The Stylish Blogger Award


Today’s blog is going to be slightly out of the ordinary as costume design aficionado Christian Esquevin, founder of the Silver Screen Modiste blog, just nominated for a Stylish Blogger Award.  Whoo-hoo!  Of the nomination, he said, “For Lindsay’s unabashed enthusiasm and determination to find and document the locations of movie and TV filming.”  When Christian emailed me to let me know the news, I could NOT have been more ecstatic!   Thank you so much, Christian!

Per the rules of the award, I am supposed to:

1) Thank and link back to the blogger who tagged me with the award.
2) Share seven things about myself.
3) Award recently discovered great bloggers.
4) Contact the bloggers and inform them of their award.

So, here goes!

Seven things about me that you might not already know:


1. I love to shop.  Aside from stalking, it is my favorite pastime.  Sadly though, I live in a 725-square-foot apartment and my closet situation is absolutely pitiful.  I recently told the Grim Cheaper that I should have taken a note from Carrie Bradshaw when he proposed by asking for a “really big closet” instead of a ring.  (Although if we are being completely honest here, I have to admit that I’d want both the closet AND the ring.)  Some of my current favorite stores include Lucky Brand, Lula Mae gift shop in Old Town Pasadena, L&G Fashion Boutique in Monrovia, and Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena.  Oh, how happy the GC would be if all of those places went out of business in the near future.  Winking smile


2. I have a horrible fear of flying.  I will do it, but it is not easy for me.  I literally cannot get on an airplane without a hefty dose of Ativan or a few glasses of champagne.  According to most studies, public speaking is the human race’s number one fear, but give me a stage and a microphone and I am a happy camper.  I set one foot in an airport, though, and I break out in a cold sweat – even if I am not actually flying anywhere.  The GC, my parents, and I are planning to visit my best friend, Robin, in Switzerland in the summer of 2012 and, even though the trip is over a year away, every time I think about the flight there and back my stomach drops about ten feet.  Gossip Girl’s Katie Cassidy was recently quoted in US Magazine as saying, “I’m like a U.S. marshal on planes.  I’m like, ‘Excuse me, this person has gotten out of their seat to go to the bathroom, like, four times . . . you might want to check him!’”   Well, let me tell you, I cut that quote out of the magazine as soon as I saw it and tacked it right up on my bulletin board as it is just SO me.  Love it!


3. I was once paid $100 to stop singing karaoke.  I was at a piano bar in Maryland at the time and, for some reason, no one else was singing, so I pretty much had full command of the stage.  After I had belted out about seven different tunes in a row, the cocktail waitress sheepishly walked over to me and said, “There is a gentleman over there who would like to offer you $100 to stop singing for the night.”  And yes, I accepted!  That’s him – and the $100 – pictured above.  I absolutely LOVE to sing, but as you have probably already garnered from this story, I sadly cannot carry a tune.  While I usually say that acting is my one great love, truth be told, I much prefer to sing.  I am absolutely convinced that I was meant to be a singer, but that something went terribly wrong when I was in the womb and I mistakenly came out tone deaf.  Because of that sad fact, the only place I can really fulfill my true calling is at a karaoke bar.  My favorite one, hands down, is Dimples in Burbank – a spot where Britney Spears has been known to pop in and sing a tune or two.


4. I am a Gemini and I DEFINITELY have two sides to my personality.  I am the sweetest person you will ever meet until you cross me and then, as my former boss used to say, it’s game over!  When my best friend Kylee’s dad met me for the first time, he said, “Oh my gosh, you are sooooo nice!  From the way Kylee talked about you, I expected you to be tough as nails.”  LOL  She had to explain that I only get that way if I’ve been wronged.  Winking smile  The above photograph is one my parents took of me at Disneyland when I was about three years old.  Although I do not remember the incident, I was apparently mad because I wanted to take pictures with some Disney characters, but they were nowhere to be found.  It is one of my parents’ very favorite photographs of me and definitely showcases that other side to my personality. 


5. Along with the Grim Cheaper, my parents are my closest friends.  We are definitely a package deal and do just about everything together and it has been that way ever since I was a little girl.  When the GC and I first met, he used to joke that he wasn’t just dating me, he was also dating my parents. 

6. I have the nose of a pregnant woman.  It is not a stretch to say that I can smell things from a mile away.  The FBI should use me to track contraband.  I don’t know where it comes from or why, but, as strange as it may sound, the sense of smell is definitely my strongest sense.


7. I am fairly certain that I have a mild case of OCD.  I am extremely anal and do not like it AT ALL if things on my desk . . . or in my car . . . or in my closest are not in perfect order.  I am very Monica Geller/Emma Pillsbury-esqe in that respect.  I honestly cannot set foot in a Ross: Dress For Less store due to the major disorganization that is often found there.  One look at the shop’s haphazard racks of clothes is enough to give me massive amounts of anxiety.  Yes, I know – I have problems.  😉

And now, some bloggers who I would like to nominate for a Stylish Blogger Award:


1. OnLocationVacations – For Christine’s tireless and extensive efforts to bring daily filming location information to the masses.  When tracking down daily filming locales, she honestly leaves no stone unturned.  I often wonder how the girl has any time to sleep!  If you are ever in a big city and wondering where filming might be taking place, there is NO better source!


