Hanging Out at the Rehearsals for the Golden Globe Awards


Two Saturdays ago, as the Grim Cheaper and I were heading out to Santa Monica to run some errands, I got a text message from fellow stalker Lavonna reminding me that the Golden Globe Awards were being held the following evening at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.  Lavonna suggested that I stop by the hotel to see if anything exciting was going on and thankfully the GC didn’t object, so we immediately drove right on over there.  And, let me tell you, it could not have been more exciting!  Had I known what was in store for me that day, I never would have been able to sleep the night before!

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We arrived at the Hilton to pretty much mass chaos.  Both the hotel’s front and back entrances were completely shut down and production trucks and set workers were absolutely EVERYWHERE!


There were also huge tents set up on the outskirts of the hotel property.  The tent pictured above, which was situated across the street from the hotel in the parking lot of the now-defunct Robinsons-May department store, was for the Fox Searchlight Golden Globes After Party.

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The Beverly Hilton Hotel is actually closed to the public on both the day before and the day of the Golden Globes ceremony and because security around the hotel was extremely tight, I did not think we would be able to get inside.  The stalking gods were DEFINITELY shining on me when we showed up to stalk the place, though, because miraculously – and thanks to a very big connection my dad has at the hotel – we were allowed in!  I literally could NOT believe it!  The farther we ventured inside, the more often I kept turning back to look at the GC, my mouth hanging open in absolute shock.

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Before being allowed inside, I was not sure if there would be all that much to see or if any celebrities would even be on the premises, but, as it turns out, rehearsals for the ceremony were taking place in the hotel’s International Ballroom.  A small section of the Hilton’s lobby had been cordoned off and hotel guests were allowed to stand in that area for meet and greets with all of the celebrities who ventured past.  Well, as you can imagine I just about DIED upon finding that out and parked myself in that area for the next eight hours.  I’m not kidding!  Smile  (Pictured above is the back of Carson Daly, who was the first celeb to walk by after I got there.  He was not at all friendly, though, and did not stop for photos or to sign autographs.)


As it turns out, the Hilton offers a very special – and very pricey – Golden Globes Package each year, which, besides the rehearsal-meet-and-greet, also includes a two-night stay at the hotel, a Golden Globes gift bag complete with an autograph book, a sit-down breakfast and box lunch the day of the ceremony, and – are you sitting down for this??? – two VIP bleacher seats on the actual Golden Globes’ red carpet!   Oh, what I wouldn’t give to purchase that package!  Because it costs between $3,000 and $3,900, though, I seriously doubt that is ever going to happen!  Pictured above is the room key that Golden Globes Package guests receive upon check-in.  So incredibly cool!  All of the people situated in the meet-and-greet area were Golden Globe Package guests and I spent the entire day hanging out with them, while the GC parked himself in the hotel’s lobby bar to watch the football game on TV.  I cannot tell you how much fun it was to spend the day waiting around to see stars with like-minded, celebrity-obsessed people.  I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST and met some very cool fellow stalkers in the process!


After Carson Daly, the next celeb to walk by was E! News’ Giuliana Rancic, who was running late for a hair appointment and therefore could not stop to pose for pictures with any of us.  She did seem very friendly, though, and apologized several times for not being able to stop.  After Guiliana, there was a steady stream of celebrities who filtered through the lobby the entire rest of the day.  It was a virtual movie star parade and, as you can imagine, I was in ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!

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Next up was Kelly Osbourne, who is absolutely ADORABLE in person.  I LOVED the little bow she had tied in her hair.  SO INCREDIBLY CUTE!  Kelly is also VERY thin.  I’m talking TEENY, TEENY TINY!  Far smaller than she appears to be on E!’s Fashion Police.


Kelly stopped to pose and sign autographs with every single person who was there, including me, which I was beyond thrilled about!


The star I was most excited about seeing, though, was Leighton Meester, whom I absolutely ADORE on Gossip Girl.  I had so badly wanted to get a photograph with Leighton back in October of 2009, when I saw Gossip Girl being filmed while on vacation in New York, but that sadly did not happen.  So I was BEYOND excited when she stopped to pose at the Hilton.  YAY!

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I had read in the January 2011 issue of Allure Magazine, for which Leighton was the cover girl, that the actress was just about as far removed from her Gossip Girl persona Blair Waldorf as one could possibly be.  According to the editors of the beauty mag, not only did Leighton introduce herself to each member of the crew when she arrived for the shoot, but she also thanked each of the crew members individually upon leaving.  And I have to say that my experience with her was much the same.  Leighton was incredibly friendly, warm, personable, and down-to-earth.  She stayed in the lobby a really long time in order to get a photograph with everyone who wanted one.  She was a total and complete sweetheart and, after meeting her, I can honestly say that I love her even more now than I did before.  Some celebrities wind up being a rather large disappointment when you meet or see them in person, but I am very happy to report that that was definitely not the case with Leighton.  Smile


Not all of the stars who present awards at the Golden Globes actually show up for a rehearsal.  A lot of celebrities have stand-ins who rehearse for them, as was the case with Steve Carell whose stand-in is pictured above.  I love that the stand-ins had to wear their celeb’s name-tag around their neck.  Too funny!

