Hanging Out on the Set of 90210!

I have to take a day off once again today – I know, I know, I’m sorry! πŸ™ – due to the fact that I spent all day yesterday hanging out watching the filming of 90210 in Pasadena and therefore did not have time to write a post. The whole thing was an absolutely AMAZING experience, though, and I promise to blog about it all very soon. πŸ™‚

Until next time, Happy Stalking! πŸ™‚


7 responses to “Hanging Out on the Set of 90210!”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    Hey there….which studio tour would you recommend for my daughter and I to take. We’ve done the Universal thing. I guess the others are Warner Bros and Paramount?

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Hi Jeff,
      Paramount is my absolute favorite, but Warner Brothers is fabulous, too. Sony also offers a tour, which I have only been on once, but I did not think it was that great.
      Hope that helps!
      Happy Stalking! :),

      1. Jeff Avatar

        Hey Lindsey…..thanks for the info…..reading the reviews on Yelp, and yes it’s subjective, the reviews said that on the Paramount a lot of outside of buildings. Ill go back and read your reviews. Why do you like Paramount better…

        1. Lindsay Avatar

          I absolutely LOVE the New York Street area of Paramount – it is HUGE and so incredibly realistic. Paramount also tends to be less cookie-cutter of a tour – it truly is different each and every time you go on it, whereas Warner Brothers is pretty much the same every time. There is also a lot more walking on the Paramount Tour, which to me is more fun that sitting in the golf cart the whole time. But Warner Brothers is also a lot of fun. If you book either one you really can’t go wrong. πŸ™‚

  2. Her Mom Avatar
    Her Mom


  3. Kyla Avatar

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Jelous. Eye watering jelous!

  4. Sara Kay Avatar

    you know how much I envy you…. you know πŸ™‚

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