2. – For Mike and Maria’s dedicated coverage of everything L.A., including restaurants, local events, history, and the occasional filming location.  I love how much this couple loves  L.A. and how good Mike is at recognizing various area locales that pop up on his favorite television shows and in his favorite movies.


3. The PinkyLoveJoy blog – For Pinky’s unabashed and non-discriminatory adoration of celebrities and for her dogged pursuit in tracking each and every one of them down to pose for a photograph.  Pinky has DEFINITELY taught me a thing or two about stalking (who’d have thunk it?) and the girl is downright hilarious, to boot. 


4. Reality Steve – For reality-junkie Steve Carbone’s laugh-out-loud funny and brutally honest take on The Bachelor and other reality television shows, not to mention his unsurpassed insider information and series’ spoilers.  A Bachelor episode is not complete for me until I can read Reality Steve’s wrap-up of it the following morning.


5. Hooked on Houses – For Julia Knispel’s lively and passionate coverage of all things residential – from hip real estate currently on the market to celebrity homes to interior design to movie and television properties (my personal favorite).   As Julia says, “For me, looking at houses is a form of entertainment.”  Ah, a woman after my own heart!


6. Seen On – For their fantastic and extensive cataloging of clothing worn by various actors on current television shows and movies.  Spot an outfit on your favorite series that you simply must have?  Chances are, Seen On will be able to tell you who made it, where you can buy it, and for how much.  The site also features fab interviews with acclaimed costume designers, directors, and celebrity stylists.


7. Big Orange Landmarks – For Floyd B. Bariscale’s in-depth efforts in identifying and photographing the countless historical buildings, structures, and homes that can be found in and around Los Angeles.  His passion for the various properties is contagious and his research unparalleled.  Whenever I am seeking historical information on a particular movie location, his blog is always my first stop.


8. Dear Old Hollywood – For Robby Cress’ titillating reporting on the heyday of Hollywood – both the business and the town.  Anyone that says there is no history in Los Angeles has obviously not read this blog.


9. AltadenaBlog – For Altadena denizen Timothy Rutt’s fabulous broadcasting of the goings-on in the city of Altadena, including the endless filmings that are constantly taking place in his area.  Check out this juicy little tidbit that he recently posted.

10. The Drewseum – For Ashley and Anne’s unconditional and unwavering love of actress Drew Barrymore and all things Drew-related and for their massive and awe-inspiring collection of DB memorabilia.


Big THANK YOU to Christian Esquevin from the Silver Screen Modiste blog for nominating me for the Stylish Blogger AwardSmile  I truly could not be more honored! 

I will be back tomorrow with a regular post, so . . .

. . . Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Liam Court’s House from “90210”


This past Thursday afternoon, while out running some errands in the Hancock Park area, I decided to do a little stalking of the residence where Liam Court (aka cutie Matt Lanter – sigh!) lives on fave show 90210.  I found this location thanks to Geoff at the 90210 Locations website who posted the information way back in October of 2009.  And even though I do seriously love me some Matt Lanter, for whatever reason it took me almost a year and half to get out to stalk the place.

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Geoff actually first found this location shortly after it appeared in the Season 1 episode of the new Melrose Place titled “Windsor” in which it was used as the spot where Lauren Yung (aka Stephanie Jacobsen) caught David Breck (aka Shaun Sipos) stealing jewelry.  Geoff had an inkling that the manse was located in the Hancock Park area as he had just tracked down the house belonging to Michael Mancini (aka Thomas Calabro) on the series in that same vicinity.  Because the estate is so incredibly large and distinct-looking, it did not take him long to find it using aerial views.  Then, as fate would have it, someone emailed him a screen cap of Liam’s house just a few days later and asked if he might be able to track it down.  He, of course, recognized the place immediately.  It is so funny to me that two such closely-related CW shows would use the very same house in episodes that aired within a month of each other.  But that’s Hollywood for you.  Winking smile

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In real life, the estate is known as the Ahmanson Mansion as, during the years 1958 through 1968, it belonged to Howard F. Ahmanson Sr., the prominent Los Angeles philanthropist who founded Home Savings and Loan, which for a time was the largest savings and loan association in America.  You can see a photograph of Mr. Ahmanson standing inside the mansion on the Find A Grave website here.  The impressive property, which was originally built in 1929, boasts 7 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, a large pool, a tennis/basketball court, a four-car garage, a carriage house, 14,071 square feet of living space, and a 1.5 acre plot of land.  It is an absolutely magnificent home and it is not very hard to see why it ended up being used on 90210.


