Author: Lindsay

  • Jason Mesnick’s Bachelor Pad


    Monday night’s episode of The Bachelor  was all that RealitySteve  promised it would be – and more!  The show played out pretty much EXACTLY as he said it would and I completely agree with him that the finale’s “shocking twist” was a set-up from the get-go.  Something about Molly’s reaction during the After the Final Rose  program just didn’t ring true for me.  I mean, come on, she got dumped two months ago on national TV, then Monday night she finds out that the girl she was dumped for just got dumped herself (also on national TV), and then the dumb-ass guy asks her if he can have another chance????  Anyone with half a heart would need at least an hour or so to process all that information!  Not Molly, though – she had her lips on Jason’s before they could even cut to a commercial break.  And we’re supposed to believe that was her “real” reaction?  Come on, ABC!   No woman in her right mind would react that way!  I mean doesn’t she find it just a wee bit unsettling that Jason has now proposed to three different women, none of whom it’s worked out with??  Hello – red flag!   But I must say that as obvious of a set-up as the whole thing was and as horrible as I felt for poor Melissa, damn if that didn’t make for some good TV.  I was absolutely glued to my television set for the entire three hours!  And I have to admit I have a new found respect for Melissa.  LOVED when she called Jason a bastard.  LOL LOL LOL  You go girl!  Anyway, since earlier this week I stalked the house the women lived in on this season of The Bachelor, today I thought I’d blog about Jason’s pad.




    During the first half of this season’s Bachelor, Jason Mesnick lived in a red adobe style home that looked like it belonged in Arizona or New Mexico rather than in L.A.    Jason’s son Ty, who someone on RealitySteve’s site commented looks just like Eddie Munster LOL LOL LOL, also lived in this house during the filming – notice the jungle gym in the above screen caps.  This house was the site of Jason’s infamous camping date with Molly where the two supposedly stayed up all night “talking” in their tent.  Yeah right!  About halfway through the season, Jason moved out of this house and into what was supposedly his Seattle home.  In reality, though, that house (like everything else on the show) was a fake and didn’t truly belong to him.   





    Ironically enough, I first started searching for this home when it appeared on an episode of the new 90210 series earlier this year.  The home was featured in the episode entitled “Love Me or Leave Me” in which Annie and Ethan take a little overnight vacay to Palm Springs.  In the episode the two spend the night in Annie’s grandmother’s house, which just happens to be the very same home Jason lived in on The Bachelor.  When the home first appeared on 90210, I believed it was actually located in Palm Springs.   It wasn’t until I recognized it a few weeks later on The Bachelor that I realized it had to be located somewhere in the L.A. area, most likely Malibu.  


    I am sad to say that it took me much longer than it should have to find this house, being that it is located ON THE SAME STREET as the house the women lived in on The Bachelor.  LOL  In fact I drove right by it the other day while out stalking the women’s house, but just didn’t realize it.  I’m oh so observant!  So when I finally found the house today after doing some cyberstalking, I could have kicked myself!  I knew the two Bachelor  homes had to be located fairly close to each other, but I had no idea they’d be on the very same street less than a mile apart.  LOL



    Sadly, not much of the home, which is named Rancho Cielo, is visible from the street.  You can see just enough of it to recognize it as The Bachelor  house, but even so I wouldn’t make any sort of special trip out there to see it.  I’d stay home and cybertsalk it instead


    According to the sign out front, besides being available for filming, Rancho Cielo is also currently used as a wedding venue.  And while Jason didn’t have much luck in the love department while living there, it still looks like a beautiful place to get married.   LOL   You can visit the home’s wedding website here

    On a side note – if you didn’t catch Jason’s appearance on Monday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, you really need to watch it!  I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t hear it with my own ears, but on the show Jason actually said – and I am quoting here – “I think at some point her [Melissa] and I will be friends again.”  WOW!   Seriously????  Jason, you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought!  LOL  Jimmy Kimmel’s reaction to that quote was absolutely priceless!  LOL LOL LOL

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jason Mesnick’s Bachelor pad, aka Rancho Cielo, is located at 430 Kanan Road in Malibu.

  • Tom and Gisele’s Big Day



    Last Friday night while watching my new favorite show Talk Soup (why on earth I was not a regular watcher before is beyond me!!!!), a news flash splashed across my screen announcing that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady had wed supermodel girlfriend Gisele Bundchen the previous evening.  According to reports the hush-hush ceremony took place on the evening of February 26th at Saint Monica’s Catholic Church in Santa Monica and only a few guests were in attendance.  Even though I am in no way, shape, or form a fan of Tom or Gisele, since I just happened to be in the area this weekend, I thought I’d stalk the church where their nuptials took place.  🙂



    I’ve actually been to St. Monica’s Church quite a few times over the years, as it used to be my boyfriend’s local parish.  It is an absolutely beautiful place, inside and out, and I am not at all surprised that Gisele and Tom chose it for their top-secret ceremony.  The church was established way back in 1886, but the church that now stands at the corner of 7th Street and California Avenue wasn’t built until 1926.  There is also an elementary school and a high school on the site.  Since it’s inception over 123 years ago, St. Monica’s has grown to become one of the largest Catholic congregations in the Los Angeles area.


    Saint Monica’s Catholic Church is no stranger to celebrity.  It was featured in both the 1956 film Full of Life and the 1944 Academy Award winning musical Going My Way.  Barry Fitzgerald, the lead character in Going My Way, was actually based on former  St. Monica Monsigor Nicholas Conneally.  Besides Tom and Gisele, other celebrities who are fans of the church include Martin Sheen, Brooke Shields, architect Frank Gehry, and Lawrence Welk.  Lucy Lawless aka Xena, Warrior Princess, was married at St. Monica’s in 1998 and the memorial services for both Chris Farley and Lucille Ball were held there in 1997 and 1989 respectively.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: Saint Monica’s Catholic Church is located at 725 Santa Monica Boulevard in Santa Monica.

