Category: Celebrity Sightings

  • Going to the Emmys!


    I unfortunately do not have a new blog to post for today as I spent all weekend, from Thursday night on, getting ready to go to the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards and doing some stalking of a few of the event’s pre-parties.  Yes, you read that right – I am going to the Emmys!!  My girl Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, hooked me up royally with a ticket to this year’s Emmy Awards – which I will, of course, be blogging about very soon!  For today, though,  I thought I would post a few of the pics I took with celebs at the pre-parties that I stalked.


    A few of the stars that I met this weekend were Ariel Winter from Modern Family;


    Steven Levitan, creator of Modern Family;


    Aaron Staton from Mad Men;


    Kathleen Rose Perkins from Episodes;


    Tony Shalhoub from Monk;


    comedienne Carol Leifer;


    and Idris Elba from Thor and The Office.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

  • An Evening with “The Closer” at The Paley Center for Media


    While perusing my Picasa photo account yesterday, I realized that I have been seriously lagging on my Celebrity Sightings posts, as there are numerous events that I have yet to blog about, most notably one that I attended well over a month ago – The Paley Center for Media’s An Evening with The Closer in Beverly Hills.  As I have mentioned several times before, this stalker absolutely loves herself The Closer, so when I got an email from The Paley Center in July announcing that they would be hosting a screening and question and answer session with the cast and crew of the series on August 10th, I promptly bought tickets for me and the Grim Cheaper.  For those who have never heard of the place, the Paley Center for Media is a library/museum/cultural center that houses a collection of over 120,000 television and radio recordings which can be viewed in various screening rooms on the premises.  The center also hosts numerous celebrity events throughout the year, one of which I attended back in September of 2008 for fave show 90210.



    And while the 90210 event was an absolute BLAST with the celebrities in attendance mingling amongst the fans in order to sign autographs and take pictures both before and after the screening, sadly that was not the case with An Evening with The Closer.  The first actor to arrive at the Center was Anthony John Denison, who plays Lieutenant Andy Flynn on the series, and when he walked into the lobby I, of course, went up to him and asked for a photo.  Anthony could NOT have been nicer, gave me a HUGE smile, said, “Absolutely!  You’re so pretty, by the way!” and then proceeded to put his arm around me to pose for the pic.  Well, security took one look at us together and immediately came over and told John that he was not allowed to pose for any photographs.  Um, a security guard telling a celebrity what he can and cannot do?!?!  That was definitely a first for me!  Anyway, John gave the guy a look, said, “I am going to take this picture!”, and smiled once again at the camera.  After the GC snapped away, John introduced himself to both of us and shook my hand.  SUCH an incredibly nice guy!


    I was especially excited to get a photo with him being that the picture we took together at Kyra Sedgwick’s Walk of Fame Star Ceremony back in June of 2009 had been a major, major fail, as you can see above!  Anyway, after John walked away, the Paley security guard told me that I was not allowed to ask any of the other stars for pictures, even though I was a ticketholder for the event.  I asked if I would be able to take photos after the Q & A session was over and he told me that it would be very unlikely, which was shocking being that pictures have been allowed at every single screening I have ever been to.  I mean, what other reason is there to attend?  Ha!  Winking smile


    At that point, the GC and I decided to head outside to the public sidewalk in front of the venue where security would not be able to tell us what we could and could not do – although, believe me, they tried!  Anyway, shortly after we walked out who should arrive but Miss Brenda Leigh Johnson herself, Kyra Sedgwick!  I could NOT have been more excited to see Kyra in person and I am very happy to report that she was a complete and total sweetheart!  As soon as she got out of her car, she headed right on over to the few fans who were waiting outside and signed a bunch of autographs.  I was the only person who asked for a photo and she happily obliged.  Besides being super friendly, Kyra is also BEAUTIFUL in person.  Much prettier even than she appears to be onscreen.


    Shortly after Kyra arrived, Robert Gossett, who plays Commander Russell Taylor on the show and is the real life cousin of Louis Gossett Jr., showed up.  Robert also happily posed for a picture with me.


    Due to the fact that security was being so incredibly anal, the GC and I decided to skip both the screening and Q & A as we figured we would have a better chance of catching the rest of the cast on their way out of the venue after the event was over than we would inside the theatre.  And we were right!   After grabbing a quick dinner at the Farm in Beverly Hills, which was FABULOUS by the way, we headed back over to the Paley Center and caught all of the other actors who were in attendance as they made their way outside, including Raymond Cruz, who plays Detective Julio Sanchez;


    Michael Paul Chan, who plays Lieutenant Mike Tao;


    Jon Tenney who plays Agent Fritz Howard;


    Phillip P. Keene who plays videographer Buzz Watson;


    Jonathan Del Arco, who plays Major Crimes Division coroner Dr. Morales;


    and Mary McDonnell, who plays Brenda Leigh Johnson’s nemesis Captain Sharon Raydor.  All of the cast members were extremely nice and I could not have been more floored to meet them!  But I was a bit disappointed that we were not able to attend the screening and Q & A session as I had really been looking forward to hearing what the actors had to say about the series and it’s forthcoming spin-off, Major Crimes, which is set to debut sometime next year.  The GC, of course, was extremely pleased to have avoided the Q & A, though, so I guess all was not lost.  Winking smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking and Happy Voting – don’t forget to vote for me to be the new face of About Me!  There are only seven voting days left – you can vote once every 24 hours now through September 20th.  Smile

    Stalk It: The Paley Center is located at 465 North Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills.  You can visit the Center’s official website here.

  • The Surfrider Foundation’s 6th Annual Celebrity Expression Session


    This past Saturday, the fabulous Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, invited me and the Grim Cheaper out to Malibu to do a little stalking of one of her very favorite celebrity events – the Surfrider Foundation’s 6th Annual Celebrity Expression Session, an hour-long free surf contest which was taking place at First Point at Malibu Lagoon State Beach.  Much to the GC’s chagrin, I accepted the invitation which is how the two of us found ourselves heading out to the ‘Bu bright and early Saturday morning.  Although, as you can see in the above photograph, the word “bright” is somewhat misleading being that the skies were quite grey when we arrived on the scene.  The day turned out to be one of the best of my entire life, though, and, in what can only be described as an amazing act of divine intervention, we were not only invited to visit and tour the residence used as the Cohen House on fave show The O.C. (on which the sets from the series were very closely based), but we also spent about five hours at the property!  I promise to blog about that INCREDIBLE experience in the very near future, but, for now, on with the Surfrider event!


