Author: Lindsay

  • The Pink House from “13 Going On 30”

    I must bow down right now to Mike over at MovieShotsLA as yesterday he found a house that I have spent many unsuccessful hours over the past two years looking for – Jenna’s pink dream house from the last scene of my fave movie 13 Going On 30. Mike said he had a hunch about the area the home was in and found it by looking at aerial shots of streets in that neighborhood. I am forever grateful! Literally, as SOON as he gave me the address yesterday, I rushed out of my house and headed over to South Pasadena to stalk the home. For this particular stalking trip I had to drag my dad along as my boyfriend was at work.

    Jenna’s pink house is, of course, no longer pink – it was only painted pink for the movie. It is A LOT bigger in person than it seemed on screen, but otherwise is completely recognizable from the movie. Jenna and Matt move into this house at the very end of 13 Going On 30, and the final scene is them sitting on their couch in the front yard of the home with a moving van in the driveway. I cannot tell you how excited I was to finally be there as this was one location I honestly thought I’d never find. Thank you, Mike!!

    While my dad and I were stalking the house, a super nice neighbor came home and filled us in on all sorts of filming information about his street. He told us that Jennifer Garner wasn’t as friendly as one would expect and that she had a big bodyguard who kept fans away the entire time they were filming. He also told us that the Kelly Clarkson video for Because Of You was filmed just across the street from the 13 Going On 30 house. That home is pictured on the left. He said that Kelly Clarkson could not have been nicer and that even after a really long day of filming, she stuck around for about 40 minutes to sign autographs for all of the neighborhood kids. He said she literally stayed until every last autograph was signed. You can watch the Because Of You video here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: The 13 Going On 30 house is located at 1965 Fletcher Avenue in South Pasadena. The Because Of You house is across the street at 2006 Fletcher. These houses are very close to the other houses used in 13 Going On 30.

  • Scrubs!

    Scrubs Hospital Last week I attended an acting class in North Hollywood and I happened to get a little bit lost on my way there. I turned onto a small side street off Riverside Drive and wound up in what I thought was a parking lot. But when I saw a guard shack with a large sign saying “Gate B” and what looked to be a closed down hospital, I put two and two together and realized it was actually the Scrubs set! My buddy EJ over at The Movieland Directory had told me a while back where the Scrubs set was located, but I had yet to stalk it as I don’t watch the show. But when I found myself mistakenly right at their front entrance, I was pretty darn excited! πŸ™‚

    Scrubs is filmed at the former North Hollywood Medical Center, a real hospital that closed its doors about 10 years ago. Like so many other closed down hospitals in LA, it is now used strictly as a filming location. It was also used in the filming of Discovery Health’s Diagnosis X and the movie The One, but ever since Scrubs premiered it has been used exclusively by the show. The hospital has been completely transformed into a studio and even the apartment sets from the show are located inside the hospital building.

    It is a slightly eerie place, being that it still very much looks like a real hospital, complete with ambulances parked out front. According to one article I read, Zack Braff said that people sometimes walk inside the hospital asking for medical help. When he tells them, while wearing his Scrubs costume, that they are not in an actual hospital, the people look at him like he’s crazy. LOL Zack also said that filming inside the hospital is great for him as an actor, because it makes everything that much more realistic.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: The Scrubs hospital is located at 12699 Riverside Drive in North Hollywood. You can park on Riverside Drive and walk right up to the front of the hospital to take some pictures. Be sure to look at the hospital entrance doors – they have signs that say “Sacred Heart Hospital.” πŸ™‚

  • Flying the Psychic Skies

    This past weekend I traveled to New Mexico to attend a good friend’s college graduation. I flew out there very early Friday morning and when I got on the plane I was shocked to see Shirley MacLaine sitting there – in a coach seat no less! She didn’t even have a bulk head or emergency exit row seat! She did, however, have a seat for her dog. Anyway, I am absolutely petrified to fly, but once I saw Shirley I was immediately put at ease – Miss MacLaine fancies herself a psychic, so I am fairly certain she wouldn’t have gotten on board that plane if she sensed it was going down. LOL I snapped a couple pics of Shirley on my blackberry after the plane landed, but they didn’t come out very well. My mom actually went up to her in the terminal to tell her what an amazing actress she is, but Shirl totally spazzed out and walked away. It was pretty funny.

