Author: Lindsay

  • License to Stalk!

    When I was about ten years old, my favorite movie in the world was License to Drive starring the two Coreys. I bought the movie on VHS and literally watched it every single Friday and Saturday night. I was absolutely obsessed with Mercedes Lane in the movie, a character played by Heather Graham. I wanted nothing more than to have her spectacular long, curly hair, her cute boyfriend Les Anderson, and, especially, her white VW Cabriolet convertible. Six years later, I was still obsessed with Mercedes and I actually did end up getting a white Cabriolet when I turned 16 and I could not have been happier! I didn’t have the long gorgeous hair or the cute boyfriend, but hey, you can’t win ’em all. πŸ˜‰ Anyway, I’ve always wanted to stalk the houses used in the movie, especially Les Anderson’s (Corey Haim’s) house and for the past few weeks Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I have made it our mission to find the filming locations from the 80s flick. So I almost fell over on Friday when I received a text message from Mike telling me that he had located Les’ house in the movie! YAY!

    I must say that Mike is a true stalking genius and my hat is off to him, yet again! After a few weeks with no luck in locating the Anderson house, Mike noticed that an address for Les and his twin sister is shown quite clearly in the scene when they both receive their driver’s licenses. So Mike Googled the address, and while the one shown on the licenses doesn’t exist in real life, there is in fact a “Dalehurst Drive” in Los Angeles and sure enough, there was the Anderson home, just a few numbers off from the fake address. πŸ™‚ I am starting to realize that, more often than not, producers will show the actual addresses of homes used in productions rather than making up fake ones. All the hours we spent looking for the Anderson house and there it was right under our noses the whole time! LOL

    So this weekend, I dragged my boyfriend and my best friend out to do some License to Drive stalking. πŸ™‚ Except for a few minor differences, the house looks pretty much exactly the same today as it did 20 years ago when the movie was filmed. Missing, though, are the front bushes Les drives his Grandfather’s Cadillac through when he sneaks out to go on his date with Mercedes. LOL

    I also had to snap some pics of the distinct shaped house located across the street from the Anderson home, just to be sure I was stalking the right place. The neighbor’s house also looks pretty much the same, except for what looks like a small ad-on that must have been done after License to Drive was filmed.

    I must say it was VERY COOL to be standing there in front of the Anderson house after countless times of seeing it immortalized on my television screen. I highly recommend stalking the home if you are at all a fan of License to Drive. If you have yet to see the movie, RENT IT! It is a definite 80s classic!! πŸ™‚

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Les Anderson’s house in the movie is located at 536 Dalehurst Avenue in Los Angeles, near the UCLA campus.

  • Lindsay’s Big Adventure

    The idea of watching a movie outdoors at night in an LA cemetery might at first seem a little odd to some. And I must admit, it did at first to me, too. But that’s exactly what I did this past Saturday night for a screening of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. My best friend Kylee, who attended the screening with me, said she just couldn’t wrap her head around celebrities and Pee Wee’s Big Adventure all coming together outdoors at a cemetery. I guess it’s just something you have to see to believe. My acting mentor, Diane Louise Salinger, who played Simone in the 1985 cult classic, invited me and my fellow classmates to the Pee Wee screening, which is shown annually at the legendary cemetery.

    The cemetery screenings were started in 2001 by a company called Cinespia, which was founded by set designer and classic movie buff John Wyatt. Each Saturday night during the summer season, Wyatt screens old time movies at Hollywood Forever. The movies are projected onto the walls of the mausoleum where Rudolph Valentino is interred. Tickets are $10 per person, and I must say it is $10 well spent. The atmosphere is fabulous and I can’t think of a better way I could have spent a Saturday night with my best friend. Guests bring wine, beer and food and sit on blankets and beach chairs under (and above) the stars, eating, drinking and watching classic Hollywood movies.

    Before arriving at the cemetery last night I really had no idea what to expect. While driving there we got stuck in some major traffic on Santa Monica Boulevard and we were joking that all of the traffic must be for the Pee Wee screening. Turns out it actually was!!!! I had no idea what a humongous following Pee Wee had! The line to enter the cemetery literally wrapped around the block. Because we were attending the screening with Diane, we got the total VIP treatment – VIP parking and the best seats in the house!!! Pictured above are my best friend Kylee and up and coming actor Justin Dray (look for him in an upcoming episode of ICarly) hanging out before the show.

