The Thomas W. Phillips Residence from “The People Under the Stairs”

People Under the Stairs House (5 of 8)

In his comment on my Milbank Mansion post, fellow stalker David, from The Location Scout blog, also informed me that directly across the street from the Beckett house (which I blogged about yesterday) was another famous movie location – the Thomas W. Phillips residence, which was featured extensively in The People Under the Stairs.  And even though I had never seen the 1991 horror flick, since we were right there and since I was gearing up for my annual Haunted Hollywood postings, I figured I might as well stalk the place.  And I am so glad that I did, because its façade is seriously sinister.  The residence looks like a real life haunted house and it is not hard to see why Wes Craven chose to feature it in The People Under the Stairs.


The Thomas W. Phillips residence was constructed in 1905 by the architecture team of Sumner B. Hunt & Abraham Wesley Eager.  Hunt was also responsible for designing The Ebell of Los Angeles (an oft-filmed at locale that I have yet to blog about) and the Southwest Museum of the American Indian in Mt. Washington.  Thomas W. Phillips, who had commissioned the construction of the three-story Craftsman-style abode, was one of the original founding residents of L.A.  You can check out a photograph of the dwelling from its early days here.  As you can see, not much has changed in the 107 years since it was built.  Love it!

People Under the Stairs House (2 of 8)

In real life, the massive abode, which was deemed a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument in 1991, boasts 8 bedrooms, 4 baths, a whopping 7,707 square feet of living space, and a 0.40-acre plot of land.  Besides being a filming location, according to a February 1999 Los Angeles Times article, the residence also belonged to actress Butterfly McQueen (aka Scarlett O’Hara’s maid in Gone with the Wind) at one point in time.

People Under the Stairs House (7 of 8)

The Thomas W. Phillips residence was used quite extensively in The People Under the Stairs as the home where Man (Everett McGill), Woman (Wendy Robie) and Alice (A.J. Langer) – and, of course, the people under the stairs – lived.


People Under the Stairs House (6 of 8)


People Under the Stairs House (1 of 8)

In the movie, the residence was said to be the Robeson Funeral Home, which was established in 1896.


All of the interior house scenes were filmed on a studio lot, though, and not inside of the actual Thomas W. Phillips residence, which you can see some photographs of here.  And yes, the dwelling does have a very large – and very spooky – basement in real life, much like its onscreen counterpart.





Thanks to The Official Halloween Message Board, I learned that the kitchen of the Thomas W. Phillips residence stood in for the Myers’ kitchen in Rob Zombie’s 2007 Halloween re-boot.  Unfortunately, I could not find any great photographs of the real life kitchen online, but you can sort of see it here and here.



The Thomas W. Phillips residence also appeared in the background of both the Season 2 episode of Lie to Me titled “Darkness and Light” . . .


. . . and the Season 3 episode of Brothers and Sisters titled “Going Once . . . Going Twice.”


The abode also popped up in 1989’s The Immortalizer and 2000’s The Convent.  And while I could not find copies of either of those movies with which to make screen captures for this post, you can see some on The Location Scout blog here.  And while IMDB states that the house was also used in the 1998 video Witchcraft, I could not find a copy of the production with which to verify that information.

People Under the Stairs House (3 of 8)

You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my latest post, about one of the best salads I’ve ever had in my life, on my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

Big THANK YOU to David, from The Location Scout blog, for telling me about this location!  Smile

People Under the Stairs House (8 of 8)

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Thomas W. Phillips residence, aka The People Under the Stairs house, is located at 2215 South Harvard Boulevard in the West Adams District of Los Angeles.


12 responses to “The Thomas W. Phillips Residence from “The People Under the Stairs””

  1. Priscilla Avatar

    It’s kind of sad that unfortunately people get so angry and they have to get physical because I don’t know any better most of them.

  2. Mountain Mike Avatar
    Mountain Mike

    I uploaded screenshots from the movie to Google Maps.

  3. Mountain Mike Avatar

    That hous eis also only 1 mile (1½Km) from the Eppes family home in Numb3rs.

  4. Brett Tuck Avatar
    Brett Tuck

    You know this house was also featured in Sons of anarchy season six episode five
    about 20 minutes in the episode. I was watching it and I recognized it from the people under the stairs .

  5. […] The People Under The Stairs. Yet another film I hear faint praise for, this is supposedly a commentary on […]

  6. Vanessa Avatar

    Omg this is epic. If you google map it and take a journey it looks like a bad part of town :/

  7. savannah Avatar

    I loved these photos. Thank you so much for posting links to see inside the house as well. The house inside looks like it belongs to hoarders a little bit. It also looks in need of some repair and up keep. I hope they don’t let it get to run down.

  8. Michele Avatar

    OMG I have been a huge fan of this movie for ages. I am almost obsessed lol I have been looking for pictures inside the real house for ever and found your page where you included a link to see the inside. I know most of the film was a movie set…. but being a historical house lover I wanted to see the inside anyway. Thanks for making this page! I love it!

  9. […] who also designed the Thomas W. Phillips residence, aka The People Under the Stairs house, that I blogged about yesterday.  Marvin Jr., who had found massive success thanks to such hits as “Let’s Get It On”, “I […]

  10. Malinda Avatar

    Loved that movie when I was younger! Love it!

  11. Natalie Avatar

    Love that movie!!!

  12. Her mom Avatar
    Her mom

    Very scary looking!

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