A Q & A with the Cast of “White Collar”


Last Monday evening, my good friend Mikey, of the Mike the Fanboy website, invited me, along with fellow stalkers Pinky, of the Thinking Pink blog, Duggan, and CB, to a SAG screening/cast Q & A of the USA Network television show White Collar featuring co-executive producer Mark Goffman and series’ stars Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, and Willie Garson.  Well, as you can imagine, as soon as I heard that Willie Garson – who is best known for playing Carrie Bradshaw’s (aka Sarah Jessica Parker’s) BBF Stanford Blatch on fave show Sex and the City – was going to be there, I just about died of excitement and told Mikey to “count me in!”  My good friend Steffi, who lives in Switzerland, is just about as obsessed with SATC as I am, if not more so, so before leaving for the screening I printed up a still of Willie Garson and Sarah Jessica Parker with the hopes that I could get Willie to sign it.   I was so intent on getting that photograph signed for her that I was even willing to forgo getting a photograph with WG myself if worse came to worse.


CB and I were the first to show up to the Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre in North Hollywood where the screening was being held and just a few minutes after we got there, who should walk up but Willie!  The two of us immediately ran up to him and after CB had him sign a White Collar poster, I gave him the picture I had made for Steffi.  I had put a post-it note on it reading “For Steffi” (a little trick that I learned from my good friend and fellow stalker Anushika which greatly increases the odds of getting a personalized autograph at these types of events), and Willie immediately signed it, writing “For Steffi – All the Best!  Willie Garson”.  I was SOOOOOO incredibly excited over getting that autograph that my hands were literally shaking for about ten minutes afterward!  I may love stalking more than just about anything else in life, but obtaining really special gifts for my loved ones ranks a very close second.  Smile


Willie could NOT have been nicer and even though there were quite a few of us who wanted his autograph and/or picture, he was happy to pose with and sign for everyone who asked.  YAY!  What a complete and total sweetheart!


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The event got started right on time with a viewing of the Season 3 episode of White Collar titled “Where There’s a Will”.  Prior to that time I had never before seen the show and I have to say that I immediately fell in love with it!  The Catch Me If You Can-esque series centers around FBI agent Peter Burke (aka Tim DeKay) and his partner Neal Caffrey (aka Matt Bomer), a former con-man/art thief who has been given a reduced prison sentence in exchange for helping the FBI catch white collar criminals.  The series is one part caper mystery, one part crime drama, and one part comedy, and reminds me quite a bit, in tone at least, of The Mentalist.  The Q & A session got started immediately following the screening and the entire cast was absolutely hilarious!  At several times during the evening they all broke out into song.  Not kidding!  LOVE IT!  I could SO see myself hanging out with these guys!  Smile Of the many anecdotes told that night, my favorite was that people on the island of Manhattan, where the series is lensed, apparently get VERY testy when the filming of the show gets in the way of their daily life.  Matt Bomer said that he wishes the crew would put together a compilation video of the expletives that are yelled at them by angry New Yorkers on a daily basis.  He explained that a typical day involves the filming of a scene in front of an apartment building whereupon one of the building’s residents will invariably arrive home and want to get inside.  A crew member will ask them to wait until the current take is complete (which is usually only about 45 seconds to a minute), but without fail the resident will walk right through the scene, screaming, “I’m not going to &*$^#** wait for *#&$*& anything!”  Ah, you gotta love New Yorkers!


SAG had once again set up a cocktail party immediately following the Q & A session and Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay were nice enough to attend.  The actors were ABSOLUTELY bombarded by people wanting pictures and autographs, which shocked me because, as I have explained before, most actors consider themselves above the whole fandom thing.  This particular crowd was made up of mostly teenage girls, though, (I am fairly certain that White Collar has a very large teenage girl fan base thanks to cutie Matt Bomer) and they all wanted to meet the stars.  Matt and Tim were SO incredibly nice, despite the hysteria surrounding them, and stuck around for HOURS taking pictures with and signing autographs for absolutely everyone who asked.  Thankfully fellow stalker Duggan, who is not only a complete sweetheart, but is built like a linebacker, got us right up to the front of the crowd and snapped the above photograph of me and Matt.  So cute!!!


Because of a major camera fail on my part, poor Tim DeKay ended up having to pose for THREE different pictures with fellow stalker Mikey, but he was TOTALLY cool about it!!!  What an amazingly nice cast!!!!  As soon as I left the event, I got on the phone with the Grim Cheaper and told him that we HAD to buy Seasons 1 and 2 of White Collar on DVD, which we did that very weekend.  We are now about half-way through Season 1 and are absolutely hooked.  SUCH A GREAT SHOW!  If you have yet to see it, I highly recommend doing so!

Big THANK YOU to Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, for telling me about this event!  Smile You can check out Mikey’s write-up of the evening, as well as some videos he took of the Q & A session, on his website here.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: There is no stalking location for this one, but you can catch White Collar each Tuesday night at 9/8 Central on the USA Network.  You can also visit the show’s official website here.


7 responses to “A Q & A with the Cast of “White Collar””

  1. […] that it aired almost a full two years ago.  We became hooked on the USA series back in 2011 after I attended a screening/Q&A with the cast – so hooked that we were devastated when its cancellation was announced and could never bring […]

  2. Owen Avatar

    You do know that when you got your picture taken with Tim DeKay you were getting a photo with an actor who was in a “Friends” scene with your girl Jennifer Aniston, right? 🙂 And no, I don’t love New Yorkers. 😉

  3. lynn @ the actor's diet Avatar

    aw, i love willie! check out this cooking video i did with him at his home where he shows me how to make a chicken stir fry:


  4. SizzleandZoom Avatar

    I am a fan of that show. I have watched since the beginning.

  5. Tim Avatar

    I am a One Tree Hill stalker and I started watching White Collar now that Hilarie Burton is on it. I am going to be in North Carolina next week and will be stalking the locations from the TV Show! I am dragging my wife and two children around. They are excited as they watch it on Soap Net every Saturday and Sunday!

  6. Melissa Avatar

    thats awesome that you got to meet the gay guy from Sex in the City!!!

  7. Lavonna Avatar

    So cool! Steffi is LUCKY to have a friend like you. What a super nice thing to do :)…Great Post

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