Category: Celebrity Sightings

  • Only In L.A. . . .X


    Unfortunately, I don’t have a full blog to post today because it’s currently 11:15 p.m. and I just walked in the door after landing at LAX a few hours ago after spending a whirlwind weekend in the Pacific Northwest where I stalked for literally 72 hours straight with my good friend and fellow stalker Kerry.  I promise to be back tomorrow with a regular post, but for now I thought I’d publish a picture I took at the airport shortly after my plane landed.  While the Grim Cheaper and I were making our way to the baggage claim area at LAX, I spotted actress Pamela Adlon, who plays Marcy on the Showtime television series Californication, walking a few steps ahead of us.  I recognized her fairly immediately, thanks to her distinctive voice, and just about had a heart attack right there on the spot!  I am actually extremely amazed that I recognized her when I don’t really even watch Californication, especially considering that the Grim Cheaper walked right by her without so much as batting an eyelash and he watches the series religiously.  I. of course, immediately ran up to her to ask if she’d pose for a pic with me and I am very happy to report that she could NOT have been nicer.  She said she really appreciated me coming up to her and the fact that my fiancé was a big fan of the show and she happily posed for a picture and even made me check to make sure it came out alright in case I wanted her to pose for another one.  So sweet!  All in all, a FABULOUS end to a FABULOUS weekend and a further reminder to keep your eyes open for celebs no matter where you are – even in baggage claim!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

  • The Justin Halpern “Sh*t My Dad Says” Book Signing


    A few weeks ago, my best friend Kylee made an off the cuff remark to me about “Sh*t My Dad Says”, the Twitter account that is currently taking the internet world by storm.  And even though the site currently boasts more followers than Lauren Conrad’s, at the time I had never actually heard of it.  This shocked Kylee to no end and she commanded me to sign onto the internet immediately to check the page out.  Well, let me tell you, I absolutely loved what I saw.  Sh*t My Dad Says is penned by 29-year old screenwriter Justin Halpern, who regularly posts the unconventional, and absolutely hilarious, musings of his 74-year old father, Sam.  As he says in his Twitter bio, “I’m 29.  I live with my 74-year-old dad.  He is awesome.  I just write down the sh*t that he says.”  I was shocked that Kylee, a self-proclaimed Twitter-hater, was actually following someone’s feed, but as she explained, “Sh*t My Dad Says is the ONLY reason Twitter should exist!”, which I think is just about the best compliment ever.  I’ve been a loyal follower of Justin’s ever since that conversation with Kylee, as has my fiancé.  So, when I heard that the Twitter-star would be doing a reading at fave bookstore Vroman’s on May 12th, I immediately called up the Grim Cheaper and made plans to attend. 



    For those who aren’t familiar with Sh*t My Dad Says, Justin’s dad offers a completely unique – and extremely amusing – take on life.  More than that, though, upon closer inspection, his bits of advice are also extremely wise and even profound.  And while I’d be remiss if I didn’t warn that the guy drops more than the occasional F-bomb, his fresh – and profanity-laden – brand of blunt common sense is thoroughly enjoyable to read.  Just a few of his musings include:

    – On the first day of kindergarten – “You thought it was hard?  If kindergarten is busting your a**, I got some bad news for you about the rest of life.”

    – “I lost 20 pounds . . .  How?  I drank bear piss and took up fencing.   How the f*ck you think, son?  I exercised.”

    – “No, I’m not a pessimist.  At some point the world sh*ts on everybody.  Pretending it ain’t sh*t makes you an idiot, not an optimist.” 

    – “You worry too much.  Eat some bacon . . . What?  No, I got no idea if it’ll make you feel better, I just made too much bacon.”

    – On waiting in line to see Jurassic Park: “There is no movie good enough for me to wait in a line longer than the run time of the movie.  Either we’re seeing something else or I’m leaving, and you can take a cab home.” 

    See what I mean – hilarious!  Justin’s dad reminds me so much of my own father, that I just had to share the site with him.  My dad took one look at it and said, “You know, I should really start my own Twitter account.  Can you show me how to do that?”  I politely declined, though, because while my dad is no doubt hilarious, the man has absolutely no filter, or shame for that matter, and it scares me a bit to think about what sort of things he would post on a Twitter feed.  😉


    During the Vroman’s event, Justin, who is absolutely HILARIOUS in person, read a chapter of his book and answered the audience’s many questions about how the Sh*t My Dad Says Twitter account came to be.  As it turns out, Justin had actually been recording his father’s musings in a notebook for years, long before there ever was such a thing as Twitter.  After moving back home at age 28 following a break-up with his long-time girlfriend, Justin began posting his father’s bits of wisdom as his daily away message on Google Talk.  And then one fateful day a friend suggested he start tweeting those quotes.  Justin followed that sage advice and in August of 2009 opened up “Sh*t My Dad Says”.  For the first two weeks the site had only 5 followers.  Then, on August 14th, one of Justin’s good friends, the author of the fake Michael Bay Twitter page, sent out a “Follow Friday” tweet (in which twitterers can suggest other feeds their readers might enjoy) which mentioned Sh*t My Dad Says.   Within hours the site went viral and it now boasts over 1.3 million followers – a number that grows exponentially each and every minute.  Within a week of his site blowing up, Justin was fielding offers from book agents, book publishers, AND network executives!  Today, less than ten months after his first tweet, he has published a book (which debuted at Number 8 on the New York Times bestseller list) AND is the co-executive producer of a television show (along with his writing partner, Patrick Schumacker, and Max Mutchnik and David Kohan of Will & Grace fame) called $#*! My Dad Says (or Bleep My Dad Says, the network is not yet sure) which is premiering this fall!  The series will star non other than William Shatner as Justin’s dad (an actor who I actually can’t picture in the role, but being that I’m not a casting director,  I guess that’s not really my call).  Overnight success?  Well, yes and no.  While Justin may have gone from total obscurity to having over a million fans in a matter of weeks, he had actually been pounding the Hollywood pavement trying to make it as a screenwriter for over seven years before all of that happened.  Which begs the question, when are the book agents and Hollywood producers going to start knocking on my door?  😉


    Justin could NOT have been nicer – or funnier – during the reading, and not only did he pose for a photograph with me and personalize the book I purchased for my dad, but he even added the following inscription: “Don, I’m sure you can probably relate to some of the stuff in here.  Hope you enjoy the sh*t my dad says!  Justin”  Like his Twitter page, Justin’s book is absolutely HILARIOUS.  Actually, come to think of it, it’s even funnier.  If you are at all a fan of his Twitter site, pick up a copy of the book.  You will not be disappointed!  You can watch an interview with William Shatner and see a few clips of the new series here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can check out their upcoming celebrity and author events here.  You can purchase Sh*t My Dad Says here and you can follow Justin on Twitter by clicking here.