  • “The Bachelor” Mansion


    I just about died this past Friday afternoon when my US Magazine  arrived in the mail and looming out at me was the headline “Is The Bachelor Fake?”   I have been absolutely enthralled with The Bachelor  this season – and not because I am a fan of Jason Mesnick.  I think the guy is pretty much a tool.  But there was just so much drama this season that I absolutely could not tear myself away from the TV.  And from the look of things, more drama is yet to come on tonight’s Final Rose Ceremony and After the Final Rose presentation.  According to this week’s US Magazine article, a blogger named Steve Carbone, from, blew the lid right off of tonight’s shows!  According to Steve (whose website I am now addicted to!) Jason is going to propose to contestant Melissa Rycroft at the end of tonight’s Bachelor  finale.  But (and here is where things get juicy!) during tonight’s After the Final Rose show (which was pre-taped six weeks ago) Jason is going to dump Melissa for second runner up Molly Malaney.  And, the icing on the cake, supposedly Jason has been seeing Molly behind Melissa’s back ever since filming was completed – not that he will ever admit to that!  What a snake!  Steve believes in his heart of hearts that ABC concocted this whole scenario to increase their ratings and I have to say I agree with him.  I started having my doubts as to the reality of The Bachelor way back during Season Two when my boyfriend’s boss spotted Bachelor Aaron Buerge on a date with contestant Gwen Gioia.  Apparently not only were make-up artists fixing Gwen’s hair and make-up during the date, but producers were constantly stopping the filming to re-shoot certain segments. LOL  Needless to say I cannot wait for tonight’s episode.  I am sure I will walk away from it thinking Jason is an even bigger douchebag than I did before.  LOL      



    Thanks to my buddy Whitney over at ZillowBlog, who alerted me to this article back in October, I was able to stalk the Bachelor  house this past weekend.   Ever since it was built in 2005, the Malibu area home pictured above has been featured on numerous seasons of The Bachelor.  The mansion’s front entrance was used repeatedly as the famous limousine drop-off area where the past few Bachelors and Bachelorettes have welcomed their contestants during the first episode of each season. In fact, not only was the mansion’s entrance the very spot where Jason first met Deanna last season, but it was also the same locale where Jason welcomed the women of the show this season.  The home’s living room area has also been the site of the numerous rose ceremonies of seasons past.  But this season, not only was the home used for rose ceremonies and the big limo welcome, but it was also where the women lived during the filming.  So I was pretty excited to stalk it!  🙂




    Orignally priced at $13 million and later dropped to $8,750,000, The Bachelor  house is currently for sale at the bargain price of $6,750,000.   Apparently being “The Bachelor  house” isn’t that great a selling point.  LOL   The six bedroom, nine bathroom Tuscan style manse measures a whopping 8,000 square feet and sits on almost ten acres of land!  The home has a four car garage, a gourmet kitchen, an infinity pool with a swim-up barbeque and bar, and a detached 4,000 square foot studio/office area!     To put it in Bachelor  speak, the house is simply “amazing”!  Ever notice how often they use that word on the show?  LOL  Somebody really needs to get the contestants a thesaurus – stat!  Unfortunately, not much of the home is visible from the street, but it was still extremely exciting to stalk it knowing all the drama that took place there back in November.   




    Be sure to tune into tonight’s Bachelor Season Finale.  It is sure to have “the most dramatic rose ceremony . . . ever”!  And if you haven’t yet, you simply must check out Reality Steve’s blog – it’s enthralling! 

    UPDATE – This very same mansion was recently featured in the Season 2 episode of The Mentalist entitled “The Red Box” as the home of photographer Hopper Banks.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: The Bachelor  house is located at 2351 Kanan Road in Malibu.  You can visit the home’s real estate website here.  You can also visit the owner’s website here.

  • Becky Bloomwood Takes on the El Capitan!


    I have long been obsessed with the “Confessions of a Shopaholic” book series authored by British novelist Sophie Kinsella (aka Madeline Wickham).  So obsessed in fact that about five years ago when I heard that Hollywood was optioning a screenplay based on the novels, I wrote to Sophie pitching myself for the movie’s lead role. I must say that I was absolutely born to play the story’s heroine, Becky Bloomwood – a slightly daft shopaholic with a completely unique and upbeat take on the world.  So when Sophie Kinsella wrote me back, as you can imagine, I just about died!!!  And then when it was announced that Sophie’s one and only West Coast stop on her  Shopaholic and Baby  book tour was going to be at my fave bookstore, Vroman’s, I thought it was a sign from above.  In March of 2006 I did indeed get to meet Sophie at her book signing and – get this – she remembered me and my letters.  Being that I decorated the letters with about a hundred sparkly shoe stickers that I made myself, I guess they were pretty unforgettable.  LOL   🙂  So as you can imagine I was absolutely crushed when in late 2006 it was announced that Isla Fisher had won the much-coveted role of Becky. 


    The most crushing part of all for me was my belief that Isla Fisher was just simply not the right person to play Becky.  If it wasn’t going to be me playing that part, then it better be someone darn perfect for the role!  And Isla just wasn’t it.  So yesterday after much begging and pleading my friend Blaze finally convinced me to see Confessions of a Shopaholic  with him.  And I have to admit that, surprisingly enough, I didn’t hate it.  I didn’t love it either, mind you, I didn’t even really like it.  But at least I didn’t hate it.  LOL  But they really should have given the movie a different title, because in no way, shape, or form does it resemble the novels I’ve grown to know and love.  Aside from the characters’ names, the story is pretty much unrecognizable.  And while Isla was funny – she just wasn’t Becky.  I so wanted to see the warm-hearted, but hair-brained character I love so much up on that screen.  And sadly, Isla wasn’t it.   So, if you want my advice, don’t bother with the movie if you are at all a fan of the books.  And if you’re not a fan of the books, but just want to see a romantic comedy, I’d instead recommend  He’s Just Not That Into You.   🙂


