Moving Day!


My parents officially moved to Palm Springs today, marking the first time in over a decade that we will not be living in the same zip code.  Watching their U-Haul drive off was one of the saddest moments I’ve experienced as of late, so I was not in a really good place to write a blog for today.  I literally cried my entire drive home.  Sad smile I know that Palm Springs is only an hour and a half away, but it’s going to be extremely hard for me to live that far away from them.  I do promise to be back tomorrow, though, with a whole new post, so until that time . . . Happy Stalking!  Smile


2 responses to “Moving Day!”

  1. SizzleandZoom Avatar

    It’s a sad time. I’ve been thru that.

  2. Laurie Avatar

    Parents are treasures! I know it’s hard to see them leave.

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