  • On the Set of “NCIS: Los Angeles”


    This past Thursday afternoon, my fiancé called me up to let me know that an episode of NCIS: Los Angeles was being filmed at the YWCA building in Pasadena, just a few blocks away from his office.  So, I immediately grabbed my jacket and my camera and headed over to the set with one goal in mind – to get a photograph with actor Chris O’Donnell, who had been the love of my life back in my high school days.  I showed up to the corner of North Garfield Avenue and East Union Street to find that NCIS had commandeered an entire city block of Old Town Pasadena for the filming!  But, unfortunately, all of the action was taking place inside of the YWCA building, so aside from a slew of production equipment and a myriad of about thirty production trucks, there wasn’t a whole lot to see.  And, sadly enough, the security guard on duty – who absolutely could NOT have been nicer – told me that I had missed both LL Cool J and Chris O’Donnell by a mere twenty minutes.  Apparently, the two actors had walked out of their makeup trailer shortly beforehand and, on their way to the set, had stopped to pose for photographs with a small group of fans who had showed up to watch the filming.  UGH!  Talk about bad timing!  The security guard told me that I was welcome to hang around, though, and that the actors would most likely be back outside at some point during the next few hours.  So, hang around, I did.


    And, as luck would have it, I spotted Chris O’Donnell walking alone from the set to his trailer just a few minutes later.  But because he had no entourage with him and because he was a good twenty feet away from me, I didn’t realize it was him until it was much too late.  I was absolutely shocked – and pleasantly surprised – to have spotted Chris walking alone, as stars almost always have some sort of an entourage – or “handlers” as they are called in “the biz” – who accompany them while on set.  Even more shocking was the fact that Chris had walked to his trailer.  It is fairly commonplace for stars to be driven back and forth to their Star Waggons while working on a production.  Granted, Chris’ trailer was located only about a half a block away from the YWCA building, but I’ve seen stars be driven far less distances while on set.  Heck, I’ve even seen one celeb being driven from one side of a street to the other!  Not kidding!  Chris seemed super down-to-earth and friendly and made it a point to wave and say hello to the security guard who was on duty, which I also thought was incredibly cool!  I have so much respect for stars who acknowledge and are friendly to the crew members who work behind the scenes of their productions.  I once read that Drew Barrymore makes it a point to learn the name of each and every crew member – right down to the negative cutter – who works on her movies, which I thought was just about the coolest and most non-divaish thing I had ever heard!  So love it!  Anyway, once I spotted Chris, I parked myself outside of his trailer and immediately called up the Grim Cheaper and told him to get over to the set as soon as possible so that he could take a picture of the two of us.  The GC was NOT happy about this development, but headed over to the YWCA building anyway.  Ah, the things we do for love.  🙂   Thankfully, it was only about an hour before Chris exited his trailer and walked to the set – again sans entourage.  I called out to him and asked if he would mind taking a picture with me, and the guy truly could NOT have been nicer!  He was so incredibly friendly, down-to-earth, and low-key that he almost didn’t even seem like a celebrity.  He happily posed for the above photograph (during which the wind was blowing like mad, which is why my hair ended up in my face!  UGH!) and shook my hand and introduced himself.  I told him that I had been a fan since 1992 when Scent of a Woman first premiered, and he thanked me for the longtime support and then continued on to the set.  Sigh!  The few NCIS: Los Angeles crew members that I spoke with were also incredibly friendly and nice and the vibe on set reminded me distinctly of that of CSI: Miami.  Love it!  🙂  After meeting Chris, the GC was ready to head home, so I never did get to see LL Cool J.  But getting a photo with Chris O’Donnell more than made up for that fact.  🙂



    The Young Women’s Christian Association building, where filming took place, was originally constructed in 1921 by famed Los Angeles-area architect Julia Morgan, who is best known for designing the world-famous Hearst Castle in San Simeon.   The land on which the YWCA now sits was donated to the Association by prominent Pasadenean David Gamble, of Proctor and Gamble fame.  The building, which cost $350,000 to build and was originally used by the Association as a social venue and a dormitory of sorts for young women, is currently in a state of disrepair and has sat abandoned and boarded up for the past two decades.   The City of Pasadena is currently involved in an eminent domain dispute with its owner and is trying to purchase the historic building and restore it to its former glory.  The owner, however, is refusing to sell. You can read more about the history of the YWCA building, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, here and  you can see some great interior photographs of the place here.  Other productions filmed on the premises include the movie Idle Hands and an episode of Heroes.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: NCIS: Los Angeles was filmed at the YWCA building, which is located at 78 North Marengo Avenue in Pasadena.

  • Raquel Welch’s “Beyond The Cleavage” Book Signing


    Ever since my mom found out that actress and 1960’s/1970’s sex symbol Raquel Welch was scheduled to do a book signing for her new tome Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena on the evening of April 22nd, she became absolutely obsessed with attending the event.  And, even though I wasn’t exactly sure who Raquel Welch was (at first I actually thought she was one of the original Charlie’s Angels!), I agreed to accompany her.  Unfortunately though, because my father was in the hospital for most of this past week, my mom wound up not being able to attend the signing.  My entire family is pretty much spent – both emotionally and physically – at the current moment, but we are heading back to Minnesota to enroll my dad in the Mayo Clinic in a few weeks and hopefully the doctors there will be able to figure out what is wrong with him and restore some normalcy to our lives.  But I digress.  Even though my dad had been released from the hospital and was back at home on Thursday night, my mom said that she just didn’t have the energy to attend the signing, so, since I live pretty close to Vroman’s, I told her I’d go in her place.  I dragged the Grim Cheaper along with me, which is how, this past Thursday night, two very unlikely fans found ourselves sitting at Vroman’s Bookstore amidst about 150 Raquel Welch enthusiasts, waiting to meet the raven-haired icon. 


    I expected Raquel’s signing to be absolutely jam-packed, but when I arrived an hour and a half prior to its starting time, there were only about 15 people in the audience.  As the minutes ticked away, though, more and more fans showed up, but there were still far less people in attendance than I had originally anticipated.  By my estimation, there were only about 150 fans in the audience by the time 7 o’clock rolled around.  Before Raquel made her appearance, one of the Vroman’s staff members explained the rules of the evening.  Now, I’ve been to quite a few book signings in the past and this was the first time that rules had ever been established beforehand.  The staffer explained that no photographs of the star were to be taken when she entered the room nor while she was speaking and that the only time pictures would be allowed was during the actual book signing.  She also stipulated that Raquel would not be posing for ANY photographs with the fans, nor would she be personalizing the books, which I thought was pretty ludicrous.  At all of the book signings I’ve ever been to, the authors have ALWAYS personalized their books.  I mean, what is the point of getting it signed, otherwise?  It is also pretty rare that an author won’t pose for photographs with their fans.  I mean, if someone is going to shell out $28 plus tax to pay for a book and then wait upwards of two hours to get it signed, I really feel that the very least a star can do is personalize it and pose for a quick photograph.  The restrictions were pretty maddening and led me to believe that Raquel would be a full-on Di-va with a capital “D”.




    Which, I am happy to report, actually couldn’t have been further from the truth!  The event started right on time and Raquel walked into the room promptly at 7 p.m.  We were told she had actually arrived at Vroman’s thirty minutes early, which, in and of itself, is a non-diva maneuver.  And I have to say that she was absolutely BEAUTIFUL in person!  Like AMAZINGLY beautiful!  I wasn’t expecting her to be quite so luminous.  Raquel’s not nearly as short as I expected her to be, either – she was about my height, 5’4”  but my fiancé said she was wearing pretty tall heels, so she very well could be significantly shorter when wearing flats.  She was also extremely friendly and warm and waved and said hello to all of the people she walked by while making her way to the front table. 