Liam’s house first showed up in the Season 2 episode of 90210 titled “To Sext or Not to Sext”.

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For whatever reason, though, producers chose not to use the front view of the house for the establishing shot shown on the series, but instead chose to use a view of the side of the property.

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The real life interior of the house, which you can see photographs of here, was used in the episode, as well.

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And the home’s tennis/basketball court, which you can see a photograph of here, was also used in the “To Sext or Not to Sext” episode as the spot where Ryan Matthews (aka Ryan Eggold) and Harry Wilson (aka Rob Estes) played basketball and discussed Ryan’s relationship with Jen Clark (aka Sara Foster).


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The Ahmanson Mansion was also used as the residence belonging to Francis Buxton (aka Mark Holton) in 1985’s Pee-wee’s Big Adventure.

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The real life interior of the house also appeared in the movie, as well.

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Although I am fairly certain that Francis’ humongous bathtub was most likely just a set.


The Ahmanson Mansion was also featured in several Season 4 episodes of the television series Falcon Crest and in the 1990 Jackie Collins’ mini-series Lucky Chances.

Big THANK YOU to Geoff from the 90210 Locations website for finding this location.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Ahmanson Mansion, aka Liam Court’s house from 90210, is located at 401 South Hudson Avenue in Hancock Park.  The view of the house shown on 90210 can be seen from West 4th Street.

Monrovia Bakery from the New “Iceland” Pilot


During this entire past week, the television pilot for the new Fox comedy series Iceland, which stars Scrubs’ Kerry Bishe, Friday Night Lights’ Zach Gilford, and 24’s John Boyd, has been filming on location on Myrtle Avenue in Old Town Monrovia, just down the street from where my parents now live.  The show, which takes place in a supposed small town in Minnesota, centers around a young woman (Bishe) whose fiancé dies suddenly shortly before their wedding day – and yes, despite its tragic-sounding premise, the series is being pitched as a comedy.  So I, of course, asked my parents to keep tabs for me on what was going on – and to take lots of photographs of the filming, which my dad has been doing on a pretty much daily basis.  My mom had also heard that some filming would be taking place at the Monrovia Bakery, which is located at 506 South Myrtle Avenue, this past Wednesday, so I ventured on over there on Wednesday morning to do some stalking of the set.

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Sadly though, the shoot at the Monrovia Bakery was not scheduled to take place until the evening hours and most of the cast and crew was filming at an apartment building located a few miles away when I showed up to stalk the set.  The day was not entirely lost, though, as I did get to speak with the SUPER nice owner of the bakery, which has remarkably been in business since 1900!, who filled me in on all of the filming that has taken place in her shop over the years. 


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I was extremely excited to hear that in the Season 3 episode of Mad Men titled “Seven Twenty Three”, the Monrovia Bakery stood in for the supposed Ossining, New York-area Swenson’s Bakery where Betty Draper (aka January Jones) met Henry Francis (aka Christopher Stanley) to discuss saving the local Pleasantville Road Reservoir.  Both the interior . . .

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. . . and the exterior of Monrovia Bakery were featured in the episode.

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After leaving the bakery, Betty and Henry walk by Wentworth’s Furniture Store, where Henry spots a “fainting chair” in the window and suggests that Betty should purchase it.

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In real life Wentworth’s Furniture Store is the Irish Gardener gift boutique located right next door to Monrovia Bakery.

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In 1992’s Beethoven, Monrovia Bakery was the neighborhood bake shop where Beethoven the dog stopped to pick up a free bear claw.

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For the 2007 Jim Carrey movie The Number 23, producers transformed Monrovia Bakery into a model train shop while, in an odd twist,  the nail shop next door was transformed into a . . . you guessed it, bakery!  Apparently, Monrovia Bakery did not have the exact look that producers desired for the shoot and they felt that they would be better able to redress the nail shop than redecorate the real life bakery into the image that they wanted.  So, a false rear wall was constructed inside of the nail shop and a myriad of bakery cases and bakery equipment was brought in for the filming, when all the while all of those exact same things could be found already in place right next door!  I will never understand production decisions like that, I swear!  Winking smile


Monrovia Bakery was also featured in the 1988 made-for-TV movie Rock ‘n’ Roll Mom and in a television pilot starring That ‘70s Show’s Laura Prepon that was, unfortunately, never picked up.

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While we were stalking the bakery, some set dressers came to start preparing the premises for filming, which included putting up the above-pictured “Ellie’s Bakery” sign over Monrovia Bakery’s real life front awning.  So incredibly cool!

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Pictured above are some photographs that my dad took this past Monday afternoon during the filming of Iceland.  The shoot took place in front of the Monrovia Library and involved a wedding scene of some sort.  From what the owner of the Monrovia Bakery told me, in the pilot of Iceland, Kerry Bishe’s character decides to go on with her wedding, even though her fiancé has just recently passed away.  I believe that is the scene they were filming above.


Stars Kerry Bishe, Jack Gilford, and John Boyd were all on set on Monday.