    The only good part about seeing Shopaholic  yesterday was that we got to watch it in the famed and historic El Capitan Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard.  I so rarely go to the El Capitan and, honestly, I have no idea why as it is one of the most beautiful movie palaces in all of L.A.  The El Capitan first opened up on May 3, 1926 and was strictly a live theatre venue.  The exterior was designed in the Spanish Colonial style by art deco architect Stiles O. Clements, who was also the designer of the Wiltern and Mayan Theatres in Los Angeles.  The interior was designed by San Francisco theatre designer G. Albert Lansburgh, who was also responsible for designing the Shrine Auditorium in L.A. and the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco.  The interior alone cost over $1.2 million to construct.  For over a decade the El Capitan had an enormously successful run showcasing live theatre performances starring such legends as Clark Gable, Buster Keaton and Will Rogers.   During the Great Depression the theatre began to falter and was in danger of closing its doors.  Until 1941 when a young director who was having trouble finding a theatre that would premiere his new movie asked if he could rent out the El Capitan.  That director was Orson Welles and the movie was Citizen Cane.  That premiere gave new life to the theatre and not long afterwards, theatre executives decided to close the space for a year in order to modernize it and customize it for film premieres.  On March 18, 1942, armed with a new design and a new name, the Hollywood Paramount Theatre opened to the world.  It’s first movie showing was Read the Wild Wind.   The Paramount became wildly successful hosting premieres for all of the Hollywood greats, including my girl Marilyn Monroe. 🙂   In later years the theatre came to be owned by Pacific Theatres, who in 1989 partnered up with the Walt Disney Company and decided to restore the Paramount to its original glory.  The theatre closed its doors once again.  This time for two years, while undergoing a $14 million renovation.  When it re-opened in 1991, the original name had been restored and the original glamour unearthed once again. 


    Today the El Capitan is where Disney holds most of its Hollywood premieres.  In the past Lilo and Stitch, Monsters Inc., Bolt, Miracle, Herby: Fully Loaded, and countless, countless others have premiered there.  Oftentimes, before the start of a movie, the El Capitan will feature a live-action pre-show starring some of your favorite Disney characters. And a display featuring props, costumes, and memorabilia from the movie currently playing is usually set up in the El Capitan’s basement for fans to enjoy.  I took the above photo of some of Isla Fisher’s costumes from Confessions of a Shopaholic, but it didn’t come out very well.  The El Capitan is absolutely breathtaking inside and its lobby and hallways have countless photographs showcasing the history of the legendary theatre and the hundreds of stars who have attended premieres there.  My favorite part of the El Capitan, though, has to be the Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store located just off the theatre’s main lobby.  The Soda Fountain serves up some fabulous hot dogs and ice cream sundaes – and the walls are lined with photographs of the many stars who have dined there.  I can’t recommend stalking the El Capitan enough – but I’d wait until Shopaholic  leaves and a new movie comes.  LOL   

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The El Capitan Theatre is located at 6838 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, directly across from the Hollywood & Highland complex.

  • Isn’t It Romantic!



    A few weeks ago while watching my all time favorite episode of Beverly Hills, 90210, entitled “Isn’t It Romantic”, I noticed something I had never noticed before in all of my previous times watching it.   In the episode, Dylan takes Brenda on a date to a scenic lookout point to discuss their burgeoning relationship.  While watching that scene I noticed that Dylan and Brenda walk right by a sign reading “Mulholland Scenic Corridor” (pictured above).  And I almost jumped right out of my chair as I knew exactly where Brenda and Dylan were standing.  My boyfriend had taken me to that exact same spot about four or five years ago.  My boyfriend – stealing romantic moves from Dylan McKay!  Who knew?  LOL 

     So immediately after watching the episode, I dragged my boyfriend out to stalk the overlook that he had taken me to all those years ago.  But when we got there I realized immediately that we were in the wrong place.   For some reason it just didn’t look to me like Brenda and Dylan’s overlook.  My boyfriend kept telling me “Lindsay, the episode was filmed 20 years ago!  Surely the place is going to look different now!”  LOL   Well, come to find out, we were in the wrong place!  Turns out there are EIGHT different scenic overlooks located along the twisty turny 24 mile stretch of Mulholland Drive known as the Mulholland Scenic Corridor and Parkway.  LOL  I believe it was at that point that I became a bit unglued and told my boyfriend that we were going to drive to EACH AND EVERY ONE of those overlooks until I found the right one. LOL  I know, I know, it’s amazing that he puts up with me!





    Well, lucky for my boyfriend, we didn’t actually have to go to all eight overlooks.  I believe we only made it to five of them.  🙂  The funny thing is that by that point I didn’t even care so much about seeing Brenda and Dylan’s overlook in person – it was more the frustration over not being able to find it that was driving me.    Anway, the overlook used on Beverly Hills, 90210  is named the Nancy Hoover Pohl Overlook and as soon as I saw it in person I had to give myself a mental kick.  I am sad to say that I really should have figured this one out sooner, as the Pohl Overlook is pretty much the only Mulholland overlook that has any sort of parking lot.  And parking lots are definitely one thing location scouts look for when scouting locations.  They need a place to park all of those massive production trucks!  The Pohl Overlook has a HUGE parking lot that can fit over 40 cars, so it would have been the obvious choice for the filming of my fave 90s show.  UGH!  I can be such a blond sometimes!  LOL


    I HIGHLY recommend stalking ANY of the Mulholland Scenic Parkway and Corridor overlooks.  All five that we visited boasted absolutely majestic views of Los Angeles.  The eight overlooks are located on Mulholland Drive in between the 101 and 405 Freeways.  Their names are: Barbara A. Fine Overlook, Hollywood Bowl Overlook, Nancy Hoover Pohl Overlook, Stone Canyon Overlook, Universal City Overlook,  The Groves Overlook, Las Virgenes Overlook, and Seminole Overlook.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: The Nancy Hoover Pohl Overlook is located at 8401 Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles.