    Joining me, Pinky, and the GC in our morning beach-capade were our good friends, fellow stalkers Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, and Scotty, or as Pinky likes to call us, the Motley Crew.  Winking smile Despite the fact that it started raining heavily while we were waiting for the celebrity surfers to arrive, we had an absolute blast hanging out together.  As I have said on numerous occasions, when it comes to these types of events, which involve hours upon hours upon hours of waiting around, it is all about the journey.  And I can think of no one else I would rather share that journey with than Pinky’s Motley Crew.  Smile


    The first celebrity to arrive on the scene was Eric Avery from the band Jane’s Addiction.


    Also in attendance was Jesse Spencer from House (SO cute!  Sigh!);


    Chad Lowe;


    Eric Balfour from The O.C.;


    Tate Donovan, also from The O.C. and also my girl Jen Aniston’s former main squeeze;


    John Slattery, from Mad Men, Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City;


    Brian Geraghty from The Hurt Locker;


    Ross Thomas from Soul Surfer;


    and Krysten Ritter – ALL of whom were so incredibly nice and friendly it was almost unbelievable!  I felt like we all truly had a special little moment with each of them. Pinky and I got to chat with Chad Lowe about how much we both enjoyed his brother Rob’s autobiography; we joked with John Slattery about his – ahem – shower requests on Sex and the City; Ross Thomas took off his hat and sunglasses in order to provide us with a better photograph; Tate Donovan almost fell over when Scotty quoted several lines to him from Space Camp . . .


    . . . and, as you can see above, Krysten and Pinky even spent some time hanging out together in the surf.  Amazing, amazing day!


    And Mikey managed to snap this super cute pic of me getting his prop “Victor Lang for Mayor” t-shirt from Desperate Housewives signed.  Smile


    Our main reason for being there, though, was, of course, to see Pinky’s sweetheart, Sam Trammell, who plays Sam Merlotte on the hit series True Blood.


    Sam spotted Pinky immediately and, of course, came right over to her to say hi.  I cannot even imagine if one of my favorite celebrities knew me by name and regularly came up to me at events to say hi!  I would absolutely DIE!  Heck, if ANY celebrity knew me by name and came up to me to say hi, I would die!!!  The kicker was when Pinky told Sam that she had finally found a job, he congratulated her and asked where she was working.  The fact that he knew – and remembered – that she had been unemployed the last time they spoke was enough to make me gasp.  SO INCREDIBLY COOL!  That is Sam autographing some photos for Pinky in the above picture – all of which he signed with “much love” or “xoxoxo”.  SIGH!

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    The entire event was extremely low-key and relaxed and all of the celebrities conducted their media interviews right there in the sand.

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    The surf contest got started at noon and I cannot tell you how much fun it was to watch them all suit up and head out.  (As you can see in the photograph on the top left above, Baywatch star David Chokachi was also in attendance, but since I had already gotten a picture with him at the Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon in June, I did not want to bother him for another.)

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    Before hitting the water, the group posed for a few publicity shots and, thankfully, the GC got right in there among the press photographers and started snapping away.  I’ve taught him well, folks.  Winking smile

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    Because the GC has gotten seriously into photography as of late, this was one celebrity event that he actually did not mind being dragged to and he managed to snap some pretty fabulous action shots while there.


    My favorite being the one pictured above, which reminds me of the movie poster for The Endless Summer.  So cool!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking and Happy Voting – don’t forget to vote for me to be the new face of About MeSmile

    Stalk It: Malibu Lagoon State Beach, aka Surfrider Beach, is located at 23200 Pacific Coast Highway, just north of the Malibu Pier, in Malibu.  You can visit the Surfrider Foundation’s official website here.

  • “The Perfect Age of Rock & Roll” Premiere


    As I mentioned yesterday, I was unable to stick around to watch much of the Parks and Recreation filming at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena last Wednesday afternoon as I had promised Miss Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, that I would meet her at Laemmle’s Sunset 5 theatre in West Hollywood that evening to do some stalking of the premiere of The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll.  As fate would have it, this particular event turned out to be a pretty fortuitous one for us because Sunset 5 is located right next door to Crunch Fitness, which is apparently a big time celebrity hot spot.  So not only were we keeping our eyes peeled for stars dressed to the nines heading towards the theatre, but we were also keeping our eyes peeled for those dressed in work-out clothes entering and exiting the gym.  Pinky, who pretty much has superhero powers when it comes to spotting celebrities, caught sight of comedian/actor Dane Cook walking into Crunch while we were eating dinner a good 300 yards away.  The girl has got MAD skills, I tell ya!  And while she ended up catching Dane on his way out of the gym about an hour later, the guy was NOT nice AT ALL and not only refused to take a picture with her, but would not even make eye contact, which resulted in her bestowing him with the “Douchebag of the Day” award on her blog later that week.  Pinky also had this sage piece of advice for the surly actor, “If you don’t want to be recognized, don’t walk right through a movie premiere!”  LOL LOL LOL  I did not even attempt to approach Dane as he did not in any way, shape, or form seem friendly.  Truth be told, he kind of scared me.  I am very happy to report, though, that it was all uphill from there as shortly after Dane shot Pinky down, she spotted Rufus Sewell, who played Jasper Bloom in fave movie The Holiday, heading into Crunch.  Rufus could NOT have been nicer and posed for at least a dozen photographs with various fans – and even agreed to pose for a second one with me after the first one we took failed to turn out.  Rufus was so sweet, in fact, that he asked me to make sure our second picture was to my liking and even waited around while I did so, before heading off to the gym.  Swoon!



    While I was posing with Rufus, Jason Ritter showed up and was absolutely mobbed by fans and the numerous “graphers” who were in attendance.  Luckily enough, Pinky has known Jason for quite a long time and is actually sort of friends with the actor, so he immediately walked through the crowd and right up to her to say hi.  I am sad to say that I had a major blonde moment while meeting him, though, as I had been planning on asking him if he happened to know where the apartment building from the opening credits of Three’s Company was located.  Fellow stalkers Chas, from the ItsFilmedThere website, and Owen and I have been looking for that blasted building for quite a while now and I figured that if anyone would know its location, it would be Jason.  But I got a bit flustered while speaking with him and the whole thing COMPLETELY slipped my mind!  MAJOR FAIL!  And big apologies to Chas and Owen!  Jason could NOT have been nicer, though, and even though there were at least fifty people mobbing him, he stayed around to take pictures with and sign autographs for absolutely everyone who wanted one.