    And even though the Vroman’s staff had forewarned the fans that if anyone took a picture of Raquel while she was speaking, they would be asked to leave and their cameras possibly confiscated, THOUSANDS of flashbulbs went off as soon as she entered the room.  You can see how bright the camera lights were in the above photograph.  And they pretty much didn’t stop going off the entire time!




    Raquel gave a very brief speech prior to signing her books, in which she stated that she has long been a fan of Vroman’s Bookstore because it’s an “old girl” like herself (the place was founded in 1894) and that it’s still going strong, which is also much like herself.  She even called the place the “book lovers’ book store”, which just about made me want to swoon as I, too, absolutely LOVE Vroman’s.  She talked about how much respect she has for writers now that she has completed a book, as it was very grueling work.  Tell me about it, honey!  😉  Raquel was extremely vivacious and charming during her speech and not AT ALL the diva I was expecting her to be after hearing her restrictive book signing policies.  Which brings me to a point.  Sadly, many of the people in attendance Thursday night were . . . well, to put it in plain language, creepy.  One man was wearing pajamas – not kidding – and quite a few others had on ripped-up, dirty sweatpants, disheveled hair, and looked as if they had rolled out of bed about two minutes prior to the event.  The guy behind me in line reeked of cigarette smoke and kept making odd grunting noises the closer he got to Raquel.  Seeing the myriad of oddball fans made me wonder if the icon was refusing to take posed photographs for her own protection.  I’ll never know for sure, but the whole thing made me sad.   Note to fans – if you are going to meet someone you admire at a signing, don’t wear pajamas or ripped-up sweatpants, run a comb through your hair, and, at the very least, take a shower!  I mean would you want to meet and pose for a picture with someone who had done anything less?  Gross!



    After Raquel’s speech, the signing began.  Because I had gotten there so early, I was the fifteenth person in line and didn’t have to wait long to get my mom’s book signed. 



    The whole event got kind of crazy as soon as she started signing books, though, and about thirty people rushed right up to the front table and began snapping photographs.  Book signings are usually pretty calm events, so I was surprised when this one incited such hysteria!  It was pretty funny to watch. 


    I was pleasantly surprised when I reached the front of the line and Raquel stuck out her hand for me to shake!  She was SUPER friendly and, as I said before, very warm.  I think she got slightly offended, though, when I told her that the book was for my mom, who was a huge fan of hers.   Ah well. 




    I am also very happy to report that Raquel did (sort of) pose for pictures with those fans who had someone accompanying them who could stand off to the side and snap a quick pic while she was signing their book.  My fiancé has a camera with a speed-burst shutter, which means that he can take a multitude of photographs in the space of one second, which he did while I was standing with Raquel.  Unfortunately though, the two of us couldn’t quite seem to get it together in any of the photographs and we were never looking in the same place at the same time. LOL  But at least I got a picture with her . . .

    Raquel 3.jpg

    . . . and a book signed for my mom.  As you can see, though, Raquel did not personalize it, which I thought was pretty darn janky.  🙁  Ironically enough, the woman sitting next to me during the event actually told me that it was better not to have my book personalized.  That way when I die, my family can sell it on eBay for a profit, whereas a book endorsed to “Lindsay” would be worthless.  NO JOKE – she actually said that!  LOL 


    When we left Vroman’s after the event had ended, we spotted Raquel’s limo waiting in the parking lot, so, of course, I just had to take a picture with it.  🙂  All in all, the evening was a great experience, despite all of the ridiculous rules put in place prior to Raquel’s arrival.  I had a blast meeting the icon and seeing how friendly, upbeat, and BEAUTIFUL she is in person.  My mom may have been the family’s sole Raquel fan prior to Thursday night, but now there is definitely a second one.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can check out their upcoming celebrity and author events here.  And you can purchase Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage here.

  • On Set With the “American Idol” Contestants


    This past Sunday, while doing some stalking in Downtown L.A., my fiancé and I happened upon the current American Idol contestants filming a Ford commercial on the corner of South Hope Street and Wilshire Boulevard.  And even though I have yet to watch even one episode of the series this season, I begged my fiancé to pull the car over so that we could watch a bit of the filming.  And, wow, what a mistake that turned out to be!  As we made our way over to the set, camera in hand, an incredibly rude crew member walked up to us and said – and I am quoting here! – “If you take a picture of this, we will sue you!”   Being that we were standing on a public sidewalk in the middle of Downtown Los Angeles and that the Idol set was an open one (i.e. not closed to the public), I didn’t see how we were committing an act that was sue-worthy.  Furthermore, I’m pretty sure that you need to know who someone is before you can actually sue them.  Was the guy planning on serving a summons to “the blond girl in the white jacket who was standing on the corner watching American Idol film in Downtown L.A. on Sunday, April 13th at approximately 11 a.m.?”  Don’t think that would really fly in court of law.  😉  My fiancé pretty much told the guy to stick it, to which the crew member said, “O.K., then I am going to have to call the police!”  I am not kidding here!  He actually said that he was going to call the police and have us arrested!  For a second there, I thought we were being Punk’d!  It was at that point that I noticed a group of three paparazzi standing a few feet away from us, chatting with the two policemen who were on duty manning the set.  Being that the photogs not only weren’t being arrested, but seemed to be having a very amicable conversation with the cops, I figured we were safe.  🙂  I’m telling you, though, not once in my ten years of living in Los Angeles have I ever experienced the type of rudeness I encountered on the Idol set.  Sure, some crews are not very friendly, some are even rude, but this one was in a whole different realm!  One of the crew members even went so far as to shove a paparazzi at one point!  Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it!   Oh well, at the very least, it was entertaining to watch!  🙂




    Now, I should explain here that if you tell the Grim Cheaper not to do something, he becomes pretty hell bent upon doing it.  So, even though neither one of us cared much about watching the Idols film their commercial or about taking photographs of them, the next thirty minutes of our day were spent doing exactly that.  My fiancé took as many pictures as he possibly could and, for once, it was me dragging him off a set instead of the other way around.  I was ready to leave after about five minutes of being there, actually, because there just wasn’t a whole lot going on and because I didn’t recognize any of the contestants.  In fact, I had a very hard time distinguishing who was a crewmember and who was an Idol, as did my fiancé, and he actually watches the show!



    The Idol shoot basically consisted of four of the contestants (Michael Lynche, Lee Dewyze, Tim Urban, and Siobhan Magnus) watering a patch of dirt in the middle of a Downtown L.A. street.


    Then something happens – something that I am guessing is going to be added in digitally during post-production – causing them to all look upward.  And that was pretty much it.



    After doing about four takes of the above sequence, the Idols joined together in front of a Ford car to shoot some publicity stills for Fox.  And, let me tell you, the crew REALLY did not want anyone getting pictures of that!  Which begs the question, why didn’t the producers just close the set?  Sure, it’s more expensive permit-wise, but geez, it’s a better way to go about things than getting your panties all in a twist and almost punching out a paparazzi!




    Oddly enough, only eight of the nine remaining Idols were on set on Sunday, including Casey James, Katie Stevens, Michael Lynche, Siobhan Magnus, Tim Urban, Aaron Kelly, Lee Dewyze, and Andrew Garcia.  For whatever reason, Crystal Bowersox was not in attendance.  Or, if she was, we didn’t stick around long enough to see her.