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Other stars who were in attendance that day included Modern Family’s Julie Bowen, who sadly only had time to sign a few autographs as she was running late for a birthday party for one of her son’s friends;

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Olivia Wilde, aka “Thirteen” from House, M.D., who despite having no make-up on looked absolutely stunning;

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Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton, who actually seemed a bit aloof;


Home and Away and Star Trek star Chris Hemsworth, whose arms were literally the size of both of my thighs put together – I honestly do not think I have ever seen arms that muscular before in my entire life;

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Hailee Steinfeld, whom I absolutely LOVE, mostly because she recently spoke out about getting majorly snubbed by super-diva Lea Michele while on the Paramount lot auditioning for True Grit;


TRON: Legacy star Garrett Hedlund, who was INCREDIBLY sweet;

Justin Bieber

and pop star Justin Bieber, whom I unfortunately did not get a good photograph of because he was ushered out of the lobby at lightning speed by his massive bodyguards.  You can just barely see him in the above picture – he is wearing the white shirt and beaded necklace and is carrying a cell phone in his hand.  Justin was SUPER cute in person, but a lot tinier than I had expected.


At around 6 p.m., most of my fellow stalkers started to pack up to leave as the only star left who was set to rehearse that day was Megan Fox and none of us were really interested in seeing her.  I actually started to pack up my belongings, as well, but then a thought occurred to me – Brian Austin Green just might be accompanying Megan that night as the two of them seem to do just about everything together and if I could have gotten a photograph of him, but didn’t, I would ALWAYS regret it later.  So, while everyone else went back to their rooms, the GC and I stuck around the lobby.  And I am SO glad we did because about fifteen minutes later who should walk in but comedienne Loni Love, whom I absolutely – pardon the pun – LOVE.  Loni is a frequent round-table guest on fave show Chelsea Lately and she is absolutely HILARIOUS!   As soon as I spotted Loni, I gasped and said loudly to the GC, “OH MY GOD, it’s Loni Love!”  Well, Loni heard me say this and looked over and smiled.  I pointed to her and then to myself and mimed taking a picture with my hands and she IMMEDIATELY walked right on over to snap a photo with me!  Loni was so incredibly nice and had a very warm personality and was easily one of my favorite people I met all day.  It was especially exciting because my dad is also a HUGE fan of hers.


I also got a picture with Brad Wollack and Sarah Colonna who are also frequent guests on Chelsea Lately and both of whom were VERY nice.


Then, just as I turned to the GC and said, “I wish Ross Mathews was here!”, who should walk through the lobby doors but Ross himself and I just about had a heart attack!  When Ross saw that we were looking at him, he immediately called us over and spent a good five minutes talking with us about the Golden Globes and which celebs we had seen that day.  Ross is INCREDIBLY down to earth and the whole time we were talking to him, it felt as if we were speaking with an old friend –  a celeb-obsessed old friend, of course.  Smile  Ross is also incredibly bubbly and REALLY funny.  I absolutely love, love, LOVE him.  Even more so now than I did before.   And about three hours after we took the above photograph, Ross happened to walk by the GC and me once again and stopped to say hello and asked if we had seen any other celebs since we had spoken to him last.  SUCH an incredibly nice guy.

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Ross, Sarah, Brad, and Loni were all at the Hilton to rehearse for the LIVE on E! Golden Globes After Show, the set of which is pictured above.


Then, right at 7 p.m., Megan Fox walked through the doors of the lobby, followed by none other than David Silver himself, Brian Austin Green!  And let me tell you, I could NOT have been more excited!


And while I let Megan walk right by, I called out to Brian and asked him to take a photograph with me, which he did.  Brian was REALLY nice and when I told him how much I had loved 90210 he thanked me.  It was literally the perfect end to a perfect day!  Sigh!


After getting my photograph with Brian, the GC and I headed downstairs to the hotel’s legendary Trader Vic’s restaurant – which I will be blogging about later – to grab a bite to eat.   The restaurant was undergoing preparations for the following night’s HBO After Party so I just had to pose celeb-style in front of the backdrop that was being set up.  Smile

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On our way out the door, after spotting director Oliver Stone whom we did not get a photograph of, I posed for a picture in front of the CNN and Inside Edition portions of the Golden Globes’ red carpet.  You can see how blindingly bright the red carpet lights were in the above photographs.  It was about 9 at night when those pictures were taken!


And I also just had to snap a pic in the back of the hotel, where another red carpet had been set up.  Love it!  All in all, it was a magical day and I can’t wait to do it all again next year!  That is, if I can get past the front door.  Winking smile

Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Lavonna for reminding me about the Golden Globe Awards and suggesting that I stalk the Beverly Hilton that day!   You rock, my friend!

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Beverly Hilton Hotel, where the Golden Globe Awards are held each year, is located at 9876 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.  For more information about the Golden Globes Package, you can contact the hotel directly.

David’s Bungalow from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


This past Tuesday night, Geoff, from the 90210locations website, asked for my help in tracking down the blue and white bungalow where Carly Reynolds (aka Hilary Swank) – and in later years David Silver (aka Brian Austin Green), Dylan McKay (aka Luke Perry), and Noah Hunter (aka Vincent Young) – lived during Season 8 of fave show Beverly Hills, 90210.  Now as I have mentioned a few times before on this site, I stopped watching 90210 after Season 4 when my girl Shannen Doherty left the series, but Geoff sent me a screen capture of the bungalow in the hopes that I could track the place down anyway.  Randomly enough, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, had just loaned me several of his DVDs of the older seasons of the show with the instruction that I should start watching the series over again from the beginning.   One of the seasons he loaned me just happened to be Season 8, so after I received Geoff’s email, I immediately popped in the first DVD and started scanning through it looking for clues to the location of Carly’s bungalow.  And, thanks to a little help from Mike, I was able to find the place almost immediately.

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Mike clued me into the fact that every shot of the bungalow shown on the series seemed to have been taken at an odd, sideways angle.  And scanning through the Season 8 episodes, I realized that I could literally not find one single establishing shot that had been taken of the house head on. 

