Erin’s Florida House from “The Office”


I would like to start off today’s post by wishing my good friend and fellow stalker Lavonna a VERY HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY!  In honor of her big day, I decided that I just had to write about an Office-related locale, because not only it is Lavonna’s very favorite show, but she is actually the person who is responsible for getting me hooked on the series in the first place – for which I will always be grateful.  And while I do have a few Office locations in my back pocket, so to speak, as fate would have it, this past Sunday morning I received a timely email from fellow stalker Geoff, of the 90210Locations website, who wanted to let me know that he had just tracked down the supposed Tallahassee, Florida house where Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper) lived in the Season 8 episodes of the series titled “Last Day in Florida” and “Get the Girl”.  So I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk the place that very afternoon.

The Office - Andy and Erin's kiss

The eagle-eyed Geoff tracked this location down thanks to a sign reading “Stagg Street” which he spotted in the background of the scene in which star-crossed lovers Erin and Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) finally kissed in the “Get the Girl” episode.  A quick Google search informed Geoff that Stagg Street was located in Panorama City, so he started looking through aerial views of the area and thankfully it was not long before he found the right abode.

Erin's Florida House - The Office

As Geoff later pointed out to this directionally-challenged stalker, Erin’s Florida house is actually located directly behind Chandler Valley Center Studios, where The Office is lensed!


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In the “Last Day in Florida” episode of The Office, broken-hearted Erin decides that she will not be returning to Scranton, Pennsylvania once the Sabre “Special Project” has been completed.  She winds up being hired as a personal assistant/house cleaner to an “old lady” named Irene (Georgia Engel) and moves into her Tallahassee home.  In the following episode, “Get the Girl”, Andy drives out to Florida in order to profess his love to Erin in the hopes that she will quit her new job and return to Scranton with him.

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In person, Erin’s Tallahassee house looks much the same as it did onscreen in The Office, minus some Florida-themed foliage and the dolphin water fountain that Andy tried to fix in the “Get the Girl” episode.  In real life, the tiny dwelling, which was originally built in 1951, measures 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, and 1,040 square feet.  I have only been to Florida once, when I was about three years old, and do not remember much about it, but the GC spent quite a few of his childhood years in the Sunshine State, so I asked him if the abode looked like one that would be found there.  His answer, “No, not at all.”  LOL  (The building that is visible behind the house in the above photographs is Chandler Valley Center Studios.  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to live that close to where The Office is filmed!)

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I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the property was also used in the episodes.

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The intersection where Andy and Erin kissed is located a block and a half north of the house, but, unfortunately, I did not realize that at the time, so I did not take any photographs of it.

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On an Office side-note – I was beyond floored when I recognized that the supposed Tallahassee, Florida hotel where the gang stayed during the “Special Project” episodes (“Tallahassee”, “After Hours”, “Test the Store”, “Last Day in Florida”, and “Get the Girl”) was actually the Hyatt Regency Valencia, the very same hotel which appeared in the first Twilight movie and which I stalked way back in November of 2009.  Quite a bit of the property was used in the five episodes, including the front exterior;

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several rooms;

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the main lobby;

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and Vines Restaurant and Bar.

Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Geoff, from the 90210Locations website, for finding this location and a very big HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY to my good friend Lavonna!  Smile

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Erin’s “Florida” house from the “Last Day in Florida” and “Get the Girl” episodes of The Office is located at 7777 Cherrystone Avenue in Panorama City.  The home backs up to Chandler Valley Center Studios, where The Office is filmed, which is located at 13927 Saticoy Street in Van Nuys.  Erin and Andy kissed in the “Get the Girl” episode just up the street from the house at the intersection of Stagg Street and Cherrystone Avenue.  The “Tallahassee, Florida” hotel where the gang stayed during the “Special Project” episodes is the Hyatt Regency Valencia, which is located at 24500 Town Center Drive in Valencia.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.


6 responses to “Erin’s Florida House from “The Office””

  1. […] I mentioned in my March 2012 post about the Florida-area house where Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper) lived during two Se…, the Hyatt Regency Valencia masqueraded as the Palmetto Suites Tallahassee, the supposed Sunshine […]

  2. JC Avatar

    Great article Lindsay…I actually live downt the street and around the corner from where they fillmed these scenes…I could kick myself for missing the chance to see them film there as I’m always around there on my bike….It is cool to be so close to the studio where they film the office, and know they occasionally film in my neighborhood, but always seem to miss them the times they are filming near me…Ugh!…

  3. Cait Avatar

    When I watched this episode I wondered if you’d eventually be posting about the location… glad I didn’t have to wait long 🙂

  4. Lavonna Avatar

    LOVE IT!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  5. John (Bay Area) Avatar
    John (Bay Area)

    Georgia Engel was very funny in that episode.

  6. Davidete Avatar

    Oh, wow!! Loved this one about Office, I was missing locations about it, you have to reveal the ones you have saved!!

    And of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lavonna! Didn’t know it was for you that Lindsay got into the Office, so I must say, it’s your fault I’m into it too!!

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