    While in New Mexico I got to visit the New Mexico facility of the Delancey Street Foundation, an absolutely amazing drug rehabilitation organization which was founded by an even more amazing woman named Mimi Silbert. The New Mexico facility consists of a huge, authentic adobe structure located on a sprawling 17 acre former dude ranch, surrounded by lakes, sweeping lawns, beautiful courtyards and rose gardens. And it is also a filming location! Delancey Street New Mexico was used in the 1998 movie John Carpenter’s Vampires for one brief scene. While I have never seen the movie, our tour guide told us Delancey’s center coutryard and library were used in the movie.

    In Vampires, two male characters (our tourguide wasn’t sure which characters) walk through Delancey’s center courtyard, over to the door pictured on the left, and into the library. The door is absolutely incredible and even before I knew it was used in Vampires, I wanted to snap a picture of it. It is set in a wall that is about three feet deep and looks like it came straight out of a horror movie set – but in a good way. πŸ™‚

    The library also looks straight out of a scary movie set with its dark paneled ceilings, huge fireplace, and arched windows. It was actually re-decorated in the movie to look like an office and a large desk was placed in front of the fireplace. But I honestly don’t think the filmmakers had to do much prior to filming as it looks perfect as is. I really wouldn’t be surprised if more movies were filmed on the property, but our tour guide was unaware of any others. You can view more pictures of the amazing property and grounds here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Delancey Street New Mexico is located on the San Juan Pueblo Indian Reservation. Unfortunately the facility is not open to the public. But you can learn more about the location on the Delancey Street website.

  • "I am a Spring Princess!"

    One of my favorite lines of all time from Beverly Hills, 90210 was said during the Spring Dance episode from the show’s first season. In the episode, Kelly gets nominated for Spring Queen making her a “Spring Princess” in the interim until the awards are announced. When Kelly arrives at the Walsh’s house on the night of the dance, she finds that she and Brenda are wearing the exact same dress. A fight ensues and Brenda tells Kelly to go change her dress to which Kelly responds “Brenda, I am a Spring Princess!” Love it! Now whenever my boyfriend asks me to do something I don’t want to do, like clean the dishes, I always say “I am a Spring Princess!” LOL

    Anyway, the store where Kelly and Brenda first find their matching dress is located in a small section of Rodeo Drive called Rodeo Collection. The Rodeo Collection is a specialized outdoor mall of sorts, although it doesn’t much look like any of the malls I frequent. Rodeo Collection is a five story, 66,000 square foot conglomerate of high end stores and it is set up in the style of a European Piazza. There are meandering walkways, gardens, and terraces mixed in with some very ritzy boutiques. Rodeo Collection was actually only used for the exterior of Brenda and Kelly’s prom dress shop; the interior looks like it was most likely just a set built on a studio sound stage. Rodeo Collection was also featured each week during the opening credits of 90210. It was also used quite a bit in the movie Body Double.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Rodeo Collection is located at 421 North Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. If you get a chance, after stalking the Rodeo Collection, go visit Crumbs bakery at 9465 Santa Monica Boulevard for some yummy cupcakes! πŸ™‚

  • Andrea Zuckerman’s “Valley” House

    I must be on a 90210 kick this week or something, because here I am again blogging about my fave 90’s show. πŸ™‚ My buddy Mike over at MovieShotsLA just gave me the address of Andrea Zuckerman’s house from 90210, so I had to run right out and stalk it! On the first season of 90210, Andrea Zuckerman lived out of district, in the “Valley” and used her grandmother’s Beverly Hills address so that she could attend West Beverly High. In reality, Andrea’s house is actually a lot closer to Beverly Hills than the Walsh home is. Ah, the magic of TV.

