The Blankenhorn Lamphear House from “Teaching Mrs. Tingle”

Teaching Mrs. Tingle house (5 of 10)

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post (which you can read here), I recently went on a trek to find all of the locations used in the 1999 thriller Teaching Mrs. Tingle.  The locale I was most interested in tracking down, of course, was the huge Victorian manse belonging to the movie’s titular character, who was played by Helen Mirren.  Once I learned from the flick’s production notes that the residence was located in the Pasadena area, I figured that, thanks to its fabulous façade, it would most likely be chronicled in the architectural section of Hometown Pasadena.  So I immediately started scanning through the tome and fairly quickly came across a blurb about a property named the Blankenhorn Lamphear house which said, “This house is one of Pasadena’s finest examples of the Queen Anne style, the most romantic and fanciful of the Victorian era’s architectural idioms.”  I quickly punched the address provided into Google Street View and, sure enough, the Blankenhorn Lamphear house and Mrs. Tingle’s abode were one and the same!  So I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk the place just a few minutes later.


The Blankenhorn Lamphear house was originally constructed in 1893 by the Bradbeer and Ferris architecture firm.  It was commissioned by a wealthy railroad executive named David F. Blankenhorn.  David’s son, David F. Blankenhorn Jr., who was born on the premises, grew up to become a very successful real estate mogul – it was he who handled William Wrigley Jr.’s purchase of Catalina Island in 1919.  The Blankenhorns later sold the property to a Mr. and Mrs. John Lamphear, who lived there for many years with their three children.  The property changed hands once again in 1994 when the Lamphear estate sold it to its current owner for $425,000.

Teaching Mrs. Tingle house (2 of 10)

Teaching Mrs. Tingle house (7 of 10)

As you can see below, the 6-bedroom, 2-bath, 3,017-square-foot home, which sits on 0.31 acres, is absolutely spectacular in person.

Teaching Mrs. Tingle house (9 of 10)

Teaching Mrs. Tingle house (8 of 10)

In Teaching Mrs. Tingle, high school students Leigh Ann Watson (Katie Holmes), Luke Churner (Barry Watson) and Jo Lynn Jordan (Marisa Coughlan – in an AMAZING performance) pay a late night visit to the home of their mean-spirited English teacher, Mrs. Tingle, in order to clear up a misunderstanding.  Things don’t go quite according to plan, though, and the three wind up holding Mrs. Tingle hostage inside of the abode for a few days.



A large gate and a massive amount of foliage were added to the residence for the filming, so it looks quite a bit different (and a lot less spooky) in person than it did onscreen.



And while the Teaching Mrs. Tingle production notes state, “The filmmakers chose for Mrs. Tingle an elegant Victorian house in Pasadena, split by a mysterious spiral staircase – a layout that matches the constant shifts and turns of plot and ups and downs of the fate of Leigh Ann Watson and Mrs. Tingle”, because the majority of the movie’s action took place inside of the home, I do not believe that the real life interior was used in the flick.  Unfortunately, I was not able to find any interior photographs of the property with which to verify that hunch, though.





Fellow stalker Anthony informed me that the very same house was also used as the residence where Helen North Beardsley (Lucille Ball) and Frank Beardsley (Henry Fonda) lived with their eighteen (!) children in the 1968 flick Yours, Mine and Ours.  As you can see below, the façade of the house has not changed much since that time.



The home’s real life address number of “346” was even visible in the background of a few scenes.  Love it!



According to a 1974 Pasadena Star News article, only the exterior of the Blankenhorn Lamphear house was used in the flick.  The interior of the Beardsley home was a set built inside of a soundstage somewhere in Hollywood.  As you can see below, it does not match the interior of Mrs. Tingle’s house in the slightest.



You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

Teaching Mrs. Tingle house (1 of 10)

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Blankenhorn Lamphear house, aka Mrs. Tingle’s home from Teaching Mrs. Tingle, is located at 346 Markham Place in PasadenaThe Daddy Day Care house is located right around the corner at 351 Congress Place.


11 responses to “The Blankenhorn Lamphear House from “Teaching Mrs. Tingle””

  1. Cindy Avatar

    So weird! Last night I was watching “Yours, Mine, & Ours” and now tonight I’m watching “Teaching Mrs. Tingle”. Something about her house looked familiar – I couldn’t place it at first, but then realized it was the 2nd story porch that caught my eye for the second night in a row! So, of course, I paused the show and am happy to find your article! What are the odds?!!!

  2. […] myself blogging about Victorians this time of year.  (There’s the Mills View House from House, the Blankenhorn Lamphear House from Teaching Mrs. Tingle, and the Miller and Harriott House from the Halloween themed episode of Modern Family titled […]

  3. Tim Blankenhorn Avatar
    Tim Blankenhorn

    My great grandfather, Louis Blankenhorn, built this house around the turn of the century. Many, many years of other owners lived in the house until the Lamphears bought it in the early 60’s. I know this because my family lived on Markham Place from 1958 to about 1968., when I was 10 to 20 years old. No one thought about it much. The Lamphears are responsible for restoring the house. I remember well that Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda filmed “Yours, Mine, and Ours” there.

  4. […] House, which looks much less spooky today than it did in the 1968 film. Photo by I Am Not A Stalker, whose site also offers many more excellent photos of the […]

  5. […] to I Am Not a Stalker, it was also used in the movieTeaching Mrs. Tingle.Here’s how it looked in that […]

  6. […] Because the other two properties featured in the movie are located in Pasadena (you can read my post on the house belonging to Mrs. Tingle (Helen Mirren) here and Coach Wenchell (Jeffrey Tambor) here), I was positively convinced that Leigh Ann’s residence […]

  7. Malinda Avatar

    Guess I’m one of the only ones who really liked this movie. Love this post!

  8. Jenny Avatar

    Great Post !!!!!! I Love the movie Yours Mine and Ours. I would love to see this house in preson.

  9. Ashley Avatar

    Wow neat one, it looks like a dollhouse! I’ve always been sort of interested in seeing this movie since it was a script that Kevin Williamson wrote prior to Scream, but I know it got changed a lot (previously it was KILLING Mrs. Tingle) and not to his liking. Loving the October posts!

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Yeah, I think the movie was definitely changed considerably from what Kevin Williamson originally wrote. It doesn’t have his usual pazazz. It’s an OK movie. Fun, but not fabulous like “Scream”.

  10. lavonna Avatar

    GOOD ONE! you know I LOVE LUCY!!! That was a fav movie of mine BONUS

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