    Taryn Manning arrived next and I was absolutely FLOORED to get a photograph with her as I have extremely fond memories of the actress from my time as an extra on the movie Crossroads.  Taryn was easily the nicest of all of the Crossroads stars and, for whatever reason, remembered me each day that I was on set and would go out of her way to say hi.  She also remembered me when I attended the movie’s wrap party, a week after filming had been completed, and walked up to me to say, “I’m so glad you were able to come to this.”  So incredibly sweet!  When I told her how nice she had been to me during the Crossroads shoot, she started laughing and said, “Aww.  Well, I haven’t changed, I’m still very nice, I promise.”  Smile


    We also spotted DJ Qualls, who played Kyle Edwards in 2000’s Road Trip, at the premiere . . .


    . . . and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past/Grey’s Anatomy/The Devil Wears Prada star Daniel Sunjata, who was leaving Crunch Fitness – both of whom were extremely nice.

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    Also in attendance was Easy Rider himself, Peter Fonda, along with his much younger-looking wife, Margaret DeVogelaere.  Sadly, Peter would not take any pictures or sign any autographs due to the fact that he was running late.  And while we could have hung out and waited until the premiere was over to get a pic with Peter, I just really did not feel like doing so.  If it was Matt Lanter, Michael Buble, or Joel McHale, I would wait around all day for a photo, but Peter Fonda?  Not so much.  😉  All in all it was another FABULOUS celebrity-filled stalking adventure, though – save for the minor setback with Dane douchebag Cook.  Winking smile

    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for inviting me to this event!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Laemmle’s Sunset 5 is located at 8000 Sunset Boulevard, inside of the 8000 Sunset Strip shopping center, in West Hollywood.  You can catch The Perfect Age of Rock ‘n’ Roll in theatres now.

  • Christina Aguilera’s “Extra” Taping at The Grove

    Way back on Friday, June 3rd, Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, called me up to inform me that Christina Aguilera would be appearing live that afternoon at The Grove shopping center in Los Angeles to tape a segment for the television series Extra.  And even though I have never really been a big fan of the pop singer, because I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED me the movie Burlesque, I was simply dying to attend.  I am so obsessed with Burlesque, in fact, that a couple of months ago I cut my hair to resemble the wig that Christina wore during the “But I Am a Good Girl” number, which you can watch by clicking above.  “The dress is Chanel, the shoes YSL, the bag is Dior, Agent Provocateur.“ Sigh!  I LOVE that song!  And that hair!


    Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, had long before informed me that the Extra stage at The Grove was one of the worst venues in L.A. for celebrity photographs, so I knew that my chances of getting one with Christina were slim to none.  As I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, though, I am an eternal optimist, so when the Grim Cheaper and I headed out towards the shopping center that Friday afternoon, I was armed with some pretty high hopes.


    As you can see in the above photograph, the area surrounding the Extra stage was absolutely JAM PACKED with people when the GC and I arrived on the scene.  Because a large portion of The Grove’s courtyard had been partitioned off for the taping, though, I did manage to secure a spot right along the fan barricade and still had pretty high hopes that I might be able to get a picture with the singer.

    Christina’s team from The Voice (singers Beverly McClellan, Frenchie Davis, Lily Elise, and Raquel Castro) arrived a couple of minutes before the segment was set to begin and promptly hit the red carpet to film some media interviews.

    Mario Lopez arrived next and while I had presumed that he would most certainly pose for photographs, that was sadly not the case.  He walked right by the crowd, both on his way in and on his way out, without so much as signing an autograph.  Such a bummer!

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    Just a few seconds later, a huge limo drove right into The Grove’s central courtyard and stopped in front of the fan barricades.  Needless to say, the crowd went absolutely wild at this point.

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    Because Christina is so darn tiny, the limo blocked her almost completely from view as she stepped from the car.  But the GC did manage to get a few pics of her by holding his camera above his head.


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    As soon as Christina walked onto the stage, all of the fans in attendance moved over to that part of the courtyard to get a better view of the taping.  And while the GC and I tried to find a spot in that area, it was just far too crowded for my taste.  As you can see, it was so chaotic that the GC could hardly get any photographs of the stage even though he has a high-tech, long-lensed camera.

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    So I dragged him right on back over towards the rear of the stage where we once again were lucky enough to snag a spot against the barricade.

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    While Christina spoke with Mario onstage, her Voice team walked over to where the limo was parked and started signing autographs and taking pictures with the fans.  We were standing just a bit too far away from them, though, so I was not able to get them to pose with me.

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    Mario invited The Voice contestants to take to the stage a few minutes later to sing a cappella for the crowd and, oh my lord, were they INCREDIBLE!!!!!!

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    After the four contestants sang, the segment ended and Christina came walking down the red carpet towards her limo.


    And while she sadly did not stop to sign any autographs or take any pictures, she did reach out to touch some of the fans on my side of the barricade (that’s my hand in the above photograph) . . .

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    . . . and the GC somehow managed to magically snap some pics of Christina grabbing my hand!  NICE camera work, GC!!!!


    Thankfully, The Voice contestants stuck around to meet some of the fans after Christina’s limo departed.  Because I had watched Frenchie Davis on Season 2 of American Idol back in 2003, I really wanted a photograph with her.  And I am very happy to report that Frenchie could NOT have been nicer and, even though her publicist was rushing her along and kept telling her that she did not have time to take pics with fans, Frenchie said, “I’m staying until everyone who wants a picture gets one.  I’m nothing without my fans!”  Love it!


    After Christina left, the GC and I headed over to the Whisper Lounge, Michael Buble’s favorite restaurant which I blogged about back in November of last year, to grab a bite to eat.  And  let me tell you, I just about died when I spotted both Tajari P. Henson and Teri Seymour dining (separately) at tables near the bar.  When I saw Teri get up to leave the Lounge, I followed her outside and asked her for a picture and she happily obliged.  But the GC was in charge of watching for Tajari to leave and, of course, was not paying attention when she actually did, so I did not get to ask her for a photo.  🙁  Men!!!!  Being that he had managed to snap that awesome picture of Christina and me touching hands, though, I could not get too mad at him about it.  😉

    Big THANK YOU to Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, for telling me about this event.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Grove shopping center is located at 189 The Grove Drive in Los Angeles.  Extra films on the premises on a daily basis.  You can check out their filming schedule and list of their upcoming celebrity guests here.  The Whisper Lounge is located inside of The Grove, in Suite F-90B.  You can visit the Whisper Lounge’s official website here.