    While waiting for the movie to start, I got to meet and talk with Jay Boileau, owner of the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. In 1998 Jay and his partner, Tyler Cassity, of Forever Productions, purchased the cemetery after it had fallen into serious disrepair and bankruptcy. The California government had even stepped in to cease the further sales of cemetery plots. Jay and Tyler painstakingly refurbished the 62-acre property to its former grandeur and have made it what it is today. Countless celebrities are buried at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, including Marion Davies, Cecil B. DeMille, former Columbia Pictures president Harry Cohn, Tyrone Power, Mel Blanc, Lana Clarkson, Estelle Getty, Bugsy Siegel, Johnny Ramone, Rudolph Valentino, Douglas Fairbanks, Peter Lorre, and sisters Norma and Constance Talmadge, among many others. The cemetery has also been featured in countless television and movie productions, including Charmed, The Player, LA Story, Brothers & Sisters, Frasier, Nip/Tuck, Bonfire of the Vanities, Hot Shots!, The Prestige, The Young and the Dead, and Virtuosity.

    The highlight of the night for me had to be when, thanks to Diane, I got to meet Pee Wee himself, Paul Ruebens!!!! πŸ™‚ Paul could not have been kinder or more down to earth. I half expected him to be a bit off the wall, like his character, but in reality he was very calm and almost on the shy side. Couldn’t have been a nicer guy! Diane even got him to pose for a photo with me – the only photo he took all night – and I could not have been more excited! πŸ™‚ Also in the photograph is my teacher, Diane, and Elizabeth Daily, who played Dottie in the film.

    Before the show, Paul gave a brief introduction, during which he talked about the original premiere of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure back in ’85. I must say it was very cool watching the movie with all of the stars in attendance. Very cool!!! All in all, it was a great night and I highly recommend stalking the cemetery during future summer screenings!! While it may seem strange to be watching movies in a graveyard, after experiencing it for myself, I now actually want to be buried at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery – eternally resting in the heart of Hollywood while forever watching classic movies under and among the stars. πŸ™‚

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Hollywood Forever Cemetery is located at 6000 Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood. The Cinespia screenings are over for Summer 2008, but you can check this website in 2009 for next summer’s schedule. The cemetery is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can purchase a map of the stars’ graves at the flower shop near the cemetery’s main entrance.

  • Ray Pruit’s House

    Thanks to Geoff over at 90210Locations, I was able to stalk Ray Pruit’s house this past weekend while out in Van Nuys. The home was featured in numerous Season 5 episodes of the series as the abode of Donna’s abusive, pumpkin-patch-owning boyfriend, Ray. At that time, the house was painted a light beige color, but has since been repainted a darker blue. Other than the exterior color, though, the house looks exactly as it did back in the 90210 days. Big THANK YOU to Mike from MovieShotsLA for the above screen capture. πŸ™‚

    Ironically enough, while taking pictures in front of Ray’s house, a neighbor walked outside and I asked him if he lived in the neighborhood at the time 90210 filmed. He said that not only was he around during that time, but he was, in fact, the location manager of the show for Seasons 4 through 10!!! I absolutely could not believe my luck and ended up talking his ear off for about fifteen minutes. He really could not have been nicer and he even gave me his email address in case I ran up against any elusive 90210 filming spots that I might need help in locating. πŸ™‚ YAY!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Ray Pruit’s house is located at 6628 Canteloupe Drive in Van Nuys. Not far away are both the former 90210 production studios, located at 15001 Calvert Street, and the liquor store from the “U4EA” episode, located at 6020 Kester Boulevard.

  • The Sunset Tower Hotel

    One of my favorite places to visit in all of LA is the Sunset Tower Hotel, located on the legendary Sunset Strip in Hollywood. The Sunset Tower Hotel was built in 1931 by architect Leland A. Bryant for owner E.M. Fleming. The Art Deco building, which originally functioned as an upscale apartment house, was the very first earthquake proof property to be built in Los Angeles. While the hotel enjoyed some glory years during the hey dey of Hollywood, in the 1980s it fell into serious disrepair and was saved from demolition when it was purchased by London’s St. James Hotel chain. Peter de Savary, owner of the St. James chain, poured $46 million into restoring the Sunset Tower and renamed it the St. James Club. Since that time, the hotel has undergone several more renovations and name changes, until 2005 when it was purchased by New Yorker Jeff Klein, who restored the hotel to its original name and former grandeur.