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And my dad managed to snap some great shots of both Kerry . . .

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. . . and Zach.  I sent the pictures over to my friend Christine at fave website OnLocationVacations on Monday afternoon and after she looked at them she said that my dad should seriously consider becoming a paparazzi!  Love it!  Smile 

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On a Kerry Bishe side note – In one of the actress’ very first film roles, she portrayed the twenty-something woman shown looking into a department store window while Carrie Bradshaw (aka Sarah Jessica Parker) says in one of her famous voiceovers, “Year after year, twenty-something women come to New York City in search of the two L’s – Labels and Love” in the opening scene of Sex and the City: The Movie.  So incredibly cool!

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Monrovia Bakery, from the new Iceland pilot and the “Seven Twenty Three” episode of Mad Men, is located at 506 South Myrtle Avenue in Monrovia.  The Irish Gardener, aka Wentworth Furniture Store from Mad Men, is located next door at 504 South Myrtle Avenue.

Jesse James and Sandra Bullock’s Former House


Another Orange County location that the Grim Cheaper and I stalked this past weekend while spending time in Huntington Beach was the former home of actress Sandra Bullock and her ex-husband, West Coast Choppers CEO and reality television star Jesse James.  As it was the GC’s birthday weekend, I was not actually planning on doing any stalking – outside of the 90210 Beach Club, of course, which I blogged about yesterday – during our time in the South Bay, but while we were checking out, the super nice concierge we spoke with informed us that Sandra and Jesse’s former home was located just a few miles north of the hotel in the beachfront community of Sunset Beach.  And even though I am not a particularly huge fan of either one of the stars, because we were in the area I immediately got to cyberstalking the residence on fave website Virtual Globetrotting and dragged the GC right on over to stalk the place on our way out of town.


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And I am so glad that I did!  Despite the numerous nasty commenters on more than a few celebrity real estate websites who state how ugly the house is, I actually think it is pretty darn beautiful.  Sure, it is a bit boxy-looking, but heck I’d live in an octagon if it meant being right on the ocean.  Winking smile    Jesse James purchased the 4 bedroom, 5 bathroom Mediterranean-style home, which boasts a whopping 3,626 square feet of beachfront living space, for $3.5 million in 2003, when he was still married to adult film star Janine Lindemulder.  The residence was originally built in 1976, but was completely remodeled in 2002 shortly before Jesse purchased it.  He put the house up for sale for a cool $6.75 million in May of 2010, shortly after the news of his infidelity hit the blogosphere, and eventually sold it in mid-December of last year, after a pretty major reduction in price, for $4.5 million.

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The home is situated on a fairly-large corner lot located directly on the beach . . .


. . . and boasts pretty incredible ocean views, although, as you can see in the above photograph, the weather was fairly dreary while we were there.

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Jesse and Sandra’s former residence also features a glass-enclosed lanai which sports an outdoor pool with a waterfall and a waterslide and automated tiki torches, which you can sort of see in the above photographs.  According to the property’s real estate website, on which you can see some great interior pictures of the house, the place also boasts a media room, a wet bar, stone floors, coved ceilings, an en-suite guest room, a master suite with a fireplace, and a three car garage with a custom tool crib.  Now I am not quite sure what a “custom tool crib” is, but I’d be willing to be that, whatever it is, the GC – and most other men on the planet – would absolutely love it.  Winking smile  In a very random turn of events, I happened to spot Jesse James and his pit bull Cinnabun on Tuesday afternoon while on my early afternoon coffee run.  Jesse did not seem to be in any way open or friendly – in fact he shot me a VERY dirty look as I walked by for some odd reason – so I did not attempt to go up to him or engage him in any way.  I was still pretty excited to see him in person, though, nonetheless.  Smile 

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Jesse James and Sandra Bullock’s former house is located at 16905 South Pacific Avenue in Sunset Beach.

The Hyatt Huntington Beach from “90210”


One location that I have been absolutely DYING to stalk for over a year and a half now is the Hyatt Huntington Beach Hotel, the spot which stands in for the Beverly Hills Beach Club, the regular hangout of Liam Court (aka cutie Matt Lanter – sigh!), Annie Wilson (aka Shenae Grimes), Naomi Clark (aka AnnaLynne McCord) and the rest of the West Bev gang, each week on fave show 90210.  So when the Grim Cheaper and I were discussing where to spend his upcoming birthday weekend a couple of weeks back, I casually mentioned the Hyatt as a possible destination and, amazingly enough, despite the hotel’s hefty nightly room cost, he readily agreed!  Yay!  So the two of us, along with my parents, headed down there bright and early this past Saturday morning.  And, let me tell you, I could NOT have been more excited!  I was literally bouncing out of my seat the entire drive from Pasadena down to the South Bay.