  • The Robinson House from “The Graduate”


    A few weeks back fellow stalker Scott, from the Film in America website, asked me if I knew the location of the Robinson house and the Braddock house from the 1967 movie The Graduate.   He told me that he feared the locations of those homes were lost to history being that the movie was filmed over forty years ago and the addresses didn’t seem to be posted anywhere.   So I just had to get Mike from MovieShotsLA on the case – and sure enough he found the houses.  Well, the house, actually, but I’ll get to that later.  🙂  While doing some cyberstalking Mike came across this Wikipedia article stating that the Robinson home was located on North Palm Drive in Beverly Hills, and after a quick search of Google Maps he found the house, right where Wikipedia said it would be.  🙂



    The Robinson house looks much different today than it did back in 1967 when The Graduate was filmed.  At the time of filming, the home had an all white exterior while today it has a red brick facade.  My initial belief was that the brick exterior was added to the house sometime after filming had been completed, but after seeing the above screen capture, I realized that, in actuality, the home has always been brick. When The Graduate  was filmed the bricks were just painted white.  🙂





    Because the Robinson house looks so very different today than how it appeared onscreen forty years ago, I was shocked Mike was able to locate it.  But he found two “landmarks” of a sort on Mrs. Robinson’s house that he used while searching Palm Drive.  The first landmark was the wierd brown wooden design that appears to the left of the front door.  The second was the house’s small peaked roof area.  Both are pictured above.  But here’s where things get really weird!



    While looking at aerial images of the Palm Drive house, I realized that the pool area and backyard looked a whole lot like Benjamin Braddock’s backyard from the movie.  Armed with a pretty big hunch I grabbed my Graduate DVD and fast-forwarded through the entire thing.  And sure enough, my hunch was correct – the front of the Braddock house is never shown in the Graduate – only the backyard is shown.  And after looking at all of the Braddock backyard scenes one more time, I realized that the Braddock house and the Robinson house were one in the same!   LOL


    So last week I dragged my boyfriend out to Beverly Hills to stalk the (one and only) Graduate  house and while I was there taking photographs the owner happened to drive up.  So, of course, I just had to talk to her!  🙂   I asked her if she lived in the home at the time  The Graduate was filmed and her mouth pretty much just fell to the floor and she said “HOW did you know this was The Graduate  house?”  LOL  I told her that my friend Mike was a master stalker and that he had found the house by doing some cyber-stalking.  She confirmed that her home was indeed used in The Graduate, but said that she didn’t live in it at the time.  She said that when she purchased the house about twenty years ago, the real estate agent was marketing it as “the Robinson house”.  LOL  Then I asked her if her backyard was in fact Benjamin Braddock’s backyard and once again her mouth just hung open.  Apparently she didn’t realize who she was dealing with! LOL  She told me that, in actuality, Benjamin Braddock’s backyard existed only on a soundstage, but that his backyard and pool area were indeed modeled after hers. I’m not sure she’s entirely correct on that, though.  While I have no doubt that her backyard was re-created on a soundstage and that most of the filming probably took place there, if you watch some of the Graduate pool scenes closely it becomes obvious that at least some filming did actually take place at the Palm Drive home.

    So, there you have it, the mystery of The Graduate  houses is finally solved.   🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Graduate  house is located at 607 North Palm Drive in Beverly Hills.

  • Get Out Of Line!


    Those of you who read my blog regularly know that there’s only one thing I like better than stalking and that’s Starbucks.  🙂  Or any kind of coffee, really.  So when Mike, from MovieShotsLA, called me up last Sunday morning and asked if I wanted to stalk a coffee shop with him, I believe my exact words were “How fast can you be here?”  On a side-note, my grandma just started reading my blog and the other day she called me up and asked “So, who’s this Mike guy????”  She was convinced my boyfriend must be upset about all the time Mike and I spend together stalking.  And I really had to laugh at that one because I’m pretty sure my boyfriend wakes up every morning thanking his lucky stars that Mike and I found each other.  You see, if Mike is out stalking with me, that means my boyfriend isn’t.  And I’d say he’s pretty happy about that.  No, I’d have to say that not only does my boyfriend not mind Mike and I spending so much time together, but I’m pretty sure that at this point Mike is probably in the running to be my boyfriend’s best man in our wedding.







    Anyway, the coffee shop that Mike wanted to stalk is named Bean Town Coffee Bar and it was featured several times in the 2005 Will Ferrell movie Kicking and Screaming.  I just rented the movie last week and I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised watching it as it’s absolutely hilarious!!  And my favorite scene in the whole movie is the one that takes place at Bean Town.  In the scene, Will Ferrell has just become addicted to coffee and shows up at his favorite coffee shop for his morning fix.  But on this particular day the rather long line is moving far too slowly and Will has a total coffee meltdown.  I have to say that I almost died laughing watching that scene because, let me tell you, I’ve been there!  There are some mornings at Starbucks where I just want to tear my hair out because the line is taking so long!   My boyfriend bought me a taser (it’s pink!) a couple of months ago because he was worried about me walking to my car late at night after my acting classes and he’s always joking that one day he’s going to get a call from the police saying that I was arrested for tasing someone who was taking too long in the Starbucks line.  While watching Will Ferrell’s meltdown scene, I was reminded of comedian John Pinette’s “Get Out Of Line” routine.  It has to be my favorite comedy routine of all time!


    In real life Bean Town is a super cute little coffee house, with exposed brick walls, comfy chairs, board games, outdoor tables, and live music on weekends.  The staff is super friendly and boy is the coffee strong, but in a good way.  🙂  And no, the line didn’t move too slowly while we were there.  Besides yummy coffee, Bean Town also serves up a wide array of homemade goodies, including cinnamon rolls, croissants, sandwiches, soups, and cookies.   And even though I am a Starbucks girl at heart, I will for sure be returning!   As the authors of the book Hometown Pasadena said “We’d live in Sierra Madre just for Bean Town – it’s the perfect coffee house.”

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: Bean Town Coffee Bar is located at 45 North Baldwin Avenue in Sierra Madre.  You can visit their website here.

  • Oscar Weekend 2009!