    What struck me as odd about the whole thing was that the Idol contestants are virtual unknowns – relative newbies trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry.  You’d think that the studio would want to drum up as much publicity for them as possible, not steer free publicity away!  Ironically enough, one of the paparazzi told me that the only reason the photogs were there in the first place was because Ben Affleck was supposed to have been shooting a movie a block away.  When that shoot got cancelled due to early morning rain, the paps figured they might as well take some Idol pics since they were already in the area.  They said the pics were worthless now, but when the final winner is announced in a few weeks, they might bring in some money.  Oh, if those Idols only knew!


    The one highlight of my time on the Idol set was hanging out with the paparazzi who were SO incredibly nice I almost couldn’t believe it.  It has been my experience in L.A. that photogs are typically not very friendly people.  Most are downright despicable, actually. But the three who were on the Idol set were total sweethearts!   We had great conversations about which stars are nice, which aren’t, our experiences living in L.A., and even the Michael Buble concert that I had just been to two nights prior.  🙂  The guy pictured above even let my fiancé, who has become very interested in photography as of late, test out his ultra-expensive camera.  The whole thing was a very pleasant surprise.



    It’s very sad to me that the Idol crew ruined something that is usually such a positive experience.  If that had been my first time stalking a film set, I might never have gone back.   So, to all of my fellow stalkers out there I say this – if you ever encounter a crew like this one, please, please don’t let it deter you from visiting other film sets!  99.9% of the crews out there are very friendly and know that what they do is pretty darn special and that us so-called normal people, who aren’t in the industry, are often fascinated by it and want to see it all firsthand and take pictures to show our friends back home.   As the saying goes, “Mean people suck”, but I am very, very happy to report that in L.A. the number of nice crews far outweighs the mean ones!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Idols filmed their Ford commercial at the intersection of South Hope Street and Wilshire Boulevard in Downtown Los Angeles.

  • Marix Tex Mex Cafe – Jennifer Aniston’s Favorite Restaurant


    Two weeks ago, while out doing some Oscar Weekend stalking, I dragged my fiancé to Marix Tex Mex Cafe in West Hollywood, a restaurant which has long been one of my girl Jen Aniston’s favorite places to dine.  And while Jen has always been pretty vocal about her love of Mexican food and margaritas, I had never actually heard of the eatery until last year when a woman in one of my acting classes mentioned that she had spotted the actress there on numerous occasions.  Well, let me tell you, I just about died upon hearing that!  For whatever reason, though, I had yet to stalk the restaurant.  So, when I realized that my fiancé and I were in the West Hollywood vicinity this past Oscar Weekend, I begged him to make a little lunchtime pit stop at the Tex Mex hot spot.  It should come as no surprise that the Grim Cheaper was not AT ALL keen on the idea of grabbing a bite to eat at a place frequented by a famous actress, as he thought the prices would be outrageously expensive.  I am happy to report, though, that Marix was EXTREMELY reasonable and that even the Grim Cheaper enjoyed himself while there!  🙂





    Marix is an absolutely ADORABLE little restaurant tucked away off of Santa Monica Boulevard on a tree-lined side street in uber-hip West Hollywood.  The eatery is small, casual, and intimate and it’s not at all hard to see why Jen frequents the place.  Not to mention the fact that it serves up some fabulous food!  Like FABULOUS!  The chicken fajitas were A-MA-ZING, as were the tortilla chips and fresh salsa.  I literally gorged myself while there.  The Marix staff also could NOT have been more friendly and I am happy to report that the place lacks any of the pretentiousness that is usually prevalent in L.A. area restaurants.  I literally cannot say enough good things about the place and wish I lived closer so that I could frequent it more often.


    Marix Tex Mex Cafe has actually been a long time favorite of Jen’s and was even mentioned way back in December of 2001 in this People Magazine article about the star.  According to my friend from acting class, Jen can usually be spotted on the restaurant’s SUPER CUTE front patio which is pictured above.  I hear Jen doesn’t frequent the place as much as she used to, though, thanks to the paparazzi who discovered the celebrity hot spot a few years ago and have been a constant presence ever since.  Other stars who have dined at the eatery include Jessica Simpson and her BFF/hair stylist Ken Paves, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, and their daughter Coco, Kate Hudson, Oliver Hudson, Ian Ziering, Brad Pitt, Angie Everhart, Dexter’s Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter, Ron Livingston, Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale, Pamela Anderson, Michelle Rodriguez, Wanda Sykes, The Biggest Loser’s Bob Harper, and Wilson Cruz of My So-Called Life fame.


    And while we didn’t run into Jen while dining there, we did spot former Bachelorette contestant Jerry Ferris at the table directly in front of us.  I noticed Jerry pretty much immediately upon sitting down, but, while I knew he was famous, neither my fiancé nor I could place who he was.  I asked our waitress if she recognized him and she in turn asked the other servers on duty, but no one seemed to have any idea whether or not he was even famous.  Am I the only person who watched Season Three of The Bachelorette????  LOL  Anyway, by that time I was going absolutely crazy because I KNEW I recognized Jerry, but could not for the life of me figure out from where.  Then all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks – sitting in front of me was the man who had stolen America’s heart (or at least mine) on Jen Schefft’s season of The Bachelorette.  I had absolutely LOVED Jerry on the series and was actually lucky enough to have met him shortly after his reality TV stint ended just about five years ago.  Well, as soon as I figured out it was him, I told my fiancé I wanted to ask for a photograph, but that I felt bad since he was eating at the time, to which the Grim Cheaper said, “You ALREADY have a photograph with the guy (pictured above) – please do NOT bother him again.”  LOL  Sadly, I listened to the GC and did not go up to Jerry (HMPH!), but I really regret doing so as he had been a TOTAL sweetheart to me when I met him back in 2005.  Ah well!  Maybe I’ll run into Jerry during my next Marix stalk.  😉

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Marix Tex Mex Cafe is located at 1108 North Flores Street in West Hollywood.  They also have a second location which can be found at 118 Entrada Drive in Santa Monica.  You can visit the Marix website here.

  • On The Set of “CSI: Miami”


    This past Friday, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, took the day off from work so that the two of us could do a little stalking.  For whatever reason, though, for the first time ever we didn’t come up with any sort of plan or itinerary beforehand of where we were going to go or what we going to stalk.  And it’s a good thing we didn’t, either, because fate stepped in and the two of us wound up stumbling upon the cast and crew of CSI: Miami filming on location in Altadena.  YAY!  Earlier that morning, Mike and I had stopped by my parents’ house to ask my dad to accompany us to Altadena Drive so that he could take a few pictures of us in front of Casa Walsh from Beverly Hills, 90210. I am in the process of creating a slideshow for my wedding in August and because Mike is one of my groomsmen :), I wanted to get a picture of the two of us together in front of our very favorite stalking location.  Anyway, while driving to the Walsh residence we passed by a very large production crew and, of course, just had to pull over to find out what was being filmed.    Amazingly enough, it turned out to be my dad’s very favorite show, CSI: Miami.  I should explain here that I, too, love me some CSI: Miami.  Like LOVE it, never miss an episode, was screaming in delight when Calleigh and Eric finally got together last season.  But I think it’s safe to say that my love for the show greatly pales in comparison to my dad’s.  As I mentioned the last time we stumbled upon the filming of the show back in January of ‘09, my father is absolutely, one hundred percent obsessed with the series – it is his favorite show of all time.   CSI: Miami is his Beverly Hills, 90210. So, it goes without saying that he was ABSOLUTELY THRILLED when we stumbled upon it being filmed yet again.  Anyway, as Mike, my dad, and I made our way to the set we passed by a security guard and asked him if it would be OK if we watched the filming.  He not only told us to make ourselves at home (YAY!), but also pointed out the fact that Jonathan Togo, who plays Ryan Wolfe on the series, was standing about two feet in front of us.  So, we immediately walked up to him and asked if he’d be willing to snap a picture.  Well, let me tell you, Jonathan was SO INCREDIBLY NICE and not only posed for pics, but marched us right over to the set, introduced us to everyone, and gave us our own personal tour of the place!!!!!   He literally could NOT have been more sweet, more upbeat, more friendly, or more charming and was EASILY one of the NICEST celebrities I have ever had the pleasure of meeting!   I so heart Jonathan Togo!  😉    He even came over to check up on us several times while we were on the set to make sure we were having a good time.  At one point I mentioned to him how I had chosen my wedding photographer based on the fact that an episode of CSI: Miami had been filmed in his studio (yes, Rob Greer, the photographer whose studio was featured in the “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs” episode of CSI: Miami is photographing our wedding!) and Jonathan laughed and said, “WOW, you guys really are fans!”  😉