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Thankfully the hotel did not disappoint!  The Hyatt Huntington Beach is absolutely HUGE – I honestly don’t think I have ever in my life seen a hotel even remotely that big! – and features a retail plaza complete with a grocery store and coffee bar, spa grottos with 3 tucked away spa pools, 6 different on-site restaurants, a water playground for kids, over 100,000 square feet of meeting and event space;

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517 guest rooms (ours is pictured above);

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a large lagoon-style swimming pool;


lush grounds with meandering koi ponds;

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several sparkling fountains;


and a 20,000 square foot spa.

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For all of its grandiosity, though, there were a lot of small touches, as well, that gave the hotel an intimate feel; my personal favorite being the mini-outdoor living room that was tucked away in an alcove near our room.


And on Sunday morning when it rained, the hotel put out umbrellas for guests to use.  Love it!

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The area of the hotel that I was most excited about seeing was the front entrance, which is used in establishing shots of the Beach Club each week.

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Pictured above is what the entry-way columns look like when not sporting the “Beverly Hills Beach Club” signs that are shown on the series. 


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Besides appearing weekly in establishing shots, filming has also taken place on location at the hotel on two different occasions.  The Hyatt was first used in the Season 2 episode of 90210  titled “New Beginnings”.  In that episode, filming took place at the front entrance of the hotel;

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in the main fountain area;

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and by the pool.

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And in the Season 3 episode titled ”Mother Dearest” filming took place once again at the hotel’s front entrance; 

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by the pool;

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outside of the spa;

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in one of the exterior courtyards;

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on the bridge that connects the hotel to the beach;

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and in the beach parking lot located directly across the street from the hotel.

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None of the interior filming of the Beverly Hills Beach Club takes place at the hotel, though.  Sadly, the interior of the Club is just a set that exists only on a soundstage at Manhattan Beach Studios where the series is lensed.

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But I was very excited to see some similarities between the interior of the Hyatt hotel and the Beach Club set.  As you can see in the above screen captures and photographs, the Hyatt has a set of three surfboards hanging on the wall behind the concierge desk, much like is the case with the check-in desk at the Beach Club!  I cannot tell you how excited I was to spot those surfboards!

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There is also an outdoor fire pit located in the patio area of Mankota’s Grill, the hotel’s poolside restaurant, that looks very similar to the Beach Club’s outdoor fire pit.

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A SUPER nice concierge that we spoke with while checking out also let us know that in the Season 3 episode of Chuck titled “Chuck Versus the Beard” the Hyatt stood in for the Malibu Vista Hotel where Devon Woodcomb (aka Ryan McPartlin) and Ellie Bartowski (aka Sarah Lancaster) vacationed . . .

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. . . and where Sarah Walker (aka Yvonne Strahovski) and Daniel Shaw (aka Brandon Roth) were sent to track down a spy.

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The Hyatt Huntington Beach also stood in for the Turks & Caicos hotel where married CIA agents Steven and Samantha Bloom (aka Boris Kodjoe and Gugu Mbatha-Raw respectively) conducted a sting operation in the Season 1 episode of Undercovers titled “Instructions”. 

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According to a column on the Surf City News website, a large green screen was set up at the north end of the pool during the filming of Undercovers so that it could be made to look as if the hotel was located on the beach.  In reality, the Hyatt is located across the street from the beach.

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The hotel’s Red Chair Lounge also stood in for a Caracas bar in the “Instructions” episode.

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And one of its exterior hallways and courtyards were also used.

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The Hyatt was also featured in an Orbitz commercial in which the Orbitz hovercraft is shown landing in a hotel pool.

Orbitz Commercial filmed at the Hyatt Huntington Hotel

You can watch that commercial by clicking above.


The concierge also told us that the Hyatt was featured in the Season 3 episode of My Fair Wedding titled “Monopoly Bride” in which wedding planner David Tutera coordinates a Monopoly-themed wedding for a board-game obsessed bride and groom.  And she informed us that a production with Hills star Audrina Patridge was filmed by the hotel’s pool, but she was not sure exactly what production it was.  And finally she told us that the hotel will be featured as a venue in an upcoming episode of Tori & Dean: sTORIbook Weddings, which is set to premiere on the Oxygen Channel on April 6th.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Hyatt Huntington Beach, aka the Beverly Hills Beach Club from 90210, is located at 21500 Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.