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That paired with the fact that the home seemed to be situated at an angle perpendicular to that of its front gate led Mike to believe that the property did not actually face the street. 

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He had also noticed that in both the episodes “Pride and Prejudice” and “Toil and Trouble” there was a house that looked like a mirror image of Carly’s located in very close proximity and directly across the street from it.  All of these little “clues” added together led him to believe that Carly’s residence was not actually a house at all, but what is commonly referred to in Los Angeles as a “bungalow court” apartment complex.  So, armed with that information from Mike and after scanning through quite a few Season 8 episodes of the show, I immediately starting searching through Google for addresses of different bungalow court apartments.  And thankfully quite a few came up, almost all of which were in the Hollywood area.  I then looked at all of those addresses using Bing aerial views.  Because Carly’s house had a very unique roofline I thought it would be fairly easy to spot from above and, thankfully, it was!  One of the addresses that had come up on Google was for a bungalow court located at 1554 North Serrano Avenue.  And while that complex wasn’t where Carly lived on 90210, I did notice that there were quite a few other bungalow courts located on that very same street.  And, magically, one was Carly’s!  YAY!  So, I immediately dragged my dad out to stalk the place yesterday afternoon.


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Carly and David’s bungalow court apartment complex is actually something of a historic property and was designed by architect A.B. Crist in 1919.  It is a SUPER cute and picturesque little grouping of homes and it is not at all hard to see why producers chose to use it on Beverly Hills, 90210.

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Unfortunately, there is a large tree that is now situated in front of Carly’s bungalow which considerably blocks the view of it from the street.

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But the bungalow located directly across from it is very visible and, as you can see in the above photographs, looks exactly like Carly and David’s home.  Like Geoff said to me after I told him I had found the place, I guess I am going to have to start watching all of the later seasons of the show now.  Smile

On a side note – I just wanted to let all of my fellow stalkers know that Bing Maps has recently added a “Streetside” feature to its site and it is A-MA-ZING!  In fact, I think it is safe to say that I am absolutely in love with it!  The imaging is one hundred times better than that of Google Street View, not to mention one hundred times faster.  If you are trying to track a location down, I honestly cannot recommend using it enough!

Big THANK YO U to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for helping me find this location!

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: David Silver’s bungalow  – aka Carly Reynold’s bungalow – from the later seasons of Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1547 North Serrano Avenue in Hollywood.

Stalking in Palmdale!


My dad and I spent the entire day yesterday stalking locales in the Palmdale area – something I have been absolutely DYING to do for YEARS.  I was most excited about seeing the famed Four Aces movie set (pictured above), which appeared in an episode of The O.C. and the Lady Gaga/Beyonce “Telephone” music video, among COUNTLESS other productions.  Unfortunately though, because we were out stalking from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., I did not have a chance to write a post for today.  I promise to be back tomorrow, though, with a whole new blog! 

So, until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

The “Swingers” Apartment Building


One location that I stalked quite a few months back, but for whatever reason have yet to blog about is the Los Feliz apartment building where Mike (aka Jon Favreau) lived in the 1996 comedy Swingers.  I had actually been wanting to stalk this location for quite some time, ever since reading on the IMDB trivia page for Swingers that Jon Favreau had lived there while writing the screenplay for the movie and during the actual filming.  IMDB even had the address of the building – 5874 Franklin Avenue in Los Feliz – listed on  its Swingers filming locations page, but when my husband and I showed up to stalk the place we discovered that such an address did not actually exist.  At first I thought that the Swingers building had quite possibly been torn down, but, as it turns out, the information posted on IMDB was actually incorrect.  While looking for the apartment numbered 5874, I noticed the building located at 5870 Franklin Avenue and thought it looked very similar to where Mike had lived in Swingers, so my husband and I ventured over there for a closer look.  And amazingly enough we found our answer in a very cool way while doing so!


As it turns out, and as you can see in the above photograph, there is a Swingers poster hanging on the wall of the building’s lobby, which we spotted while peeking in through the front windows.  Once I saw that poster, I knew we had to be in the right place!  So incredibly cool!  I am not sure why there is also a Batman poster displayed in the lobby, being that Batman was filmed in its entirety in England, but I am guessing that maybe someone involved in the production had lived in the building at one time or another.

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In real life, the Swingers apartment building is named Chateau Marcella and it was originally built in 1928.  Due to the building’s detailing and character, I assumed it was mostly likely a historic structure of some sort, but sadly I could find absolutely no information about it online.  Like nothing, nada, zip.  Not even a single Yelp report stating whether or not it was a nice place to live!

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But I am happy to report that the building looks very much the same today as it did back in 1996 when Swingers was filmed.


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Not only did Jon Favreau live at the Chateau Marcella while Swingers was being filmed, but his real life apartment even stood in for Mike’s apartment in the flick!  Which makes sense because according to some of the behind-the-scenes information that I have found about the movie online, the Swingers’ shoot was a very low budget one.  So, I am guessing that to cut down on costs, Jon decided to use his own apartment for the filming instead of paying to rent out a location for days on end. 

Jon Favreau apartment number

I believe that the filming of Swingers took place inside of apartment 382, as in the scene in which Mike comes home after first meeting Lorraine (aka Heather Graham), he opens his front door and a number is just barely visible.  I believe that number is 382, but don’t quote me on that as it is very hard to make out.  According to IMDB’s trivia page for Swingers, actor Adam Scott also lived at Chateau Marcella during the time that Swingers was being filmed.

