Studio Gate 3 from the “Feud” “Hollywood Drive” Promo

Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7798

It will probably come as a shock to most readers that I don’t know a lot about Old Hollywood.  Sure, I am well-versed in all things Marilyn Monroe and have stalked my fair share of noir locations, but on the whole, I’d say I’m pretty lacking in knowledge about the Tinseltown of yesteryear.  I am always itching to learn more, though.  So I was thrilled when it was announced that the inaugural season of Ryan Murphy’s new anthology series Feud was tackling the decades-long discord between screen legends Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, a rivalry dating back to the 1930s of which I knew virtually nothing.  (The second season is set to center around Prince Charles and Lady Di.  Um, count me in!)  I avidly watched the show (which ended its eight-episode run last night), eating up details of the actresses’ mutual animosity for one another with a spoon, as well as obsessively researching its locations.  I even went so far as to stalk a spot that only appeared in a brief 31-second promo – a first for me.


In the promo, titled “Hollywood Drive,” Davis and Crawford are shown simultaneously arriving at Gate 3 of an unnamed Hollywood studio and then playing chicken with each other to get in.  (Though Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon portrayed Joan and Bette, respectively, on Feud, the promo made use of unnamed actresses for the roles.)



You can watch the trailer by clicking below.

I recognized the “studio” gate immediately thanks to its appearance in a Season 3 episode of Scandal in which it masked as the front gate of the White House.  (More on that in a bit.)  I logged a ridiculous amount of man-hours looking for the site after seeing it in Scandal (so much so that visions of it are now burned into my brain!) and finally pinpointed it as the entrance to Beth Olam Cemetery-Hollywood, which is part of Hollywood Forever Cemetery.  (More on that in a bit, as well.)  So when the gate popped up in the Feud promo, identifying it was a no-brainer.

Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7784

Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7786

  Not much of the locale was changed for “Hollywood Drive,” aside from the addition of a few boxed plants and signage reading “Studio Gate 3.”  The structure’s central blue dome was also kept out of frame.


Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7791

Hollywood Forever was originally established in 1899 as Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery.  In the late 1920s, the southwest portion of the then 102-acre property was appropriated for Jewish burials and became known as Beth Olam Cemetery-Hollywood.  Though it has its own gate, it still very much a part of Hollywood Forever.  (Today, Hollywood Forever boasts 62 acres due to the fact that in 1920, 40 acres were sold off to 2 different movie studios to develop what is now collectively Paramount Pictures.)

Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7806

In 1939, the cemetery was purchased by convicted felon Jack Roth, who had just finished serving 5 years of a suggested 11- to 95-year prison sentence for grand theft and securities fraud.  Jail did not change Roth’s criminal tendencies.  He immediately set about spending the burial ground’s funds on himself, installing a wet bar in his office and purchasing a yacht that he claimed was used to scatter clients’ ashes and was therefore tax deductible.  Not surprisingly, the state of the cemetery began to severely decline under Roth’s tutelage.  As this fabulous 2011 Tablet article states, “In one year, Hollywood Memorial made more money disinterring bodies than interring them—relatives wanted their loved ones moved to better-kept environs.”  When Jack passed away in 1998 (for those wondering, yes, he is buried at Hollywood Forever), the site was sold to brothers Tyler and Brent Cassity, who revitalized and cleaned up the neglected graveyard, renamed it “Hollywood Forever Cemetery,” and began offering tours, as well as hosting the insanely popular Cinespia movie nights.  (I saw Pee-wee’s Big Adventure there back in 2008 and had an absolute blast.)  The duo also eventually wound up facing their own complicated tangles with the law, which are detailed in the Tablet post.

Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7790

Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7807

While Hollywood Forever is used in filming all.the.time., for this post, I thought it would be best to focus solely on the Beth Olam gate.

 Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7787

Though a gate at The Huntington Library, Art Collection, and Botanical Gardens masked as the White House’s front gate in previous seasons of Scandal, for reasons likely having to do with convenience, the production utilized the Beth Olam gate in Season 3’s “Mama Said Knock You Out.”  The structure appeared twice in the episode.  It first popped up in the scene in which Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) received an ominous phone call from her mother upon arriving at the White House.



Later in the episode, Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) tried to convince Olivia not to abandon her post as presidential fixer while at the gate.  A makeshift guard shack and wall of hedges were installed for the Scandal shoot and the White House later digitally added into the background of the segments.



For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

Studio Gate 3 from Feud-7785

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Studio Gate 3, from the Feud “Hollywood Drive” promo, is actually the gate to Beth Olam Cemetery-Hollywood (which is part of Hollywood Forever Cemetery) located at 900 North Gower Street in Hollywood.


6 responses to “Studio Gate 3 from the “Feud” “Hollywood Drive” Promo”

  1. Amy Avatar

    Love your blog, I’ve put a number of places on my list of drive-bys because of it.
    Btw, I worked as an extra on Feud, if you’re having trouble finding out where a scene was filmed, I can reach out to a background actors group and see if anyone worked it and has the address written down.
    I haven’t watched the show yet, so many shows so little time, but will probably binge-watch soon.

  2. MM Avatar

    I have been watchng this series. This Ryan Murphy person is really onto something and I predict big things. Everything he does seems to be really well done.

    Anyway, the locations in the series are great. Thanks, Lindsay!

  3. beachgal Avatar

    Can’t imagine that season 2 would center around Prince Charles and Lady Di, when Joan passed in ’77 and was not seen much at all in her last 5-6 years. Charles and Di didn’t become a news item until 1979. I kind of figured season 2 would feature flash-backs into the years before the early 60s when Joan and Bette were in their late years of working in films,

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Bette and Joan won’t figure into Season 2 at all. Each season of Feud will focus on a new storyline with new characters, similar to True Detective and The Missing. Season 2 is about Charles and Diana (you can read an article on it here) and Season 3 is going to be about two men, though Ryan Murphy hasn’t said who yet.

  4. incog99 Avatar

    The series “Feud” portrayed the homes of Davis and Crawford extremely well. The Tudor home of Davis looked suspiciously like the beautiful Tudor she owned in Laguna Beach at Woods Cove. The home still stands and you can still see the big script “D” on the chimney. The portrayal of Joan’s last apartment was extremely accurate right down to the color scheme. There are pictures on the web of her last residence in New York. It was done in lime green and yellow like in the series. One wonders if the exterior shot of her building was the actual high rise she lived in during her last years. One detail I found fascinating was the omnipresent plastic covers on Joan’s furniture in all of her homes. I noticed because my parents did the same thing. I guess it must have been related to Joan’s OCD thing about cleanliness.

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      I agree! The show did a great job with the homes. I had no idea about Bette’s Laguna Beach Tudor. Thanks for the tip! I’m going to have to stalk it. I haven’t seen last night’s episode yet, but if I figure out anything about the apartment building, I’ll let you know. I noticed the plastic-covered furniture, too! I think it was pretty common back in the ’50s. My dad talked about his grandparents doing that, too. 🙂 But yeah, I’m thinking it was done to showcase her OCD.

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