Author: Lindsay

  • The “You, Me and Dupree” House

    A couple of years ago, long before I had a blog to write, I set out to find the You, Me and Dupree house. While I was a big fan of You, Me and Dupree, the real reason behind my mission actually had nothing to do with that movie. What I was actually hoping to find was Jenna Rink’s pink dream house from the final scene of 13 Going On 30, which according to the trivia section on IMDB, was the exact same house used in You, Me and Dupree.

    Unfortunately, upon stalking the Dupree house, it became obvious that it was not the same location used in 13 Going On 30. Even so, the Dupree house is adorable and in a really cute neighborhood. It is also another fine example of that Craftsman architecture that filmmakers love so much. I must give props to Kerry, a fellow stalker, for getting the address of the Dupree house for me. I stalked this location so long ago (and failed to write down the address) that I couldn’t remember its exact location. Armed with only the picture I took of the house, which showed the house number, and knowing its general vicinity, she cyber-stalked the home and got the address for me! Thanks, Kerry! 🙂

    Side note – I still have yet to find the 13 Going On 30 house – if anyone happens to know where it is – Help me! Please!! 🙂

    UPDATE – Mike, from MovieShotsLA, found the 13 Going On 30 house for me a while back.  You can read the post I wrote on it here and you can see interior pictures of the house here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The You, Me and Dupree house can be found at 2406 Gramercy Park in the historic West Adams district of Los Angeles, not far from the location of the Numb3rs house. Even if you are not a fan of the film, I highly recommend stalking the house, as it is located on an adorable street in a neighborhood chock full of beautiful, historic homes. As always, take care not to disturb the residents.

  • The Hills are Alive!

    FIDM I must say this season of The Hills is so much better than I ever could have hoped! Is it sad that I get a little depressed every Monday night at around 11pm because I have to wait a whole week until a new episode airs? LOL Anyway, on the show, Lauren (and now Stephanie Pratt) attend the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles, and after last weeks’ episode, I decided I just had to go out and stalk it!

    FIDM is located in Downtown Los Angeles, just off the 110 Freeway. The Fashion Institute looks much like it does on The Hills, except that it is much smaller in person than it looks on TV. The campus is attached to a newly rennovated park named Grand Hope Park. It is a beautiful little park complete with fountains, trees, walkways, and benches to sit on and enjoy the sunshine. I was highly bummed that while we were there, I didn’t have any LC or Stephanie sightings. 🙁 Maybe next time!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: FIDM is located at 919 South Grand Avenue, on the corner of West 9th Street and Grand Avenue, in Downtown Los Angeles. Grand Hope Park would be the perfect place to enjoy a summer picnic. You can visit FIDM’s website here.

  • Big Brother

    Big Brother Stage Last summer I was COMPLETELY obsessed with the reality show Big Brother 8 – like absolutely on-the-edge-of-my-seat hooked on the show! I loved me some Dick and Danielle! So when I found out that the Big Brother soundstage was located on the CBS Studio Center lot in Studio City and that it could actually be seen from the road, I ran right out to stalk it.

    The Big Brother set is immediately recognizable from the tennis court like fence surrounding the set’s “backyard” area. According to Joe “the Barkeeper” from “The Barkeeper” shop at Sunset Junction, who was the one who first told me where to find the Big Brother set, the area where the set is located was formerly the lagoon from Gilligan’s Island. The lagoon was demolished several years ago to make room for new soundstages, one of them being the Big Brother “house”.

    Unfortunately, other than the tennis court like fence, not much can be seen of the Big Brother house from the road. But, thankfully, cyberstalking at Live Search Maps provides a better view of the set. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Big Brother set is located at the CBS Studio Center at 4024 Radford Avenue in Studio City. Unfortunately the studio is not open to the public and does not offer tours at this time. But you can get an up close and personal view of the lot on the CBS Studio Center website. For the best views of the Big Brother set, head on over to the Studio Village Apartments located on Colfax Ave., just off of Ventura Boulevard. Enter the apartment complex on Chiquita Street and walk to where Chiquita dead ends for a view of the Big Brother soundstage.

