The “Clueless” Party House


One location that I have been wanting to stalk for what seems like ages now is the party house from fave movie Clueless.  Because the property is located in Granada Hills, though, and because I rarely travel that far deep into the San Fernando Valley, it was quite a long while before I finally made it out there.  But make it out there, I did, one dark and dreary afternoon (as you can see above) back in March.  And I can honestly say that this is one location that was absolutely worth the wait!  I could NOT have been more excited to be stalking the house and was literally pinching myself the whole time!  Not even the intermittent rain could dampen this stalker’s spirits on that particular day!


In Clueless, Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone), Dionne (Stacey Dash), Murray (Donald Faison), and Tai (Brittany Murphy) venture outside of Beverly Hills for the evening in order to attend a high school party being held at a house located in the dreaded “Valley”.  As you can see below, the party house still looks very much the same today as it did back in 1995 when Clueless was filmed, minus the Christmas decorations, of course.  Even the exterior metal stairway railing leading up to the front porch is still there!  Love it, love it, love it!  And, as fate would have it, I had a little Clueless moment of my very own right as we pulled up to the residence and I heard the thump-thump-thump of a nearby helicopter.  If you’ll recall, a helicopter happened to be flying overhead during the Clueless party scene when Cher was on the phone with her father, causing him to ask if she was in Kuwait, to which she replied, “Is that in the Valley?”  LOL LOL LOL  Man, I love that movie!





While we were snapping pics of the house, the owners happened to come outside and were nice enough to chat with us for a bit.  They informed us that the filming of the party scene took a whopping two weeks to complete and that the real life interior of the property, including the kitchen where Elton (whom I just realized was played by actor Jeremy Sisto!) revived Tai and the bathroom where Murray shaved his head, was used in the shoot.



The actual backyard and pool area also appeared in the movie.  I was so hoping the owners would invite me inside for a little tour, but, unfortunately, that did not happen.  Winking smile



An aerial view of the backyard, courtesy of Bing, is pictured below.  As you can see, the green fence that once surrounded the pool is now, sadly, gone.


In real life, the Clueless party house, which was originally built in 1963, boasts 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2,716 square feet of living space, and 0.54 acres of land.  The owners informed us that producers ended up choosing their home for the filming because they thought that it looked like the archetypal “Valley” residence.  And I have to say that I agree with them.  The Clueless party house is extremely reminiscent of another famous Valley dwelling – the home where Jan, Cindy, Marcia and the rest of the Brady clan lived on fave show The Brady Bunch.



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Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Clueless party house is located at 16401 Knollwood Drive in Granada Hills.


9 responses to “The “Clueless” Party House”

  1. Doug Tauber Avatar
    Doug Tauber

    My parents were the original owners of this house, they purchased it in 1964. Lot of great memories growing up there. Unfortunately, it was purchased a few years ago, and completely demolished for a new structure. But at least the pine tree in the front yard that my father planted as a sapling, in still there.

    1. Travis Ford Avatar
      Travis Ford

      Were your parents living there when the filming took place?

  2. Rosie Avatar

    Sadly, if you look on google maps, it looks like the whole house has been renovated. The google image is from 2015 and it appears to have been taken right in the middle of them renovating it, but it looks completely different 🙁

    1. Chacha Avatar

      Not just renovated but completely torn down and rebuilt. I love clueless…Sad to see that house is gone.

  3. Lori Avatar

    This house was sold back in 2013. This link has some pics of the interior looks like the kitchen was redone, but the bathroom remains the same!

  4. Ashley Avatar

    Too cool! I am embarrassed that I didn’t recognize it from your sneak peek on Facebook 😉

  5. Nina-Martine Avatar

    Clueless is one of my all time favorite movies, so that’s really awesome! 😀

  6. Alex Avatar

    You finally found it! congratulations : )

  7. lavonna Avatar

    Glad you finally found this one! I know you’d been looking for it forever.

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