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The apartment also boasts a fabulous view of the Hollywood sign.  Smile

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Chateau Marcella, aka the Swingers apartment building and actor Jon Favreau’s former home, is located at 5870 Franklin Avenue in Los Feliz.  The 101 Coffee Shop, where Mike and his friends hung out in the movie, is located just a few blocks west of the apartment building at 6145 Franklin Avenue.

72 North – The Real Life Emerald City Bar from “Grey’s Anatomy”


While Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I were watching True Blood being filmed in Pasadena last Wednesday night, we got to talking with the owner of The Old Towne Pub about all of the filming that has taken place in the area over the years.  The owner was extremely knowledgeable and clued us in to a lot of locations that neither of us had previously known about, the most exciting of which for me was the downstairs bar of the former McMurphy’s Restaurant & Tavern, now 72 North, which is used as the supposed Seattle-area Emerald City Bar where all of the Seattle Grace interns hang out each week on the hit television series Grey’s Anatomy.  I was EXTREMELY interested in stalking McMurphy’s upon finding out that after filming the Season 2 episode of the series titled “Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head” on location there, producers had an exact replica of the place rebuilt at ABC Prospect Studios, where Grey’s Anatomy is lensed, that they then used for filming each and every week, which I thought was just about the coolest thing ever!  Even though I have never watched Grey’s Anatomy, finding that out was like discovering that Central Perk from Friends was modeled after a real life coffee shop that one could actually visit!  So incredibly cool!  Sadly, McMurphy’s Restaurant and Tavern closed its doors a few years ago and the new owners completely gutted and remodeled the place, renamed it Dullahans, and it subsequently closed down yet again just a short while later.  It was then sold once again to new owners and renamed 72 North.  Miraculously though, through all of the changes of ownership and the extensive remodel, the downstairs bar area was left untouched and still looks pretty much exactly the same today as it did when Grey’s Anatomy first filmed there back in 2005.  YAY!  So, this past Friday night I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk the place.


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Ever since Emerald City Bar, or Joe’s Bar as it is also sometimes referred to on Grey’s Anatomy, appeared in the “Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head” episode, it has been featured almost weekly on the series as the regular hangout of Meredith Grey (aka Ellen Pompeo), Christina Yang (aka Sandra Oh), Derek Shepherd (aka Patrick Dempsey), and the rest of the Seattle Grace gang.  The above screen captures were taken from the “Raindrops” episode, during which filming took place at the actual downstairs bar area of McMurphy’s Restaurant & Tavern.

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The above screen captures were taken from later episodes of the series, during which filming took place at the studio-built replica of the bar.

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The downstairs bar area at 72 North is currently only used for special events and private parties, but one of the super-friendly bartenders offered to open it up for me so that I could snap a few pictures of the place.  And even though Bartender Joe’s Seattle-inspired decorations were of course no longer in place, the bar is still very recognizable from the series.  So incredibly cool! 

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Unfortunately, I did not get a great picture of the bar’s front doors while I was stalking the place, but you can kind of see them in the above photograph.

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72 North’s downstairs room can actually be reached via an exterior staircase much like it was portrayed on Grey’s Anatomy.

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72 North has a kind of sports/dive bar-type atmosphere, but, let me tell you, the food they serve there is nothing short of FABULOUS!  This is not your ordinary bar food in any way, shape, or form!  The chicken was cooked to absolute perfection and, as I have mentioned numerous times before, I am extremely picky about my chicken.  The GC and I ordered up a vegetable plate while we were there  and not only was it amazing, but it was also absolutely HUGE!  It was literally the size of a platter one would serve at a party!  And the cost of that vegetable dish?  Because it was happy hour, the tray was only $3!  I am not kidding!  Our entire meal came to $27 and we each had a cocktail!  Needless to say, the GC was absolutely THRILLED upon receiving the check and told me that we could go back to stalk the place anytime I wanted.  Winking smile


Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: 72 North, aka the real life Emerald City Bar or Joe’s Bar from Grey’s Anatomy, is located at 72 North Fair Oaks Avenue in Old Town Pasadena.  The downstairs bar is the area that is shown on the series.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

Watching the Filming of “True Blood”

True Blood filming 1

Last Wednesday evening I got a text from the owner of POP Champagne & Dessert Bar – my very favorite restaurant and the spot where the Grim Cheaper and I held the rehearsal dinner for our wedding last August – alerting me to the fact that the hit HBO television series True Blood would be filming at his eatery the following evening beginning at 9 p.m.  He invited me to come down to watch and even though I’ve never seen even one episode of the vampire series, I was beyond excited!  I immediately called up Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and asked him to join me as True Blood is his very favorite show.  So, the next night at around 8 p.m. the two of us headed out to POP and were floored to see those ubiquitous yellow filming signs that I so love on the streets surrounding the restaurant.


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True Blood was actually first being shot inside of The Old Towne Pub, a bar that is located right next door to POP, and when filming wrapped there, the production was then set to move outside, to POP’s back entrance, which, oddly enough, was standing in for the front entrance to The Old Towne Pub.  Confused?  I was.  For whatever reason though, even though the two doors look very similar (POP’s back entrance is pictured above left and The Old Towne Pub’s entrance is pictured above right), producers had decided that POP’s back door suited their filming needs better than The Old Towne Pub’s actual entrance.  


And even though only POP’s back door and the alleyway directly outside of it would be appearing in the episode and none of the restaurant’s actual interiors would be seen, the eatery was required to close its doors during the shoot.  So, I ,of course, just had to take a picture standing in front of the sign announcing that POP would be closing early that evening.  Love it!

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According to one of the crew members that we spoke with, the Old Towne Pub and POP Champagne Bar were being used for a flashback scene that was taking place in a punk bar in 1980’s London.  The courtyard outside of the two bars and the alleyway were dressed to look like 1980’s London for the shoot and there were several British cars parked there, which was very cool to see. 