The “Crossroads” Motel

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One location that I have been trying to track down for what seems like ages now is the supposed Tucson, Arizona-area motel where Ben (aka Anson Mount) played the song “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman” for Lucy (aka Britney Spears) in the 2002 movie Crossroads.  In the flick, Ben takes Lucy into a large, very unique-looking, surfboard-shaped glass room and proceeds to play the song for her on a piano that is stationed there.  Well, let me tell you, I became absolutely intrigued with that room ever since first seeing the movie almost a decade ago and immediately added the motel to my “To-Find” list, but for whatever reason could just not seem to locate it.  So imagine my surprise when fellow stalker Owen emailed me a little over two weeks ago to ask if I happened to know where that motel was.  He was trying to track it down because, as he said, “the big room with the large glass windows is pretty cool”.  What can I say – great minds think alike.  When I told Owen that I had no idea where it was located, he got right to work in finding it.  He had learned from watching the Crossroads’ DVD commentary with producer Ann Carli, director Tamra Davis, and writer Shonda Rimes that the motel was located somewhere in “the Valley” and that a production designer named Waldemar had discovered it while driving around scouting locations for the film.  So what did Owen do?  Yep, he went straight to the source and contacted Waldemar directly!  Well, the very next day there was an email from Waldemar waiting in Owen’s inbox – with an address.  Yay!  As it turns out filming had taken place at the Hometown Inn in North Hills.  So I dragged my dad right on out to stalk the place a few days later.  (Now I would be remiss if I didn’t mention here that I, too, listened to that very same DVD commentary while trying to locate the motel and never in a million years did it occur to me to go after Waldemar himself!  Owen is most definitely the master and my hat is completely off to him on this one!)

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Oddly enough, the room where Ben played “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman” is now a restaurant of some sort and it looks quite a bit different today than it did when filming took place back in 2002.  The whole motel has an odd feel to it, truth be told, and the place seemed to be rather deserted while I was there taking pictures. 

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I cannot express how cool it was to finally be standing in that room, though, and thinking about the fact that Miss Britney Spears had once been standing – and singing – in that same exact spot.


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Quite a bit of the Hometown Inn was featured in Crossroads, including the front entrance;

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and the pool area . . .

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. . . which appeared in the scene in which Lucy speaks with her friends, Kit (aka Zoe Saldana) and Mimi (aka Taryn Manning), about the fact that her mother does not want a relationship with her.

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As you can see in the above screen capture and photograph, the blue lip which surrounds the perimeter of the pool still looks exactly the same today as it did when the movie was filmed!

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The Hometown Inn was not used for the filming of the interior of Lucy, Kit, Ben, and Mimi’s motel room, though.  As was the case with the majority of the motel room scenes in Crossroads, interior filming took place at the now-defunct Ambassador Hotel near Downtown Los Angeles.  You can see what an actual Hometown Inn room looks like here.

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While we were stalking the Hometown Inn, I desperately wanted to find the payphone where Lucy called her father, Pete (aka Dan Aykroyd), in the movie, but for the life of me I just could NOT seem to figure out where it was.  I knew the phone had to be situated somewhere near the motel’s main entrance because Ben’s car was visible in the background behind Lucy in the scene, but I just could not locate it anywhere.  

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It wasn’t until after I returned home and watched the above-pictured deleted scene that I realized the payphone was located inside of the motel’s lobby. 

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That payphone is, sadly, no longer there.  And while I did go inside the lobby while I was stalking the motel, because I did not realize it had been featured in the movie, I, unfortunately, did not get any photographs of it.

Crossroads Behind-the-Scenes Featurette–Hometown Inn

You can watch a behind-the-scenes video of the Hometown Inn scene being filmed by clicking above.

Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  Smile

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It:  Hometown Inn, aka the Tucson, Arizona motel from Crossroads, is located at 9401 Sepulveda Boulevard in North Hills.  You can visit the motel’s official website here.

Taking the Day Off


Because I spent all day Friday taking care of my dad, who was not feeling well, and the rest of the weekend at the Hyatt Huntington Beach (pictured above), the spot which stands in for the new Beverly Hills Beach Club on fave show 90210, I was unfortunately not able to write a new post for today.  But I promise that I will be back tomorrow with a brand new location for your stalking pleasure!  Smile 

So until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Paty’s Restaurant from “Desperate Housewives”

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To continue on with this week’s restaurant theme, today I thought I would write a post about an eatery that the Grim Cheaper and I stalked back in January – the historic Paty’s Restaurant in Toluca Lake, which first opened for business just a little over a half century ago in 1960.  I had become a wee bit obsessed with tracking down the restaurant a few weeks beforehand while watching the Season 7 episode of Desperate Housewives titled “Assassins”.  At the very beginning of that episode, Mike Delfino (aka James Denton) is shown eating at a supposed Alaska-area diner whereupon he receives a phone call from Felicia Tilman (aka Harriet Sansom Harris) who accuses him of having shot his neighbor, Paul Young (aka Mark Moses).  While watching the scene, I had noticed a wall displaying what looked like autographed celebrity headshots in the background behind Mike and my stalking radar immediately went on high alert because, let’s face it, any restaurant that has a wall full of celebrity headshots is undoubtedly my kind of place!

