Taking A Four-Day Break!


I really hate to do this, but unfortunately I have way too much going on this week and am going to have to take the next four days off.  Sad smile My parents are coming to town this afternoon for a short visit, I am doing some stalking on Thursday and on Friday the Grim Cheaper is having a minor surgery – all of which does not leave much time for blogging.  But I do promise to be back on Monday with a whole new location.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile


3 responses to “Taking A Four-Day Break!”

  1. Heather Avatar

    Have a great week! Check your fb messages! I messaged you. 🙂

  2. Becky Avatar

    No worries, Lindsay! Hope all is well with your dad, and GC too!

  3. Ashley Avatar

    Enjoy your week with your family, and I hope your husband’s surgery goes well!! 🙂

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