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The sides of the alley were also packed to the brim with all sorts of filming equipment and props.


According to one of the security guards that we spoke with, actors Stephen Moyer, who plays Bill Compton on the series, and Ryan Kwanten, who plays Sookie Stackhouse’s brother Jason, were in attendance that evening (at least I think that is what he said, but again I have never seen the show, so I cannot be positive of who was actually there).  Sadly though, we did not spot either of them.  We first watched the filming from a distance in the courtyard area behind the two bars, but we unfortunately could not see very much from there at all.  Then the owner of The Old Towne Pub, who had been standing with us, informed us that we should venture upstairs to the courtyard’s outdoor patio where we would have a much better vantage point.  Well, wouldn’t you know it, just as we made our way up to the second story patio, both Stephen and Ryan were wrapped for the night and walked off of the set.  Apparently they took photographs with several fans who were also watching the filming on their way out, too, so Mike and I majorly lost out!!!  While we were on the patio, we did get to watch a scene being filmed with some of the episode’s guest stars, though, which I was floored about.  Even though I do not watch the show, as you all know I LOVE to watch filming of any sort, so I was in absolute heaven.  And the crew truly (pun intended!) could NOT have been nicer, either.  The first crew member that we spoke with upon arriving at POP was actually a real a-hole and I was fearful that they all might be unfriendly towards us.  But, as it turned out, I really needn’t have worried as the rest of the crew was INCREDIBLY friendly and answered all of our questions about the filming and allowed us to take as many pictures as we wanted.  YAY!  One of them even came up to me to chat about the jacket I was wearing as he had just bought the exact same jacket for his girlfriend for Christmas.  LOVE IT! 

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The following evening, I dragged the GC out to stalk the The Old Towne Pub so that I could snap some picture of the restaurant’s interior where filming had taken place.  Our original plan was to grab a bite to eat there, but unfortunately the restaurant does not serve food and the two of us were absolutely starving, so we did not end up staying.  The server on duty was super nice, though, and let us take all of the photographs of the place that we wanted even though we were not actually eating there.  I definitely plan on re-stalking this location after the True Blood episode airs and doing a more in-depth post on it as an episode of the HBO series Hung was filmed there as was the 2000 movie Bedazzled.

True Blood Filming in Pasadena–1-12-2011

Mike took the above video on his iPhone of the two guest stars rehearsing the scene that we watched being filmed.  He also took all of the photographs which appear in this post, so, a big THANK YOU goes out to him for allowing me to share them all on my site.  THANK YOU, Mike, from MovieShotsLASmile 

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

POP's back door

Stalk It: POP Champagne and Dessert Bar is located at 33 East Union Street in Old Town Pasadena.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website hereTrue Blood was filmed at POP’s back entrance on Aayes Alley, which is denoted with the pink arrow in the above aerial view and which can be reached from East Holly Street.  The episode was also filmed inside of The Old Towne Pub, which is located at 66 North Fair Oaks Avenue, directly behind the Container Store, in Old Town Pasadena.  You can visit that restaurant’s official website here.

Angela’s Substitute Teacher’s Apartment Building from “My So-Called Life”

My So-Called Life address number

Well, it appears as if I am definitely on a My So-Called Life kick as of late because once I popped in my DVD of the series’ pilot episode last week, I have literally not been able to stop watching since.  The show has definitely withstood the test of time as it is still absolutely riveting to watch today, sixteen years after it originally aired, which is simply incredible to me!  Anyway, while watching the Season 1 episode of the series titled “The Substitute” earlier this week, I noticed an address number of “1008” in the background behind Angela Chase (aka Claire Danes) in the scene in which she goes to the apartment building where her substitute teacher, Mr. Vic Racine (aka Roger Rees), lives to confront him about deserting his family.  And while the outside of his building is never actually shown in its entirety in the episode – all that appears in the scene is a brick wall, a wooden fence, and a red door – I became rather obsessed with finding where it was located.  Not because I necessarily wanted to stalk it, but because seeing that “1008” was like a challenge, a little clue being dangled in front of my eyes, tauntingly daring me to track the place down.  As crazy as it may sound, for whatever reason, once I spotted that address number I was absolutely NOT going to rest until I found it!


Railroad tracks - My So Called Life

I had also noticed railroad tracks in the background of the scene, so I was 99.9% certain that Mr. Racine’s apartment building was located in the South Pasadena area, somewhere in the vicinity of Andie’s house from the movie Pretty in Pink.  I immediately emailed my super-friendly and super-knowledgeable contact over at the South Pasadena film office to ask for her thoughts.  While waiting for a response, I decided to start searching aerial views of the the streets on either side of the city’s Metro Gold Line tracks and it wasn’t long before I came to a conclusion – Mr. Racine’s “apartment” was actually the side of the popular South Pasadena eatery Buster’s Ice Cream and Coffee Shop.  I emailed my contact once again to tell her my theory and to send along a set of screen caps from “The Substitute” episode and she wrote me back almost immediately saying that I was indeed correct – the scene had been shot on the side of Buster’s Coffee Shop.  YAY!  So, early yesterday morning I headed on over to South Pasadena to snap some pics.

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And let me tell you, I just about died upon realizing that the EXACT SAME “No Trespassing” sign that had appeared in the episode was still there in real life!  Seeing that sign literally gave me goose bumps, I was so excited!  SO INCREDIBLY COOL!  As you can see in the above photograph, the “1008” address sign was also there in real life, as well.

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The area looks quite a bit different today as the majority of it has been fenced off.