    During the hotel’s glory years numerous celebs called the Sunset Tower home, including Howard Hughes, Ava Gardner, Truman Capote, John Wayne, Jean Harlow, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, Errol Flynn, Billie Burke aka Glinda the Good Witch, Mae West, Elizabeth Taylor, Conrad Hilton, gangster Bugsy Siegel – who was eventually evicted for running a gambling center out of his room, Frank Sinatra, Diana Ross, Tim Curry, my fave Marilyn Monroe, and Iggy Pop, who made a habit of jumping into the hotel pool from his apartment window. Today, the Tower is still popular with celebs. The hotel’s restaurant, the Tower Bar, is a favorite of Jen Aniston, who dines there regularly. Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, Posh Spice, Brian Grazer and Barbara Walters have also all been spotted at the Tower Bar grabbing a bite to eat. According to Wikipedia, during her pink-wig-wearing days, Britney Spears tried to book some rooms at the Tower. Hotel owner Jeff Klein reportedly said to the hotel manager “If that piece of trailer trash so much as enters my driveway, you are fired! She can’t come here with all my chic guests, she’ll ruin the place!” LOL Love it! It was during that same time period that the Bel Air Hotel also reportedly refused to rent rooms to BritBrit.


    The hotel’s poolside Terrace Bar, my fave place to grab a drink in all of LA, is also quite popular with the celebs. The first time I visited the Terrace, Kate Bosworth was there with her model boyfriend James Rousseau. I just had to go up to her, too, to tell her how much I loved Win A Date With Tad Hamilton. She ended up signing an autograph for me and seemed genuinely thrilled that I had such good things to say about Win A Date. Kate truly could not have been nicer and I can honestly say she was hands down the kindest out of all the celebs I have ever met. And her boyfriend was a total cutie, too!!!! πŸ™‚ I took the above pic of her with my blackberry, but it didn’t come out very well. LOL

    The legendary hotel has also been featured in countless television and movie productions, including The Player, Spinal Tap Goes to 20, Shadow Hours, Freaky Friday, Murder My Sweet, Get Shorty, Wayne’s World II , Strange Days, The Italian Job, and Rich Girls. In The O.C., the hotel stood in for Newport Beach’s Four Seasons Hotel which was owned by Ryan’s rival, Oliver, on the show. Only the exterior of the Tower Hotel was shown in The O.C. For the interior shots of the lobby and Oliver’s penthouse suite, a different hotel was used – one which I am still trying to locate.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: The Sunset Tower Hotel is located at 8358 Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. I highly recommend stalking the Sunset Tower – the poolside Terrace Bar is a great place to grab a drink while enjoying one of the best views in all of LA.

  • "I’d Like to Exchange an Egg . . . "

    At the risk of this site becoming strictly a blog about 90210, I just had to do a post about another location from the iconic 90s television show. I finally got Season 2 of the series on DVD and this weekend I spent many hours glued to my television set watching it. And I must admit I got a little obsessed with finding the liquor store from the episode in which Emily Valentine (my least favorite character in 90210 history) convinces the gang to spend their Saturday night at an underground club. In the episode, entitled “U4EA”, Emily tells the gang that they will have to visit a liquor store and “exhange an egg” for directions to the oh-so-secret underground club.

    While watching the episode I noticed the numbers “6202” and a sign reading “Pat’s” located above the liquor store doors. I had an inkling that the liquor shop might be located in Van Nuys, near the 90210 studios, so I got to Googling and sure enough, there it was, just a few blocks from where 90210 was produced. So this weekend, I of course dragged my boyfriend out to Pat’s Jr. Market to do some stalking. I was so happy to see that after all these years the liquor store looks almost EXACTLY the same as it did back in the 90210 days.