    The scene that was being filmed on Friday centered around the investigation of a fire at a “Miami” area home.  While we were watching the filming, I happened to comment on how realistic the fire damage was.  Well, one of the crew members started laughing and told me that movie magic wasn’t responsible for the burn marks, but that the house had actually been involved in a real life fire last April!  I thought he was pulling my leg at first, but as it turns out there really was a fire at the residence just about ten months ago.  You can see photographs of it on fave website Altadenablog here.  Apparently, the CSI: Miami location manager was in Altadena scouting homes to be used in the episode, when he spotted the charred remains of above pictured house and realized it would be perfect for the show!  I mean, honestly, what are the odds of that?


    The makeup in the episode was also incredibly realistic. Pictured above is one of the guest stars, whose hands were supposed to have been burned in the fire.  Even close up his injuries looked incredibly real!  It was unbelievable!


    While we were watching the filming, my dad happened to spot actor John Beasley who played Coach Warren in one of his all time favorite movies, 1993’s Rudy.  I mean, honestly, could the day have gotten any better for my dad??  John, who was guest starring in the episode being filmed, also could NOT have been nicer and happily posed for photographs with all of us.  🙂


    Also on hand filming on Friday was Emily Procter, who plays Calleigh Duquesne on the show, but we unfortunately did not get a photograph with her, and actress Robin Bartlett, who played Debbie Buchman on Mad About You.


    Unfortunately, David Caruso was not on the set on Friday, but one of the crew members mentioned that he would be there the following Monday and that we were welcome to come back if we wanted to.  IF we wanted to????  Duh!  Of course we did!  So, bright and early Monday morning, I headed up to Altadena once again to do a bit more CSI: Miami stalking.  🙂


    On the set on Monday was Eddie Cibrian, who is SUPER cute in person!  Those dimples!  Sigh!


    And Eve LaRue, who remembered us from our last set visit and who, just like last time, was as sweet as could be.  🙂


    And, of course, the man himself, David Caruso!  My dad had actually had a bad night this past Sunday – as I’ve mentioned before, he suffers from pancreatitis – and when I went to pick him up on Monday morning to go to the set, he was still not feeling well.  So, I had to venture over to the filming by myself.  Before I left, though, my dad asked me to bring the photograph we took last January with Mr. Caruso to the set.  The now-framed photograph is a prized possession of my dad’s and it inhabits prime real estate on his desk at home and he was hoping that Mr. Caruso would sign it for him.   And I am happy to report that, much like what happened back in January, when I got to the set on Monday, David Caruso immediately walked up to me to introduce himself and shake my hand, which is such a rare occasion on a film set.  In most instances, fans have to seek the stars out during breaks from filming, but on CSI: Miami, the opposite is true – the stars often walk up to the fans to introduce themselves and say hi.  It is AMAZING!  Anyway, I explained to DC that we had met him about a year ago and that my dad is a HUGE fan of his and asked if he’d be willing to sign the photo.


    Mr. Caruso not only happily obliged, but also gave me some autographed photographs of himself, a Horatio bobble head, and the above pictured Lance Armstrong-style “Horatio” bracelet.  LOVE IT!   That bracelet is now prominently placed around the gearshift in my car.  🙂   Anyway, later on in the afternoon I returned to my parents’ house to see if my dad was feeling any better, which he was, so I brought him back to the set.  Well, as soon as Mr. Caruso saw my dad, he walked right up and gave him a HUGE hug.  From that point on, he came over to talk to us pretty much between every single take and was so incredibly nice and down to earth that it was almost unbelievable!  I honestly can’t say this enough – David Caruso has got to be the NICEST guy in show business!



    Jonathan Togo was also on the set on Monday and remembered me from the previous Friday.  I think he thought I was a little nutso to have returned to the set to watch MORE of the filming, because at one point he walked up and said, “You HAVE to be at least a little bored!  Just a little bit!  Come on, admit it!”  But I could honestly sit for HOURS and watch productions being filmed.  The entire process and everything that goes into it – from the  hundreds of crew members and extensive camera equipment . . .





    . . . to the actual filming – absolutely fascinates me, especially if it’s for a show I watch regularly.  I honestly can’t get enough of it!










    As I mentioned last January, the entire cast and crew of CSI: Miami is fun and friendly, almost unbelievably so.  Mike also said that in all his years of living in Los Angeles and of all the sets he had visited in the past, he had NEVER seen one quite like theirs.  As you can see in the above pictures, there is definitely a very jovial feeling on set and you’d be hard pressed to find a time when the cast and crew is not laughing or cracking jokes with each other, even during difficult scenes.  At one point yesterday, they were trying to film a scene which involved a tricky camera maneuver that just didn’t seem to be working.  They had to film the scene numerous times and even through the frustration of it all, they were STILL laughing and kidding each other between takes!  LOVE IT!


    Both Friday and Monday were absolutely incredible days for me and my dad.  I literally could not drag him away from the set yesterday, and he typically hates that sort of thing, so it was very cool for me to see him enjoying himself at a filming.  Especially when he has been so sick lately.  As I said after our last set visit, being with the cast and crew CSI: Miami provided him with the kind of healing that just can’t be found in a doctor’s office or a hospital building.  🙂  I honestly can’t thank them all enough.  When we left the set yesterday, David Caruso said, “I hope to see you guys again the next time we are in Pasadena.”  H – you can count on it!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: CSI: Miami was filmed at 1838 East Braeburn Road in Altadena, just down the street from the Walsh’s Minnesota house from Beverly Hills, 90210, which is located at 1640 Braeburn Rd.  Look for the CSI: Miami episode to air sometime in April.