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But you can kind of catch a good glimpse of the spot where filming took place if you head north across the train tracks.  And while it does seem like a VERY odd spot for a substitute to live, or anyone to live for that matter, it does appear that there is some sort of small apartment complex located behind the wooden fencing pictured above.

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The door pictured above is actually the side entrance to Buster’s and it still looks very much the same today as it did back in 1994 when “The Substitute” episode was filmed.

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The tree and telephone pole that appeared in the background behind Angela also still look very much the same.

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And the electrical meters which appeared in the scene are also still there in real life.

South Pasadena Mr. Racine's Apartment

While I was taking photographs yesterday, one of the Buster’s workers came outside and inquired as to what I was doing.  When I explained that an episode of My So-Called Life had been filmed on the premises over 16 years ago, he said, “Oh yeah, I know!  Wow, I haven’t thought about that in a REALLY long time!”  As it turns out, he was there during the filming of “The Substitute” episode, although he doesn’t remember much of what went on.  I thought it was still incredibly cool nonetheless – I mean he actually witnessed the filming of one of the most ground-breaking shows on television!  Love it!  The front of Buster’s Ice Cream and Coffee Shop is pictured above.  The purple arrow denotes where “The Substitute” was filmed.  Ironically enough, Michael Myers’ house from the original Halloween movie is located just across the train tracks from Mr. Racine’s apartment and is denoted with the pink arrow in the above photograph.


On a My So-Called Life side note – while watching the episode titled “The Zit” a couple of days ago, I was floored to discover that the department store where Angela and her mother, Patty (aka Bess Armstrong), shopped for make-up was none other than the former Bullocks Wilshire department store, now Southwestern Law School campus, near Downtown Los Angeles, which I blogged about back in December of 2009


The Mother/Daughter Fashion Show scene from that same episode was also filmed at Bullock’s Wilshire, in the former department store’s Louis XVI Room.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Vic Racine’s apartment from “The Substitute” episode of My So-Called Life is located at 1008 Mission Street, directly behind Buster’s Ice Cream and Coffee Shop, in South Pasadena.  Michael Myers’ house from the original Halloween movie is located right across the train tracks from Buster’s at 1000 Mission Street.  And the former hardware store, now Radhika restaurant, where Michael Myers stole a mask and some knives in the original Halloween is also located across the street from Buster’s at 966 Mission Street.

Madame Chocolat from “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”


Another location that I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to see while stalking in the Beverly Hills area two weekends ago was Madame Chocolat, the chocolate shop that was featured in the Season 1 episode of the reality series The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills titled “Chocolate Louboutins”.  Sadly though, because we were there on a Sunday, the place was closed and we did not get to venture inside, nor did we get to sample any of the delicious-looking chocolate. 

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We did spend quite a bit of time admiring the beautifully sculpted candies that were featured in the shop’s front window, though – all of which I later learned are actually fake to prevent melting, but are modeled after real designs that can be purchased inside.  Then yesterday, I randomly found myself parked directly in front of the store while doing some shopping in Beverly Hills, so I decided to pop in and purchase some candy for the GC.  (I am diabetic and therefore could not buy any for myself.)  And, amazingly enough, Hasty Torres, the shop’s owner who appeared in The Real Housewives episode, was working the front counter!  Hasty could NOT have been nicer and spent quite a bit of time speaking with me about the filming of the show and even helped me pick out some sweets that the GC would like.  I so badly wanted to ask her to take a photograph with me, but I hesitated as I thought she might think I was a bit weird.  Looking back, I really regret it as she was so incredibly sweet. 


As it turns out, Hasty’s foray into the chocolate world reads like a Hollywood script.  While working for a finance company in Century City a little over a decade ago, she became obsessed with a Food Network television show named Chocolate with Jacques Torres, in which renowned pastry chef/chocolatier Jacques Torres created various works of art out of the sweet delicacy. Hasty was so obsessed, in fact, that she wound up quitting her job and enrolling in Pasadena’s famed Le Cordon Bleu cooking school with the hope of one day opening up a chocolate shop of her very own.  Upon graduating a year and a half later, she got a job working for Jacques himself at one of his many chocolate stores in New York and the two ended up falling in love.  Hasty’s dream was finally realized in November of 2006 when the chocolatier founded her very own shop on North Canon Drive in the heart of Beverly Hills.  And just a year later, Hasty and Jacques were married at the legendary Bel Air Hotel.  Such an incredible story!


When I came home with the above-pictured bag yesterday, the GC was extremely excited as he is a total chocolate fiend . . . until he saw the receipt, that is, which I had accidentally left in the bag.   


I ended up purchasing four (tiny) chocolate bon bons and one chocolate-dipped Oreo cookie and my total bill was $13!  But hey, it’s Beverly Hills – prices like that pretty much go with the territory.  Well, the GC took one look at that receipt and said, “Can you return them?”  LOL  Return chocolate???  Really????  Do you see what I have to put up with here?  Winking smile  Anyway, despite his chagrin over the cost, by 8 p.m. last night he had devoured all four of the bon bons and the cookie, as well!  And while he said that he much preferred the Rocky Mountain chocolate that I had purchased him this past Christmas, I am fairly certain that had more to do with Madame Chocolat’s pricing than it did the quality of their chocolate.


His favorite item was the Café bon bon – an espresso-infused dark chocolate ganache that is shaped like a coffee cup.  So cute!

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In the “Chocolate Louboutins” episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, housewife/restaurateur Lisa Vanderpump-Todd (whom I absolutely LOVE) visits Madame Chocolat to pick up a pair of chocolate Christian Louboutin high heels, which were made out of a whopping three pounds of white Belgian chocolate, that she has special ordered.



