Officer Rhodes’ House from “Bridesmaids”

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As I mentioned in last Thursday’s post about the apartment building where Lillian (Maya Rudolph) lived in Bridesmaids, I recently became just a wee-bit obsessed with tracking down all of the locales featured in the 2011 hit.  One of the sites I was most interested in finding, of course, was the small blue ranch-style house belonging to Officer Rhodes (Chris O’Dowd).  I bugged Mike, from MovieShotsLA, relentlessly to help me out with the search and he finally managed to track the place down last Wednesday morning.  Needless to say, I was absolutely ecstatic and dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk it just a few days later – despite the fact that it was raining at the time.  As I have mentioned before, this stalker absolutely HATES rain (thank goodness I am moving to the desert) and there are very few locations that I would actually venture out to stalk during a downpour.  But Officer Rhodes’ house was one of ‘em!


Finding this location took quite a bit of work, actually, so Mike definitely deserves a HUGE pat on the back!  While scanning through Bridesmaids looking for clues as to the house’s location, I noticed an address number of 8410 behind Rhodes in the scene in which Annie (Kristen Wiig) leaves a cake on his doorstep.  Mike and I both had an inkling that the number was a fake, though.


That inkling was solidified when I spotted a five-digit address number on the residence pictured behind Annie’s car in the same scene.  And while I was unable to make out the number with any sort of certainty, I told Mike that I thought it read 23430.  As luck would have it, I was right!  I had read in the Bridesmaids production notes that towns surrounding Los Angeles had been used to stand in for Milwaukee and Chicago in the flick, so Mike and I decided to begin our hunt in the 23400 blocks of small towns surrounding L.A. proper.  And, sure enough, although it took a while, Mike worked his magic and found the pad – in Santa Clarita of all places.  Yay!


Officer Rhodes’ house shows up a few times in Bridesmaids and, as you can see below, has not been altered much from its silver screen appearance.


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In real life, the tiny cottage, which was originally built in 1948, boasts 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 605 square feet of living space (that’s smaller than my apartment!), and a small 0.085-acre parcel of land.

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As you can see below, the place is absolutely adorable in person – and does not seem like an L.A.-area house at all.

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I was most excited to see the front porch area where the raccoons devoured Annie’s cake in the movie.  LOL  LOVE IT!


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And while I am not certain, I have a hunch that the interior (LOVE the beamed roof and French doors, by the way!) of Rhodes’ house was just a set.



Tomorrow, I will be blogging about the residence where Annie’s mom, Judy (Jill Clayburgh), lived in Bridesmaids – which just so happens to be located directly across the street from Rhodes’ house!  I was going to blog both properties together, but ran out of time today.  So until tomorrow . . .

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Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

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Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Officer Rhodes’ house from Bridesmaids is located at 23425 8th Street in Santa Clarita.  Note – the property cannot be reached via Calgrove Boulevard, as that street is blocked just east of Creekside Drive.  To gain access to the site, you can take either Apple or Valley Street south off of Lyons Avenue to 8th Street.


10 responses to “Officer Rhodes’ House from “Bridesmaids””

  1. Diana Avatar

    the bridesmaids house was also used as the main house in ‘freaks and geeks.’ officer rhodes house, last i knew, was also lived in by a somewhat lonely bachelor man. and the house of the mom in real life is owned by a divorced woman who rents it out (nearly free) to her daughter who came back home after her own failed attempt at making it on her own.

  2. Ryan Avatar

    Just wanted to mention that Officer Rhodes house is also Guidance Counselor Jeff Rosso’s house from the shortlived Paul Feig/Judd Apatow TV series, “Freaks and Geeks.” In the episode entitled ‘Tricks and Treats’ Jason Segel’s character walks up to the front door and smashes the pumpkin sitting on the porch. Thought you guys would appreciate this little tidbit 🙂 Great site, by the way. Keep up the good work!

  3. […] flick.  Thankfully, once Mike managed to find Officer Rhodes’ (Chris O’Dowd’s) house, which I blogged about yesterday, tracking down Judy’s was a snap because, in an odd twist, the two properties are located right […]

  4. Ashley Avatar

    What a cute little place! It’s strange how flat the front of it is. I love reading the stories behind how you track things down by the way 🙂 Totally inspiring to the would-be stalker/detective in me.

    PS – I’m sure you already caught this, but I’m 99% sure the house where Helen throws the bridal shower is totally that huge mansion from the Swiss Miss scene in Charlie’s Angels, right?

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Awww, thank you! 🙂 I love sharing the stories of the hunt. 🙂
      The bridal shower house is actually the house that was used as Wayne Manor in the “Batman” television series. Here’s a post I did on it a while back – It does look a lot like the “Charlie’s Angels” house, though.

      1. Ashley Avatar

        Oops, just seeing this! Now that I’m comparing the two, I’m kind of embarrassed for being so wrong, haha! I blame it on the circular driveways 😉

  5. Michelle Avatar

    I love that movie! Can’t wait to see the rest of these filming houses.

  6. lavonna Avatar

    LOVE IT! Tell Mike excellent work! The mom’s house cracks me up with all the drawings of celebrities on the walls.. This was a F U N N Y movie glad you gave it a second chance…catch you on the flip side 🙂

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