    Academy Awards Red Carpet Entrance

    Oh, how I love the smell of Awards Season in the morning! And let me tell you – this was the Academy Awards Weekend to end all Academy Awards Weekends for me! I had the absolute time of my life!!!!!!!!!!! It was so incredible that I am still pinching myself today. Bright and early Saturday morning I dragged my boyfriend out to Hollywood and Highland Mall to stalk Oscar’s red carpet and we didn’t make it home until after 3am the following morning. AND I still cannot believe this but we saw 128 stars! YES you read that right – ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHT MOVIE STARS! There were so many stars out and about that at times I didn’t know which way to look. My boyfriend said he thought my head was about to explode. LOL I almost feel like I should just throw in my stalking towel now as it just doesn’t get any better than this weekend – but don’t worry, I won’t! 🙂

    Oscar Statue Kodak Theatre

    Our first stop on Saturday morning was the Kodak Theatre where we got to check out the most famous carpet in the world. Although I have done this for three years in a row now, I don’t think I will ever get tired of it! For someone who grew up so far away from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, to get to be that close to the Academy Awards red carpet is a dream come true. It’s almost surreal. And I LOVE every minute of it! I can’t wait for the day when I am walking down that red carpet for real. 🙂 A few of the pics I took at the Kodak:

    Kodak Theatre Entrance Oscar Day

    Red Carpet Stairs Leading to the Entrance

    Red Carpet Stairs from the Balcony

    Workers setting up the Oscar's Red Carpet

    Oprah's Press Box on the red carpet

    Red Carpet almost done

    Although the Oscar set-up was beautiful, as always, for some reason this year they had the red carpet area blocked off and fans could not walk across it. 🙁 Such a bummer! If you’ll notice in the above pics the carpet is completely tarped in plastic during the set-up, so that the hundreds of crew members traipsing across it don’t ruin it.

    champagne on the Red Carpet

    I was stoked to see a little champage stand set up alongside the red carpet, since champagne is my favorite drink – and it was my girl Marilyn Monroe’s, too. 🙂 How cool to be able to grab a glass of champagne, while making your way down the red carpet! LOVE IT! 🙂

    Oscar Statuette at the Kodak Theatre

    Mr. Oscar looking pretty drab outside the Kodak – notice the blemishes on his arms. LOL

    Limo Dropoff area start of red carpet

    What they don’t show you on TV! LOL The ugly road closures and chain link fences at the start of the red carpet.

    Press Box on the Red Carpet

    The massive press bridge built over Hollywood Boulevard

    Red Carpet Interview Area

    Tented Red Carpet Protected from Rain

    Hollwood Blvd shut down for the Oscars

    What the red carpet looks like from Hollywood Boulevard.

    Spirit Awards Shutters Parking Lot

    paparazzi swarming actors as they arrive at shutters

    After stalking the red carpet, I dragged my boyfried out to do some stalking of the blue carpet at the Independent Spirit Awards in Santa Monica – and, yes, the carpet there really is blue! Much more relaxed than the Oscars, the Spirit Awards are held each year under a plastic tent that is set up in a public parking lot next to the beach in Santa Monica. We showed up just as the awards were ending this year and got to see a whole slew of celebs walking the short half-block from the show to the after-party. And, let me tell you, it was absolute pandemonium! There were about a million paparazzi and fans alike swarming the stars as they made their way to the Shutters Hotel where the afterparty was being held. You can see in the above pics the massive amount of paps that were on the scene. It was insane!!! While there we saw . . .

    Rosie Perez Arriving at the Spirit Awards

    Rosie Perez

    John Hamm and his girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt

    Mad Men star John Hamm and his girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt. They were super nice and stopped to take pictures with every fan who asked!

    Elisabeth Rohn

    Elisabeth Rohn from Law and Order – she seemed very sweet. 🙂

    Teri Hatcher

    A very heavily made up Teri Hatcher – you can just barely see her in the above pic. She is standing behind the guy in the suit. As soon as she drove up, the paps went ABSOLUTELY NUTS and completely surrounded her, so I wasn’t able to get a very good pic. 🙁

    Rainn Wilson Signing Autographs

    Rainn Wilson

    The Office’s Rainn Wilson

    Elisha Dushku


    Elisha Dushku (who you can just barely see in the above pics)

    Ron Livingston (aka SATC's Jack Berger)

    Ron Livingston (aka SATC’s Jack Berger) who looked to have just been in an accident of some sort. Ugh, it broke my heart to see him like that! 🙁 Poor Berger!

    Leonard Maltin

    Film critic Leonard Maltin


    And this guy who the paps and fans went absolutely CRAZY for – like so crazy I thought it might be Brad Pitt pulling up! – but I have no idea who he is!!!! LOL Does anyone recognize him?


    And, finally, this actor who I am sad to say I also didn’t recognize. 🙁 Does anyone know who he is?

    After stalking the Spirit Awards, I dragged my boyfriend from one end of L.A. to the other, hotel and bar hopping. There were Oscar parties galore going on literally every hundred feet or so and the celebs were out in full force! And I just about died over two celeb run-ins that I had. My personal fave was when my girl Jen Aniston came up and stood about two feet away from me for a good six minutes. Unfortunately we were inside a hotel at the time, and no hotels were allowing any sort of pictures to be taken last night. But even though I didn’t get to snap a pic of her, I was still in heaven. Jen looked A-MA-ZING! I’ve seen Jen in person on two other occasions and I have to say this was the best I’ve ever seen her. She seemed very healthy and happy. Forty years old suits her. 🙂 She is just so freaking adorable I can’t stand it! And she has the best laugh ever – it’s this huge guffaw that fills the whole room. And she was doing a lot of laughing last night. Needless to say I was mesmerized! 🙂

    A bit earlier in the evening I just happened to spot Ginnifer Goodwin who stars in my favorite movie as of late He’s Just Not That Into You. She was the only celeb I saw yesterday that I just HAD to go up to. In a situation like yesterday, where there are tons of celebs around and hotels aren’t allowing photographs, I am very content to just sit and observe their comings and goings. Sort of like being in a celebrity zoo. LOL But when Ginnifer Goodwin walked by, I just couldn’t help myself! So I walked up to her and told her how amazing she was in He’s Just Not That Into You and how I absolutely loved the movie. And she was SO SWEET! She thanked me for coming up to her, shook my hand, and introduced herself. I just about died. She is completely adorable in person, too! I mean, does it get any better than that??