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Because Desperate Housewives is filmed at Universal Studios, I had a hunch that the restaurant was most likely located in Universal City or in one of its neighboring communities.  So I immediately started using Google to search for diners in different areas of the San Fernando Valley, beginning in Universal City and working my way outwards.   It wasn’t very long before I came to the Toluca Lake district and, amazingly enough, when I inputted the words “diner” and “Toluca Lake” into the Google search bar, Paty’s Restaurant was the first item to pop up.  And, sure enough, it was the right place – celebrity headshots and all!  So I dragged the GC right on out to stalk it that very weekend.  And I have to say that we were NOT disappointed.  Paty’s menu is quite extensive and the food they serve up is nothing short of EXCEPTIONAL!  I opted for the Southwest Chicken Salad entrée which featured an array of chicken strips – my favorite food – atop a large serving of lettuce and avocado.  And, let me tell you, it was A-MA-ZING!  The ranch dressing was simply out of this world, as were the chicken strips!  For a stalker like myself, finding Paty’s was like a dream come true!  A restaurant that not only serves comfort food, but is a celebrity hangout AND a filming location – what more could a girl ask for?  Love it, love it, love it! 


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As the headshots on the wall can attest to, Paty’s Restaurant has been a major celebrity hangout pretty much from the time of its inception just over five decades ago.  A few of the stars who dined there in the early years include Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, all of the Brady Bunch kids, James Garner, Jane Russell(!), Ed Asner, Roy Rogers, Debbie Reynolds, and Jonathan Winters.


Most amazing of all, though – to me at least – was the fact that, according to the waitress that I spoke with, a young Michael Jackson, along with other members of his family, had once dined at the eatery during the heyday of the Jackson 5!  So incredibly cool!

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In more recent years, such stars as Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff, Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus, Jennie Garth, Peter Facinelli, Ashley Tisdale, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Shia LaBeouf, George Clooney, Ron Howard, Kevin Costner, Lorenzo Lamas, Leah Remini, Tim Allen, John Travolta, and George Lopez have all stopped by Paty’s to grab a bite to eat.


Our waitress also informed us that one of Paty’s regulars is George Barris, an automobile customizer who has designed numerous cars for television shows, most notably the Batmobile from the original Batman television series. 


And while George did not design the DeLorean from the Back to the Future movies, he did apparently build a replica of one and often drives it to the restaurant, which is how the above photograph came to be taken.


While we were dining I noticed an autographed photograph of the cast of The Office displayed on one of Paty’s walls.  When I inquired about it, one of the waitresses told me that a few episodes of the series had been filmed on location at the restaurant, but she was unsure of exactly which episodes.

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Because the restaurant did not look familiar to me from the show, I called upon fellow stalker David in Spain who just recently started watching the series from the beginning.  Since the show was fresh in his mind, I was hoping he might remember which episode had been filmed at Paty’s and, sure enough, he did!  David emailed me back almost immediately to let me know that Paty’s was the spot where Dwight Schrute (aka Rainn Wilson) sat down with Jan Levinson (aka Melora Hardin) and told her he wanted to take over management of Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch in the Season 3 episode titled “The Coup”.


Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker David for figuring out which episode of The Office was filmed at Paty’s!

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Paty’s Restaurant is located at 10001 Riverside Drive in Toluca Lake.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

Watching “The Mentalist” Being Filmed – A Second Time!


This past Tuesday morning I was interviewed about my website for an article on filming locations that will be published sometime in early April in a few local, San Gabriel Valley-area newspapers.  While we were talking, the reporter happened to mention that she had just spoken with the City of Monrovia’s Film Liaison who had told her that fave show The Mentalist would be filming that very day on Myrtle Avenue in Downtown Monrovia.  So, I immediately headed right on over there to do a bit of Simon Baker stalking.  As I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, I do not particularly enjoy stalking alone, so I begged my mom, who lives just up the street from where filming was taking place, to come to the set with me and, thankfully, she agreed.  When we arrived, we discovered that producers had built a fake, but very detailed jewelry store set inside of what is, in actuality, a large kitchen appliance store named Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc. 

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I cannot tell you how fascinating it was to see the fake store, which was named Nesbitt & Company Jewelers, in person.  A false rear wall had been built in front of the large appliances that are normally on display in the front windows of the Kitchen & Bath Expo and fake jewelry cases along with fake jewels had been placed in the main area of the store and the effect was incredibly realistic.  So realistic,  in fact, that one of the people we spoke with who had stopped to watch the filming with us mentioned that she had walked by the storefront the previous morning and thought to herself, ‘Just what the area needs – another jewelry store!’  It was not until she saw the filming trucks the following day that she realized the entire thing was just a set.

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Pictured above is what Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc. looks like in real life.

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As you can see, set decorators simply covered over the kitchen displays with fake walls.  My mom asked one of the crew members why producers had not simply found a real jewelry store to film at, since there are more than a few of them in the area, but he told us that they needed a jewelry store situated next to an alley.  When they couldn’t find one that met their needs, they simply decided to create their own.  Ah, the magic of Hollywood!

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The scene we watched being filmed involved Patrick Jane (aka Simon Baker) and Teresa Lisbon (aka Robin Tunney) pulling up next to the jewelry store in Lisbon’s car and then walking through the alleyway together.  The camera was set up directly across the street from the store.