    Even the interior is still completely recognizable from the “U4EA” episode. The poor clerk at the register had no idea what I was talking about when I told him that 90210 had filmed there 17 years ago and I’m pretty sure he thought I was a complete moron when I had my boyfriend snap pics of me inside. LOL Geez, some people just don’t get it, do they?!? πŸ™‚

    The “U4EA” episode also featured one of my fave 90210 scenes ever – the scene where Andrea and Steve enter a different liquor store and tell the befuddled clerk that they want to exchange an egg. “Is there something wrong with the egg?” she asks. LOL LOVE IT!

    You can watch the full liquor store scene here.

    Stalk It: Pat’s liquor store is located at 6202 Kester Avenue in Van Nuys. The former 90210 studios are located just a few blocks away at 15001 Calvert Street.

  • The Brothers and Sisters House

    Got a challenge last week from Britney who wanted me to do some stalking of the house used in the ABC series Brothers and Sisters. I’d actually gotten this challenge once before, but since I had never really watched the show, I hadn’t put much effort into stalking it. But then I saw the house on Tony’s Los Angeles Filming Locations Flickr page and he directed me to this link on The Movieland Directory, which listed the address of the Walker Family home from the series. So, for Britney’s sake, I ran right out to stalk it. πŸ™‚


    The Walker home is located in a gorgeous neighborhood in the eastern section of Pasadena. It’s funny because from the bits and pieces I had seen of Brothers and Sisters over the years, I had a feeling the house was located in Pasadena. It just looks like a very Pasadena style home. In person, the Walker house is very beautiful and absolutely humongous! It almost has a New Orleansean feel to it, as well. It wasn’t very recognizable in person though, as from what I can tell, it seems that producers usually shoot only one section of the house, not the whole thing. But once I went back and watched some clips of B&S on YouTube, I could definitely see that it was the right house. I highly recommend stalking the place, even if you are not a fan of the show, as it is just beautiful. I need to keep my eyes peeled, too, because I am sure B&S is not the only production the home has been used for.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It:The Brothers and Sisters house is located at 1640 Lombardy Road in Pasadena. According to the Movieland Directory, the former Ritz Carlton (now the Langham Hotel) at 1401 S. Oak Knoll Ave. in Pasadena, was also featured in Brothers and Sisters, but I am not sure which episode was filmed there.

  • Partying With the Kids From West Bev!

    Thanks to a tip from Andrea Sachs who interviewed me a few weeks back for a Washington Post article, I was able to drag my boyfriend to a little shindig for the new 90210 series at the Paley Center in Beverly Hills on Saturday night.

    The Paley Center, which was started in 1975 by former CBS C.E.O. William S. Paley, is a library/museum/cultural center combo of sorts dedicated to maintaining, preserving, and sharing media history with future generations. The Center, which was formerly known as the Museum of Radio and Television, houses a vast collection of recordings of over 120,000 television and radio shows – and all of it is available for the general public’s viewing pleasure – for free. The recordings cannot be taken off the property, but can be checked out and enjoyed at one of the Center’s many individual viewing consoles. It’s sort of like a ginormous Blockbuster Video store, where you watch television recordings right on the premises. πŸ™‚ The Paley Center is an absolutely beautiful building, complete with a huge open air lobby, a rooftop terrace, and two full size movie theatres. And, of course, while there, I just had to snap a pic of the Candy and Aaron Spelling Trustee Reception Area. πŸ™‚ LOL

    Before arriving at the Paley Center for the 90210 Preview Party, I literally had no idea what to expect. I knew that the Center would be previewing both 90210 and Privileged and that there would be some sort of Question and Answer session involved. But I wasn’t sure what stars, if any, would be attending.

    So I almost fell on the floor when in walked Lori Loughlin, who made her way over to the media line to answer questions from the press. Lori is absolutely beautiful in person – much prettier in real life than she even appears onscreen. I didn’t get very good pictures of her, though, as my view was was blocked by the mass of reporters in the media line.

    But that’s OK, because who should walk in next but Jessica Lowndes, who plays West Beverly’s resident drug addict Adrianna, and Michael Steger, the West Beverly Blaze new Editor-in-Chief. I was absolutely floored when, after making their way through the media line, they agreed to pose for pictures with us fans. πŸ™‚ YAY!