    But I’d have to say that THE most exciting part of the night for me was when I got recognized! Yes, I got recognized!!!!! While I was eating dinner last night a lady came up to me and asked if I was the “I Am Not A Stalker Girl”! I am not kidding!!!! Someone actually recognized me and I just about died! I think I was more excited about that than the fact that Nicole Kidman was eating just a few tables away. LOL I’m always amazed to hear that people actually read my blog, as most of my loved ones just barely tolerate my stalking addiction. So the fact that there are people that actually care what I have to say is AMAZING! It’s nice to know that there really are other people like me out there. 🙂 My fan (and new best friend! LOL ) introduced me to her friends and one of them asked me how my dad was doing! I was like “Wow, you guys really do read my blog!” LOL They were the NICEST group of ladies, but unfortunately they live in another state – otherwise I think we’d all make a great stalking team! 🙂 When I woke up this morning I really had to think for a minute to be sure that that part of my evening wasn’t just a dream. LOL

    Anyway, without further ado, here is the list of stars I saw in and around Hollywood on Saturday:

    1. Nicole Kidman
    2. La Toya Jackson – my boyfriend and I kept going back and forth as to whether it was La Toya or Janet. LOL
    3. Mickey Rourke
    4. Robin Wright Penn
    5. Olivia Wilde
    6. Sarah Silverman
    7. Seth Rogan
    8. Dax Shepard
    9. Kristen Bell
    10. Topher Grace
    11. Dennis Leary
    12. Amy Adams
    13. Darren Le Gallo
    14. Jason Bateman
    15. Amanda Anka
    16. Josh Radnor
    17. Lindsay Price
    18. Forest Whitaker
    19. Zach Braff
    20. Kevin Connolly – said hi to me as he walked by 🙂
    21. Molly Sims
    22. Chace Crawford
    23. Deborah Messing – super pretty in person
    24. Amy Poehler
    25. Will Arnett
    26. Tina Fey – sooooo short and tiny
    27. Eric McCormack
    28. Neil Patrick Harris
    29. Kristin Davis – said “Hi” as she walked by and I was floored to see that she walked with a little bounce JUST LIKE Charlotte does on SATC!
    30. Aaron Eckhart
    31. Holly Robinson Peete
    32. Rodney Peete (NFL)
    33. Gwen Stefani – absolutely stunning in person!
    34. Christian Siriano (Project Runway winner)
    35. Elle Macpherson
    36. Nikki Hilton
    37. Christopher Walken
    38. Ben Stiller
    39. Christine Taylor
    40. Laura Dern
    41. Tobey Macguire
    42. Jennifer Meyer
    43. Kimora Lee Simmons
    44. Djimon Hounsou (Kimora Lee Simmon’s baby daddy)
    45. Victor Garber
    46. Kathy Hilton
    47. Jessica Alba – had the coolest red sequin shoes on! and she made my boyfriend practically drool!
    48. Kerry Washington
    49. Leo!!! – I can finally, finally cross Leo off my must-see celebrity list. SIGH! 🙂
    50. Breckin Meyer
    51. Rachel Bilson
    52. Adam Rodriquez
    53. Michael Chiklis
    54. Andy MacDowell
    55. Debra Winger
    56. Sally Field
    57. Ron Livingston (Jack Berger on SATC)
    58. Tim Allen
    59. James Marsden
    60. William Shatner
    61. Eddie Murphy
    62. Kate Bosworth
    63. Anne Hathaway
    64. Christine Ricci
    65. James Caan
    66. Robert De Niro
    67. Bill Maher – with his twelve year old looking girlfriend
    68. Wentworth Miller
    69. Michael Buble (sigh!) – such a cutie in person! I was practically swooning! 🙂
    70. Josh Hartnett
    71. Ellen Pompeo
    72. Ellen Pompeo’s husband Chris Ivery
    73. Jack Black
    74. Tanya Haden (Jack Black’s wife – she’s a model)
    75. Alyssa Milano
    76. Michelle Monaghan (from The Best Man and Eagle Eye)
    77. Chris Pine
    78. Ron Howard
    79. Josh Brolin
    80. Diane Lane
    81. Kathy Najimy
    82. Michael Moore – just as unattractive in person as he appears in his movies
    83. Chris Rock
    84. Jenna Fisher
    85. Heather Locklear
    86. Jennifer Aniston
    87. Josh Duhamel
    88. Bridget Moynahan
    89. Elton John
    90. Steven Spielberg – thanks to a red fedora he looked like a total douchebag! LOL
    91. Kate Capshaw
    92. Hugh Laurie
    93. Cameron Diaz
    94. Brian Grazer
    95. Stacy Keibler
    96. Geoff Stults
    97. Bradley Cooper
    98. Whoopi Goldberg
    99. Shirley MacLaine
    100. Ginnifer Goodwin
    101. Elisha Cuthbert
    102. Fred Savage – looked really old!
    103. Frances Fisher
    104. Richard Jenkins
    105. Melissa Leo
    106. Taraji P. Henson
    107. Claire Danes
    108. Hugh Dancy
    109. Josh Grobin
    110. Prince Frederick von Anhalt (Zsa Zsa Gabor’s ex)
    111. Steven Baldwin
    112. Dule Hill
    113. Kiersten Warren (At least I think it was her!)
    114. Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire star)
    115. Anil Kapoor (Slumdog Millionaire star)
    116. Kirk Kerkorkian
    117. Ralph Lauren
    118. Valentino Garavano
    119. Terri Hatcher
    120. Elisabeth Rohn (D.A. from Law and Order)
    121. Rosie Perez
    122. John Hamm
    123. Jennifer Westfeldt (star of Kissing Jessica Stein)
    124. Michael Bolton
    125. Leonard Maltin (movie critic)
    126. Elisha Dushku
    127. Dustin Lance Black (Academy Award and Independent Spirit Award winner for Milk screenplay)
    128. Rainn Wilson

    There were just so many that I am sure I forgot some of them somewhere along the way! LOL All in all an absolutely AMAZING DAY! And I can’t wait to do it again next year!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: I stalked so many hotels and bars this Oscar Weekend, that there are far too many to list here. For a detailed list of places to go to see movie stars, check out this blog post. The Spirit Awards are held the Saturday before the Oscars each year on the beach in Santa Monica just South of Shutters Hotel.

