 If you are at all a fan of the horror genre, I highly recommend going to see the new Friday the 13th.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Mann’s Chinese Theatre is located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard in the heart of Hollywood. You can check out upcoming events and premieres on Mann’s website. The premiere for Watchmen is currently scheduled to take place at Mann’s on March 2 and the premiere for Observe and Report is scheduled for April 6. For your best bet at getting tickets to any Hollywood premiere, check Gofobo’s website.

  • The He’s Just Not That Into You Movie Premiere


    I am currently waiting on pins and needles for the movie He’s Just Not That Into You to hit theatres this upcoming Friday. The New Line Cinema film has all the makings of a hit – it stars my girl Jen and is based on an episode of fave television show Sex and the City. Come on – what more could a girl ask for?? 🙂 The “Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little” episode of Sex and the City that featured that now infamous line “He’s just not that into you!” is one of my all-time-favorite episodes. And I absolutely loved the book by SATC creative consultant Greg Behrendt and SATC executive story editor Liz Tuccillo that came out of that episode. I find it absolutely mind boggling that Greg and Liz took one line – one line – from a hit television show and not only turned it into a best-selling self-help book, but also a major motion picture starring numerous A-List celebs. How inspiring! Who knows, maybe one day a hit movie will be created out of a line from one of my blog posts! Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she? 🙂


    According to fave book Sex and the City: Kiss and Tell , the idea behind the line “He’s just not that into you!” came about one morning while a group of SATC writers were sitting around their offices getting ready to start their day. One of the writers was asking for advice about a man she was dating who had been sending her “mixed signals”. Someone happened to ask Greg Behrendt, the only straight male in the room, for his perspective on the matter. And that is when Greg uttered the now ubiquitous line: “He’s just not that into you.” The SATC writers were absolutely intrigued by this line of reasoning and an idea was born. And the rest, as they say, is history! So yesterday when some friends and I stumbled onto the world premiere of He’s Just Not That Into You while grabbing a coffee before our acting class I just about keeled over with excitement! 🙂


    The premiere was being held at Mann’s Chinese Theatre – the movie house where almost all Hollywood premieres are held – and the red carpet had been set up right in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard. To watch the event fans had to stand on the opposite side of the street behind some steel barriers where the view, unfortunately, was not the best. As you can see in the above photograph, several large screens were placed every few feet along the length of the red carpet for the actors to pose in front of. Much to my dismay, the screens also majorly blocked our view of all the hoopla. LOL


    For some incredibly odd reason I have never watched a premiere before – I know, unbelievable, huh? – so I was extremely excited that my first red carpet event would be starring my girl Jen. 🙂 My friends and I parked ourselves just across the street from the red carpet and it wasn’t long before the celebs started arriving. 🙂 The first star we spotted was Ginnifer Goodwin (pictured above), who I absolutely LOVED in fave movie Win A Date With Tad Hamilton. The bright lights on the red carpet made it really hard for me to take photographs, though, so unfortunately the pics didn’t come out very well.



    Next up was Drew Barrymore who is absolutely adorable in person. 🙂 She kept turning around to wave to the crowd and would pop her head in between the red carpet screens to smile at us. She was super, super cute in person and seemed very friendly! And it was right around that time – are you sitting down for this – that my camera died! I am not kidding! I managed to snap some pics of Drew using my camera phone, but of course they didn’t turn out very well. Let that be a lesson to me – ALWAYS have my camera charged! LOL After my camera died one of my friends said it was a sign that we should leave the premiere and head to our acting class – which we were already almost a half an hour late for. LOL While talking about the fact that we were so late for class the girl standing next to us said that she, too, was missing a class to watch the premiere. LOL So like the dutiful student that I am, I left the premiere and headed to class – WITHOUT seeing Jen! 🙁 Yes, you read that right. Now that’s dedication if I’ve ever seen it! LOL

    For those of you who have never been, I HIGHLY recommend stalking a red carpet premiere. It was SO MUCH FUN! Even though we had to stand pretty far away, I still felt like we were right in the middle of everything that was happening. Besides Drew and Ginnifer, we also got to see Justin Long and Kevin Connolly. 🙂 You can see some high quality red carpet pics on this website where it looks like quite a few celebs – including Jennifer Aniston – walked across the street to sign autographs after making their way through the press line. So bummed I missed it! 🙁

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Mann’s Chinese Theatre is located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard smack dab in the middle of Hollywood. You can visit the Mann’s Chinese website to find out about upcoming premieres being held at the famous theatre. The premiere for the new Friday the 13th movie will be taking place there next Monday, February 9th, at 7pm, with the celeb arrivals most likely starting at 6pm.