    Andrea’s house looks almost exactly the same as it did in the 90210 days. The house is a really cute Craftsman style home and I am actually really surprised the producers didn’t choose a more dumpy house to use as they always seemed to emphasize the fact that Andrea was poor and how she lived in the “highly undesirable” Valley. The neighborhood is actually not that great, though, and I wouldn’t recommend stalking this location at night. You can see this house in the 90210 pilot episode when Brandon follows Andrea home after getting into a fight with her at school.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Andrea Zuckerman’s house is located at 540 North Gramercy Place in Hollywood.

  • The Peach Pit

    Got a comment Tuesday night from Kevin who asked if I had a picture of the Peach Pit location from 90210. I briefly blogged about the Peach Pit on my first 90210 post a few months ago, but at the time I didn’t have a picture of the filming site. In reality, there were actually three different locations used as the Peach Pit during 90210’s ten year run. During the first season, two different storefronts were used. For the very first few episodes the exterior of an Apple Pan restaurant was shown as the Peach Pit. I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Mike over at MovieShotsLA. After only a few episodes, though, producers moved to a new exterior to film the Peach Pit. Unfortunately I have yet to find that location. πŸ™

    During the second season and throughout the rest of 90210 ‘s run, a Ruby’s Diner in Pasadena was used as the Peach Pit. Ruby’s is a 50’s style restaurant chain that can be found all over the Los Angeles area. The one in Pasadena was a favorite of mine when I first moved to LA. It wasn’t until my third or fourth time eating there that one of the waitresses told me it was the location of the Peach Pit. I about died! There I was eating at Brenda and Dylan’s favorite hang out and I didn’t even know it! πŸ™‚

    Sadly, Ruby’s closed its doors back in 2005 when it lost its lease. An Italian Restaurant took over after Ruby’s closed and painted the exterior of the building yellow. That restaurant also shut down and the space is currently vacant. The location is not very recognizable anymore as the 90210 gang’s hangout. The only thing that remains from the 90210 days are the Peach Pit’s exterior double doors.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: The Apple Pan Restaurant which was used as the Peach Pit in Season 1 is located at 10801 West Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles. The Peach Pit from Seasons 2 through 10 can be found at 45 South Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena.

  • Crossroads School

    Last night my boyfriend gave me an article entitled “The Speidi Chronicles” that he had saved for me from Sunday’s LA Times and it was all about Spencer and Heidi. I swear I really need to marry this guy! πŸ™‚ Anyway, Spencer and Heidi sat down at Don Antonio’s for the interview and over some quesadillas and fajitas they opened up about life on The Hills. Ever notice how every time Spencer and Heidi sit down for an interview, it’s always at Don Antonio’s?!? Anyway, besides revealing juicy little tidbits like the fact that Heidi didn’t get paid a dime for being a part of the first season and that while she had to pay rent for their Park La Brea Apartment Lauren did not, the article also dilvulged that Spencer attended Crossroads School in Santa Monica. Since I happened to be in Santa Monica today, I just had to go stalk it!

    Besides being Spencer Pratt’s alma mater, the school has educated a slew of other famous celebs and their children, including Kate Hudson, Cash Warren, Baron Davis, Michael Bay, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, Jake Busey, Sean Astin, and (total coincidence) Whitney Port. I wonder if she knew Spencer in high school! Although Crossroads is a highly prestigious school, it has also attracted its fair share of scruitiny. A book written in 2004 called Hollywood Interrupted did not paint a very flattering picture of the school or its students and neither did a 2005Vanity Fair article.

    The school is very modern looking and has some highly unique architecture. I definitely recommend doing a drive by if you get the chance.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Crossroads School is located at 1714 21st Street, just off Olympic Boulevard, in Santa Monica. The school is very close to the Epic Records office building where Audrina works.

