The Correct “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Bridge

Nightmare on Elm Street Bridge (2 of 7)

While stalking the Venice Canals (the history of which you can read about on yesterday’s post about Lana Clarkson’s former home) with Mike, from MovieShotsLA, last July, he mentioned that there was some misinformation floating around online about the Venice Canal bridge that appeared in the 1984 horror flick A Nightmare on Elm Street.  Mike explained that every filming location website and book seemed to have a differing opinion as to which of the area’s nine bridges were used in the production and that he had long wanted to clear up the confusion once and for all.  And that right there is why I love Mike – the guy is meticulous in his reporting.  It seriously irks me when people post erroneous location information online or in books.  I am of the opinion that if you are going to take the time to write a blog or publish a book, you should also take the time to make sure the information you are putting forth is valid.  So Mike and I decided right then and there to finally set the record straight about the locale, even though I had never actually seen A Nightmare on Elm Street.


In A Nightmare on Elm Street, Glen Lantz (Johnny Depp) and Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp) discuss the “Balinese way of dreaming” while standing on a white-trellised bridge overlooking the Venice Canals.  Thankfully, Mike was fairly certain that he knew which bridge had been featured in the movie prior to the start of our hunt.  So, iPad in hand, we headed right on over to it.


Nightmare on Elm Street Bridge (3 of 7)

We quickly scanned through A Nightmare on Elm Street (thank you iTunes!) to the bridge scene and tried to compare the homes visible in the background to the homes near the bridge where Mike thought filming had taken place.  Sure enough, he almost immediately spotted a unique house with a corner balcony and rounded windows that matched up perfectly to what had appeared onscreen.  Eureka!


Nightmare on Elm Street Bridge (7 of 7)

While the trees surrounding the house (which is pictured below from the opposite direction that it was pictured in the movie) have grown considerably over the past 28 years (how in the heck has Johnny Depp not aged in all that time, by the way?!?!), it still looks pretty much exactly the same today as it did back in 1984 when A Nightmare on Elm Street was filmed, as you can see below.  Unfortunately, there was too much foliage covering the side of the house that appeared in Nightmare, so I was not able to take a photograph of it from the same direction.


Nightmare on Elm Street Bridge (2 of 2)

But you can see in the aerial view pictured below that the house’s two arched windows and corner balcony match up perfectly to what appeared onscreen.


On an Elm Street side note – A fascinating article about Heather Langenkamp, the actress who portrayed “Nancy Thompson” in three of the horror series’ installments, was published in the July 29, 2011 issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine.  You can check it out here.

Nightmare on Elm Street Bridge (4 of 7)

You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding the CORRECT A Nightmare on Elm Street bridge!  Smile

Nightmare on Elm Street Bridge (1 of 7)

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile


Stalk It: The correct A Nightmare on Elm Street bridge connects Linnie Avenue to Court C, crossing over the Eastern Canal, at the Venice Canals in Venice.  It is denoted with an orange arrow in the above aerial view.  The camera was facing southeast, toward Washington Boulevard, in the movie.


10 responses to “The Correct “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Bridge”

  1. Joe Avatar

    Also used in Role Models?

  2. Brant Avatar

    think this bridge was also in The Truth About Cats & Dogs when he’s waiting with the dog for his date !! i could be wrong tho 🙂

  3. […] this stalker’s never-to-be-humble opinion is both lazy and unoriginal.  As I stated recently in my post on the correct A Nightmare on Elm Street bridge, if one is going to take the time to write a blog or publish a book, then they should also take the […]

  4. Katie Avatar

    Nightmare on Elm St is one of my FAVOURITE horror films. Love Robert Englund and Heather. Thanks so much for linking to that article. I was lucky enough to meet Heather a few years ago and talk to her too 🙂

  5. Ashley Avatar

    You guys are awesome. The posting of false information is probably my #1 hugest pet peeve! Hopefully word will spread of the correct bridge thanks to your work 😉 Also this is on my ‘need to see’ list (along with Halloween [which I finally watched last night] & Psycho) for being referenced so much in Scream. Too bad it’s not on Netflix! Where do you normally rent from?

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      I’m with ya! I HATE false information being posted and nothing drives me up the wall more than lazy research and people not doing their homework! If you’re going to take the time to create a website how can you not take the time to do your homework? Ugh don’t get me started! 😉

    2. Lindsay Avatar

      Oh and I usually get stuff through iTunes or streaming on Netflix, although the selection on iTunes is infinitely better.

  6. Tony Avatar

    Aw, come on. I got the correct bridge, just the wrong vantage point. Can I still get half credit? 🙂 Seriously, nice job, Mike, with a note to the details.

  7. Mike Avatar

    Hurry let’s change it & back date our blogs, sites, flickr. LOL!!!! great post Lin, glad you were there to witness.
    “What would larry say to moe and what would moe say to curly” add in Orca and you’ll know the answer.

  8. Camilla Avatar

    That article about Heather Langenkamp is pretty interesting – I can’t believe how overlooked she is!

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