    Jessica was very sweet in person and VERY tiny!!! I have to admit, though, that when I first saw her I didn’t recognize her at all and I actually thought she was Jessica Stroup, the actress who plays Erin Silver on 90210. LOL Jessica looks incredibly young in person, which struck me as quite ironic because the cast members of the original 90210 were always catching flack for looking too old. ; )

    In person Michael Steger looks very much like Adrian Grenier from Entourage. He was also very sweet and very tall. He even went outside to sign autographs for fans who couldn’t get into the party. Awwww! Can you tell how excited I was to be taking these pictures? I could not have had a bigger, goofier grin on my face – LOL – what can I say, I am just incapable of playing it cool. πŸ™‚

    Also in attendance were Privileged stars Anne Archer and JoAnna Garcia. Anne Archer is absolutely stunning in person and VERY thin. JoAnna Garcia, who previously starred on the hit show Reba, was very cute in person and looked a lot like Isla Fisher. I really wanted to take a picture with JoAnna, but she arrived late and didn’t have time to take photos with the fans. πŸ™

    The Question and Answer session was also very cool to see. We weren’t able to watch it in the actual theatre where the stars were – that required special tickets. Instead, plasma TV’s were set up throughout the Paley Center, including in the main lobby and on the roof, for the viewing. My boyfriend and I opted to watch the Q&A on the roof, which had amazing views of Beverly Hills. While the session was fun to watch, nothing really earth-shattering or blog-worthy was revealed, other than the fact that Jessica chopped off a significant amount of her hair to play the role of Adrianna and that since landing his role on 90210 Michael has been receiving free clothes from designers.

    I have to admit that neither my boyfriend or I wanted to stay to watch the actual TV shows. I wasn’t a big fan of the 90210 pilot when I first watched it last Tuesday, and the last thing I wanted to do was sit through it again. LOL So instead we headed out to a grab a bite to eat at a FABULOUS BH restaurant called Enoteca Drago. On our way out, though, I just had to snap a pic in the media line. πŸ™‚

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! : )

    Stalk It: The Paley Center is located at 465 North Beverly Drive in the heart of Beverly Hills. There are more Fall Preview Parties happening all week, including celebrations for Chuck, Life, Lipstick Jungle, Gery Unmarried, The Ex List, Worst Week, The Mentalist, Pushing Daisies, Private Practice, and Eli Stone. You can view the entire lineup of television preview parties and reserve your tickets here. Enoteca Drago Restaurant is located at 410 N. Canon Drive in Beverly Hills. The food is amazing there and the service could not have been better! I recommend the chopped salad – it is soooo yummy!!! Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for the many stars who dine there nightly.

  • Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You!

    Sex and the City author and creater Candace Bushnell’s new novel, One Fifth Avenue, hits bookshelves later this month and what better way for her to promote it than by doing a book signing at the greatest bookstore on the planet – Vroman’s! On Monday, September 29th, at 7PM, Candace will be doing a reading and signing of her new book. I absolutely cannot wait to see the real Carrie Bradshaw live and in person. πŸ™‚ I am hoping she will chat a bit about Sex and the City, as well as her new book. I have attended several readings at Vroman’s in the past and they have all been fabulous, each lasting well over an hour with plenty of time for audience questions. I cannot wait!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Vroman’s is located at 695 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena. The CB event is free and you do not need reservations to attend. I recommend arriving early, though, as Vroman’s events can get pretty packed.

  • Armando’s in the Desert

    This past weekend, while vacationing in Palm Springs, I dragged my boyfriend and my parents to Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s fave Mexican restaurant in the Desert called Armando’s Dakota Bar and Grill. I’ve heard from several friends who live in the Palm Springs area that the Hollywood couple dine at Armando’s every Sunday evening during Palm Springs’ high season. I’ve blogged about Armando’s once before, but at the time had yet to eat at the restaurant. So this weekend I was determined to hit the place up.