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Traffic on Myrtle was shut down only intermittently during the filming and, with the crime scene tape strung across the alley, the flashing lights on the many police cars parked at the scene, and the camera not being readily visible, it must have looked to those driving by as if an actual crime had just taken place.


Simon Baker and Robin Tunney walked out just a few short minutes after we arrived on the set and Simon immediately smiled and waved at the fans standing across the street (there were only about five of us) and then the two of them walked over to the car they were set to be driving in the scene.  I was really hoping that Simon would walk over to take pictures with the fans, since there were so few of us, but he never did.  Sad smile


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The driving scene was completed in only one take and then Robin and Simon headed into the alleyway to do some more filming.  Unfortunately, we could not get very close to the alley so we left shortly after that. 


On the way back to my parents’ apartment, I noticed that every single store and restaurant on Myrtle Avenue had a sign offering discounts to the film crew taped to their front windows, which I thought was just about the coolest thing ever!  Talk about being a film-friendly city!  Love it!


Some filming also took place at Monrovia’s Vertia Salon, which is located right around the corner from the Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc., but unfortunately I arrived after that scene had already been completed.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc., aka the fake jewelry store set from The Mentalist, is located at 415 South Myrtle Avenue in Monrovia.  The alleyway where filming took place is located just south of the Expo.  Verita Salon is located at 111 East Lime Avenue in Monrovia.

The Original Pantry Cafe


Well, it is shaping up to be restaurant week at because for the third day in a row now here I am with yet another eatery to blog about – this time Downtown Los Angeles’ historic Original Pantry Café which first opened almost nine decades ago in 1924.  While I had actually known about the landmark restaurant for many years due to the fact that it has long been one of the Grim Cheaper’s boss’ favorite breakfast joints, it wasn’t until fellow stalker Lavonna recently informed me that my girl, Miss Marilyn Monroe, had once dined there that I realized the place was also a stalking location.  Just a few of the other luminaries who have patronized the legendary restaurant over the years include Humphrey Bogart, Sammy Davis, Jr., former President Bill Clinton, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and Martin Luther King, Jr.  So a couple of weeks ago, while out doing some stalking in Downtown Los Angeles, the GC and I decided to hit the place up for lunch.

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The Original Pantry Café first opened for business in 1924 in a storefront located one block west of where it stands today.  The tiny eatery consisted of one counter with seating for fifteen, a hot plate, a grill, and a sink.  The place became extremely popular from the get-go thanks to its hearty servings and reasonable prices and hungry patrons formed lines that wound around the block out in front of the eatery on an almost daily basis.  The Pantry flourished even during the Depression years and, in 1934, expanded its sitting area by adding a dining room.  In 1950, the State of California took over the space where the Pantry was located in order to build a freeway onramp and the restaurant was forced to move to its current location at the corner of 9th and Figueroa Streets, where it has remained to this day. 


On the day of the move, breakfast was served at the Pantry’s original location in the morning and then dinner was subsequently served at the new locale at night, so the restaurant, which is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, actually has the distinction of being able to say that it has never closed and has never been without a customer since its first day of business back in 1924.  And to prove it, as you can see in the above photograph, the restaurant’s front doors are sans locks.  In 1980, the Original Pantry Café was faced with demolition once again, but Richard Riordan, the future mayor of the City of Los Angeles, stepped in and purchased the property and some neighboring storefronts for $3.5 million.  Thankfully, he left the exterior of the property, as well as the restaurant’s menu, exactly as they had been since the new location first opened in 1950.  The interior has, sadly, been remodeled quite a bit in recent years, though.  On October 5, 1982, the restaurant was declared Los Angeles’ Historic-Cultural Monument Number 255.  Today the pantry, which can seat 84 patrons, still has customers lining up around the block on a daily basis, with some guests waiting up to two hours before being served. 


When we showed up to stalk the place, though, there was no line and we were seated immediately – which should have been a clue.  I am sad to say that our meal was not very good, which was highly disappointing as the place serves up mostly comfort food – my favorite .  But from what I have since learned from the GC’s boss, the Original Pantry Café is definitely a breakfast place, so it looks like we just picked the wrong time to stalk it.  Apparently the Pantry’s breakfasts are out of this world, which is why the place usually has large lines during the morning hours.  And while our lunch left quite a bit to be desired, I have to say that the Pantry was definitely a cool place to hang out.


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The Original Pantry Café is also a filming location.  In the 2000 movie The Million Dollar Hotel, the Pantry was where Detective Skinner (aka Mel Gibson) got into a fist fight with Tom Tom (aka Jeremy Davies).  The movie was filmed before the recent remodel, though, so the restaurant is largely unrecognizable from it.  

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In 2007’s Knocked Up, the Pantry was where Ben Stone (aka Seth Rogan) told his father, who was played by actor Harold Ramis, that he had gotten a girl pregnant.


Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Lavonna for telling me about this location!  Smile

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: The Original Pantry Café is located at 877 South Figueroa Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.  The Pantry is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.