  • The “Horrible Bosses” Movie Premiere


    Last Thursday afternoon, fellow stalkers Mikey, of the Mike the Fanboy website, Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, Scotty, CB, Anushika, and I all headed out to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Downtown Hollywood to do some stalking of the world premiere of my girl Jen Aniston’s latest movie Horrible Bosses. As amazing as it may sound, prior to that day, I had never before stalked a movie premiere. While I randomly found myself at the premiere of He’s Just Not That Into You back in February of 2009, I was only able to stick around for about ten minutes or so, and while I attended the premiere of Friday the 13th, also in February of 2009, I actually had tickets to that one and watched the movie from inside the theatre. So this was the first time that I would truly be stalking a premiere, i.e. showing up hours early and standing along the fan barricade on Hollywood Boulevard. Both Pinky and Mikey had warned me that not only were premieres not the greatest place to get photographs with celebrities, but that Grauman’s was the worst, least fan-friendly venue of them all. Because I suffer from eternal optimism, though (it’s something I get from my mom), I headed out there on Thursday afternoon emboldened with extremely high hopes. In fact, Mikey suggested I might want to take some sort of pill to calm my spirits. Winking smile


    Adding to my optimism was the fact that I had asked my dad to overnight me his camera for the event (his is far better than mine) and when it arrived, I opened up the box to find the above-pictured note from my mom. Smile See, in my family we just can’t help but be positive!


    Because of some obligations I had to take care of in Santa Monica that morning, I could not get to Grauman’s until 3 p.m. on Thursday, but thankfully CB headed out there bright and early at 10:30 a.m. and saved me a spot along the barricade. THANK YOU, CB!!!!! Oddly enough, there were not a whole lot of people there when I first showed up and I couldn’t help buy wonder why Pinky and Mikey had been so negative about the place. Oh, how naïve I was!


    I had asked Pinky to bring her super cute dog, Sammy, to the premiere as Jen is a big dog-lover and I figured that if I was going to try to get a picture with the star, I would need all of the help I could get. Which also explains why I was wearing my “Team Aniston” sweatshirt, despite the 90-degree heat. Winking smile


    The celebrity arrivals did not begin until 6:30 p.m. and, as always, we all had a FABULOUS time hanging out beforehand. In fact, I enjoyed that portion of the day much more so than I did meeting the various celebs who were in attendance. Needless to say, Pinky has the absolute BEST group of friends!


    At around 6 p.m., the professional autograph seekers (aka the “graphers” as Pinky likes to call them) showed up and it was at that point that things started to head south. The crazies also started to show up around that same time, including this guy, who was absolutely convinced that Jen had made him homeless. Um, OK. At one point he got into a VERY heated argument with someone about his claim, although he was, not surprisingly, entirely incoherent. When I heard him yelling, I turned around and saw his “Jen, You Made Me Homeless” sign and asked Mikey, who, due to his height, had better room to maneuver in the fan pit than I did, to snap a pic. Mikey’s response, “Oh, I already did!” LOL Love it!


    Anyway, once the graphers showed up, our little group (whom you can see above) got completely squished up against the barricade. Pinky graciously allowed me to share the stool she had brought to stand on, so I had a good vantage point from which to take pictures, but unfortunately the people standing behind me were pressed up so close against me that I literally could not move. Or breathe! At one point I told Mikey that I was fairly certain I had dislocated my hip. It was NOT FUN!


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    Jason Sudeikis was the first Horrible Bosses’ star to show up and he came right over to sign autographs and take pictures.


    Jason was SUPER nice and spent a LOT of time signing autographs for people and taking photos, but sadly there was a big ol’ shadow across my face on the one that he took with me.

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    Jason Bateman arrived next and also came over to sign autographs, but he seemed very reluctant about it and was not at all friendly, which shocked me.


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    Jason signed a fair amount of autographs (not nearly as many as Jason Sudeikis did, though), but flat-out refused to take any pictures. UGH!

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    Jamie Foxx arrived next and literally JUMPED out of his limo and IMMEDIATELY started walking over to the fan barricade to sign autographs and take photos. How incredibly cool is that??


    Because I was so squished up against the barricade, I could not get my camera in position to take a picture, so Pinky took one of the three of us. It didn’t exactly come out (you can just barely see me in the bottom of the frame LOL), but I was floored nevertheless just due to the fact that Jamie had been so darn friendly and nice. There’s something seriously unbalanced in the universe when Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx is taking pictures with fans, but Jason Bateman is refusing them!

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    Jesse Metcalfe arrived next and Pinky and I went absolutely batsh*t over him, much to Mikey’s dismay. Winking smile We immediately called for Jesse to come over and he yelled back, “I don’t think I can!” and pointed to the countless cars zooming across Hollywood Boulevard in front of him. He didn’t realize that there was a security team in place ready to walk the stars across the street via a nearby crosswalk. When he spotted Jamie Foxx signing autographs, though, I guess he decided to go for it, because the next thing we knew he was running across four lanes of rush-hour traffic right towards us, sans security! LOL


    And what a sweetheart Jesse turned out to be!!!! He signed countless autographs and posed for countless photos.


    Including one with me! Smile And he even thanked Pinky and I for calling him over. Sigh.


    Joey Lawrence showed up next and Pinky started screaming for him (and singing the words to his latest single), but he flat out refused to come over. When he yelled over to us, “I can’t!”, a security guard walked up to him and said she would escort him across the street, but he turned her down. Sad smile


    My girl Jen was the last to arrive and, let me tell you, I have never in my life experienced anything like what happened when she got out of her car. It was as if the entire crowd moved forward in a wave and the volume in the area increased about one hundred decibels. The people behind us began to very aggressively push us forward and the barricade we were standing against started to give way and tip forward. There was a massive amount of screaming and, although I tried yelling at the people behind us to stop pushing, not only could they most-definitely not hear me, it was fairly obvious they would not have cared even if they had heard. The barricade kept tinkering farther and father forward and came thisclose to toppling over entirely. One more millimeter and I am fairly certain that our entire little group would have fallen right into the middle of Hollywood Boulevard – and either right on top of Jen or right under several moving cars. It was one of the scarier moments of my life and I was crushed so strongly against the barricade that I could hardly breathe.


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    I managed to snap a couple of pics of my girl amidst the chaos and while Pinky kept yelling out, “Please take a photo with my friend, she’s your biggest fan!”, the screaming was so loud that Jen did not even hear her. And sadly, in chaos such as that, there was absolutely no way in heck that anyone could have gotten a picture with the star. Such a bummer! I have to say that Jen looked ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS, though! It is mind-boggling to me that she is 42!!!! Sigh!

