Dan Aykroyd’s Former Haunted House

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (5 of 8)

Another spooky locale that I learned about thanks to fellow stalker E.J., of The Movieland Directory, and his fabulous book Hollywood Death and Scandal Sites was the longtime home of Ghostbuster Dan Aykroyd and his wife, actress Donna Dixon.  The residence piqued my interest due to Aykroyd’s claim of numerous hauntings taking place there over the years.  So I, of course, immediately added it to my Haunted Hollywood To-Stalk list and dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out there back in early May.


Dan Aykroyd is not the first celebrity to live in the two-story, country-style abode.  In fact, the property’s tenancy records read like a Who’s Who of Hollywood and include such luminaries as Natalie Wood, Ringo Starr, Alfre Woodard, (possibly) Renee Zellweger, and “Mama” Cass Elliot.  According to the book Swans and Pistols, during Cass’ tenure there, the singer encouraged famous guests like Eric Clapton, Ryan O’Neal, David Crosby, and Don Johnson to write notes on a “graffiti” wall in the living room.  (How cool would that have been to see?)  Dan and Donna purchased the site sometime during the 1980s and it was not long before strange occurrences started taking place.

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (2 of 8)

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (4 of 8)

A 2003 iVillage article quoted Dan as saying, “A ghost certainly haunts my house.  It once even crawled into bed with me.  I rolled over and just nuzzled up to whatever it was and went back to sleep.  The ghost also turns on the Stairmaster and moves jewelry across the dresser.  I’m sure it’s Mama Cass because you get the feeling it’s a big ghost.”  Dan’s bed must have been a pretty busy place because in 2005 he told ContactMusic.com that the spirit of a man who died at the home in the 1960s bunked with him, as well.  That same year he also spoke of the specter in a Huffington Post interview, saying, “Have I personally ever seen a ghost?  Not one.  Have I ever felt an unseen presence near me?  Damn right.  In my bed no less when we lived in Mama Cass’s Hollywood estate.”  You can watch a video below of Aykroyd talking about selling the Cass residence and the fact that he had to disclose that there had been some “unusual activity” on the premises “that could not be explained rationally or physically.”

And after going through my photographs of the property yesterday, I tend to believe him.  The picture below, which gave me the chills when I saw it, has not been altered in any way.  Creeeeeeepy!

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (1 of 8) (1)[6]

Aykroyd apparently put the house on the market several times while owning it, but the place never sold.  I guess not many people are willing to cuddle up to ghosts.  Winking smile  According to The Real Estalker, in 2006, the actor tried to lease it out at the whopping rate of $30,000 a month.  It remained on the market for over 450 days, though, until he decided to offer it for sale in November 2007 for $4.2 million.

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (7 of 8)

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (8 of 8)

According to Berg Properties, the estate was finally sold one month later to none other than actress Beverly D’Angelo (of the Vacation movies) for $3.8 million.  She, too, has been visited by Mama Cass’ apparition, as she talks about in the below (overly dramatic) clip from a Season 3 episode of Celebrity Ghost Stories.

Sadly, not much of the 4,828-square-foot residence is visible from the street.  According to The Real Estalker, the estate, which was originally built in 1951, boasts 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, a master bedroom with an attached office and weight room, a library, 6 fireplaces, over one acre of land, a pool, and a motor court.  There also seems to be some sort of tree house on the premises, as you can see below.  You can check out some interior photographs of the pad – wallpapered kitchen ceiling and all – here.

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (6 of 8)

For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and InstagramAnd you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

Big THANK YOU to E.J., of The Movieland Directory, for writing about this location in his book Hollywood Death and Scandal Sites! Smile

Dan Aykroyd's haunted house (3 of 8)

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Dan Aykroyd’s former haunted house is located at 7708 Woodrow Wilson Drive in the Hollywood Hills.


6 responses to “Dan Aykroyd’s Former Haunted House”

  1. Tonette Avatar

    Y is the photo creepy? I really don’t see it guys. Help me out

  2. lorihalderson Avatar

    Maybe it is because they are black mass satanists and have to torture living things beyond comprehension while they destroy every square inch of land on earth. Their AIDS/heroine poison is living life form and you would have to set fire to it to destroy it.

  3. […] claimed the package originated from Ray Stantz, at an address matching that of Ghostbusters actor Dan Akyroyd’s former residence, a house infamously rumored to be haunted itself. And the mailer’s contents? Well, […]

  4. […] Papas singer who movie star/vodka distiller/real-life ghostbuster Dan Aykroyd has long accused of haunting his Hollywood home. It’d be only fair if this turned out to be true, given that Elliot lived there first — […]

  5. […] with them.Dan has never had such an knowledge himself yet reliable in an speak that he believed Mama Cass was vivid his home and that she even got into bed with him. He went on to contend that a suggestion likes freaking him […]

  6. Erin Avatar

    Awesome post! That photo is creepy! It looks like a beautiful property though!

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