The chocolate shoes, of course, also boast the signature Louboutin red soles.  Love it!  Smile

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During her visit, Lisa also orders a custom-made, $1,000, three-foot tall chocolate Easter bunny which she then brings to Easter brunch at fellow housewife Kyle Richard’s house in Palm Springs.

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Madame Chocolat also appeared in the Season 5 episode of The Girls Next Door titled “Hot Chocolate” in which Hugh Hefner’s three then-girlfriends, Holly Madison, Bridget Marquardt, and Kendra Wilkinson, visit the chocolatier to have some of their, ahem, body parts recreated out of chocolate as a birthday gift for Hef.


The shop is also something of a celebrity hot spot with such stars as Wolfgang Puck, Nobu Matsuhisa, Rachel Ray, Mario Batali, Ricky Martin, JC Chasez, Robin Thicke, Ludacris, Lamar Odom, P. Diddy, Eva Longoria Parker, Kris Jenner, and Shannon Elizabeth all stopping by to satisfy their sweet tooth.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Madame Chocolat from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is located at 212 North Canon Drive in Beverly Hills.  You can visit the store’s official website here.  Madame Chocolat is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.  The store is closed on Sundays.

Patrick Swayze’s Former Apartment


Ever since the Grim Cheaper purchased the Dirty Dancing: Limited Keepsake Edition DVD for me this past Christmas, I have become just a tad bit obsessed with finding out more behind-the-scenes information about the movie.  So, the other day I picked up Patrick Swayze and wife Lisa Niemi’s autobiography which is titled The Time of My Life and, let me tell you, I’ve hardly been able to put it down since.  It is an absolutely FABULOUS book and Patrick Swayze was an absolutely AMAZING man!  The unbridled love that he had for his wife is riveting to read about and heartbreaking at the same time, now that he has since passed away.  Let’s just say that theirs was not a typical Hollywood union.  Patrick married Lisa on June 12, 1975, when he was only 22 years old and she was only 19, and they remained together and completely devoted to one another throughout the rest of his life.  While the majority of married actors surrounding him on movie sets were conducting on-set affairs during filming, Lisa accompanied Patrick on each and every single shoot – whether he was filming in Los Angeles or in the far reaches of Africa – and I think that is part of what made their marriage so strong.  If you have any interest whatsoever in learning more about Patrick Swayze or the movie Dirty Dancing, I honestly cannot recommend The Time of My Life enough!  The book also doles out quite a few stalking addresses, including one of the couple’s first Los Angeles apartments, which I ran right out to stalk yesterday!

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Patrick and Lisa first moved to Southern California in 1979, after spending several years together in New York.  The two first lived in the ground-floor apartment of a home owned by two older women in the Hollywood Hills.  Of his new landlords, Patrick said, “The women upstairs were real characters, and one of them seemed always to have a tumbler of scotch in her hand.”  LOL  In 1980, after living in that apartment for a little over a year, the couple moved to what Patrick describes in the book as “an apartment in West Hollywood, on La Jolla Avenue”.  Well, as soon as I read those words I knew I was going to have to track down that apartment!  Thankfully though, Patrick made the job extremely easy for me by putting in the book the above photograph of himself, along with his mother and Lisa, standing outside of their apartment in which an address number of “623” was visible.  Because he had described the place as being in West Hollywood, I had assumed it would be located on North La Jolla Avenue, but when I searched for that address via Google street view, nothing matched up.  So, I then looked at the building located at 623 South La Jolla Avenue and there was his apartment, looking almost EXACTLY the same as it had back in the early 80s when the Swayzes had called the place home!. So incredibly cool!

Patrick Swayze garage

In the book, Patrick says that his apartment came with a two-car garage that he and Lisa turned into a woodworking shop as the couple ran a carpentry business on the side, which kept them afloat financially in between acting gigs.  I am guessing that their garage was the one denoted with the pink arrow in the above photograph.

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But, for whatever reason, in the above photograph, which was included in the book, Patrick is shown posing with his brand new DeLorean car outside of the garage belonging to the neighboring apartment building.  That area, too, though looks very much the same today as it did back in the early 80’s.

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Shortly after moving into the apartment, the Swazyes found themselves broke with only $3 in their bank account.  Patrick says, “The saving grace of our new apartment was the orange tree in the backyard, which ended up feeding us for the difficult weeks we spent trying to pull our financial life together.  We managed to scrape together enough coins to buy a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread, and that, with the oranges, was what we ate.”  Just a few weeks after going broke, fate intervened and Patrick landed the lead role of “Bandit” in the television series Renegades.  His career took off from there.  The couple continued to live in the La Jolla Avenue apartment for the next few years as Patrick’s fame continued to grow.  But after the television series North and South aired in 1985, the actor became a household name and the Swayzes had to move from their beloved, but entirely-too-accessible apartment.  Patrick says, “Lisa and I also realized that we’d now have to take steps to protect our privacy.  Even in those pre-internet days, there were still paparazzi all over Hollywood, not to mention some overzealous fans who weren’t above staking us out at home.  When I got the role of Orry Main, it allowed us to buy a five-acre ranch, where we could keep horses and enjoy nature without being disturbed.”  That ranch, which they named “Rancho Bizarro and which Lisa still owns to this day, is located on Lemoncrest Avenue in Sylmar, about twenty miles north of Los Angeles.