  • Without A Trace Update

    Just a quick update that the Without a Trace episode that was filmed at La Salle High School in Pasadena back on March 21st will be airing tonight on CBS at 10pm.

    You can read the full Without a Trace post about the filming at La Salle here.

    Happy Stalking! 🙂

  • Liberace’s Former House

    This weekend, while visiting the desert, and thanks to my friend EJ at the Movieland Directory, I got to stalk Liberace’s former Palm Springs manse. His home is an absolutely beautiful Mediterranean estate and there is no doubt whatsoever that it once belonged to Liberace. Besides the large candelabra located in front of the house, there are several “L’s” strategically placed throughout the exterior of the property – including on the garage doors, in the driveway, and in mosaic tiles in the cement in front of the side door.

    Before becoming Liberace’s home, the estate was a Palm Springs motel. Liberace named it “The Cloisters” as it reminded him of a monastery. The home was quite ornately decorated in Liberace’s day – he even had a “Safari Room” – and you can see pictures of the interior here. While you can’t tour this home, if you are dying to see the inside of it, you can see a re-creation of Liberace’s bedroom at the Liberace Museum in Las Vegas. Sadly, this Palm Springs home is where Liberace lived his final days. He passed away on February 4, 1987.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Liberace’s Palm Springs house is located at 226 W. Alejo Road, right on the corner of Alejo Road and North Belardo. The house is just a few blocks away from Frank Sinatra’s house.

  • My Kind of Town

    While in Palm Springs this weekend, besides stalking Mr. Barry Manilow, I also got to do some stalking of Frank Sinatra’s former desert retreat. I was given Frank’s address courtesy of my good friend EJ over at the Movieland Directory. According to EJ, not only did Marilyn Monroe have her very own special bedroom at Frank’s pad, but this is the same house where Old Blue Eyes once reportedly threw all of Ava Gardner’s belongings onto the driveway after she tried to catch him cheating on her with Lana Turner. That’s life! Franks’s house is a definite desert classic – it has that old 50’s style look to it and an old Palm Springs vibe. I would definitely recommend stalking this house – it’s gorgeous!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Frankie’s place is located at 1148 East Alejo, just east of Palm Canyon Drive. After stalking Sinatra, head to nearby Downtown Palm Springs – there are some really cute shops along Palm Canyon Drive, including Bella Fashions (114 N. Palm Canyon) which sells fab shoes, Shoe-La-La (275 S. Palm Canyon) which has awesome clothes, and of course no shopping trip is complete without my fave – Starbucks (101 S. Palm Canyon)! 🙂

  • More Desert Stalking!

    Barry Manilow\'s House Thanks to my good friend EJ over at the Movieland Directory I was able to do some more Palm Springs stalking this weekend while visiting the desert for a wedding. EJ was so kind as to give me the address of Barry Manilow’s desert home which I was just dying to stalk!! I do love me some Barry! Unfortunately, aside from the massive “No Trespassing” signs and security cameras you can’t see much of Mr. Manilow’s house from the road.

    When I got home I did some Zillow stalking of Barry’s place- and WOW!!! – the house is ginormous! I guess writing the songs that make the whole world sing pays really, really well! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Barry’s house can be found at 2196 S. Camino Barranca in Palm Springs. The home’s address is unmarked, but you can see it by driving to where Camino Barranca ends and looking uphill to the left. You can’t miss the “No Trespasing” signs. 🙂

  • As If!

    Circus Liquors - Clueless Last weekend, while doing some stalking in the Valley, I about had a heart attack when we drove by a small liquor store in North Hollywood because I immediately recognized it as the liquor store where Alicia Silverstone gets robbed in one of my fave movies of all time – Clueless. I made my boyfriend swerve through several lanes of traffic to pull into the liquor store parking lot where I promtly ran inside to ask the cashier if Clueless was filmed there. He told me that indeed it was!