  • CSI: Pasadena


    My dad is not a big fan of Hollywood. And by Hollywood I mean the industry, not the town. He can’t stand all of the overindulged, self-absorbed actors, even though his own daughter is one (minus the overindulged, self-absorbed part, of course). 🙂 He just barely tolerates my stalking and often asks me why I care so much about celebrities. But there is one actor and one show that my dad absolutely loves – and that’s loves with a capital L-O-V-E-S. That show is CSI: Miami and that actor is David Caruso. My dad often walks around the house randomly quoting characters from the show saying “H is on it!”, he nicknamed his Harley Davidson “H”, and he has so many CSI: Miami reruns saved up on TiVo that he often burns through all of the memory causing my mom’s shows not to record. Yes, my dad loves himself some Horatio Caine. When we were in New York this past December, my boyfriend and I just had to snap the above photo of Horatio Street for my dad. 🙂



    So when I found out that CSI: Miami would be filming in Pasadena last Wednesday, I just had to drag my dad out to stalk it. Except truth be told, there really wasn’t much dragging involved. My dad, who normally hates stalking with me, was more than a willing participant this time around. He was absolutely floored at the possibility of meeting his TV idol. And so was I. CSI: Miami has always been my favorite CSI and I, too, love me some Horatio Caine. I also love me some Emily Procter. I am absolutely obsessed with her cute little Southern accent – I want one just like it. 🙂 So on Wednesday morning, bright and early, we showed up at the Pasadena location where where they were filming. And I have to say that it was an absolute dream day!


    The crew truly could NOT have been nicer to us. When we arrived and told them we were big fans of the show, they welcomed us with open arms and invited us to take a seat to watch the crew setting up the scene. One of the A.D.’s told us that David Caruso would arrive on the set within 45 minutes and that he was very fan friendly and would most likely take a photograph with us. Let me tell you we were floored! And I have to say that watching the crew set up for the scene was almost as exciting as watching the actual filming. It was amazing to compare the real life overcast grey sky that was above our heads with the orange and pink sky that appeared on the filming monitors. It turns out that a special filter is placed on top of the cameras during filming to make the sky look more bright, sunny, and “Miami-like”. It was eerie to see.



    Just before actual filming was to begin, a large water truck came by and sprayed water all over the street. I had known from watching a director’s commentary on DVD a while back that streets are often wetted down prior to a film shoot – for some reason, wet streets look better on camera than dry streets – but I had no idea how it was done. So that was very cool to see. If you’ve never noticed this phenomenon before, you will now. 🙂 Start looking at streets in the background of your favorite television shows and movies – nine times out of ten they will be soaking wet. One of the crew members was joking that while you never see it rain on CSI: Miami, miraculously somehow the streets are always wet. LOL


    After the street was sprayed, a white van pulled up and out stepped David Caruso. And I just about died. There he was, Horatio Caine, in the flesh, aviator sunglasses and all. He immediately waved to us and said “Hi guys!” while a make-up artist put the finishing touches on his face and hair. Then he called us over and introduced himself. It was unbelievable! Last October, when my dad and I got to watch The Closer be filmed, not one cast member came over to talk to us. So this was quite a surprise! And when my dad handed over his CSI: Miami Season One DVDs to be signed, David seemed genuinely touched and told us how appreciative he was to meet fans of the show. He also gave us little autographed pictures of himself. Then the A.D. called him over to begin filming and David gave both my dad and me a hug! 🙂 A few minutes later while they were setting something up for the shot, David walked over to us once again and asked if we wanted to take a picture with him. He really could not have been sweeter and I can honestly say that out of all the actors I’ve met in my eight years living in L.A., David Caruso was by far the nicest. A crew member told us that on one occasion when they were filming in Long Beach, a large tour bus filled with 75 German tourists pulled up, and got very excited that David Caruso was there. David stopped filming and proceeded to sign autographs and take pictures with each and every person on that bus!!! My dad kept saying “I just knew he’d be nice!” 🙂 I hope that when I become a successful, famous actress that I will be that nice! 🙂




    After our pics, we got to watch David film a scene with Elizabeth Berkley (of Saved by the Bell and Showgirls fame), who play’s H’s ex-wife Julia on CSI: Miami. I cannot even tell you how amazing it was to be standing less than five feet away from David Caruso as he filmed a scene. And I just about died when he did his trademark putting-on-sunglasses-and-staring-off-into-the-distance move. It was the coolest thing ever! I was very impressed with how quickly filming moved, too. I’d say David filmed his scene in less than forty minutes, which in Hollywood time is almost unheard of! What I was most impressed with, though, was how happy the cast and crew seemed to be. There was a lot of joking around between takes and A LOT of laughter in the air. Everyone seemed to be really enjoying their jobs and like they were just happy to be there.


