The “Swingers” Apartment Building


One location that I stalked quite a few months back, but for whatever reason have yet to blog about is the Los Feliz apartment building where Mike (aka Jon Favreau) lived in the 1996 comedy Swingers.  I had actually been wanting to stalk this location for quite some time, ever since reading on the IMDB trivia page for Swingers that Jon Favreau had lived there while writing the screenplay for the movie and during the actual filming.  IMDB even had the address of the building – 5874 Franklin Avenue in Los Feliz – listed on  its Swingers filming locations page, but when my husband and I showed up to stalk the place we discovered that such an address did not actually exist.  At first I thought that the Swingers building had quite possibly been torn down, but, as it turns out, the information posted on IMDB was actually incorrect.  While looking for the apartment numbered 5874, I noticed the building located at 5870 Franklin Avenue and thought it looked very similar to where Mike had lived in Swingers, so my husband and I ventured over there for a closer look.  And amazingly enough we found our answer in a very cool way while doing so!


As it turns out, and as you can see in the above photograph, there is a Swingers poster hanging on the wall of the building’s lobby, which we spotted while peeking in through the front windows.  Once I saw that poster, I knew we had to be in the right place!  So incredibly cool!  I am not sure why there is also a Batman poster displayed in the lobby, being that Batman was filmed in its entirety in England, but I am guessing that maybe someone involved in the production had lived in the building at one time or another.

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In real life, the Swingers apartment building is named Chateau Marcella and it was originally built in 1928.  Due to the building’s detailing and character, I assumed it was mostly likely a historic structure of some sort, but sadly I could find absolutely no information about it online.  Like nothing, nada, zip.  Not even a single Yelp report stating whether or not it was a nice place to live!

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But I am happy to report that the building looks very much the same today as it did back in 1996 when Swingers was filmed.


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Not only did Jon Favreau live at the Chateau Marcella while Swingers was being filmed, but his real life apartment even stood in for Mike’s apartment in the flick!  Which makes sense because according to some of the behind-the-scenes information that I have found about the movie online, the Swingers’ shoot was a very low budget one.  So, I am guessing that to cut down on costs, Jon decided to use his own apartment for the filming instead of paying to rent out a location for days on end. 

Jon Favreau apartment number

I believe that the filming of Swingers took place inside of apartment 382, as in the scene in which Mike comes home after first meeting Lorraine (aka Heather Graham), he opens his front door and a number is just barely visible.  I believe that number is 382, but don’t quote me on that as it is very hard to make out.  According to IMDB’s trivia page for Swingers, actor Adam Scott also lived at Chateau Marcella during the time that Swingers was being filmed.

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The apartment also boasts a fabulous view of the Hollywood sign.  Smile

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Chateau Marcella, aka the Swingers apartment building and actor Jon Favreau’s former home, is located at 5870 Franklin Avenue in Los Feliz.  The 101 Coffee Shop, where Mike and his friends hung out in the movie, is located just a few blocks west of the apartment building at 6145 Franklin Avenue.


8 responses to “The “Swingers” Apartment Building”

  1. Barry Thoams Avatar

    Correct. Jon’s apartment was used for hair and makeup. the apartment in the movie was an empty apartment they rented (or was donated) for the film. Jon’s apartment was smaller too, from memory. Also, Vince was in the hallway for the phone conversations.

  2. Kim Barrett Avatar
    Kim Barrett

    Last year a tenant at Marcella jumped off the roof at dawn.

  3. Robin Avatar

    Ok, I am one of the managers of the Chateau Marcella Apts. (The Swingers bldg.) now, let me get you all up to date… YES, Swingers was shot here, YES, Jon lived in the bldg. His apt in the movie is apt. 302. But was not Jon actual apt. The Cafe 101 is right up the street in walking distance, which yes, is the Coffee Shop scene. ALSO, the Pink Dot Guy, during the video game scene, (that apt. is not in this bldg.) That was the manager of this bldg at the time.
    Yes, we have a Swingers poster in our bldg. graciously donated by one of the tenants for display. As for the Batman poster, it’s really just to bring Hollywood into the lobby, We have different posters throughout. We are in search of Mervyn Leroy’s film posters, Mervyn Leroy was the Original owner of this bldg. built in 1928.
    He Co-Directed “The Wizard of Oz”, he directed “Gypsy” “Little Women” “Mr. Roberts” “The Bad Seed” and more: his imdb is:
    He sold the bldg to the next owner, who then named it Chateau Marcella.

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Hi Robin,
      Thanks so much for this information!!! I really appreciate it. 🙂
      Happy Stalking :),

  4. murph Avatar

    hey i was told that the apt from swingers is at yucca and wilcox any truth to that i no you posted that one but it looks simalar to the one in the movie

    1. Susan Avatar

      Ed Wood lived at that corner in the 70s

  5. John (Bay Area) Avatar
    John (Bay Area)

    Did you ever see the other “companion” movie to Swingers with Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn called “Made”? Amazon sells a Swingers/Made combined DVD. Anyway, if you do see Made, you will see an apartment building in that movie (where Favreau’s character lives) that you already blogged about in your post on Lila’s Apartment from Dexter (6201 Yucca St. Hollywood).

  6. Lavonna Avatar

    You know I love anything on Franklin that’s where the Magic Castle is….good post! Great info.

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