    Jennifer Aniston signing autographs at Horrible Bosses premiere
    You can watch a video that Mikey took of the Jen madness by clicking above. As you can see, Jen had a security team of no less than six people surrounding her at all times and, due to all of the pushing and shoving, they would not let her get within five feet of the fan barricade.
    After the celebrity arrivals were over, I was thoroughly beat and pretty much intent on heading straight home. I felt like I had been through a war! LOL But Pinky convinced me to stick around for a couple of hours to try to catch some of the celebs leaving the premiere and I figured since I had already come that far, I may as well stay. And I am so glad that I did as, shortly after the movie ended, we ran into Zachary Levi, from Chuck, who was a complete and total sweetheart! Not to mention a total cutie!
    We also saw Oscar Nunez from The Office . . .
    . . . and Joey Lawrence, who was sadly not as friendly as I assumed he’d be.
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    Ioan Gruffudd, from Fantastic Four, also walked by, but he was ABSOLUTELY mobbed. He is standing somewhere in the middle of that mass of people pictured above, so I did not even attempt to get a photograph with him. Pinky, who always gets her man, still had the strength left to brave the masses, though, and did get a picture! What can I say, the girl has got mad skills. We also spotted Trevor Donovan from 90210, but he FLAT-OUT REFUSED to take a picture with us. Pinky and I were the only ones who even approached him, but he still turned us down big time! Ah well. All in all it was a fun night, but I don’t know that I would ever do it again. It was just a bit too crazy and out-of-control for me. Sad smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

    Stalk It: Grauman’s Chinese Theatre is located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood. You can visit the theatre’s official website here.

  • The Jennifer Grant “Good Stuff” Book Signing


    Back on Thursday, May 26th (I told you I am way behind in my reporting! Winking smile), Vroman’s Bookstore welcomed Jennifer Grant for a signing and discussion of her new book Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant which chronicles the actress’ experiences being raised by one of the most iconic movie stars of all time.  And while most of the people attending the event were fans of Jennifer’s famous father, I have been a long-time fan of Jennifer herself, ever since she appeared as Steve Sander’s (aka Ian Ziering’s) longtime girlfriend Celeste Lundy during Seasons 3 and 4 of fave show Beverly Hills, 90210.


    Jennifer also made an appearance as Nina Bookbinder, the girl Chandler Bing (aka Matthew Perry) couldn’t fire, in the Season 1 episode of Friends titled “The One With Two Parts: Part I”.  But I digress.


    Because I have never actually seen a Cary Grant movie, before attending the reading I did not have much interest in reading Good Stuff.  My only reason for going to the event was to meet and, of course, get a photograph with Jennifer.  But, let me tell you, all of that changed as soon as I started looking through the memoir.  As I have mentioned before, I am just slightly anal, so I arrived at the signing about 3 hours early.  Well, not only did those three hours ensure me a front row seat, but they also gave me time to peruse through the book and I was immediately mesmerized.  Cary Grant was not only an amazing man, but an amazing father!  He retired in 1966, the same year that Jennifer was born, so that he could devote all of his time to being a dad.  Because Jennifer’s mother, Dyan Cannon (whom the actress is the spitting image of!), was at the height of her career at the time and often on location filming movies for months on end, most of Jennifer’s childhood was spent with her father.  And Cary wanted to document his only child’s early years as best he could.  Not only did he save and catalogue ever single letter ever exchanged between the two and every single photograph ever taken of them, but he also made hundreds upon hundreds of audio recordings of their time together, many of which are transcribed in the book.  Sweetest of all, though, was the fact that, on the mornings when Jennifer was not staying with him, Cary would wait along the sidewalk of her bus route just to wave to her as her bus passed by on the way to school.


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    The event began right on time and I just about died when I caught my first glimpse of Jennifer as she looks almost exactly the same today as she did eighteen years ago when she was on 90210. Jennifer started out the evening by reading a few passages from her book and I have to say that she is a fabulous writer and a fabulous speaker. Her voice has an almost lyrical quality to it and I was absolutely mesmerized listening to her. I was completely shocked, though, when she adopted a British accent to read her father’s words! Prior to that evening, I was unaware that Cary Grant was British!

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    Jennifer then opened up the session to questions from the audience and, even though A LOT were asked, for once they were actually well-crafted.  I should explain here, to those who do not regularly attend book signings and television screenings, that people at these events usually ask the most asinine questions imaginable and it absolutely drives me mad!  If you have the chance to ask a question of an actor, author, or director, make it a good one, people!  And, for the love of God, do NOT ask the celebrity to get you a role in a movie or TV show!  And yes, that has been asked at almost EVERY SINGLE EVENT I have ever attended!  Most of the questions asked of Jennifer, though, were about what it was like to grow up with such a famous father.  In answer to those questions, Jennifer told numerous anecdotes and, as amazing as it may sound, it seems she had a very normal childhood.  The two often squabbled about Jennifer’s choice in music and boys, they took frequent outings to the Fox Hills Mall – one of Cary’s favorite haunts – and played regular family games of Trivial Pursuit.  She said she never viewed Cary as a celebrity, but, while she knew he was special and certainly different than her friends’ fathers, to her he was always just “Dad”.

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    When it came time for the signing portion of the reading, the Vroman’s coordinator asked Jennifer if she would be willing to take posed photographs with those in attendance, to which the actress gave a puzzled look and said, “Of course I will!”, as if she could not figure out why anyone wouldn’t take a picture with their fans.  LOVE IT!


    When it was my turn to meet Jennifer, I told her what a huge fan I had been of Beverly Hills, 90210 and she said that the show was actually the very first acting job she had ever had and was one of the best experiences of her life.  She told me that all of the actors were extremely nice and welcoming and that she looks back on that time with incredible fondness.  She took quite a bit of time to chat with me and I even got to tell her about my experiences as an extra in the final episode of the series and that the 90210 theme song was still the ringtone on my cell phone.  Smile Jennifer was so abundantly sweet and warm, it was almost unbelievable.


    As I was leaving Vroman’s, I opened the book to read what Jennifer had signed and almost died over her inscription.  It reads, “To Lindsay, Thank you for watching 90210 – your smile is infectious.  Jennifer Grant”  OMG nicest inscription EVER!  Especially considering that so many celebrities will not even personalize books at their signings!  Meeting Jennifer was such an incredible experience and I love her even more now than I did before!  And while I have not started to officially read Good Stuff yet, it is the next book on my “To Read” list and after I do so, I will most definitely be stalking the many locations mentioned in it.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: You can purchase a copy of Jennifer Grant’s book, Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant, here.  Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit the store’s official website here.  And you can check out Vroman’s upcoming author events here.