  • Oscar Weekend 2010


    The celebrity sightings during Oscar Weekend 2010 started a bit early for me this year when Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I accidentally stumbled upon the filming of CSI: Miami in Altadena on Friday morning.  But I’ll save that story for tomorrow’s blog post.  Today, it’s strictly all about Oscar, Oscar, Oscar!  And, let me tell you, it was another amazing Oscar Weekend for me.  Man, I love awards season!!!!  🙂


    Anyway, after hanging out on the CSI: Miami set for a few hours this past Friday, Mike and I made our way over to the Hollywood & Highland Center in Hollywood to check out the Academy Awards preparations at the Kodak Theatre and to take a little walk on the most famous carpet in the entire world.  My fiancé and I usually hit up the Kodak Theatre each year on the Saturday morning before the Oscar ceremony is held and, amazingly enough, the place is usually not all that crowded.  But when Mike and I showed up early Friday afternoon, the Hollywood & Highland Center was absolutely JAM PACKED.  So much so that they actually had to CLOSE the parking garage there as it was completely full!  If you’ve ever been to that parking garage, you know what I mean when I say it is absolutely GINOURMOUS, so the fact that it was FULL was mind-boggling to me!  Even with all the traffic and throngs of people, though, we finally managed to make it to the Kodak.  And I can’t even tell you how exciting it was to be standing there in the middle of it all!  Being that this was my fourth year stalking the Oscars, you would think that I’d be at least a little tired of it by now.  But nothing could be further from the truth.  I was absolutely ESCTATIC to be seeing it all in person once again.  I still have to pinch myself every time I am there.  Unbelievably, this was actually Mike’s very first Oscar stalk, though!  For whatever reason, even though he grew up in the Los Angeles area, he had yet to ever visit the Academy Awards red carpet in person, so it was extremely exciting for me to be sharing that experience with him.  And it got the Grim Cheaper off the hook of having to take me there on Saturday morning.  So, it was definitely a win-win situation for all of us.   😉



    I have to say that it was very cool to be stalking the Oscars a day earlier than usual, as Mike and I got to see quite a bit of the red carpet set-up taking place, including one of the Oscar statuettes being brought into the theater on a golf cart . . .


    . . . and part of the red carpet being rolled out.




    Thanks to the massive rain-storms that have been plaguing Southern California as of late, many of the Oscars were actually covered over with plastic tarps;



    and there was also a rain tent set up over the red carpet.  Which got me to thinking, why does it always seem to rain on Oscar Night?


    As usual, the actual carpet was also covered over in tarping to prevent the awards crew from trampling on it pre-show.


    And, even with the tarping, I, of course, just had to get a picture of myself standing on it.  🙂





    For those who have never visited the Kodak Theatre, it is located inside of the Hollywood & Highland Center, which is, for all intents and purposes, a mall.  So, when the stars walk down the red carpet on Oscar Night, they are actually walking right through a bunch of shops.  It’s pretty hard to imagine, I know, but you can kind of see the set-up in the above photographs.  The windows to the right and left of the carpet area are actually stores.  Whenever I take out-of-towners to the Kodak Theatre and explain that it is where the Oscar Ceremony is held each year, I invariably hear the following sentence, “But this is a mall!”  LOL  Anyway, the red carpet goes right through a stretch of the mall which houses such stores as MAC, Louis Vuitton (sigh!), Sanrio, Sun’s Up sunglasses store, the Gateway Newstand, and Kelly’s Coffee & Fudge.  I swear, if I was an actor walking the red carpet, I would so be tempted to stop into Kelly’s Coffee for a quick latte before making my way into the theatre.  😉  To prevent this, though, the stores are actually required to close during Oscar Weekend, beginning on the Friday evening before the ceremony.  Mike and I happened to stop into one of the stores on the red carpet to do some shopping while we were there and the clerk told us that she was getting ready to close for the next few days and that security was just about to do their final check of the premises, along with their bomb-sniffing dogs who roam each store to make sure that no explosive devices have been left inside.  How crazy is that?


    EXTREMELY bright (like absolutely BLINDINGLY so) lights were set up all along the perimeter of the red carpet.  One is pictured above and even via photograph you can tell how darn bright it is.


    Some of the Oscar statues are unbelievably HUGE, especially the one located at the corner of Highland Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard, which is where the red carpet begins.  As you can see in the above photograph, even the base of that statue is taller than me!


    I was just itching to jump up on the above pictured press stage to snap a quick picture, but the security guard standing in that vicinity did not look at all friendly so I didn’t want to risk it.   He probably would have ended up banning me from the Hollywood & Highland Center for life.  😉


    While hanging out on the red carpet on Friday, Mike and I ran into this enterprising young woman who was holding up a homemade sign asking Matt Damon to be her date to the Oscars.  😉  Love it!



    While walking around Hollywood, we also spotted this gigantic movie poster for Sex and the City 2 on the side of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and I just had to snap a pic of it!  Love it!  Love it!  Love it!


    As much fun as Mike and I had on Friday, I must say that there was even more fun in store for me on Saturday.  Beginning early Saturday morning and ending very late Saturday night, I dragged my fiancé from one end of Los Angeles to the other to do some major star-gazing.  Sadly, though, due to the rain and the Independent Spirit Awards’ change in venue (while they are usually held on the beach in Santa Monica each Saturday before the Oscars, this year they took place on Friday evening at the much less accessible Nokia Theatre L.A. Live in Downtown Los Angeles), my celeb sightings weren’t as numerous this year as they were last, but I still managed to have an ABSOLUTE BLAST.  In fact, I am still pinching myself this morning.  I even got to meet up with one of my readers, a super sweet fellow stalker named Kendall, at one point during the evening. And while I didn’t spot my girl Jen or crooner Michael Buble (whose sightings were the highlights of my Oscar Weekend last year), I did manage to stalk quite a few celebs.  But because hotel security is very tight during Oscar Weekend, I, unfortunately, didn’t get to snap any pictures of them.  🙁

    So, without further ado, here is “The List” of celebrity sightings from Oscar Weekend 2010.

    1. Jerry Ferris – from Jen Schefft’s season of The Bachelorette

    2. Jamie Foxx

    3. Lenny Kravitz

    4. Aaron Eckhart

    5. Benjamin McKenzie – At one point in the evening, I noticed Ben standing next to my fiancé at a valet stand, so I leaned over and said “Hi, Ben!”  He looked over expecting me to be someone he knew, got a blank expression on his face, and then smiled a big smile when he realized I was just a fan and said “Hey, how are you doing?”  SIGH!

    6. Elizabeth Banks

    7. Dennis Haysbert (from 24)

    8. Ben Stiller

    9. J.J. Abrams (the producer of Lost)

    10. (from the Black Eyed Peas) – He seemed super nice and waved at us.

    11. Ed Westwick

    12. Jessica Szohr

    13. Jake Gyllenhaal

    14. Maggie Gyllenhaal – She is extremely taaaaaaaaall in person.

    15. Rashida Jones

    16. Katie Couric

    17. Zachary Quinto

    18. Morgan Freeman

    19. Jason Reitman

    20. Steven Spielberg

    21. David Spade

    22. Leonardo DiCaprio

    23. Halle Berry

    24. B.J. Novak

    25. Kevin Connolly

    26. Sofia Vergara (Gloria from Modern Family)

    27. Jesse James

    28. Sandra Bullock

    29. Ryan Reynolds

    30. Ryan Seacrest – He is so not as short as everyone makes him out to be.

    31. Jon Hamm

    32. Jennifer Westfeldt

    33. Jimmy Kimmel

    34. Anna Kendrick

    35. Christian Slater – Was super friendly and waved at us.  🙂

    36. Meg Ryan

    37. Ron Livingston

    38. Jemaine Clement (from The Flight of the Conchords)

    39. Colin Firth

    40. Taylor Lautner – He looks VERY young in person, but is VERY cute.

    41. Fred Savage

    42. Kristin Davis

    43. Kate Beckinsale

    44. Eddie Murphy

    45. Matt Damon

    46. Luciana Barrosa

    47. Tina Fey

    48. Jeanne Tripplehorn

    49. Gina Gershon

    50. Stanley Tucci

    51. Robert Downey Jr.

    52. Susan Downey (Robert’s wife, who is a big time producer)

    53. Jeff Bridges

    54. Winona Ryder

    55. Mariska Hargitay – She is STRIKINGLY beautiful in person!

    56. Rich Ross – The new chairman of Walt Disney Studios, who I actually served on jury duty with once.  😉

    57. Julie Bowen (Claire from Modern Family)

    58. Ty Burrell (Phil from Modern Family)

    59. Elton John – We ate dinner just a few tables away from him and in what was an absolutely surreal moment, the musician working at the restaurant started playing Elton’s 1970 hit “Your Song” with him sitting just a few feet away.