    In the movie, Cher’s friend Elton ditches her in the parking lot of the liquor store and she is immediately robbed at gunpoint for her purse and cell phone. After she is forced to lay down in her Alaia dress, the thief takes off and Cher uses a payphone to call her stepbrother Josh to come rescue her. Sadly, the payphone Cher uses was torn down long ago. 🙁 But the exterior of the liquor store looks almost exactly as it did during the filming of Clueless and the large neon clown sign is still standing at the entrance to the parking lot.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Circus Liquors is located at 5600 Vineland Avenue in North Hollywood. Similar to how it was portrayed in Clueless, the liquor store is not in the greatest of neighborhoods, so exercise caution. It is perfectly safe to visit the store in the daytime, but I wouldn’t recommend stalking it at night.

  • 7th Heaven

    dscn0372.jpg My aunt Lea recently asked me to find the location of the Glen Oak Community Church from the TV show 7th Heaven. This location was featured in my go-to stalking book and I ran right out to stalk it this past weekend. Reverend Eric Camden’s church, which was shown prominently throughout 7th Heaven’s ten year run, is actually called the First Christian Church of North Hollywood. Even though I have only watched a few episodes of 7th Heaven over the years, I immediately recognized the church as we drove up to it. Both the interior and the exterior of the church were used in the filming of 7th Heaven. Unfortunately a wedding was taking place while I was stalking it, so I couldn’t venture inside to take pictures. 🙁

    The church is a popular filming location and has been featured in countless productions including The Office, What About Bob, Crossing Jordan, Hart to Hart and The Birdcage, among others. It’s not hard to see why the First Christian Church is used so often for filming – it is a really cute little church and looks like it could be found in any small town in America. You can learn more about the church’s filming history on its website.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    dscn0373.jpg Stalk It: The First Christian Church of North Hollywood can be found at 4390 Colfax Avenue, in Studio City, not North Hollywood – go figure! It is right at the corner of Moorpark Street and Colfax Avenue. The church is open to the public and (if a wedding is not taking place) you can easily venture inside and take a look around. It is just a few short blocks away from The 40 Year Old Virgin apartment.

  • The 40 Year Old Virgin

    The 40 Year Old Virgin Apartment

    This weekend, while stalking in Studio City, I dragged my boyfriend to the apartment complex used in the movie The 40 Year Old Virgin.  In the movie, the main character Andy Stitzer lives in Apartment #5 of a white clapboard and brick apartment building that can be found in Studio City.  This is another movie I have yet to see, but since the location was featured in my fave stalking book, I figured I just had to stalk it.  You know I have a problem when I am stalking the locations of movies I haven’t even seen!  🙂


    Sophie Kinsella and me!

    In The 40 Year Old Virgin, Andy meets a girl named Beth at a bookstore near where he works.  The interior of that bookstore is located in Pasadena.  It is called Vroman’s Bookstore and it is one of my favorite places in the entire world!!  It is the most charming, adorable bookstore I have ever set foot in.  A Pasadena landmark since 1894 (yes, you read that right!), Vroman’s is so much more than just a bookstore.  Filled with candles, fine stationary, scrap-booking supplies, gifts and cards, I can literally spend whole afternoons roaming the many aisles.  Vroman’s has an incredible selection of well-known and best-selling authors who come to give readings on a daily basis.  Last March, my very favorite author Sophie Kinsella made Vroman’s the sole California stop on her Shopaholic and Baby book tour and she signed autographs and took pictures with every single fan who showed up, including me.  🙂  Yes, I stalk authors, too.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It:  The 40 Year Old Virgin lived in Studio City at 12016 Moorpark Street, in Apartment#5.  Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 E. Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  After some Vroman’s stalking, head over to Lovebird’s Cafe and Bakery at 921 E. Colorado Blvd. for some espresso and a bite to eat – the restaurant is a favorite of Charlie Sheen’s.