    When David was wrapped for the day he had a crew member ask for my address as he had some CSI memorabilia in his trailer that he wanted to give us. How nice is that! Then, as we were leaving the set, one of the crew members told us to stop back by later in the afternoon when the rest of the cast would be there filming a different scene. So, of course, a few hours later my dad and I headed back to the set. 🙂 As soon as we arrived, one of the A.D.’s ran over to us and handed me a large envelope from David Caruso. Inside was the memorabilia he had planned to send me, including several photographs autographed to both me and my dad, a Horatio Caine bobble head, and some CSI: Miami postcards and buttons. That was just such a nice thing to do, we couldn’t even believe it!!! My dad was especially excited about the bobble head which is now sitting on his desk. 🙂


    As if all that wasn’t enough, a few minutes later the same A.D. walked over with Rex Linn who plays Detective Frank Tripp on the show. Rex introduced himself and, like David, seemed genuinely happy to be speaking with fans of CSI:Miami. Rex signed my dad’s DVD’s, posed for pictures with us, and even let me hold his prop gun. 🙂 Like David, Rex could NOT have been nicer or more outgoingly friendly to us.



    While we were speaking with Rex, Eva La Rue came out of the house where they were filming and Rex took us over to meet her! Eva was also completely friendly and super down to earth. And gorgeous in person – much prettier than she even appears on television.



    Then the most amazing thing happened. Are you sitting down for this?? Rex asked if we wanted to go inside the house to watch a few scenes be filmed. Did we want to go inside and watch filming with Detective Frank Tripp as our personal tourguide????? Is he crazy? Of course we did! Rex then took us through the backyard of the house where a scene was being filmed, introduced us to virtually every crew member on set, explained what all sorts of equipment was, and what was happening during the filming. Rex is an amazing man and I could not believe he was taking time out of his busy day to give us a tour of the set. I mean stuff like this just doesn’t happen in real life!


    Once filming began, Rex led us over to the monitors and pulled out Emily Procter’s directors chair for me to sit in. I was like WHAT? I can’t sit in her chair!!!! LOL



    After we watched a bit of the filming that was taking place in the backyard, Rex was called inside to finish up a scene he was filming in the house with Eva La Rue. He told us we could come inside to watch, so we, of course, followed him. That scene was especially exciting for us because we got to watch firsthand as Eva administered one of the flashlight tests that the CSI shows are so famous for. SO COOL! After that scene, Rex was wrapped for the day, but he told us we could go back outside to watch more of the filming in the backyard.


    Which we, of course, did. 🙂 And that is when we got to meet both Megalyn Echikunwoke, who plays the new medical examiner on the show and who was very sweet . . .


    . . . and my fave, Emily Procter. Emily was a total sweetheart and she really does have Calleigh Duquesne’s cute little Southern accent in real life. I love it! Emily was wrapped for lunch at that time and we ended up walking out of the house behind her. On her way outside she made it a point to stop to thank the L.A. County policemen who were on duty and she gave both of them autographed pictures of herself. I was completely amazed at this. Not just Emily, but the entire cast seemed to be just so appreciative, thankful, and friendly. It was so heartening to see. And it just made me love the show even more than I already did. What a truly amazing group of people!

    Sitting back and looking at these pictures of me on the set of my favorite TV show makes me think about how much I love L.A. As much as I say I want to move to New York, it’s days like this one when I realize I am right where I am supposed to be. 🙂 More importantly, though, being on the set was a truly extraordinary experience for my dad. Especially since he just recently got out of the hospital and has been sick on and off for the past few years. I believe having such a memorable encounter with the cast of his favorite television show brought him some much needed healing in a form he never would have found in a hospital or a doctor’s office. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: CSI: Miami was filmed at 887 El Campo Drive in Pasadena, right around the corner from the Brothers and Sisters House. Look for the episode to air sometime in March.