  • The Envelope Emmy Week “Geek TV” Event


    Another Envelope Emmy Week event that Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, told me about was the “Geek TV Roundtable”, which featured a panel discussion with actors Jayma Mays (aka Emma Pillsbury from Glee), Johnny Galecki (aka Leonard Hofstadter from The Big Bang Theory), Michael C. Hall (aka Dexter Morgan from fave show Dexter), Sam Trammell (aka Sam Merlotte from True Blood), and Joel McHale (aka Jeff Winger from Community and the host of fave show The Soup). Well, let me tell you, I absolutely LOVE me some Joel McHale, so when I saw his name on the list I just about had a heart attack right there on the spot and immediately signed up to attend. Because so many big-time celebs would be appearing at this particular event, I knew that getting a photograph with any of them would be extremely difficult, so I made the sign pictured above, which read “I


    Almost all of my new stalking friends were in attendance for the event, including Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, Anushika and Scotty, who both write for the Mike the Fanboy website, and Duggan. (Anushika, Pinky, and Scotty are pictured above). The only person missing from our little group was CB, who was attending the Super 8 premiere in Westwood that night. And I have to say that we all had an ABSOLUTE BLAST hanging out together. Yes, getting photographs taken with celebrities is extremely fun, but so is the hanging-out-and-waiting part, as long as you are doing so with a great group of fellow stalkers. And Pinky and Mikey have some AMAZING friends!!! I feel so incredibly lucky to have met them and that they have embraced me as they have and allowed me to tag along with them on so many of their celebrity adventures. Love you guys!



    Now I should mention here that this particular event took place at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live, directly next to the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles, on Wednesday, June 8th, which just so happened to be smack-dab in the middle of the weeklong E3 Expo, the LARGEST annual convention held in L.A. So to say that Downtown was swarming with people would be a gross understatement. Not only that, but at 4:15 p.m., just around the time that the GC and I were arriving in the area, there was an explosion in a trash can on Broadway and 4th Street, just a few blocks from the theatre, which resulted in the police SHUTTING DOWN a huge portion of the central part of Downtown FOR HOURS. Between the convention, the explosion, and the normal, everyday urban madness of L.A., Downtown on that particular evening was a complete and total sh*tstorm! The Grim Cheaper and I were stuck in our car in the same exact spot for over an hour and it was at that point that I just broke down in tears due to sheer frustration. I don’t think I have ever been that frustrated in my entire life! Sadly, the explosion and subsequent street closures also made it so that most of the actors were late in arriving to the theatre, which greatly lessened our chances of getting pictures and autographs as they were all immediately rushed inside as soon as they got there. UGH! Actor Sam Trammell was the first to arrive (he miraculously showed up about an hour before the event was due to begin) and he was absolutely SWARMED by people as soon as he stepped out of his car.

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    I had the GC take the above photograph so that my fellow stalkers could get a sense of what trying to get an autograph or picture at one of these events is like. Sam Trammell is buried somewhere in the middle of that huge, chaotic mess of thirty-some-odd people pictured above. Needless to say, getting an autograph or photo requires quite a bit of effort, determination, and maneuvering!


    Now Pinky is easily Sam Trammell’s biggest fan and not only has she met him on several occasions, but the actor even knows her by name! So incredibly cool! Sam immediately walked right up to Pinky to say hello and to pose for a picture with her, and Pinky also gave him two blue blankets she had knitted for Sam and his girlfriend as they are currently expecting twin boys.


    Pinky has long been telling me what a super-nice guy Sam is and, wow, was she ever right! Sam has got to be one of the nicest celebs I have ever encountered! Even though he was, as you saw above, absolutely swarmed by people, he stuck around to sign autographs and take pictures with absolutely everyone who wanted them, even me! Yay! Smile

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    The next to arrive was Michael C. Hall from Dexter. As I have mentioned quite a few times before on this blog, I absolutely LOVE me some Dexter, but I have to say that I love me some Joel McHale more. So before we arrived at the event I laid out some ground rules for the GC. I told him that he must at all times keep his eye on the prize and that prize was a picture with Joel. My number two goal for the evening was to get a picture with Michael C. Hall. If I somehow managed to get photos with any of the other stars, well that would just be icing on the cake. I had to lay out these ground rules because oftentimes at these events several celebrities will show up at the same time and I did not want the GC to get distracted and not be in a position to take my picture with Joel. It was really funny because all throughout the night the GC would point to me from across the way and say, “Eye on the prize, Lin! Eye on the prize!” LOL Because Michael C. Hall showed up just a few minutes before the event was to begin, he was rushed straight inside and was not able to sign any autographs or pose for any pictures. UGH!

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    Next to show up was Johnny Galecki and he was also rushed straight into the theatre as he arrived a few minutes after the panel was set to begin. He apologized to us stalkers for not being able to sign, but promised to “make it up to us” on his way out. Nice! Security informed us that Johnny was the last celeb to arrive, which meant that Joel McHale had driven himself and therefore entered through a different door. Sigh! How cute is that! It did make me feel like a bit of a tool, though, as I had stood out on that sidewalk holding up my sign for a good two hours. LOL

    Holding sign

    Even though we all had tickets to the event, we decided not to go inside as we figured we would have a better chance of getting pictures and autographs if we caught the actors as they left the venue. Thankfully we were right. Smile The roundtable panel was fairly short, just about 45 minutes, and after it ended all of the actors, except for Jayma Mays, walked outside together, which, as you can imagine, caused sheer and utter chaos! I had my eye on the prize, though, and as soon as that back door opened I held up my sign for Joel to see, which he did! He immediately started laughing and walked right outside, right through the crowd, and right up to me! Sigh!


    Joel thanked me for coming and posed for the above photo and, let me tell you, I just about died of happiness right then and there. It wasn’t until Joel had already gone back inside, to take pictures with some of the audience members, that I realized the picture did not come out! UGH!

    Joel & Linds

    And while Pinky had managed to snap a super cute picture of us from farther away, I was still pretty bummed that the one the GC took did not come out. Here I had kept my eye on the prize, made a sign even, and my photo turned out horribly! What kind of luck is that? I really need to learn to trust in the universe, though, because that little mishap turned out to be a blessing in disguise. But more on that later.