    60. George Takei and his husband Brad Altman – My fiancé said he was actually star struck for what was probably the first time in his life over seeing the two of them, not because he is a Trekkie, but because he is a fan of “The Howard Stern Show” on which George is a frequent announcer.

    61. Carrie Underwood

    62. Eric Nies

    63. Brian Grazer

    64. Felicity Huffman

    65. Eric McCormack from Will and Grace

    66. Jeff Prettyman

    67. Dianna Agron (Quinn from Glee)

    68. Mark Salling (Puck from Glee) – He is SUPER cute in person and also waved to us.

    69. Vera Farmiga

    70. Amy Adams

    71. Carey Mulligan

    72. Peter Sarsgaard


    But the highlight of the evening for me had to be when I got to see my latest celebrity crush, Mr. Schuester himself, Matthew Morrison from Glee!  Sigh!  Ironically, earlier in the day, I had told my fiancé that of all the people I was hoping to see this Oscar Weekend, Matthew Morrison was number 1!  And then it happened!  I got to see him – and better yet, he even did a little Glee-style spin and turn in front of us when he walked by.  SIGH!  I literally almost had a heart attack right there on the spot!  Truth be told, though, I was SO completely starstruck over seeing him in person that I didn’t even notice his little dance routine.  I must have blacked out from excitement or something, but it wasn’t until fellow stalker Kendall mentioned something about it that I even realized he had done it.  LOL  Anyway, Oscar Weekend 2010 was INCREDIBLY exciting and I CANNOT wait to do it all again next year!!!!!   But for now, I am absolutely exhausted, so I am going to go park myself on the couch and spend the next few hours recuperating.  😉

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: I stalked so many hotels and bars this Oscar Weekend, that there are far too many to name here. For a detailed list of places to go to see movie stars on Oscar Weekend – or any weekend, for that matter – check out this blog post that I wrote last year.

  • The Venice Christmas Show


    This past weekend, my good friend and fellow stalker Kerry and her husband flew out to California for a little Winter stalking visit.  The main purpose of their trip was to attend a Christmas concert on Saturday night put on by a local band named Venice.  Kerry has been a fan of Venice since she was in her teens and actually used to know a few members of the group personally.  And even though I was not familiar with the band, when she invited my fiancé and I to tag along with her to the show, I jumped at the opportunity.  I’m always up for anything having to do with Christmas.  🙂  Venice first started out back in 1977 and is comprised of four members – brothers Mike and Mark Lennon and their cousins, brothers Kipp and Pat Lennon – all of whom grew up in the Venice area, hence their name.  Kipp and Pat are the younger siblings of Lawrence Welk Show regulars The Lennon Sisters, so I think it’s pretty safe to say that this is one VERY musical family.  🙂  Even though Venice usually plays smaller venues, as was the case this part Saturday night, they are an extremely popular group and have been featured on such shows as Entertainment Tonight, Live With Regis and Kathie Lee, E! News Daily, CNN’s Showbiz Today, as well as countless others.  They have also appeared onstage or collaborated with such musical legends as Bruce Springsteen, Elton John, Phil Collins, Bon Jovi, Dolly Parton, The Beach Boys, and The Doobie Brothers, among many, many others.  And while Venice has enjoyed much success in America, their biggest fan base is actually located in the Netherlands where they perform several shows each year.  But after seeing the show this past Saturday night, I think it’s safe to say that their American fan club has a new member because I absolutely fell in love with the foursome.  In fact, their “Christmas With Venice” CD is quickly becoming one of my holiday favorites!  🙂


    And while the three hour plus concert was absolutely phenomenal – Venice even played some Jackson 5! – the highlight of the evening for me had to be when Kerry and I got to meet actress Teri Polo, of Meet The Parents fame.  One of Kerry’s friends, who we met up with before the concert began, knew about my blog and my penchant for celebrities and told me to keep my eyes open during the performance as Teri might just make an appearance.  As it turns out, Teri is the long time girlfriend of Venice’s drummer, Jamie Wollam.  It is here that I should mention that a Venice concert is not your average, everyday concert event.  Even though the Lennons are very well-known in the music industry, they are all extremely laid back and approachable.  Apparently, a few years back, Mike Lennon invited an entire audience over to HIS HOUSE for a pancake breakfast the morning following one of their shows!!  How incredibly cool is that???  Anyway, the concert venue was very intimate and instead of amphitheatre-style seating, regular tables and chairs were set up, complete with homemade Chex Mix laid out for all of the guests.  Seating was not based on price, but rather on when tickets were purchased and each seat was then marked with a tag denoting the audience member’s last name.  Because Kerry’s husband was one of the very first to book seats, we were situated FRONT and CENTER.  Literally, I think we had the best seats in the entire house!  🙂  Anyway, once I heard that Teri Polo might be in attendance, I spent the next twenty minutes or so scanning the name cards to see where she might be sitting!  LOL  No, I’m not a stalker, really!!!!  😉



    I really needn’t have wasted all that time scoping out the tables, though, because once Teri walked in the door, I spotted her immediately!  Even though it was fairly dark inside, she was pretty hard to miss.  Teri is absolutely striking in person, with a long, long mane of shiny blonde hair.  Once Teri got herself seated, Kerry and I immediately approached her to ask her if she wouldn’t mind taking a photograph with us.  I have to admit I was a little nervous to do so after the whole Bruce Willis/”Doubtful” incident, but Teri honestly could NOT have been nicer.  In fact, she is hands down one of the NICEST celebs I have ever met.  Teri spoke with Kerry and me for a good ten minutes or so and once she heard that Kerry was visiting from Washington State, started talking about the time she spent there while filming the television series Northern Exposure.  And get this, even though it has been a good 15 years since she acted on the show, she remembered some of its filming locations!  LOVE IT!  🙂  While we were talking with Teri, my fiancé walked up and mentioned that he had seen a film crew setting up for the Meet the Fockers sequel while working in Downtown L.A. a few weeks ago, to which Teri said “Oh, I’m sorry, I hope we didn’t cause too much trouble for you while we were there!”  See, what I mean, how nice is that???  LOVE HER!!  Please excuse my hair in the above photograph – I was having major issues that day due to the rain and humidity in Santa Monica. 


    After the show, all of the band members came into the audience to sign autographs and pose for pictures.  SO LOVE IT!  Kerry was lucky enough to get photos with each member of the group, including Kipp;






    and Mark. 