Another location that Patrick talks about in The Time of My Life – one that I was absolutely DYING to stalk until I found out that it was no longer there – was the Harkness Theater at Lincoln Center in New York.  In September of 1973, Patrick, who was at the time a member of the Harkness Ballet Company, was hired to pose for artist Enrique Senis-Oliver who had been commissioned by oil heiress Rebekah Harkness to paint a large mural in her new theatre, which was then just being built.  The enormous painting, which Patrick says “stretched from the stage to the very top of the proscenium and down both sides”, was titled Homage to Terpsichore and it featured hundreds of nude men dancing.  Incredibly, all of those men were Patrick!  Over a period of several weeks, Enrique had used the actor/dancer as the model for each and every single male featured in the mural!  Sadly though, that mural is no longer as the Harkness Theatre was torn down in 1977, only a few short years after it had been built.  So incredibly sad!  You can see photographs of part of Patrick’s mural here and here.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

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Stalk It:  Patrick Swayze’s former apartment building is located at 623 South La Jolla Avenue in Los Angeles.  The garage Patrick posed in front of with his new DeLorean is located just north of his apartment building and is denoted with a pink arrow in the above aerial view.

The Avalon Hotel – The Former Beverly Carlton Where Marilyn Monroe Once Lived


Another location that the Grim Cheaper and I stalked while in the Beverly Hills area two weekends ago was the historic Avalon Hotel, where my girl Marilyn Monroe once lived for a period of about three years back in the 1950’s.  During that time, the property was a residential motel known as the Beverly Carlton that was first opened in 1948 and was designed by legendary graphic designer Alvin Lustig.  And while the hotel was actually considered to be a moderately priced accommodation for its time, besides Marilyn, such stars as Mae West, Lucille Ball, and Desi Arnaz often stayed there.  In the 70s and 80s the hotel became rundown, underwent several remodels, and was transformed into both a retirement home and an apartment complex.  In 1998, property developer Brad Korzen purchased it and enlisted his now-wife, Kelly Wearstler of KWID Designs, to give the place an extensive reboot.  In doing so, Wearstler and her team researched the original design elements of the hotel, which they obtained from photographs taken by famed photographer Julius Shulman for a 1948 Forum Magazine article, and it was those original designs that ended up serving as the inspiration for the entire remodel. 

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The result is that the property looks VERY much the same today as it did back in the 1950’s when Marilyn lived there!  Love it! 

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I first learned about the Avalon a few years back when Cold Case star Kathryn Morris posed for an InStyle Magazine photo shoot on the hotel grounds.  I became quite obsessed with the Avalon Hotel sign pictured above, but had assumed it was a fake that had been created for the shoot.  Looking back, why I never thought to Google the terms “Avalon Hotel” is absolutely beyond me, but as they say hindsight is 20/20.   Then last Christmas, I was flipping through Southwest Airline’s Spirit Magazine while on the plane ride home from visiting my grandmother in Reno, when I happened upon an article about the Avalon and noticed a picture of that same unique sign from the InStyle photographs.  Well, I just about fell over upon realizing that the Avalon was in fact a real life hotel and immediately added its address to my ever-growing To-Stalk list.  It wasn’t until much later, though, while doing some cyber-stalking on the internet, that I discovered that my girl Marilyn had once called the place home.  So incredibly cool!

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According to the super nice desk clerk that we spoke with while stalking the place, MM actually lived at the Beverly Carlton during several different periods of her life – first in 1948 and then again in 1951 through 1952, for a total of about three years time.  The hotel is comprised of three different buildings – the Olympic, the Beverly, and the Canon – and the desk clerk informed us that Marilyn lived in Room 305 of the Beverly building, which is pictured above, although I have read some conflicting reports online, so I am not sure if that information is entirely accurate.  What is for certain, though, is that during her tenure at the hotel, Marilyn rented a one-room studio apartment, which you “>can see a photograph of here.  The starlet posed for numerous photo shoots while living on the premises – both inside of her actual studio and next to the hotel’s hour glass-shaped pool.  You can see many of the photographs from those particular shoots here.  I cannot tell you how cool it was to look through those pictures and see Marilyn standing in a location that still looks EXACTLY the same today as it did when she posed there almost six decades ago.


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Celebrities who have been spotted at the Avalon in more recent years include Jacinda Barrett, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake, Guy Pearce, Eva Longoria, William Baldwin, Selma Blair, Jonah Hill, Kate Hudson, Ryan Phillipe, Abbie Cornish, Terrance Howard, Tilda Swinton, Superbad’s Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Grey’s Anatomy’s Jessica Capshaw, Numb3rs’ David Krumholtz, House, M.D.’s Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer, Entourage’s Kevin Connolly, sisters Hilary and Haylie Duff, and 90210’s Shenae Grimes, Michael Steger, and Ryan Eggold.


The front desk clerk also let us know that in the Season 4 episode of I Love Lucy titled “L.A. At Last”, the Avalon stood in for the Beverly Palms Hotel where Lucy Ricardo (aka Lucille Ball), Ricky Ricardo (aka Desi Arnaz), Ethel Mertz (aka Vivian Vance), and Fred Mertz (aka William Frawley) stayed while vacationing in Los Angeles.  Lucy and Ricky’s hotel room set from that episode is now on display at the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown, New York, which I think is just about the coolest thing ever!

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The Season 5 episode of Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List titled “Paris is My New BFF”, in which Paris Hilton guest-starred, was filmed on location at the Avalon’s pool area. 

And 90210 star Jessica Lowndes recently posed for Zooey Magazine’s October 2010 issue at the Avalon, which you can see photographs of here.  You can also watch a behind-the-scenes video of the shoot by clicking above.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Avalon Hotel, aka the former Beverly Carlton Hotel where Marilyn Monroe used to live, is located at 9400 West Olympic Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  Marilyn Monroe lived in the hotel’s Beverly Building, the entrance of which is located at 412 South Beverly Drive.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.