Larry’s Chili Dog from “The Office”


Because fellow stalker Lavonna has been in town for the past few days and I have been doing some major stalking with her, today’s post is, unfortunately, going to be a short one.  Sad smile Sorry about that folks, but I do promise to be back tomorrow with a regular-sized write-up.  And now, on with the post!  One location that has been on my “To-Stalk” list since way back in early February is Larry’s Chili Dog – a tiny Burbank-area hot dog stand that was featured in the Season 7 episode of fave show The Office titled “The Search”.  As I mentioned quite a few months back in my post about Kung Pao China Bistro, the Chinese food restaurant that was also featured in “The Search”, fellow stalker Owen tracked down every single location which appeared in the episode.  And because, as I have also mentioned previously, this stalker absolutely loves herself some hot dogs, I was especially excited to stalk Larry’s, but for whatever reason had just never made it out there.  So, a couple of weeks ago, when the Grim Cheaper and I found ourselves ravenously hungry after a shopping expedition at the Burbank IKEA, I knew exactly where to head!


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In “The Search” episode of The Office, after being left stranded at a local gas station sans wallet, money, and cell phone, Michael Scott (aka Steve Carell) decides to go on a “walkabout” through Downtown Scranton, Pennsylvania.   He first hits up a pet store and talks to a few random animals about love, before heading over to Larry’s Chili Dog where he orders a hot dog.  Because he has no means of paying, he tells the cashier that he will leave his “$45 watch” behind as a sort of marker, to which the cashier says, “We’re not a pawn shop.”  Michael tries to barter with the cashier further, but he is having none of it and Michael ends up yelling “You’ve just lost my business” before walking away empty-handed.  LOL  God, I love that show!  It has sadly gone downhill this season, but the reruns of the earlier episodes just never get old!

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Larry’s Chili Dog looks much the same in person as it did on The Office and I am very happy to report that the owners truly could NOT have been nicer!  They let me take all of the photographs of the place that I wanted and answered all of my silly little questions about the filming.


They also told me that Steve Carell was extremely nice and had posed for pictures with them during the filming.  SO INCREDIBLY COOL!


Because the owners were so incredibly nice, it seriously pains me to say that I did not enjoy my hot dog all that much.  It was of the snap-skin variety, which, for whatever reason, gives this stalker the major heebie-jeebies!  As I have mentioned many times in the past, I am an extremely picky eater.  The GC absolutely LOVED his hamburger, though, and the French fries and ranch dressing were both A-MA-ZING, so all in all our lunch was not a total loss.

Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  Smile

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Larry’s Chili Dog, from “The Search” episode of The Office, is located at 3122 West Burbank Boulevard in Burbank.


2 responses to “Larry’s Chili Dog from “The Office””

  1. […] featured in “The Search”.  And while I did stalk a few of them – Kung Pao China Bistro and Larry’s Chili Dog – for whatever reason, I never made it out to The Mayfair.  So, this past weekend, I decided to […]

  2. Lavonna Avatar

    Great post. Thanks for stalking withbus past few days! It was a blast!

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