    Mark was the nicest out of the whole group and, let me tell you, I just about fell over when he recognized Kerry almost immediately after she walked up to him, even though he had not seen her in over twenty years and had no idea she would be attending the concert that night.  SO DARN COOL! 



    And, of course, Kerry and I both just had to get a picture with Teri Polo’s boyfriend, drummer Jamie Wollam.  Jamie spent about fifteen minutes speaking with us and  – just like his girlfriend – truly could NOT have been nicer!!!!  He didn’t even get annoyed when BOTH Kerry and I had flash trouble with our cameras.  It took several minutes before we figured out why our flashes weren’t working, at which point I think even I would have been annoyed with us.  😉  But Jamie took everything in stride and was extremely gracious about the whole thing, even joking that the flash malfunction had to do with the fact that he was actually a vampire.  🙂  After meeting Jamie, it’s not at all hard to see why he is going out with Teri Polo – they are easily two of the nicest celebrities that I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting!  🙂



    Randomly enough, the Venice Christmas Show was held in the Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club, which, like most venues in the L.A. area, also happens to be a common filming location!   The woman I spoke with was not sure what productions the hall has been used in over the years, but I did some digging and was able to find out that it will be featured in the yet-to-be-released movie The Social Network, based on the life story of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg.  And while I didn’t get many photographs of the Woman’s Club interior, I definitely plan on re-stalking the place after The Social Network premieres.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Venice will be playing several California shows in the near future.  You can find out more information on the official Venice website.  The Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club is located at 1210 4th Street in Santa Monica.  You can visit its official website here.

  • My Coffee With Andre – Agassi, That Is!


    A few years back, an email entitled “You Know You’re From Los Angeles When . . . “ which was comprised of a list of “Only in L.A.” scenarios circled the World Wide Web.   My personal favorite item on the list was number 28 which stated, “The guy at 8:30 in the morning at Starbucks wearing the baseball cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney actually IS George Clooney”.  LOVE IT!  Well, Thursday morning, I had my very own “Only in L.A.” moment at a local Starbucks, when I realized that the guy in front of me in line who looked like tennis superstar Andre Agassi actually WAS tennis superstar Andre Agassi.   As it turns out, Andre was in town for a book signing at my fave bookstore, Vroman’s, and was grabbing a quick coffee beforehand.  So, of course, for my blog’s sake, I just had to ask him to take a picture with me.  I was a little nervous about doing so, though, as just a few weeks prior some friends and I happened to run into Bruce Willis while dining at the Jerry’s Deli on Beverly Boulevard.  We had the good fortune of  finishing our meal at pretty much the exact same time as Bruce and when we found ourselves in the valet line next to him while waiting for our cars, I asked him if he wouldn’t mind posing for a photograph with us, to which he replied “Doubtful.”    Being that my question pretty much warranted either a yes or a no answer, I’m not even really sure what he meant by that, but needless to say I did not get my photo.  🙁  He did shake our hands, though, so I guess that’s something.  So, when Andre Agassi said that he’d be happy to pose for a picture with me, I was absolutely elated!   A man who I am guessing was his publicist took the above photograph of us – which is arguably the worst photo I’ve ever taken in my life LOL – and afterwards said “I think you’re going to like this one!”  I laughed and replied, “Well, being that I’m not wearing any make-up right now, I’m not so sure”, to which Andre said, “Well, I’m not wearing make-up either, so we’re even!”  LOL LOL LOL  Three other women were in Starbucks at the time that all of this took place and, let me tell you, Andre’s presence caused us all to act like a bunch of giddy little school girls.   I’m pretty sure the noise level inside Starbucks increased more than one decibel while the four of us fawned over him.  My three new friends also asked for their pictures to be taken with Andre and he happily obliged.  In fact, he was so incredibly friendly and gracious I almost couldn’t believe it.  He even waited patiently while I tried to figure out how to use the camera on one of the girl’s iPhones.   And, to top it all off, when I was on the way out the door a few minutes later, Andre looked up from his espresso and called out “Bye!”  Sigh!  What a nice guy!  I am so going to have to check out his new book now!


    Seeing Andre on Thursday got me thinking.  Everyday I receive emails from readers seeking advice on how and where to spot celebrities in L.A.  And, while I did write a post about celebrity hot spots earlier this year, I realized that the best advice I can give on seeing a famous person in Los Angeles is to just simply KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AT ALL TIMES.  The truth is you just never know when or where you might spot a celeb.  I’ve seen stars in such mundane spots as the grocery store, Target, Rite Aid, the mall, Joann’s Fabrics, and Michael’s Craft Store.  And, of course, at Starbucks.  Other celebs I’ve spotted at various Starbucks in the L.A. area include Sophia Loren, Bradley Whitford (on three different occasions!), Jane Kaczmarek, Britney Spears, Peter MacNicol, Maxine Bahns (from The Brothers McMullen), David Strathairn, Danielle Panabaker, Mark D. Espinoza (who played Andrea’s husband Jesse on the original 90210), Kevin Dunn, Jamie Lynn Spears, who was with her mother Lynn Spears, and Reese Witherspoon.  Although to be fair, Reese wasn’t actually at a Starbucks when I spotted her.  I saw her walking out of a yoga studio located directly next door to the Starbucks I happened to be walking into.  But that still counts, don’t you think?  🙂  Being that I visit a Starbucks on average of three times a day, though, I guess my record of seeing celebs there isn’t actually all that good.  LOL  But my point is that when you’re in L.A. you just have to keep your eyes peeled at all times!  And always, always have your camera with you!  🙂



    As if to further drive this point home, while doing some shopping at Larchmont Village with my fiancé on Saturday afternoon, I happened to spot both Anthony John Denison, who plays Lieutenant Flynn on TNT’s The Closer,  and Owain Yeoman, who plays Detective Wayne Rigsby on The Mentalist (pictured above), dining at restaurants across the street from each other.  I, of course, noticed both actors immediately, but my fiancé walked RIGHT BY them completely oblivious.  Honestly, I think they both could have come up and bitten him on the nose and he still wouldn’t have realized who they were!  As I mentioned above, you just gotta keep your eyes open!


    And let me just say here that I was completely struck by how much better looking Owain Yeoman is in person than he comes across onscreen, as was the case back in August when I saw him during a filming of The Mentalist.  I mean, even my fiancé had to admit that the guy looked quite a bit different in person.  🙂 And even though Owain is one of my new celebrity crushes, because he was eating lunch when we spotted him, I didn’t want to bother him for a photograph.  But, as luck would have it, when driving away from Larchmont Village, my fiancé happened to get stuck at a stop sign RIGHT IN FRONT of Owain’s table, so, I just had to snap a quick pic.  🙂 Owain definitely noticed me taking his photo and didn’t seem too happy about the situation, but being that he is oh so dreamy, I just couldn’t help myself.  🙂  Sigh!


    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Starbucks where I ran into Andre Agassi is located at 408 East Colorado Blvd., in the Paseo Colorado Shopping Center, in Pasadena.  Larchmont Village, where I spotted Owain Yeoman and Anthony John Denison, is a quaint little shopping district located on North Larchmont Blvd. in between Beverly Boulevard and West 1st Street.  Anthony John Denison was eating at Louise’s Tratroria, which is located at 232 N. Larchmont Blvd.  Owain was eating at Le Petite Greek, which is located at 127 N. Larchmont.