    Unfortunately, we didn’t spot any celebs while lunching there this past Sunday, but according to our super-friendly waiter Jeffrey, aka “Duke”, anyone who’s anyone has eaten at Armando’s. Besides regulars Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, who always eat outside on the restaurant’s front patio even though people constantly walk by and gawk at them, Duke also recently served Nikki Hilton who came in to grab a bite to eat, while her sister Paris sat outside in the car the entire time talking on her cell phone. LOL Heiresses are so strange! According to Duke, during the “Season” in Palm Springs, Armando’s turns into celeb central. So if you want to dine next to a celeb, your best bet is to hit up Armando’s during the months of October through February.

    Every since discovering Don Antonio’s Restaurant in West LA (much thanks to Speidi!), I have fancied myself something of a Mexican food connoisseur. But I can rarely find a restaurant that is even on the same playing field as my beloved D.A.’s. I must admit, though, that Armando’s was really, really yummy! I would say that it ranks a very close second to Don’s and is the perfect place to get your Margarita on if you can’t make it out to West LA. I highly recommend stalking Armando’s if you ever find yourself in Palm Desert – as much for the food as for the celeb sightings.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Armando’s Dakota Bar and Grill is located at 73-260 El Paseo in Palm Desert. If you get a chance, also hit up She She, an adorable little boutique across the street at 73-999. I picked up a fab shirt on their “Super Sale Rack” for $9.99 and a super cute Hamsa bracelet for $10.

  • P.S. I Love You

    In honor of the big 90210 v. 2.0 premiere that took place on Tuesday night, I just had to do a little 90210 v. 1.0 stalking this past weekend. Since my boyfriend and I were out in Palm Springs for a little Labor Day vacay, I dragged him to the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa which was featured in the series’ Season 5 finale. In the episode, entitled “P.S. I Love You”, Brandon, Valerie and the gang head out to Palm Springs for an Alpha/KEG get together. The group stayed at the Rancho Las Palmas, which at the time was known as Marriot’s Rancho Las Palmas Resort. Two years ago the hotel changed ownership and dropped the Marriott from its name. One of the most famous scenes in 90210 history took place at this hotel – the scene when Ray Pruit pushes Donna down a flight of stairs. It is those stairs that I set out to stalk this past weekend.

    Unfortunately, since the hotel has changed hands since filming took place, none of the new staff could give me any information about where filming took place. In fact, most of the hotel staff looked at me like I was crazy when I told them that 90210 had filmed there. LOL But the concierge, who used to work at the nearby Desert Springs Marriott, did tell me that the TV show Las Vegas(sigh – Josh Duhamel!) filmed over at his former workplace several times. Looks like I have some more stalking of that hotel to do! πŸ™‚

    Anyway, I had a pretty clear picture in my head of the stairs Ray Pruit – “spelled with one ‘T’ cause that’s all his momma could afford” – pushed Donna down from watching the episode way back when. I was shocked to find out that there are actually 120 sets of those exact same stairs on the hotel property – four sets for each of the hotel’s 30 buildings. So, while I did take a picture on one of the sets of stairs, I am not sure it was the exact one that was used during filming. I am planning on borrowing Mike from MovieShotsLA‘s DVD of that episode to try to pin down the exact filming location. Big THANK YOU to Mike, too, for making these screen captures for me. πŸ™‚

    Since being taken over by the KSL Resorts hotel chain, Rancho Las Palmas has been extensively remodeled, however it is still pretty recognizable from the 90210days. Unfortunately, though, the pool areas have changed dramatically since filming, so once again I wasn’t able to pinpoint which of the hotel’s three pools was used for filming. But, according to the concierge, even if I had been able to pinpoint the correct pool, it would most likely be unrecognizable. All three pools have been completely gutted and remodeled since the KSL takeover. BUMMER! In the picture above I am standing in front of the hotel’s adults only Tranquility Pool, which, judging by the surroundings, I am pretty sure was the one featured in 90210.

    Even though this particular stalking adventure was kind of a bust, I would still recommend stalking the hotel as it was still very cool to be there. Rancho Las Palmas is absolutely gorgeous, and I am actually hoping to stay there on my next trip out to the desert. πŸ™‚

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚

    Stalk It: Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa is located at 41-000 Bob Hope Drive in Rancho Mirage, just outside of Palm Springs. You can visit their website here. During the summer rooms will run you about $250 per night. The famous stairs that Donna was pushed down are located throughout the hotel property. The Tranquility Pool is located just off the main lobby.