North Hollywood Park from “Say Anything . . . “

Say Anything Boombox Scene-1966

A few months back, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, informed me that his fiancé, Ame (who grew up in North Hollywood), had just told him that the iconic Boombox scene from the 1989 classic Say Anything . . . was filmed at, of all places, a park – North Hollywood Park in North Hollywood to be exact.  I was absolutely shocked to hear this information because, not only had I always assumed that the flick was filmed in its entirety in Seattle, Washington, but the scene was made to look as if it took place in a residential area, directly outside of the house where Diane Court (Ione Skye) lived, and not at a public park.  As we both came to find out, though, thanks to the Washington State Film Locations website, while the vast majority of the movie’s establishing shots were lensed in the Pacific Northwest, all actual filming took place right here in Southern California!  Well, believe you me, once Mike and I learned that bit of information, we set about tracking down some other locales from the flick and had quite a bit of success.  And we also ran right out to stalk North Hollywood Park.


In the brief, but iconic Say Anything . . . scene, shortly after Diane breaks up with him, a heartsick Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) stands outside of Diane’s bedroom window (or so producers would have us believe) at night, holding a large Boombox that is playing Peter Gabriel’s hit 1986 song “In Your Eyes”.  The memorable scene has been duplicated and parodied countless times since, on everything from Saturday Night Live and South Park to The Colbert Report and fave movie Easy A.


Say Anything Boombox Scene-1903

In an interesting twist, Peter Gabriel came thisclose to turning down director Cameron Crowe’s request for “In Your Eyes” to be featured in the movie.  In a November 2009 Entertainment Weekly article, Crowe explains that he was on the phone with Gabriel a few days after sending him a Say Anything . . . screener, but Gabriel refused to sign off on the song’s use.  Of the call, he says, “I just remember being in the kitchen and just going, ‘Oh man.’  I said I understood and I appreciated it and was he sure and he said yes, he was sure, and I was saying goodbye to him and I remember the phone was like on its way to the cradle, I think we’d already even said goodbye.  And I just, like, was seized with this thing and I pulled the phone back up and I go, ‘Why?  I got to ask you why.  Why can’t we have the song?  Why was it wrong?’  And he said, ‘Well when he takes the overdose it just didn’t feel like the right kind of use of the song.’  And I’m like, ‘When he takes the overdose?’  He said, ‘Yeah, you’re making the John Belushi story [Wired], right?’  I said, ‘No, no, no.  It’s a movie about the guy in high school with the trench coat.’  And he’s like, ‘Oh, the high school movie.  We haven’t watched that yet.’  Hallelujah!  ‘Please watch the high school movie and let me know if it works in the high school movie.’  And he said, ‘Oh yeah yeah yeah, okay, great.’  And then we got the word back that he said yes.”  And the rest is (very often re-enacted) history.


Say Anything Boombox Scene-1902

Before heading out to the park, Mike had told me to wear a trench coat and that he would be bringing along a Boombox from work so that I could recreate the iconic scene.  As fate would have it, though, the Boombox went missing a few days before our stalk, but Mike was thankfully able to work his magic by digitally adding the stereo into the below picture.  Love it!


Say Anything Boombox Scene-

I would venture a guess that North Hollywood Park was also the park featured in the Say Anything . . . montage scene, but I, unfortunately, have not been able to verify that hunch.



And thanks to the Hollywood Lost and Found blog, I learned that Pee-wee Herman (Paul Ruebens) rode his beloved red bike through North Hollywood Park – in almost the exact same spot that appeared in Say Anything . . . – at the very beginning of 1985’s Pee-wee’s Big Adventure.



Sadly, I can’t say that I would really recommend stalking North Hollywood Park.  While the tree-lined, 99-acre space, which was originally founded in 1927, is quite beautiful and boasts countless amenities, including a library, three baseball diamonds, a public pool, tennis courts, a playground, a skate park, and a recreation center, the place seemed to be a haven for the homeless and a den of criminal activity.  The police were actually called and wound up arresting someone in the brief ten minutes that we were there.

Say Anything Boombox Scene-1961

Say Anything Boombox Scene-1906

And let me tell you, when you’re standing around in shorts, wedges and a trench coat and holding a non-existent Boombox above your head, the “locals” tend to get just a wee-bit rowdy.  LOL

Say Anything Boombox Scene-1914

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Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and his fiancé, Ame, for finding this location!

Say Anything Boombox Scene-1962 (2)

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile


Stalk It: North Hollywood Park, where the iconic Say Anything . . . Boombox scene was filmed, is located at 11455 Magnolia Boulevard in North Hollywood.  In the scene, Lloyd Dobler was standing on the southwest corner of Magnolia Boulevard and Tujunga Avenue, in the area denoted with a pink arrow above.


13 responses to “North Hollywood Park from “Say Anything . . . “”

  1. Paul Avatar

    The park montage scene was definitely not filmed at NOHO park. Too hilly, plus there are no low-growing pine trees in NOHO Park, which is very flat all across — on both sides of the 110 Fwy. I literally grew up there as a kid and went there for summer camps with the YMCA, which is right across Tujunga as pictured in the aerial photo.

    1. Christopher Miller Avatar
      Christopher Miller

      You’re kidding? There was a scene earlier where he drops his coat right in front of the 7-11 on Magnolia and Tujunga. I lived on Tujunga when this was filmed and that IS the spot. I remember WHEN it was filmed.

      There are no hills in the scene. Just trees and the 170 freeway in the background which you don’t see.

      BTW it’s NOT the 110 freeway. That’s the Harbor Freeway in the city to Carson. Try again.

  2. […] segment was not lensed near Diane’s house, or any house at all, but on a tree-lined stretch of North Hollywood Park, which I blogged about back in August 2012.  I had never heard any sort of explanation for the […]

  3. Francesca del Console Avatar

    You guys are great! Love the fact that they filmed in our neighborhood!!!

  4. […] I mentioned in last Thursday’s post about North Hollywood Park – aka the location of the iconic Boombox scene from Say Anything . . .  – Mike, from […]

  5. Ashley Avatar

    That’s so random, I wonder why the filmmakers chose to go this route rather than having him stand on a residential street!

    LOVE your ‘boombox’ pics, you’re such a great sport!

  6. […] Park – aka the spot where the iconic Boombox scene from Say Anything . . . was filmed, which I blogged about yesterday – is the 7-Eleven that appeared in the 1989 flick.  Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I found out […]

  7. Kyla@Mommys Weird Avatar

    You and that boom box almost killed me. LOVE IT!

  8. Rebecca Avatar

    I live a block from the park and walk my dog there every day (along that exact path!) and you must have just hit it at a funky time. While not the best place in the world, I have never seen police there (actually, because you did, that made me feel safer! It means they are keeping the place safe and clean) and the homeless are few and far between and they don’t bother you.
    Funny enough, I was going to email you today because when I was walking last night, I noticed they are going to film THE OFFICE at this park tomorrow (Friday, 8/17!) Too funny.

    1. Lavonna Avatar

      The Office…I’d show up to watch that!

      1. Lindsay Avatar

        So would I! 🙂

        1. Mia Avatar

          Do you happen to know what scene from The Office this park was used for?

    2. Lindsay Avatar

      OMG I wish I could go out there to watch!!! How fun! And glad to hear the park is not usually so bad. It’s such a pretty place.

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