Today’s blog is going to be slightly out of the ordinary as costume design aficionado Christian Esquevin, founder of the Silver Screen Modiste blog, just nominated for a Stylish Blogger Award. Whoo-hoo! Of the nomination, he said, “For Lindsay’s unabashed enthusiasm and determination to find and document the locations of movie and TV filming.” When Christian emailed me to let me know the news, I could NOT have been more ecstatic! Thank you so much, Christian!
Per the rules of the award, I am supposed to:
1) Thank and link back to the blogger who tagged me with the award.
2) Share seven things about myself.
3) Award recently discovered great bloggers.
4) Contact the bloggers and inform them of their award.
So, here goes!
Seven things about me that you might not already know:
1. I love to shop. Aside from stalking, it is my favorite pastime. Sadly though, I live in a 725-square-foot apartment and my closet situation is absolutely pitiful. I recently told the Grim Cheaper that I should have taken a note from Carrie Bradshaw when he proposed by asking for a “really big closet” instead of a ring. (Although if we are being completely honest here, I have to admit that I’d want both the closet AND the ring.) Some of my current favorite stores include Lucky Brand, Lula Mae gift shop in Old Town Pasadena, L&G Fashion Boutique in Monrovia, and Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena. Oh, how happy the GC would be if all of those places went out of business in the near future.
2. I have a horrible fear of flying. I will do it, but it is not easy for me. I literally cannot get on an airplane without a hefty dose of Ativan or a few glasses of champagne. According to most studies, public speaking is the human race’s number one fear, but give me a stage and a microphone and I am a happy camper. I set one foot in an airport, though, and I break out in a cold sweat – even if I am not actually flying anywhere. The GC, my parents, and I are planning to visit my best friend, Robin, in Switzerland in the summer of 2012 and, even though the trip is over a year away, every time I think about the flight there and back my stomach drops about ten feet. Gossip Girl’s Katie Cassidy was recently quoted in US Magazine as saying, “I’m like a U.S. marshal on planes. I’m like, ‘Excuse me, this person has gotten out of their seat to go to the bathroom, like, four times . . . you might want to check him!’” Well, let me tell you, I cut that quote out of the magazine as soon as I saw it and tacked it right up on my bulletin board as it is just SO me. Love it!
3. I was once paid $100 to stop singing karaoke. I was at a piano bar in Maryland at the time and, for some reason, no one else was singing, so I pretty much had full command of the stage. After I had belted out about seven different tunes in a row, the cocktail waitress sheepishly walked over to me and said, “There is a gentleman over there who would like to offer you $100 to stop singing for the night.” And yes, I accepted! That’s him – and the $100 – pictured above. I absolutely LOVE to sing, but as you have probably already garnered from this story, I sadly cannot carry a tune. While I usually say that acting is my one great love, truth be told, I much prefer to sing. I am absolutely convinced that I was meant to be a singer, but that something went terribly wrong when I was in the womb and I mistakenly came out tone deaf. Because of that sad fact, the only place I can really fulfill my true calling is at a karaoke bar. My favorite one, hands down, is Dimples in Burbank – a spot where Britney Spears has been known to pop in and sing a tune or two.
4. I am a Gemini and I DEFINITELY have two sides to my personality. I am the sweetest person you will ever meet until you cross me and then, as my former boss used to say, it’s game over! When my best friend Kylee’s dad met me for the first time, he said, “Oh my gosh, you are sooooo nice! From the way Kylee talked about you, I expected you to be tough as nails.” LOL She had to explain that I only get that way if I’ve been wronged. The above photograph is one my parents took of me at Disneyland when I was about three years old. Although I do not remember the incident, I was apparently mad because I wanted to take pictures with some Disney characters, but they were nowhere to be found. It is one of my parents’ very favorite photographs of me and definitely showcases that other side to my personality.
5. Along with the Grim Cheaper, my parents are my closest friends. We are definitely a package deal and do just about everything together and it has been that way ever since I was a little girl. When the GC and I first met, he used to joke that he wasn’t just dating me, he was also dating my parents.
6. I have the nose of a pregnant woman. It is not a stretch to say that I can smell things from a mile away. The FBI should use me to track contraband. I don’t know where it comes from or why, but, as strange as it may sound, the sense of smell is definitely my strongest sense.
7. I am fairly certain that I have a mild case of OCD. I am extremely anal and do not like it AT ALL if things on my desk . . . or in my car . . . or in my closest are not in perfect order. I am very Monica Geller/Emma Pillsbury-esqe in that respect. I honestly cannot set foot in a Ross: Dress For Less store due to the major disorganization that is often found there. One look at the shop’s haphazard racks of clothes is enough to give me massive amounts of anxiety. Yes, I know – I have problems. 😉
And now, some bloggers who I would like to nominate for a Stylish Blogger Award:
1. OnLocationVacations – For Christine’s tireless and extensive efforts to bring daily filming location information to the masses. When tracking down daily filming locales, she honestly leaves no stone unturned. I often wonder how the girl has any time to sleep! If you are ever in a big city and wondering where filming might be taking place, there is NO better source!
2. – For Mike and Maria’s dedicated coverage of everything L.A., including restaurants, local events, history, and the occasional filming location. I love how much this couple loves L.A. and how good Mike is at recognizing various area locales that pop up on his favorite television shows and in his favorite movies.
3. The PinkyLoveJoy blog – For Pinky’s unabashed and non-discriminatory adoration of celebrities and for her dogged pursuit in tracking each and every one of them down to pose for a photograph. Pinky has DEFINITELY taught me a thing or two about stalking (who’d have thunk it?) and the girl is downright hilarious, to boot.
4. Reality Steve – For reality-junkie Steve Carbone’s laugh-out-loud funny and brutally honest take on The Bachelor and other reality television shows, not to mention his unsurpassed insider information and series’ spoilers. A Bachelor episode is not complete for me until I can read Reality Steve’s wrap-up of it the following morning.
5. Hooked on Houses – For Julia Knispel’s lively and passionate coverage of all things residential – from hip real estate currently on the market to celebrity homes to interior design to movie and television properties (my personal favorite). As Julia says, “For me, looking at houses is a form of entertainment.” Ah, a woman after my own heart!
6. Seen On – For their fantastic and extensive cataloging of clothing worn by various actors on current television shows and movies. Spot an outfit on your favorite series that you simply must have? Chances are, Seen On will be able to tell you who made it, where you can buy it, and for how much. The site also features fab interviews with acclaimed costume designers, directors, and celebrity stylists.
7. Big Orange Landmarks – For Floyd B. Bariscale’s in-depth efforts in identifying and photographing the countless historical buildings, structures, and homes that can be found in and around Los Angeles. His passion for the various properties is contagious and his research unparalleled. Whenever I am seeking historical information on a particular movie location, his blog is always my first stop.
8. Dear Old Hollywood – For Robby Cress’ titillating reporting on the heyday of Hollywood – both the business and the town. Anyone that says there is no history in Los Angeles has obviously not read this blog.
9. AltadenaBlog – For Altadena denizen Timothy Rutt’s fabulous broadcasting of the goings-on in the city of Altadena, including the endless filmings that are constantly taking place in his area. Check out this juicy little tidbit that he recently posted.
10. The Drewseum – For Ashley and Anne’s unconditional and unwavering love of actress Drew Barrymore and all things Drew-related and for their massive and awe-inspiring collection of DB memorabilia.
Big THANK YOU to Christian Esquevin from the Silver Screen Modiste blog for nominating me for the Stylish Blogger Award. I truly could not be more honored!
I will be back tomorrow with a regular post, so . . .
. . . Until next time, Happy Stalking!
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