  • 24

    Today while driving in Pasadena, I happened to pass by one of those yellow filming signs I am so fond of seeing, and it turns out that the TV show 24 was filming at Saint Luke’s Hospital. So I immediately parked my car and ran onto the set in the hopes of seeing Keifer Sutherland or one of the show’s other stars. Unfortunately I didn’t see anyone famous, but I did get to hang out for a bit and watch some of the filming. The scene being filmed showed a large tank full of Army men pulling up to the side of the hospital and all of the army men running out of the tank.

    Saint Luke’s is actually a former hospital and is not currently in use. It closed its doors in 2002 and is now used strictly as a filming location. The fireman and security guard that I hung out with on the set today gave me a lot of history of the filming at St. Luke’s. Kill Bill, In Her Shoes, Rush Hour 3, Las Vegas, and Something’s Gotta Give were all filmed at the hospital. 24 films there almost every week, as does Desperate Housewives, which used the hospital for the scenes when Mike was in a coma, when Carlos’ mom was in a coma, and when Carlos went blind. Geez, is anybody ever healthy on that show?! πŸ™‚

    The fireman on duty also told me that he also worked during the filming of Something’s Gotta Give starring Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, and Keanu Reeves. Apparently the movie was being filmed during the Laker playoffs and everyday at precisely 4:30pm, Jack Nicholson would leave the set to head to Staples Center to watch the game. Like clockwork, no matter what was going on or how mad the director would get, Jack was out of there at 4:30pm. LOL I guess no one comes between Jack and his Lakers.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Saint Luke’s Hospital is located at 2632 East Washington Boulevard in Pasadena. Chances are if you drive by the hospital on a weekday, you will see film crews set up there. Pasadena film crews are notoriously friendly and will most likely fill you in on what is being filmed and even let you hang out and watch. πŸ™‚

  • Now Wear This!

    For those who haven’t yet heard the good news – Jennie Garth has officially signed on to star in a recurring role on the new Beverly Hills, 90210 spin-off that is going to air on the CW. Although Brenda was always my fave 90210 character I still have to say YAY! Jennie will be reprising her role as Kelly Taylor, who is now a guidance counselor at West Beverly High.

    I thought I’d do a little 90210 blogging in honor of today’s big news! During the 7th Season of 90210, Donna and Kelly opened up a clothing boutique called “Now Wear This!” A few years ago, as I was driving on Melrose Avenue, I spotted the location of the shop and almost got into a car accident I was so excited! When I first saw the location, the site was just a vacant storefront and pretty run down, but a few years ago it became home to a restaurant called El Guapo Mexican Cantina – which, according to reviews, is a very happening spot and a supposed celeb hang out. I have yet to eat, there, though, as anytime I have a hankering for Mexican food I head over to the BEST Mexican food in LA, Don Antonio’s. But it looks like I am going to have to check out El Guapo’s someday soon!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Donna’s dress shop is located at 7250 Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles. It is just down the street from both The Groundlings Theatre – famous improv school and alma mater to countless celebs – and People’s Revolution – Lauren Conrad’s new workplace.

  • Charlie’s Angels

    Charlie\'s Angels I must admit that I absolutely loved the first Charlie’s Angels movie, so when I found the location of the headquarters of Charles Townsend Investigations in my stalking tome last weekend, I just had to stalk it. This same location was used in both the filming of the Charlie’s Angels television show back in 1976 and the more recent first Charlie’s Angels movie in 2000. In the movie, Townsend Investigations is actually blown up by the evil Eric Knox, but for the big blow up scene, producers built a replica of the headquarters building on a studio soundstage.

    Townsend Investigations looks much the same today as it did in 1976, except that now a Miele store occupies the space. Miele is a high end German appliance store.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Townsend Enterprises is located at 189 Robertson Boulevard, on the corner of Clifton Way and Robertson Boulevard, in Beverly Hills. A few blocks South of the Miele store is the chic, celeb favorite shopping district of Robertson Boulevard which is home to Kitson, Lisa Kline, the Ivy restaurant, and the MAC Pro Store. Robertson is a shopping haven for celebs and paparazzi can often be seen milling around outside of the many high-end stores located there.