  • How To Spot a Movie Star!


    Because so many of you have been asking lately, and in honor of the upcoming Oscar Weekend, I thought I’d do a post today on the best places to go in L.A. to see a star.   But first let me start by saying that if your sole purpose in visiting L.A. is to see celebs – and let’s be honest, what other reason is there? 🙂 – the very best time of year to plan your trip is Oscar Weekend.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Hollywood comes alive for the Oscars.  I swear it’s like celebrities come out of the woodwork during that time of year and everyone who’s anyone is here.  Last year this fellow stalker took my Oscar Weekend advice (you can read that advice – Part I and Part II –  here)  and saw 68 celebs – yes, she counted.  🙂  But if you can’t make it to L.A. this weekend – have no fear!  I have advice for the other 51 weeks of the year, too!  So where is the best place to go to see a movie star?  The answer to that question is actually quite simple.  It’s two words, really.   Hotel bars!   Or hotels in general for that matter – hotel lobbies, bars, restaurants – they’ll all do.  A few years ago I realized that for whatever reason, almost every single time I visited a hotel restaurant or bar in the Hollywood/West Hollywood/Beverly Hills area I spotted someone famous.  So now I’ve pretty much made a habit out of stalking hotel bars.  And there are quite a few that stand out in my mind as celeb magnets.

    So, without further ado, here is my list of must-stalk hotels (in no particular order, except for the last one):


    1. Hollywood Renaissance Hotel – 1755 North Highland Boulevard in Hollywood.  I’ve spotted Nikki Blonsky and Will Smith on different visits to this Hollywood hotel.  The lobby was also featured in the movie Red Eye.  The lobby bar is located just to the right of the main entrance.


    2. The Mondrian Hotel – 8440 Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.  This is one of my favorite hotels in all of Los Angeles.  The staff is always warm and friendly and the views from the pool and the hotel’s Asia De Cuba restaurant are to die for!  I’ve spotted both Victoria Beckam and Spike Lee at the Mondrian.  Britney Spears had one of her meltdowns during her shaved head period at the Mondrian’s pool.  Pictured above is me standing with all of the paparazzi waiting to see Victoria Beckham a few years ago. 🙂  I’m the one poking my head out behind the guy in the blue blazer. 


    3. The Regent Beverly Wilshire – 9500 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  Besides being the hotel where Pretty Woman  was filmed, the Regent Beverly Wilshire also hosts the Night Before the Night Before Party each year during Oscar weekend.  I also spotted Jake Gyllenhaal in the hotel’s lobby one random Friday afternoon.  And Spencer and Heidi are big fans of the restaurant Cut located inside the hotel.


    4. Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel – 7000 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.  I’ve blogged about this hotel numerous times before as it is so steeped in Hollywood history.  Almost every celebrity in history has been spotted at this hotel.  Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift used to live there and today celebs like Lauren Conrad and Nicole Richie hang out by the Tropicana Bar at the hotel’s pool.  I even got to meet Kristin Cavallari once while hanging out at the Tropicana.



    5. Sunset Tower Hotel – 8358 Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.  Another of my favorite L.A. hotels.  Both the Tower Bar and the Terrace Room boast A-MA-ZING views and serve up some great cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.   I met Kate Bosworth on one of my visits to the Terrace Room and both Jen Aniston and Kevin Spacey are regulars at the Tower Bar.  I really can’t recommend this place enough!


    6. Raffles L’Ermitage – 9291 Burton Way in Beverly Hills.  This is the place where Brenda and Dylan shared their first kiss on the original 90210  series, so of course it holds a special place in my heart.  🙂   I’ve heard that seeing a celeb at the hotel’s Writer’s Bar (where scripts of legendary movies line the walls) is pretty much a sure thing.  While I was stalking the hotel I spotted James Woods who supposedly lives there.  


    7. Beverly Hills Hotel – 9641 Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  This hotel hosts the Night Before Party every year during Oscar Weekend.  And I almost always spot a celeb at the hotel’s legendary Polo Lounge Restaurant.   While there I’ve seen Paris Hilton (first picture of this post), Rob Reiner, Elle Macpherson, and Reese Witherspoon.  It’s one of my favorite bars in all of L.A.  It’s pricey, but so worth it!

    8. Beverly Hilton Hotel – 9876 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  This hotel plays hosts to OVER 200!!!!! celebrity events and awards show parties each year, including the annual Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party.  There is an event there pretty much every Saturday night and you can literally just park yourself in the lobby bar, order up a few champagnes, and enjoy your perfect view of celebrity arrivals through the front door. 

    9. Viceroy Santa Monica- 1819 Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica.   Celebs LOVE this ultra-modern avant-garde hotel, especially Britney Spears and LLo who are regulars.  Kate Beckinsale has also been spotted here. 