    Michael C. Hall was absolutely swarmed as soon as he came outside, but he stuck around for a REALLY long time to sign autographs and snap pictures with people. I, sadly, had the same issue with my Michael picture that I had with the one of Joel. According to our wedding photographer, Rob Greer, whom I sent the photograph to, the problem is called Lens Flare and it is extremely difficult to fix, even for professional re-touchers. Such a shame! Ah well, I will just have to stalk him again sometime! Smile


    I was also lucky enough to get a pic with Johnny Galecki, which I was floored about! Johnny is super-nice, but is so unlike his Big Bang character, Leonard Hofstadter, it is almost unbelievable! He is NOT AT ALL dorky, awkward, or shy. Quite the contrary, in fact! He seemed to be extremely self-assured and out-going. The guy is obviously an AMAZING actor! As I mentioned above, Jayma Mays was the only one of the group to exit out of a different door and we never caught even a glimpse of her, which I was not all that disappointed about because I have heard from several people that she is not the most fan-friendly celeb. What is it with these Glee actors???


    After everyone in our group got pictures with and autographs from Johnny Galecki, Michael C. Hall, and Sam Trammell, Duggan, Scotty, Pinky, the GC, and I headed inside the theatre where Joel McHale was talking to some of the event coordinators. When Joel spotted me, I explained to him that our photograph had not come out and he immediately smiled and said, “Well, then let’s get this right!” and posed for the above pic with me. He also thanked me profusely for being a fan, for coming out to see him, and for making the sign. Sigh!

    Joel & sign Joel Signing part ii

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    Because Joel often jokingly signs autographs “Ryan Seacrest”, I told him that I really should have put Ryan’s name on my sign and Joel immediately yelled out, “Anybody have a pen I can borrow?” He then set about crossing out his name and writing in Ryan’s on the sign. Pinky and Scotty were nice enough to snap the above pics of me and Joel while he was writing on the sign. (Thanks, guys!!!!) Joel also posed for pics with Scotty, Pinky, and Duggan. Sigh! What an incredibly nice guy! Easily one of the NICEST celebs I have ever met! Love, love love him!!!!! And this experience was a definite reminder that I really need to trust in the universe more. I was so incredibly bummed when my original photograph with Joel did not come out, but look at it what that camera fail ended up leading to! An even better, more personal experience with one of my favorite stars! It is definitely true what they say, every cloud has a silver lining. And now whenever I get discouraged over something in life not turning out the way I had expected, I will remember this moment and the silver lining that this particular cloud brought me.


    My Joel McHale-altered sign is pictured above. Smile All in all it was a FABULOUS night and a FABULOUS fan experience. One of my best yet!


    AND, after the event was over, Sam even tweeted a thank you to Pinky for the blankets! How awesome is that???? LOVE IT!!!!

    Big THANK YOU to Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, for inviting me to this event! You can read Mikey’s write up of the evening here. And you can read Pinky Lovejoy’s write-up here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

    Stalk It: Unfortunately, there is no stalking location for this one.

  • A Q & A with the Cast of “White Collar”


    Last Monday evening, my good friend Mikey, of the Mike the Fanboy website, invited me, along with fellow stalkers Pinky, of the Thinking Pink blog, Duggan, and CB, to a SAG screening/cast Q & A of the USA Network television show White Collar featuring co-executive producer Mark Goffman and series’ stars Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, and Willie Garson.  Well, as you can imagine, as soon as I heard that Willie Garson – who is best known for playing Carrie Bradshaw’s (aka Sarah Jessica Parker’s) BBF Stanford Blatch on fave show Sex and the City – was going to be there, I just about died of excitement and told Mikey to “count me in!”  My good friend Steffi, who lives in Switzerland, is just about as obsessed with SATC as I am, if not more so, so before leaving for the screening I printed up a still of Willie Garson and Sarah Jessica Parker with the hopes that I could get Willie to sign it.   I was so intent on getting that photograph signed for her that I was even willing to forgo getting a photograph with WG myself if worse came to worse.


    CB and I were the first to show up to the Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre in North Hollywood where the screening was being held and just a few minutes after we got there, who should walk up but Willie!  The two of us immediately ran up to him and after CB had him sign a White Collar poster, I gave him the picture I had made for Steffi.  I had put a post-it note on it reading “For Steffi” (a little trick that I learned from my good friend and fellow stalker Anushika which greatly increases the odds of getting a personalized autograph at these types of events), and Willie immediately signed it, writing “For Steffi – All the Best!  Willie Garson”.  I was SOOOOOO incredibly excited over getting that autograph that my hands were literally shaking for about ten minutes afterward!  I may love stalking more than just about anything else in life, but obtaining really special gifts for my loved ones ranks a very close second.  Smile


    Willie could NOT have been nicer and even though there were quite a few of us who wanted his autograph and/or picture, he was happy to pose with and sign for everyone who asked.  YAY!  What a complete and total sweetheart!


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    The event got started right on time with a viewing of the Season 3 episode of White Collar titled “Where There’s a Will”.  Prior to that time I had never before seen the show and I have to say that I immediately fell in love with it!  The Catch Me If You Can-esque series centers around FBI agent Peter Burke (aka Tim DeKay) and his partner Neal Caffrey (aka Matt Bomer), a former con-man/art thief who has been given a reduced prison sentence in exchange for helping the FBI catch white collar criminals.  The series is one part caper mystery, one part crime drama, and one part comedy, and reminds me quite a bit, in tone at least, of The Mentalist.  The Q & A session got started immediately following the screening and the entire cast was absolutely hilarious!  At several times during the evening they all broke out into song.  Not kidding!  LOVE IT!  I could SO see myself hanging out with these guys!  Smile Of the many anecdotes told that night, my favorite was that people on the island of Manhattan, where the series is lensed, apparently get VERY testy when the filming of the show gets in the way of their daily life.  Matt Bomer said that he wishes the crew would put together a compilation video of the expletives that are yelled at them by angry New Yorkers on a daily basis.  He explained that a typical day involves the filming of a scene in front of an apartment building whereupon one of the building’s residents will invariably arrive home and want to get inside.  A crew member will ask them to wait until the current take is complete (which is usually only about 45 seconds to a minute), but without fail the resident will walk right through the scene, screaming, “I’m not going to &*$^#** wait for *#&$*& anything!”  Ah, you gotta love New Yorkers!


    SAG had once again set up a cocktail party immediately following the Q & A session and Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay were nice enough to attend.  The actors were ABSOLUTELY bombarded by people wanting pictures and autographs, which shocked me because, as I have explained before, most actors consider themselves above the whole fandom thing.  This particular crowd was made up of mostly teenage girls, though, (I am fairly certain that White Collar has a very large teenage girl fan base thanks to cutie Matt Bomer) and they all wanted to meet the stars.  Matt and Tim were SO incredibly nice, despite the hysteria surrounding them, and stuck around for HOURS taking pictures with and signing autographs for absolutely everyone who asked.  Thankfully fellow stalker Duggan, who is not only a complete sweetheart, but is built like a linebacker, got us right up to the front of the crowd and snapped the above photograph of me and Matt.  So cute!!!


    Because of a major camera fail on my part, poor Tim DeKay ended up having to pose for THREE different pictures with fellow stalker Mikey, but he was TOTALLY cool about it!!!  What an amazingly nice cast!!!!  As soon as I left the event, I got on the phone with the Grim Cheaper and told him that we HAD to buy Seasons 1 and 2 of White Collar on DVD, which we did that very weekend.  We are now about half-way through Season 1 and are absolutely hooked.  SUCH A GREAT SHOW!  If you have yet to see it, I highly recommend doing so!

    Big THANK YOU to Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, for telling me about this event!  Smile You can check out Mikey’s write-up of the evening, as well as some videos he took of the Q & A session, on his website here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: There is no stalking location for this one, but you can catch White Collar each Tuesday night at 9/8 Central on the USA Network.  You can also visit the show’s official website here.

  • The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon


    This past Tuesday night after my parents moved to Palm Springs, the GC arrived home from a late-night meeting with a box of chocolate-, vanilla-, and pistachio-flavored macaraoons in hand, so that I could drown my sorrows the Blair Waldorf way.  And I have to say that while I am still depressed and missing my parents like crazy, the macaroons (along with about twenty episodes of The Office) did bring a bit of a respite from the sadness.  So thanks, GC!


    Anyway, as I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, my parents and I have been huge fans of actor David Duchovny ever since the early ’90s when he played the role of cross-dressing DEA Agent Dennis (“Denise”) Bryson on the television series Twin Peaks.  When The X-Files premiered a few years later, we all immediately became “X-Philes” and my dad quickly adopted the moniker of “Mulder” to use as his Starbucks name.  (Yes, my dad is a bit of a character.)  On one particular occasion, he used the name while ordering a meal at an In-N-Out Burger and the perplexed cashier mistakenly spelled his alias “Molder” while typing it into her register.  The receipt from that In-N-Out visit, with the words “Guest: MOLDER” typed onto it, was tacked onto my bulletin board for many years after that.  Smile I even dressed up as Dana Scully for Halloween one year while in college, but pictures of that costume are sadly packed away in a box somewhere at my parents’ new house.  Anyway, when the fabulous Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, invited me and the Grim Cheaper to do some stalking of the Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon benefit, at which David Duchovny was scheduled to be a participant, I just about had a full-blown heart attack!  The GC was not nearly as enthusiastic about the invite, though, as it meant that we had to get up at around 7 a.m. on a Sunday so that we could be in Santa Monica by 9, when the event was scheduled to begin.  Ah, men!

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    The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-A-Thon, which was sponsored by the 100 Mile Man Foundation (try saying that five times fast!), consisted of 100 stationary bikes positioned on a wing of the Santa Monica Pier.  Those bikes could be “bought” by individuals or groups who would then ride a total of 100 miles in order to raise money for the Harold Robinson Foundation, an organization that sends under-privileged children to camp each summer.

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    When we first arrived on the pier, I spotted the above-pictured woman and immediately turned to the GC and said, “Oh my god, Joan Crawford is here!” And then when Pinky arrived a few minutes later, one of the first things out of her mouth was, “That woman looks EXACTLY like Joan Crawford!” LOL LOL LOL We are two peas in a pod, I tell you! Smile


    I was extremely excited to learn that several actors from the television series Baywatch, including Alexandra Paul, Kelly Packard, and David Chokachi, had purchased a bike for the event.  The three former co-stars showed up to the benefit together and they literally could NOT have been nicer.  When I asked Alexandra for a photograph, she immediately stuck out her hand to shake mine and said, “Hi, I’m Alexandra.  What’s your name?”  SO DARN NICE!


    Alexandra was absolutely GORGEOUS in person!  Much like my girl Jen Aniston, Alexandra is definitely someone who just seems to get prettier and prettier as the years go by.  Oh, how I wish that same thing will happen to me!  Smile She looks better now at the age of 48  than she did at 29 when she starred on Baywatch.  And she is in AMAZING shape, to boot.  Look at those arms!


    When I asked David Chokachi, who played Cody on Baywatch, to pose for a picture, Alexandra immediately got out her camera and told the GC, David, and I to hold our positions so that she could get a picture of the GC taking a picture of David and me.  So cute!


    Kelly Packard was also SUPER sweet and SUPER cute in person.


    David Duchovny showed up shortly after the Baywatch gang and walked right over to Pinky and me to snap a few quick pics.  And while he was VERY nice, he seemed a bit reserved (not in a mean way, he just came off as a bit reticent and shy), so I did not bring up the fact that he had served as the inspiration behind my dad’s Starbucks name.

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    As you can see above, David is JUST as good-looking in person as he appears to be on screen.  Drool!



    Now as fate would have it, Pinky had been stalking a different celebrity event a few days prior to the Pedal on the Pier benefit and just about died when she spotted David Duchovny filming a scene for Californication at a nearby hospital.  (And meeting DD twice in one weekend is something that would ONLY happen to Pinky, by the way!  The girl has some AMAZING luck!  While she was stalking an event featuring Cameron Crowe recently, who should she spot leaving a restaurant across the street from where she was standing, but two-time-Academy-Award-winning actress Hilary Swank!  Hilary immediately spotted Pinky’s adorable dog, Sammy, and ran right up to start petting him.  Then she posed for a bunch of pics with Pinky, and fellows stalkers Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, and Scotty, who were with her.  They also all got their pic taken with Cameron Crowe, by the way.  I mean how lucky is that?????  You can read about Pinky’s Hilary Swank encounter here.)  Anyway, Pinky managed to catch David Duchovny just as he was leaving the set and DD was nice enough to stop his car and pose for the above photo with her.  And I have to say that it is easily one of the CUTEST celeb photos that I have ever seen!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  I jokingly told Pinky that I was going to superimpose my face over hers and pretend that it is actually me in the picture.  Smile

    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for inviting me to this event!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon took place at the Santa Monica Pier, which is located at the end of Colorado Avenue in Santa Monica.  You can find out more about the 100 Mile Man Foundation here and the Harold Robinson Foundation here.