Stalking in Palmdale!


My dad and I spent the entire day yesterday stalking locales in the Palmdale area – something I have been absolutely DYING to do for YEARS.  I was most excited about seeing the famed Four Aces movie set (pictured above), which appeared in an episode of The O.C. and the Lady Gaga/Beyonce “Telephone” music video, among COUNTLESS other productions.  Unfortunately though, because we were out stalking from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., I did not have a chance to write a post for today.  I promise to be back tomorrow, though, with a whole new blog! 

So, until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile


3 responses to “Stalking in Palmdale!”

  1. Susan Avatar

    Hi Lindsay,

    I’ve done the same thing with my son. We get a lot of pictures of Palmdale and Lancaster. Is that you standing under the sign? It’s a very characteristic photo.

    I heard they removed the musical road because people complained. I’m not sure if it’s true, but I drove over it maybe a couple years ago and I didn’t know it was there and I was shocked! Later my son and I looked it up on Youtube to validate we weren’t imagining things. It was very neat.

  2. Amanda m Avatar
    Amanda m

    Lindsay I live out here!!!! Wish I could have went with you! I’ve covered all the places out here. When I visited four aces years ago Johnny Knoxville and Christina applegAte were filming there and I walked right on to set 🙂 I drive by constantly both locations I’m lake la and there always filming!

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Amanda! I am so bummed, I thought you lived in Santa Clarita for some reason! I definitely want to go back out to Palmdale though to stalk the Musical Road, so we will be out your way again soon. Maybe we can meet up for coffee! 🙂 What were Johnny Knoxville and Christina Applegate filming when you saw them?

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