    10. Casa Del Mar -1910 Ocean Way in Santa Monica.  Once while grabbing a drink at this seaside hotel, I spotted my girl Jen Aniston, Vince Vaughn, Joey Lauren Adams, and Jon Favreau who were all there doing publicity for The Break Up.  Katie Holmes, Mandy Moore, Britney Spears and KFed have all stayed at the hotel at one time or another.  Casa Del Mar is very historic and very upscale and it’s centralized lobby bar is situated in the perfect location for viewing the many celebs who enter the front door.  Shutters Hotel located right next door to Casa Del Mar is also a notorius celeb hangout.  The above pics were taken with my camera phone the day we saw Jen.  The first pic is of me standing with the paps outside Casa Del Mar and the second is of Jen getting into her waiting car.   You can’t really tell, but I am wearing my Team Aniston sweatshirt in the pics – when Jen saw it she pointed and said “Oh, thank you!”  lol 


    11. Chateau Marmont – 8221 W. Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.  A list of celebrity hotspots would not be complete without at least a mention of the famed Chateau Marmont.  The problem is I hate this place!  The staff is pretentious and snooty and if you aren’t a celeb, they pretty much treat you like dirt.  Which I’m sure is one of the reasons stars like the place so much.  LOL  COUNTLESS celebs have visited this hotel including Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan (who used to live there), Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Ginnifer Goodwin, the late Heath Ledger and his wife Michelle Williams, etc., etc., etc.  But if you happen to spot a celeb while visiting the Chateau DON’T EVEN THINK of going up to them or snapping their pic (no cameras of any kind are even allowed in the hotel! I’m not kidding).  Which is, again, probably why celebs love the place so much – and why stalkers hate it.  🙂

    It is at this point that I realize my list of hotels could go on and on.  Why?  Because looking back on my eight years of living in L.A. I can hardly think of a time I visited an upscale hotel and didn’t  spot a celeb.  You really can’t go wrong with any hotel you choose.  What can I say – celebs love ’em.  And why not?  If I was rich and famous I’d be constantly staying in hotels, too.  Who wouldn’t want daily turn down service and a nightly pillow mint?  🙂 


    Restaurants can also be good places to see celebs, but I’ve always had better stalking luck at hotels.  If you want to try your hand at a restaurant, though, these are the ones I’d recommend:  Marix Tex Mex Cafe (a Jen Aniston favorite located at 1108 N. Flores Street in West Hollywood – she sits on the patio), The Ivy (THE celeb stalking restaurant located at 113 North Robertson Blvd. in Beverly Hills – every celeb and their mother has dined here), Ago (the Robert Dinero owned Italian restaurant where Quentin Tarantino once punched out his dinner mate located at 8478 Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood), Nobu (another Jen Aniston – and every other celebrity – favorite located at 3835 Cross Creek Road in Malibu), Katsuya ( a celeb fave sushi spot located at 11777 San Vicente Blvd. #120 in Los Angeles), Orso (Simon Cowell’s favorite located at 8706 West 3rd Street in Los Angeles), Il Sole (Jen’s absolute fave and notorius celeb hot spot located at 8730 Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood), and, finally, Madeo (the celeb restaurant du jour located at 8897 Beverly Boulevard in West Hollywood).


    And finally, a few random locations where celebs always seem to congregate: the Brentwood Country Mart  shopping center which seems to be Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck’s home away from home; the Santa Monica Farmers Market – an outdoor food bazaar that occurs on Arizona Avenue twice weekly (Wednesday and Saturday mornings) where a lot of celebs buy their produce; Malibu Country Mart – Malibu’s main upscale shopping center; and the place I blogged about on Monday, the Los Angeles Farmers Market.  It seems celebs like farmers markets and country marts.  🙂  LOL

    My final piece of advice?  If you are in the Beverly Hills/Hollywood/West Hollywood area and you see a large group of men standing out in front of a hotel or restaurant, pull over immediately!  Those men are paparazzi, which means there is a celeb in the vicinity!!  🙂   I’ve seen quite a few celebs just by spotting the paps.  🙂  And if you are lucky enough to come across one of those yellow signs that I love so much, stop!!! and ask the crew what is being filmed.  Most crews are very friendly and will let you on set to watch!

    So there it is – my advice on the best places to go celeb-stalking.  Just visit a hotel, mill around the lobby a bit, grab a bite to eat or just a cocktail (much cheaper than an entire meal) and sit back and wait for the celebs to arrive.  🙂  

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

  • Le Borghese Apartments


    While Mike, from MovieShotsLA, was cyberstalking the ‘Til There Was You  apartment building a few weeks ago, he came across a comment on a website which stated that the very same building from ‘Til There Was You  was also used in the 2001 David Lynch thriller Mulholland Dr.   Well, after doing a bit more research, Mike and I discovered that information is actually incorrect.  While there was a Spanish style courtyard apartment building featured in Mulholland Dr., it was not the El Cabrillo apartments which I blogged about yesterday.   The building used in Mulholland Dr. is actually named Le Borghese and while it does not look very similar to El Cabrillo, both buildings are extremely picturesque and serene and it is easy to see how they might have been confused for each other.





    I have yet to see Mulholland Dr., but I really want to now after researching this post.  Especially since the movie centers around an actress trying to make it in the bizarre world of Hollywood.  I’m pretty sure I can relate.  🙂  I have heard from more than person, though, that Mulholland Dr.  is by far the strangest movie they have ever seen.   LOL  In Mulholland Dr., Betty Elms (Naomi Watts) stays at the Le Borghese after moving to Hollywood to try her hand in show business.  Ann Miller plays Betty’s apartment manager, CoCo, in her very last onscreen role.




    Le Borghese was built back in 1929 by architect Charles Gault, who built a number of famous courtyard buildings in the L.A. area in the 1920s.  Apparently a large olive tree existed on the lot where Le Borghese was to be built and instead of uprooting the tree, Charles ended up centering the building’s courtyard around it.  That tree is still there today and is now over 100 years old.  Luckily, Le Borghese’s front gates were wide open while I was stalking the place, so I got to venture inside for a little looksie.  All I could think after stepping inside the building’s amazing central courtyard was “I want to live here!”  🙂  Le Borghese is quite an idyllic place.  It is peaceful and serene, with koi fish and turtles swimming in the central fountain, numerous crawling wisteria vines, an outdoor fireplace, and light green benches tucked away in shaded alcoves.   After seeing the building in person, it is no surprise that Le Borghese was chosen to be featured on the cover of the book Courtyard Housing in Los Angeles.  The building was also featured in the 1996 movie The Truth About Cats and Dogs.  I highly recommend stalking Le Borghese as it is one of the most beautiful apartments I have ever seen!  You can see more photographs of the building here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Le Borghese apartments are located at 450 North Sycamore Avenue in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles.