Leaving on a Jet Plane

Switzerland pics (1 of 7)

The Grim Cheaper and I are heading to Switzerland this evening to visit my best friend, who lives there, for a two-week vacation. I have not been to the Land of the Alps since August 1995, when my parents took me there as my high school graduation present. I fell in love with the country and cannot wait to share its beauty with the GC.


The amazing photographs posted here are some that my dad took during that trip, almost 18 years ago.


That’s me and my best friend Robin circa 1995 in Switzerland on the left and circa 2010 at my wedding, at which he was my best man, on the right. We’ve come a long way since ‘95. Winking smile Since Robin comes to visit us in America pretty much every year, even though I am petrified to fly, we figured it was definitely our turn to head over there.

PicMonkey Collage-Robin

I return from Switzerland on Friday, June 28th and will most likely resume blogging on Tuesday, July 2nd. So until that time, Happy Stalking! Smile

Switzerland pics (6 of 7)


5 responses to “Leaving on a Jet Plane”

  1. Anita Monro Avatar
    Anita Monro

    I am sad to see that not everyone shares in your excitment of going overseas for a holiday. As I do follow you on facebook, I was delighted to share your adventure.

    1. Owen Avatar

      Anita, is your comment in reference to what I wrote below? If so, you can turn your frown upside down! My June 16 comment was 100 percent facetious, made entirely in jest. I am very happy that my friend Lindsay was able to travel to Switzerland, and I was thrilled to hear that she had a magical European vacation. Sometimes, short of using an emoticon, it’s difficult to convey tone or intent in written communication. But I was genuinely happy for my friend. In emoticon terms, I was 🙂

      1. Lindsay Avatar

        I meant to respond, too. 🙂 Owen is fellow stalker Owen, from the When Write Is Wrong blog – my good friend. He was just razzing me. 🙂

  2. Owen Avatar

    Two-plus weeks? Two-plus weeks of inactivity? As a loyal IAMNOTASTALKER follower, I expected more. I envisioned a well-oiled blogging machine that had a stable of subcontractors on call when the company founder/CEO goes abroad, ready to visit filming locations and regale us with tantalizing tales. What are we supposed to do until early July, while you convene in Geneva … or wherever? Sheesh. Your business plan has more holes in it than a specific kind of cheese.

  3. Her mom Avatar
    Her mom

    I am so jealous…hugs to all. I am excited for Bret to finally share the beauty of Switzerland himself.

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